
So, the geopolitical competition is shortly upon us.
2017's theme is Celebrate Diversity, it will be held in Ukraine. Who is your favorite Sup Forums?

>Francesco Gabbani of Italy is set to be this years Hillary Clinton, Occidentail's Karma is the landslide favorite

>Moldova is back with epic sax guy

>Russia sends wheelchair bound Julia Samoylova, but Kiev wants to shatter her dreams and ban her from entering the competition.
>Back in 2015 Poland's tried the same trick but Monika Kuszynska eventually finished 23rd

>Romania is one of the dark horses this year with an original song

In other news, some of the hottest contestants are Poland, Romania, France and Georgia. The UK once again demonstrates their lack of European values by sending one of the ugliest participant without any redeeming qualities, bottom half finish is expected.

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Why the fuck are they(kiev) trying to block the entry of a 15 year old girl who has literally next to no say in Russia's foreign policy?

(((ukraine)))) really makes you wonder

>Russia sends wheelchair bound Julia Samoylova
>Kiev wants to shatter her dreams and ban her from entering the competition.
Russia knows how to play the FEELS card

publicity stunt, please watch our competition

Australia is back again btw, which is great

Will Germany have a loli again this year?

>mfw the jury voted for our worst song in the entire national contest

This shit has to be rigged man. They voted for this song

When we had songs like this

More like cavalry card

I think that it is disgusting that the judges made Ukraine win purely for political reasons. The countries all voted Russia at the end.

Eurovision is like the World Cup for shithole irrelevant countries, the lyrics are so cheesy, gay and americanised

Fuck off Australia, turkey, Azerbaijan, Georgia, Armenia and Israel, not even in Europa

My government pays me a night hotel + baths + diet to go to Andorra and vote. It will be my third year.

>spaniards so fat their government pays them money to bathe and go on a diet
you can't make this shit up

think about the surrounding elements for a bit

>the EU jews destabilize ukraine and push jew puppets in the gov through a soros type spring
>ukraine is also one of the ancient "homes" of the european jews, the khazar empire
>like the oscars, eurovision song vestival is also controlled by the kikes and their agenda is being pushed there

Its a convergence of many things jew. Its almost like a poetic final stand of the jew.

Its a humongous exit point towards an exponential anything really.

Who /montenegro/ here?

>this triggers the Sup Forums


>Fuck off Australia, turkey, Azerbaijan, Georgia, Armenia and Israel, not even in Europa

kinda agree, but then we would have to patrol the channel to prevent buck tooth inbread from reaching our shores too

what bothers me a bit in all of this that the jews keep promoting this insanity instead of their somewhat khazarian roots. The khazars were different still. Were warriors as well. Even they had no such thing as homo's and this garbage.

Leave it to the jews to fuck up even their own legacy lol. In favor of genetic freaks...well and their own schizophrenic and broken nature.

too early, has nothing on conchita and xe won in 2014

Haven't listened to all of them, but Belarus is one of the better one's I've heard. At least they're singing in their own language.

something like this perhaps, from the khazarian empire. I dont think that their own ancient blood even liked the faggots.

So instead of putting up fag banners or whatever. Where is your military jew banner, jews? Do you always want to cower behind your malicious thinking or want to actually impose some flags on capital buildings or whatever?

The British are happy to not take part. It's just all scandis voting for each other and Balkans voting for each other

What is up with Hungary's entry? Is he a gypsy?

We will win again. We got robbed last year

does this also look like a homo flag? There are few relics left from that age as the khazars were under siege, but how pitiful can you be if you are forced to carry the banner of genetic malfunctions for your own instead of your own racial pride?

Maybe just kill all the faggots? I could have more respect for you guys then. A military force of jews is much more worthy of just that than a bunch of society infiltrating rats.

There's a lot of men this year. What happened to qt's like this?

The Abbo isn't going to win it for us unfortunately. We'll be lucky to make the Top 5.

But yeah, if last year's competition was held under the 2015 voting rules, we would have actually won.

we are celebrating diversity (tm), he explicitly sings about it, points incoming

Where would it even be held if aussie won?

Probably in London or somewhere else in the UK, just with Australia hosting and paying for most of it.

Reminder that Slovenia is sending a convicted rapist to Ukraine

there are a lot of virtue signaling going to vote for Australia and show how welcoming yuros are

nevertheless I would be OK with #oz winning

I really hate Eurovision because it's full of faggot mainlanders who I can't bear to watch for more than a minute

But I suppose it's a reason to get together and drink so I like it in a way

Graham Norton is good, too, I think most people can only bear it because of him

I think the novelty has worn off Australia, unfortunately. We definitely won't win this year. Top 10, probably.

She made a few concerts in Crimea, Ukraine has a law which prohibits entering Ukraine if you made a concert in Crimea or smth like that.

Eurovision wants to ban Ukraine from further participating in contest because of this.

Well played Russia, well played.

>Omar Naber Arabic: عمر النبر

I'm shocked

I miss Terry Wogan. We used to get his commentary before he retired.

Eurovision 2017 logo is fucking disgusting.

>Russia sends in wheelchair-bound singer so that they can pretend to care about diversity without pretending to like gays, other races or anything
Smart move on their part, desu

It's pretty easy to manipulate a raging retard a.k.a. the Ukrainian government.

Eurovision is disgusting


because they are fucking insane

don't be

>2017's theme is Celebrate Diversity

Of fucking course it is. This is why we hate Europoors

>giving a shit about Eurovision
only eastern europeans give a shit about it because it's the only thing their poor 2nd world countries can ever win

t. 56%

I hope Ukraine doesn't cave in and don't let that cripple whore in. Russian butthurt would be enourmous.

She was singing in Crimea. Also made countless "Krim Nash" (Crimea is ours) posts on farcebook. Ukraine did nothing wrong, desu.

Fuck off. That shit is gay.

lmao wtf is our song

> would tap

Also Eurovision is cancer, I'm never tuning in

You mean chariot?

reminder that before they changed the rules to allow other nations to use English, We practically won every time, because English is the only language worth singing.

Orly? When was this? Since I recall ABBA won one of the early ones singing Waterloo in English.

>2017's theme is Celebrate Diversity
Wasn't it 2016's theme too?

Russians are professional victims, nothing is ever their fault, always someone else to blame.

You have an intellectual horizon of a burger
Here some Ukrainian for you

It is now every year's theme, goy.

>2017's theme is Celebrate Diversity
Isn't that every year's theme?

she broke the law you dumb cocksucker. being a disgusting cripple is not a free pass

see Don't say you wouldn't, Luca

Wait Julia Samoiylova is 27, why is everyone saying she's 15, wtf?? Nonononono

russian propaganda

pootinbots are at full force in this one.

Why do you care?

>literally NO FUN ALLOWED

eurovision is just a played out example after example of why english is the best language in the world.

unironically this. i had never even heard of eurovision until i had a conversation with a moldavian girl a few years ago

The whole thing is a cringy circlejerk. If it was an actual song contest I wouldn't mind, but its a political wankfest. I really hope we stop taking part in this after after Brexit.