Why is Slovenia the only civilized country in the Balkan?
Why is Slovenia the only civilized country in the Balkan?
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It's better to be under Austrian rule then T*rk rule
But wasn't Croatia under Austrian rule aswell? Whats their excuse?
Because it's the closest to other civilized countries up north, strong central european influence.
They're not as shit compared to the rest of the balkans though.
We are okay if you to the villages where there and no Albanians,Pakis and Gypsies
It's still genetically European
It's still a shitty country ruled by corruption and nepotism.
becuase its not in the balkans
I wouldn't even class Slovenia as Balkan. It's Alpine.
That photograph is over saturated with color and digitally enhanced. That place, i am sure, does not look like anything in the photo. Fuck Off Nazi propagandist.
We are cucks for the Germans/Americans/ZOG. It is only a matter of time before we are ordered to import "vibrant diversity" and fuck up our country.
It actually does look like that.
Been there, and it's one of the most beautiful countries in Europe.
Croatia was independant, and did decently for a while against the Turks, and they were also under the Hungarians for awhile. Slovenia had always been under direct Austrian rule, and there were a lot of Germans had lived there for a while.
Because it borders greater Germany.
Slovenians are culturally almost Austrian.
>greater Germany.
That dream died a long time ago, mein freund
The countryside is nice but the capital city is disappointing. Stray more than two blocks from the center amd you're greeted by commieblocks and lots of graffiti. In fact even while in the admittably cosy center the commieblocks are always visible in the background. Tiniest city centre in the world basically
You just wait.
When the EU deflates it will more or less shrink to greater Germany plus its dependencies in Central and Eastern Europe.
Slovenia, Czechia, the Baltics, Slovakia, Poland and Croatia will all stay in the EU, even if it crashes hard. They are too dependent on us economically and I hope in future also militarily.
After the 2nd WW they introduced all kind of laws and articles into German and Austrian law to keep us down. Austria e.g. isn't allowed to ever anschluss itself to Germany. The Benelux don't have the desire. And Germany isn't allowed to do anything with the name "Deutschland" onto it.
But the EU changes that. We can no problem whatsoever create a common currency, a common army and other common things with Austria and the Dutch and noone cares. They even jubilate.
We just need to uncuck ourselves over the next few years then we have all the opportunities to get back on the world stage.
Because they are a totally irrelevant country that nobody gives a shit so noone is bother them
>Der Ewige Saupreiß
Have you read the founding documents? By constitution you can't have racial laws. Constitution denies the concept of native European
Slovenia is beautiful. There are also beautiful landmarks in Serbia and Croatia as well. Some of the oldest european churches were in Kosovo before the muzzies burned them down.
Let's make something clear. Your country is responsible for the European continent coming close to committing mass suicide twice between 1914-1945. You have proven to be the biggest threat to national sovereignty in Europe along with bolshevism in the modern age. Disaster has always ensued when Germany attempts to dominate Europe. Now don't get me wrong, Germany is a great nation in many ways. It will always be a centre for culture, science, technology and industrious minds. But you will never, ever be entrusted with anything which puts the fate of other nations in your hands. Not only have you resigned that right long ago, but it has also been rejected once under Hitler and is about to get rejected once again if France leaves the EU. Mind your business. Next time you step out of line we will pull your fucking card for real and make a parking lot out of Germany.
Actually subhumans Serbs started the WWI and French greed + British warmongering caused the second
lel how's the weather in Dagestan you chechen shitstain?
Serbs were not responsible for starting WW1. The assassination of Archduke Ferdinand was a politically motivated murder which pertained to the issue of yugoslav/serbian nationalism. It was not a declaration of war and was not carried out by a state actor. The prerequisites for war had already been established and Serbia had nothing to do with the arms race, alliance formations and increasing sense of nationalism that had swept the continent precedingly. The aspirations of the Austro-Hungarian empire and Germany to dominate Europe are well established and nobody disputes that these two parties carry the responsibility for the war, although it's historical explanations are multifaceted, they all emanate from this fact. The Austro-Hungarians invaded Serbia with the assurance of german support, something which they otherwise would never have done. Gavrilo Princip just gave them a good excuse.
t. Jew/Chechen
Because it's Austrias clay
>Der Ewige Saupreiß
Nope. Schwob.
>Have you read the founding documents? By constitution you can't have racial laws. Constitution denies the concept of native European
I didn't say it needs an overhaul. I explicitely said we would need to uncuck ourselves before that possibility could come to fruition.
Who is going to enforce some dumb EU law when the EU is practically dead and we just use the vehicle to get our interests through? EU courts don't have the last word in German jurisdiction and they aren't well regarded anyways. Same for the EU parliament. Germany's highest court dismissed the EU parliament as some kind of unimportant backwater meeting place in one of their verdicts.
>But you will never, ever be entrusted with anything which puts the fate of other nations in your hands.
Good news for you: I don't have that in mind.
Do what you want Sven (just don't commit auto-genocide) and everyone else too.
>You have proven to be the biggest threat to national sovereignty in Europe along with bolshevism in the modern age.
I'm a very strong supporter of a federalized Germany and I have no interest to talk into internal matters of Norway or Czechia or anyone else.
But a central+northern European power block and common sphere of interest is unavoidable. We have all the things to project power to the outside and be a pacified structure on the inside.
This way we can easily confront Russia from a position of strength and win them over for a strategic partnership. Russia's interests align so much with ours, they're just obfuscated by tedious confrontational matters like Ukraine and the Ruskies living in the Baltics and so on.
>Next time you step out of line we will pull your fucking card for real and make a parking lot out of Germany.
wtf? You can't even look some Somali rapist in the eye without shivering.
I'll take the blame for WW2 but not for 1914.
> if France leaves the EU
read my shit. In my hypothesis France is out.
Lots of german influence I think. (capital used to be call Laibach). Trumps wife also has a german name.
Even though I don't want to just take the credit. Slovenians have impressed me alot.
Opposed to other eastern europeans countries (with the exception of Croatia), you also don't suck at soccer,
Oh god heres the Chechen/Dagestani teaching us on European history....
Shouldnt you be fucking a goat?
Enrichment time Chetnik niggers
>The program of incentives for the implementation of measures and activities necessary for achieving goals in the field of migration management for 2017, the Government of Serbia from the budget allocated 320 million dinars to improve the living conditions of migrants.
>Thanks to the decision of the Government of Serbia, which was made on March 17, migrants will be able to obtain up to 1,400,000 dinars for "purchasing and renovation of rural households."
>The program now came into force by publication in the Official Gazette of the Republic of Serbia.
so they're freely giving the money literally from Shkije Jurinovic pockets to shitskins to stay while we're being piss poor here. what do we do now? "Kebab removers" proved themselves to be lying kikes once again
>vignette instead of tolls so they can rip off tourists
Its not. Just like the rest of Eastern Europe its ruled by nepotism and corruption. Its just better at hiding it and has a population of 2 million barely so its not as prevalent. Irrelevant country, although Zizek is a cool guy.
I think that some Serbian was looking for a hentai cuck porn via proxy and randomly come across Sup Forums, so he called up all his 20 cousins to shill with him
Croatia was under Hungarian crown (personal union), not Austrian, but kind of had its own independence in the monarchy.
A big part of the territory was also a warzone for the duration of the Ottoman aggression, while Slovenia was mostly untouched.
Of course, it's the smelly poo-in-loo that complains.
ok there Ramazan, go back to fucking your goat.
Because of Bavarian immigration.
>Originally owned by a number of possessors, until the first half of the 12th century, the territory south of the Sava where the town of Ljubljana developed gradually became property of the Carinthian family of the Dukes of Sponheim
>Why is Slovenia the only civilized country in the Balkan?
I wouldn't say Slovenia is a Balkan country. Also, I wouldn't even put Croatia in the ''Balkan basket'' - The Slovenes and Croats are the only 2 nations who I personally respect and am fond of which are south of Austria. Slovenia is a middle-European country, with strong German-cultural influence, and Croats are a Mediterranean/Middle European with a strong affinity to West Europe and Germany. Also, the Slovenes are very nice. Haven't met too much of them, but I have worked with several Croats and they were all excellent collegues. Also, both countries are fucking beautiful. And white.
Would be simpler to install a Germanic union without Medniggers and Slavs
>only subhumans X don't like subhumans Y
Serbians always, ALWAYS go total WE WUZ and SLANDER. Right now they're the ones sucking German cock and bitching about Croatia blocking them from joinining the JewEU. That's right, the Kalergian anti-European union every pathetic serbroach liar on here has "spoken against". Hypocrisy and lies are the basis of the serbian identity, especially on the internet. Serbroaches have no issue lying to your face. They use jew-like tactics to get what they want and they do it with no absolutely no shame just like socipathic kikes
We love building walls around our houses and generally we love being left alone. This, along with various influences (mainly German), makes us okay.
>Would be simpler to install a Germanic union
That's what I'm talking about.
>without Medniggers
check. They have to have their own economic model.
>without Slavs
Slavs are ok.
Germany is traditionally looking eastwards. We usually get along very well with Slavs.
Croatia and Greece are as well,you faggot.
he's right though, serbshit
>We usually get along very well with Slavs.
>German education
It's actually even more beautiful.
because they're germanic
>They have to have their own economic model.
Not only their countries, but those of Med descent shouldn't be in Germany or Germanic nations.. they have some admixtures and genetic you DONT want to introduce within the Germanic lands
Or it's better to respect other's space and not go to a foreign land with foreign culture and try to Germanise them while getting Slavisized in return?
Just a fucking idea from the top of my head
Wondered how many posts it would take before someone figured that out...
>in the Balkan
Well isn't terrific then that it all comes down to what you say? The Balkan peninsula is a delineated geographical area which stretches from Slovenia in the west to Bulgaria in the east as well as Greece in the south. These are facts and the cultural overlaps between these nations is much greater than anything they share with other neighbours to the west. Yes it is true that serbs are more oriented towards eastern europe culturally while being part of the greek orthodox traditions while catholics in the Balkans have ties to western europe for these reasons. Historical conflict has divided balkan peoples throughout history yes, but whether they will ever admit it, there is much more that unites them than divides them, and no amount of divisive jew threads will ever change that.
i fucking hate slovenians
the ones in my country tho
i only drove through slovenia, never spent much time there, so i dont really know how the people are, but the slovenians on the south side of austria, fucking suck
they speak slovenian all the fucking time, also they look like the product of a few generations of incest
they are like the niggers of south austria
poles are normal humans compared to them, and if any slovenian is reading this, please piss off back to slovenia, no one wants you here
you are like slavic gypsies
where i live, the roadsigns and stuff are in fucking slovenic, what the fuck
fuck off with your bullshit you cunts, are there any german roadsigns in slovenia? i guess not
dont worry
I will be standing on the border with my zastava m70 just awaiting them shitksins
also Europe cant force Slovenia much of anything cause Slovenia never accepted any economic help from Europe like most countryes did as of my understanding, therefore cant force us to anytihng much
in about 5 - 10 years Europe is gonna fall appart and with Brexit shots were fired
enjoy your shitskins cuckaustrian
Why OP is such stupid.... :)
it does look like that
i live on the other side of the mountain, and we have a place on the sea which looks exactly like ops pic
>butthurt manlet austrians
I would like to visit is it nice
Is there a burger for me to eat
Shut up kebab, you Chechen are the only subhuman :)
>Is there a burger for me to eat
You will never try a burger this good anywhere in USA, guaranteed. Donald knows his shit.
Sounds splendid!
>advertising your country to Americans knowing how infested with subhumans the American Sup Forums is after the HWNDU event
You can come too, Vasilij, there's plenty of burgers for everyone!
We do. Russia has been a German ally for 150 years before the 1st WW, while Austria had experience with Slovakia, Slovenia and some Balkan slavs. The KuK broke down because of the rise of nationalism but that doesn't mean we don't get along with them.
Even today after two World Wars and occupation of the DDR we have quite a good relationship with the Russians. If that doesn't tell you something then what does? Similar with Poland: They might be butthurt here and then and we certainly have some political and strategic differences but on a day to day basis we're absolutely fine. Noone complains about Polacks immigrating to Germany.
>but those of Med descent shouldn't be in Germany or Germanic nations
I have talked about a close economic and military relationship not wildly intermixing with olive niggers.
>Or it's better to respect other's space and not go to a foreign land with foreign culture and try to Germanise them while getting Slavisized in return?
basically the same applies
But I'm not too much worried about some cultural exchange with Slavs. Czechia and other parts that had been under foreign rule like Slovakia and the German occupied parts of Poland didn't turn out too bad. Slovenes got a bit germanized, Silesians and Prussians a bit slavisized. Seems to be compatible.
Roaches crawling up the balkans fucked this region up to the very day.
This just makes me wanna move to Austria and bring all my relatives too :DDDD
How about we just stay Germanic and leave the Poles (that actually hate the German nation) alone?
absolutely fine with me
You just get butthurt about my sympathy towards Slavs.
It's not just Slavs that germanics are sympathetic towards
>1. April 2017
Well, we were never the ones to sit at home and show no interest for the world. Germany dominates tourism.
And this lady probably has learned her lesson. I can't see anything wrong in your pic, Britbong.