Stop brainwashing generation Z with your sick redpill drumpkins goyim !
It's increasingly difficult to raise a child in pure liberalism vecause of you !
Stop spreading your corruption !
What did Kek mean by this?
Gen Z belong to Kek?
>letting him keep his bedroom door
The Zyklon Z generation will gas the kikes for real this time
>also checked
>taking a walk with 9 y/o brother
>black woman comes out of her house and gets into her car
>"I didn't know we had those people in our neighborhood... nasty"
He is my favorite brother.
Distance only serves to make the heart grow fonder.
In a few years that kid will be keeping a copy of Mein Kampf under his pillow and will know the flaws of Marxist doctrine inside and out.
Kids always turn out the opposite of their parents unless they're raised properly.
Chalk it up to you being a shit parent.
This triggers me on so many levels.
Literally the worst parents, raising their kids under the atmosphere of no trust and lack of privacy.
Its not funny this happened to me too and now I am losing friends over it
KEK approved
>The Youth is ours
I have a good feeling about the next few years lads.
this will only make him hate censorship more
wew lads
also nice quads pédé
yep. this will start a rebel phase of ultra conservatism and privacy concerns. worked for me.
Why is censorship and intrusion the only solution liberals have for anything?
this is the same group of people throughout history. They change their identity to whatever was kicking their ass in the previous generation but let me tell you something:
>this brand of asshole is genetic.
And the Jews don't forget the Jews
>It's increasingly difficult to raise a child in pure liberalism because of you !
>This triggers me on so many levels.
>Its not funny this happened to me too
Praise Kek!
God of Chaos has arrived.
The tide is turning
>taking this poster literally
Do they not have sarcasm in your bumfuck town?
I don't think I'll ever get over it.
You have to be 18+ to post here
It's like Communism.
You think leftist ideas could survive on a forum without censorship and heavy moderation?
That's what parents get for thinking low investment parenting is enough and the internet will take care of it. Low investment parenting is what got us into this hell whole from the start.
roooh putain un juif qui tape le quad sur le service public
quand je vois le sourire de conversano je me dis que la patate il l'a méritée quand même.
Tu me respectes pas, bah tu me respectes pas.
Fucking topkek Bongerino
An extreme case of ironic larping. Also, checked.
Kek always finds a way. Even in that pony filled shithole.
>be me
>underage fag
>go to school in london
>hear few people parroting Sup Forums memes
>there people Sup Forums would gas/lynch
>whites are cucks
Gen Z is Kek's, it is known
>retards think this will work
better just lock him up and bring the food to his room yourself lmao. also gag him most of the time, that should do it
oh fug
>mad because you can't do degenerate things with your penis
Stay butt hurt. Children don't deserve privacy, they are privileged to get it.
Britbong doesn't know how to use a keyboard ?
Just type Sup Forums hitler quora before Jeanne d'Arc kicks your anglo ass
>birth years started in 2000
>Quad seven
They're trying to take away the only mean a child has of ever escaping fucking degeneracy.
>its okay if your kid wants to suck dick
>its okay if your kid is a tranny
>its okay if your kid does drugs
>its okay if your kid wears animal suit
>its okay if your kid jerks of to pennies
>your kid likes Hitler?
>better stop that, it is socially unacceptable and deranged
Post rare Hitlers
witnessed, shaliday brother !
Haha yes, forbid him from doing it, force him to obey you with force and not arguments.
We all know that makes teenagers totally listen to you and absolutely not just confirm his views and have him become even more extreme the second he gets out from under your direct control
How the fuck do these people tie their shoelaces?
My nigga.
I got a whole folder
so he already is on pol? well there is no way back and the parents have already lost. you cannot un-redpill someone
Actually you're looking at this the wrong way. Leaving the door is a sign of trust, it teaches your kids that you believe tey will have thr self restraint to not do degenerate shit.
By taking the door away you are not giving the trust to them and they are forced not to do degenerate shit. This inevitably leads to them flying off the rails when they leave home.
Think muslim girls who are cocksluts at uni, it's because they lived so strictly.
The best course is to trust and inform to raise a well rounded child.
Taking the door away isn't raising a child it's dictating what they can and cannot do. Which is fine for things that affect other people, like mealtimes, curfews etc. But to dictate on matters that only affect the self is to court rebellion.
Plus it's degenerate you fucking faggot.
i have a good idea, why don't you try dressing like a vagina?
Spread too much degeneracy and you will taste the wrath of your children. You are reaping the consequences of your cuckery, but rejoice. Your son may very well grow up to be the hero we all need.