France is going to elect Marine Le Pen?

I hope is true...


I wish I could vote for her! I do what I can. She's a hell of a woman! Get out and vote for her!

Yes she will win. What you are seeing in the media is a carbon copy of Trump's campaign.

François Asselineau is better!


Tell me frog, is there a way I can illegal vote for le pen like illegal immigrants votes for Hillary in the USA?

If only i could vote for her. I do think she will win, based on that she a huge following of 18 - 24 year olds, and so since they are most likely right wing, they will vote and not sit at home in their parents basement hoping she will win, like macron fans.

And who wouldn't want Joan Of Arc as their president.

Yes, our media and top EU guys are in total panic mode, they know if french leave the EU they are fucked, nor more comfy Brussels jobs or pensions.
Just yesterday there was an article about her that she is leading the polls and it was all negative: populist,she wont win etc, week ago they were saying she had no support.

I hope you luck French bros, if she pulls it off we might finally get rid of our commies here.
They are badmouthing our national party like hell now in the media too, seems that it's Brussels orders because the articles are so filled with propaganda that even a 2year old sees that something is fishy.
But it only makes the party more popular here i don't understand how to the globalist not see this.

But there is a old saying here, if voting would change anything they would already have had banned voting, at least you have a big country where vote fraud is more hard to make, never fall for the e-voting jew.

No you need a voter ID


no they aren't

macron is a terrible orator

Le Pen has no chance just like Wildercuck had. it's better to accept it now before she losses and move on.

we'll see about that, just wait that macron bubble pop
fillon/lepn is more likely

She has absolutely no chance and even if it was the case she would not be able to do anything because of the way the legislative election works in France.


She's a loser, no one talks about her anymore in France because everything about her is shallow as fuck.
Melenchon is where the good stuff is.

haha no, Merkel said Macron should win. The frenchies will do as told.

>dont want to kicks muslims out

hop in


Mélenchon is a leftist cuck who loves sucking shitskins cock

I agree.

The only people who vote for Lepen are rural and suburban retards.

City people all vote for Macron.

Joan Of Arc

doubt it bru ... we're not gonna let it happen!

I don't think we are going to.
I think it will be closer than medias say it will be though, something like 46/54 instead of the 38/62 that the medias are pushing.

Unless something major happens.

I also don´t believe, that she will win. And though I am a right-winger, I am glad about it.

This old nationalistic-populism isn´t the answer to europe´s problems.

We need something new ... Something profoundly pan-european.

She would only tear the EU apart and though this organisation has many flaws, simply going backwards won´t do us any good.

>I am glad about it
Totally false. Only city's cucks vote Macron.

I kinda expect Filon voters to go Le Pen during the final round

Would that be enough to put her over 50%?

Only way to avert war at this point is by collapsing the EU before Jucker gets the chance to escalate

>We need something new ... Something profoundly pan-european

That's why everyone hate the germans on Sup Forums, because of krautfaggots like you, literally can't stop yourself of being wet on a 4th Reich, even if it means the collapse of western civilization and genocide of europeans.