>UK is threatening to "go to war" if Spain tries to annex Gibraltar
So who's side are you on Sup Forums?
>UK is threatening to "go to war" if Spain tries to annex Gibraltar
So who's side are you on Sup Forums?
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Spain, fuck you inbreed rats
None tbqf, I like you britbongs but I wouldn't die for a fucking rock
maybe since (((they))) couldnt start ww3 using russia and america, using england and the EU is the next best option
Literally Thatcher incarnated
>Britain is a multicultural shithole
>Britain is an inbred island
Pick one, Pawel
>Poland siding with their fellow non whites
Not surprised
First we kick them out of the EU then we kick them out of NATO then we starve them and let the irish take over the island.
>Have a woman prime minister
>Go to war with spanish-languaged countries over small bits of overseas territory
B-But if every world leader was a woman, there would be no war!
If they invade then they have already declared war. We could tell the eu to kick Spain out as we are still a part of the union.
Multicultural shithole filled with inbreed pakis*
We are whiter than you at this point
What the fuck is Germany's problem?
We will stand with Spian.
Kill UK NOW!
WW3 APRIL 3RD 2017
Settle down acmed
>mad britcucks that nobody likes them
Poles aren't white though. You're Eurasian mongrels.
>the last time a bunch of greasy haired spanish speaking poofs tried to take our clay
Slavs aren't white bro
Falklands 2.0
There is no Spain. there is only the Euroean Union.
lol fuck the EU, im on yours, draft me to wage war against the EU jews. Il help.
Brit-ish, of course. Why? I just found out bongs are chosen people.
I must be on your side now.
The last time spics tried to take one of our rocks we fed the fishes with manlet Argie sailors.
>He thinks we like being liked
That is adorable.. You're still not getting Gibraltar and if we feel like it, we might just obliterate your shit hole at the same time! Win win.
Pay your debnts to America then we can talk NATO hans
Fuck the Spain. They deserve nothing less than being turned into an ashen wasteland for the rapefugees they freely let into Europe.
women understand you have to be cruel to be kind and the spanish are lazy and stupid so it shouldn't be hard.
This. So much this.
That's why redpilled Spaniards are siding with Britain.
Spain, fuck England
enjoy being Germany's bitch pooland
Dont worry, we will kick you off NATO too.
Theres no place for anglo race in Europe.
Best timeline
there's no place for polish parasites in Britain
You jelly?
It isn't our fault you didn't get your migration papers in order prior to article 50 being triggered mate.
We have a Fifth Column of violent drunks, retired taxi drivers, criminals on the run and poor people across Southern Spain.
desu Spanish wars over Gibraltar are more of a Falklands 0.5 kinda thing
this has been going on for hundreds of years.
not to hit with ze (((burden of proof)))
but where the fuck do you get your info from?
Looks like that EU army will be blooded soon
>Me new best friend
I hope this somehow escalates into WWIII.
A war would not work
Southern Spain is essentially Britain anyway
did the Spaniards REALLY believe we sent our best and bravest to live in southern Spain for no reason?
But, what is the likelihood that Spain will follow through with trying the annexation?
you jelly i can get a job that isn't cleaning toilets
(((Rajoy))). With his ex-(((Lehman Brothers))) Minister of Economy and his (((FMI))) economic advisors. With his sephardic (((Minister of Foreign Relationships))).
Yeah. Call to him.
>did the Spaniards REALLY believe we sent our best and bravest to live in southern Spain for no reason?
Old fuck who fuck hot spanish girls cuz anglo women are ugly as dogs.
>Theresa May says that she would go to war to defend Gibraltar
Wow, it's fucking nothing. We're not taking back the rock anytime soon, not with the military at least
>Siding with uk
You know that Gibraltar is a tax evasion region, right?
Untrue dude. We need to to do the minimum wage jobs no self respecting Brit would ever do.
This war is stupid, we didn't asked for it. To me, Gibraltar can sink and be eaten by the fish.
Hahahhahaha. You wish.
I could do the same question to the anglosphere. U won't rule the world, antes pasáis vosotros, los americanos, y los judíos por encima de los cadáveres de toda Europa.
Honestly why do bongs want to keep this little pieces of land across the world(like the falklands)?Do you bongs even gain aything with it?
s-shut it down
muh national pride
muh empire
We don't really give a shit, we just love a brawl.
Spain is not even a country. Its a place for all the rats
yes, Gib specifically because it's a gateway port into the Med. The whole reason we ever wanted it.
Falklands less so, but we still want it in case we ever need it.
desu polish women are dogs
Your ""country"" is a fucking meme, medpack
Swissbro, do these EU loving mongrels ever give you a hard time about not being in the EU?
>yfw this drags out into a full scale war with the anglosphere + russia vs the eu
>yfw tens of millions of white people die to protect their women
>who are home getting plowed by ahmed
>Said meme country that works more like a bank then a country.
>Yes Tommy Atkins! Die for this multiracial shithole!
Fuck off. Not fighting for UK PLC.
>these people sanctioned my country for retaking our rightful clay
I hope both Britain and Spain will get jihaded
yes, good goys, war is inevitable and you must protect your sovereignty
Poland, shhh mate, your shift in the fish factory is coming up and you need get get ready for it lest your British master scold you.
Can someone give me a rundown on what's happening in Gibraltar? I'm completely out of the loop.
Bongs just give that piece of shit land ffs,you guys probably lose a shit ton of money to keep it and gain nothing from it
Dont worry. UK will fall apart and Poles will leave too with the rest of normal people. England for chavs only. And Farage for the king!
So thats where got it from
Brits have a strong history of sucking jewish cock, so spain.
t. snownigger
Spain can go suck a fucking dick.
80 Years War round two, let's do this.
In Spain all your Government employers are socialists. And corrupt.
> Checkmate
UK ofcourse but its a bit childish at this point to cry over some rock.
>We good
What war, you inbred monkey? All we need to do is quickly build a balcony up in that rock of yours and drop barrels full of booze on the town; you'll do the job for ourselves.
>tfw GB annexes Spain
Equally uninformed but I believe as part of Britain leaving the EU there was a clause which would give Spain control over Gibraltar.
You stoned mate?
Itsnever going to happen but thats a war england cant win. Spain can walk to the combat zone, the british cant, end of story.
For the UK to win the war they would have to beat 100% of the spanish armed forces, spain on the other hand only needs to destroy the units for capabilities to operate overseas.
Im also ignoring the fact that the uk forces readiness is in an all time low and last time i checked (like a year ago) their aircraft carriers were not operational because they were adapting the deck/catapult for the f-35
spain you dumb monacle wearing faggot ahmed underwear bomb faggot
>mfw going to war against more incapable Hispanics
Would enlist/10
Fuck this country
Gibraltar is rightful british clay
Better not insult them, they have bank accs in your country :^^^)))))
>implieing your 3rd world shit hole has any say in who leaves NATO
>Ottoman Empire almost declares war on itself
No. No there wasn't. You can go and read it. It's called 'Article 50'. It actually says very little because they never expected anyone to want to leave.
kys medpack your country is literally a hospital flag
If GB had to go to war with the EU over Gibraltar, would the US back the EU or GB?
Americans? Would you rather die fighting with Brits or the Spanish?
Wew lad for wich bureau do you work?
look who's talking