Be right wing nazi

>be right wing nazi
>hate niggers and shitskins
>be against white genocide and degeneracy

>also find cute men extremly attractive
>go to school
>whenever I talk to the cute guys I just stare at their lips and want to kiss them

who else /gay-nazi/ here?

Other urls found in this thread:

Nothing unusual,move along

Sweden posters are almost exclusively liberal shillposters on a mission to demoralize.

>dat flag
Every fucking time

Don't forget to sage, boys


Id go gay for this swede nazi

>exclusivley liberal shitposters
why does almost every swede here then post about how fucked their country is?
and whenever it's a liberal swede it's usually a burger with a proxxy

I bet you have nice lips too, OP

Gay nazis UNITE!

(or untie our pants)

...ever since I saw my daddy without pants on! I tell you, everything changed then....

>....did you know that Mein Furer just means: MY DADDY!!!

Milo must be in this thread.

that's one fucking handsome aryan man
I'm blessed with amazing nordic genes

Kill yourself my man

how many levels of irony is this post on

It's not gay if the boy is cute.

god teir taste my neighbor


You're a typical nazi user, most of them were homosexual behind closed doors, its that whole spartan thing



this guy knows what's up

everyone else is just acting like edgy daily stormers

>flag: sweden

>hey pol
>i share your belief
>but i also hold an idea that would quite literally result in my life being ended in that belief of yours
>please give me (you)s

fuck off sven, faggots need to die

>implying 21'st century nazis wouldnt allow gays

>remember the night of long knives?
>Let's pretend it didn't happen
I'd much rather see it happen again

Why are you jews so obsessed with faggotry? You all love "stinky man butthole sex" so much you are obsessed with the idea of every man drooling over cock as much as you.
Do us all a favor and set yourself on fire to burn up all your AIDS germs.

>Oh oui oui mon pit is 2 centimetre y I liek big black baguette in mon asshoel. Only toi percent of frenchies speak anglais oui oui.

Frenchmen should be castrated and sent to concentration camps.

Are you retarded? If we had the political system that we wish for, that you also apparently believe in, you do realize that you will promptly be executed and or arrested for an indefinite amount of time? Also homosexuality is a mental illness. Also the sexual revolution was lead by jews. You are buying into propaganda that makes you take a big shit on the chance of you increasing your race by having off spring because "hurr muh glorified fetish"

fuck you i'm no kike
I just find men more attractive

Given the amount of ponylovers on this board i'm pretty sure you're not alone.

>"hurr muh glorified fetish"
feelings are a glorified fetish?
i'm not even into fucking n shit, the asshole is gross
pure love and feelings for another human is no fetish

>normal member of society


Of course, homoerotic tension between men who love their culture, race and people that much, is inevitable.
But there is never sexual tension.

>nazis are all faggots






Please refer to the "mental illness" part of my post, some people have a emotional and sexual attraction to cars, inanimate objects of other kinds, animals, it's a mental illness, it's not normal, just because you love it doesn't mean its normal. Wash it out of your head yourself with videos and facts, or go to get medical help. Well honestly I don't know if they help with the mental illness that is homosexuality anymore...


>impying i'm for sjw's and tranny degeneracy
fuck no
i'm all for saving the white race and helping western civlization
I'm just into dudes aswell

Perfect rule for life

why would anyone spend time photoshopping queen of spades tats on these white bitches? get out was not a documentary, you hysterical fat nosebleed.

Nazis are pleb (((heterosexuals))), user.

Join the true nobility, the aristocracy that is your birthright. Accept your place in the stars.

Achilles and Patroclus
The Sacred Band of Thebes
Alexander the Great
Emperor Hadrian
Emperor Nero
Richard the Lionheart
Leonardo da Vinci
Frederick the Great
Lord Kitchener
Ernst Rohmer
Yukio Mishima

WE are the true master race, and the entire world shake tremble before us once more, the earth quaking by our strides. The heterosexual peon masses must bow before their SODOMITE masters.


What part of supporting homosexuality enables all of those things do you not understand? You didn't even tackle the main idea of my post. By supporting one mental illness and giving it special snowflake status, you enable all of the other ones you retard. That's how this all starts, first it's (feminism) and skimpy clothing, general slutty-ness that comes with it, then homo sexuality, in some countries bestiality has already been ok'ed as long as they give "consent" but the public acceptance of it is first, then pedophilia, and god knows what comes after that. Why don't you understand that you have a mental illness that is degenerate. You have two options, one go get professional help or religious help, two is realizing you have an issue and controlling it and hopefully getting rid of it with facts and what not. Now fuck off, faggot

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