
Is shamefoul that r/place is one day that is up and we have only a little stupid Sup Forums symbol, do something!

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cant just someone hack the entire thing?

Maybe you try you lazy fuck


>hacking a website means jail
what kind of dictatorship has italy turned into

not really shameful if they leave out far left communist symbols but ban anyone that attempts to create far right symbols beside meme tier deus vult

Making a graphical GUI in visual basic 2017 (the one with latest hacking features) right now
Hacking the database and breaching the firewall now
Oh no, it requires a password, luckily I got my hackpassword.exe
And I'm in.


we lost

plus they'll purge and fix this which is stupid.

"""modern art"""

Modern cuckoldry

Yes, communism killed more people than nazism but if u make a nazi flag they delete, it but you can make communist symbols

They put a fucking turkish flag next to ours with a heart in the middle.Jews are laughing maniacly

(((Communism is about love and acceptance silly)))

we have to:
>choose an idea
>make a thread to coordinate the raid
>do the raid


Some madman managed to use bots to make those.


It's cause reddit is full of leftist tankies


We need an offical plan I say we take over the communists red with a swastika

that's what i'm saying, 10 people ain't enough, we need to make a solid plan

remove commies

The entire thing is shitted up by scripts protecting their precious """art""".

The hammer and sickle is impossible to remove, the shitty le memes :DDD that Reddit thinks are funny will automatically repair themselves and the Eu flags are there to stay.


die commie faggot

Go here and write stuff in black.

How about 11?

What we should do is paint the EU flag red. I've been trying but they have a lot of people correcting it.

It's true, the commie symbol is reparied so quickly it's unbelievable

Brexit on EU flag at 419,635

Communism shall prevail

pay denbts

get it here

I don't go back there cuz there is not free speach

Let's make moonman right in the Swedish flag

>$ ./hack.py
>permission denied
>$ sudo ./hack.py

Why i can't post pixel in the place ?

if you can't comment at /place, you are banned/shadowbanned or can't play with it after 31/3/2017

Or you know. Get a bunch of bots(note that only users created before the 31st can draw) and use a script(github has a couple) and do whatever.

A guy posted a pastebin link yesterday for 1500 Reddit usernames and passwords, but for some reason when I use anything from the list it doesn't let me draw(pixels just disappear)

I can comment at place

The refresh glitch still works ?

Could you share that pastebin? I could make a bot to draw whatever we want

Fuck, the Void has been taken over
Maybe someone can make a Void subreddit and recruit unsuspecting normies to our cause?

well I can't post cause of the error javasript:void(0). So, this has something to do with me helping to create pepe and killing commies until I lost that ability to place bricks.


i joined a sub for people to pick targets to vandalize. we are only little but we targeted the trees logo and the mona lisa, now both sides are sperging out on each others subs. and we are replying with inflammatory replies when they ask for truces.

groups are actually writing up NAPs and attacking those who break them. trust me guys this can be a gold mine. reddit.com/r/MonaLisaClan/new/ just look at the potential. we can really cause some butt hurt with some focused vandalizing. i know you guys got reddit accounts even if you pretend not to

Why is there no Crescent moon on the swedish flag? Wtf ppl?

Whatever you say /r9k/.

mods will remove it. All onboard the void.

What is the vandalize sub called?


because /r/place relies on teamwork, something Sup Forums doesnt have


What the fuck is the deal with "asexual pride"?
You don't like anyone? Whoop dee fucking doo?
I swear these LGBTQAWXYZ+ faggots make me go from right leaning to full full on authoritarian right LARP mode, like those political compass memes.

When did Sup Forums start playing fair?

For anyone wondering what Redditors find amusing:


xDDDD le eu unity brits bad brexit amirite?
cant wait for mohammed to come and cuck my wife!

(900, 540)
(900, 540)

This r/place thing is pissing me off, everyone is messing up our flag. I tried cleaning it but then reloaded the page and all my work was gone.

Would be a shame if someone would draw brown dicks 53,279

good luck with that, its EU primetime

Damn right you did, don't come back

its not that simple. you wouldnt get three pixels into it before someone fixed it


Someone post the BlackPeopleMeet greatest hacker copypasta nao

Can we have a discord going, or do we already have one for this?

In case anyone doesn't realize it the plebbit admins are monitoring the "art project" and wiping away any symbols they don't want on there and banning the accounts that are contributing to them.

okay, kid im done. i doubt you even have basic knowlege of hacking. i doul boot linux so i can run my scripts. you made a big mistake of replying to my comment without using a proxy, because i'm already tracking youre ip. since ur so hacking iliterate, that means internet protocol. once i find your ip i can easily install a backdoor trojan into your pc, not to mention your email will be in my hands. dont even bother turning off your pc, because i can rout malware into your power system so i can turn your excuse of a computer on at any time. it might be a good time to cancel your credit card since ill have that too. if i wanted i could release your home information onto my secure irc chat and maybe if your unlucky someone will come knocking at your door. id highly suggest you take your little comment about me back since i am no script kiddie. i know java and c++ fluently and make my own scripts and source code. because im a nice guy ill give you a chance to take it back. you have 4 hours in unix time, clock is ticking. ill let you know when the time is up by sending you an email to [email protected] which I aquired with a java program i just wrote. see you then :)

You faggots need to gtfo back to where you came

reminder that communism won the ww2



I'm trying to put a giant UKIP sign over the EU flag if anyone wants to lend a hand.

Guys I think it's pretty obvious that the admins would go out of their way to fuck with anything we did.


Why don't you just draw Hitler mustaches on characters? Only a few pixels to hold on to. Easily recognizable.

I'm helping bestonia take over it


pretty rare

Help black void at:
900, 540
900, 540
900, 540
900, 540

>implying cutting the tranny line right in the centre isn't the greatest cause

No, Russia's huge mass of bodies to throw at the problem won WW2.
Communism stood in Russia's way when Stalin purged a large amount of his competent generals prior to the war, if anything.

captcha: josefa mexico

There is a discord
Some faggot should post it


Discord: discord.gg/Sydp6vc

We should make all the characters white, this is exactly the kind of stuff that pisses off reddit SJWs

so are we doing this or nah?
bottom center

Nah, void is more fun.

I don't even see any void. I can't find where it's supposed to be.
You faggots didn't do anything.

Its on the right side above the trans flag.


Now how do I actually do anything?
I place a pixel and it doesn't even appear. This shit is broken. Refresh the page, wait 10 minutes, still nothing.

your account have to be older than march 31

So only retarded redditor pieces of shit can participate? Only people who unironically use reddit?

You can bump /r/place threads instead. We need all the help we can get.

That's fucking gay.
No wonder you faggots are losing, only redditors can participate.

>not having an astroturfing account

Nah, someone add some thickness to this dick I put on the pokemon fag.

We can add dicks to things pretty easy. Any Sup Forums worthy images get blanked out.
