8pol down?

Did (2+2+2+2)chan get taken down? site wasn't working earlier and is offline now.

wreks on my machine

Yes, strange huh? ßchan got hacked yesterday and at the same time Sup Forums got merged with /mlp/. Even more strange is that there are now shills who actually want to merge the boards to damage Sup Forums. Also they blame fucking everything on reddit and they strangely dislike Trump, for "whatever" reason.

It got hacked. Look up the home page you dumbass

The pony vs. reddit/shill reminds me of the palestine vs. israel argument. How about neither, right?

I can't post either, captcha doesn't load and none of the board links work.

isn't this pink girl thicker than the original (nigger)?

Go to front page. Was hacked and nuked.

Why would any of you want to go there?

More diverse range of boards. Some mods are alright and leave threads up that do not diverge from overall theme while weeding out the shill junk. I like that fact that it is a slower pace so I can browse through threads and still respond if I am away for a bit. Since the mods here deleted most of the hwndu threads as they appeared, going over to /hwndu/ was necessary for discussion. There are pros and cons for places. I am not one of those fanboys that goes on about one or the other. There are good and bad fags on both sites.

Fuck off shill u wont program me

No nu/pol/ cucks no shitposting no cuckposting no crappy b8 threads etc.

Dude it's fine calm the fuck down

>(((stem student)))
>get your (((bachelor's))) goys

Why would shills want to merge boards? What purpose would it serve them? All I can see is that it adds pony shit posters to combat the ctr/shareblue shitposters at best, and at worse flood the board with pony porn along with blacked threads.

Okay, then. Why don't you stay there?

Yeah was Hack the kikes are up to there old tricks again.

>Even more strange is that there are now shills who actually want to merge the boards to damage Sup Forums.

Well it didn't happen (obviously), and thankfully mlp and pol are separated once again

Just a thought it might be connected to that FBI Japanese user from last month talking about how not to browse here anymore till April 3rd or something

I came to this half pol for the same reason.

looking at the amout of jewish cucks and the ANNOYING AS FUCK captcha, I feel sad for them for living here.

Indeed. There is no way we're going back to that.

thats curious actually.

I was a NEET on 2013, after pol I joined engeneering and am dominating my class. I guess is just was original pol did.

it brought good things on the land and a reason to fight.

Welp, Krautchan is back up.
Alt-Left successfully draw your attention with their fake article about police shutting it down ;3


alt is a key.