explain again how a gun protects you from a drone strike
....you hear that? that's the sound of nothing. you have no arguments against gun control
if america were civilized they would ABOLISH the 2nd amendment.
explain again how a gun protects you from a drone strike
....you hear that? that's the sound of nothing. you have no arguments against gun control
if america were civilized they would ABOLISH the 2nd amendment.
>you will never fire machineguns off the flightdeck of an aircraft carrier
>daily reminder, no one wants to take away your guns, idiots
How about that
>Guerilla warfare
>Outside intervention
Here's the deal
How many registered gun owners im America?
How many total gun deaths per year?
how many registered driver in US?
How many total deaths from automobiles?
If you really cared about ppl killing each other make safer cars n laws nigger
>LOLOLOLOL hauouw doz a gunn prodeg yu from fleiing robutts
By shooting at them, you super-tard
>how do small arms protect against drone strikes
the same way you use them to shoot down a CAS attack run on your position, in volley and crossfire from a whole platoon
>if america were civilized they would ABOLISH the 2nd amendment.
When in Rome- titus, get the cross
>How many registered gun owners im America?
we need a gun registry
>when in Rome
It's funny because the Romans banned Gladius for private ownership
Nice bait my dude
We light up the night.
back then the common arm was a short spear, was it not?
my point was more to the effect of, follow the local culture or prepare to receive a free education in how they like to wreck bumbling idiots- America seems to be in the fashion of waiting patiently for fifty years and letting their infuriated grandchildren tear the country apart in backlash
drones are good for surveillance and occasional attacks of high value hard to reach targets, they dont fare so well against an entire countrry
How are you going to control an armed people?
>/mlpol/ gone
>now the horsey bots are back
How long until the "> conservashits" bot comes back?
States are pretty good at it, the "armed" people are just slaves to one side of the same coin.
There are 100 million guns in the US. If even 10% of that is used against the gov't, that's a shit load of guns.
Any take over will require going door to door. That's where guns become useful.
The 2nd Amendment can be repealed with a new amendment. Using the constitution as a reason why we should have guns is retarded since it can be changed. Remember the 21st annulled the 18th Amendment.
What do you mean?
Until you call a constitutional convention to do precisely that, it is not retarded at all. In fact, it is the law.
doesn't matter if the population is armed if they are sheep. american government, congress, is controlled by rich fucks and always has been, and swapping out a D for R just means that R gets to get paid off.
If my guns are ineffective against a drone strike then why bother taking them away?
Who would win
The entire US Army versus a bunch of Vietnamese fucking farmers
I love this argument because there's no way to win against it and it always triggers the lefties
reminder to sageru all recurring bait bots
I can agree to that. However, when the government pushes too far the people will try to resist, and they can succeed as long as they have guns.
It's amazing how drones solve every problem of the military. It's so great that with the use of drones, we haven't had any military casualties since we started using them. Just drone strike the town and move on! Oh wait
Usually Libertarian types ironically worship a piece of paper written by the government. They use this piece of paper as a defense for all arguments.
but the US has pushed too far already, and just keeps pushing. the people are beyond hope there, they are either waiting for a "collapse" like Sup Forums and want to go innawoods or are completely docile.
Brazil and Mexico have strict gun laws and they are complete shitshows..the problem you burguers have is cultural and social,something like 80% of the murders are gang related.
why do you so blindly trust the government?
you think a power structure operates on idealism or morality?
gun ownership is the last piece of freedom against tyranny ...or would u rather just criminals own guns?
Yeah, they've gone too far, but not so far as to reach the breaking point for the average citizen.
you mean how people "resisted" the patriot act? it's all rhetoric. these gun nuts never protest. in fact the last protests and riots were caused by left wing movements (ferguson/balitmore).
>has fired machine guns off the side of a Destroyer
It's fun but there's not usually a good target, you're just aiming at waves and seeing the splashes
Because if they take them away you won't be able to shoot the person ordering the drone strike against you either.
Threat of force is greater than absence of force and willful submission.
Fuck, I lost my Raoh.webm after reformatting my computer.
I'll make another one in just a moment.
>what was ruby ridge
>what was waco
>who are the bundys
btw rioting and burning down your own city because a nigger got shot while committing a robbery != protesting
Fuck off commie.
Go to China if you want your safe-space.
A 50bmg rifle could take out most drones, the arabs have taken a few down with their 762.39 commie rounds.
If the government begins using drone strikes on its own citizens then it has already lost.
Aerial assassination violates your right to a trial.
When the government has disregarded the entire constitution then armed rebellion has become necessary
naw its the NAP with lolbertarians
This place was better when the horsefuckers were around. Now all you fucking liberals are shitting it up again. Fuck off.
It's part of our Constitution, the second amendment is about self defense but it's also a check and balance to keep us armed for if the time that the Constitution is ever under threat or ignored in the case of a tyrannical government so we can come to it's defense, it's the last line of defense against tyranny, (that's what our founding fathers intended).
Our government gets it's power from the people, our constitution is the contract it's made by the people to limit the power of the government (not to give rights to the people), so in turn our government is a servant to the people and rightfully so, that's how any civilized society should handle any position of authority, without our constitution that we the people gave authority to, "the" government would no longer have any legitimacy.
The US constitution is the best document on earth, after going through the American revolution our founding fathers wanted to make a country that had more liberty and freedom, with checks and balances so the people could keep the source of power of our republic in the hands of the people and they did a great job of that, scholars even today say that it's the best example of liberty.
Read the writings of Samuel Adams, Thomas Jefferson and Noah Webster to name a few and watch these videos if you want to know what it means to really be American;
>nigger related.
We use eagles and hawks for the drones come get some freedom
>hates commies, loves guns
>browses Sup Forums
>thinks that ppl with unusual opinions on Sup Forums should go to their "safe-spaces"
Cry quieter snowflake.
I got you Senpais.
There's noting to explain. My gun is to protect me from you, not the state.
>being a kraut
>thinking anyone cares what he says
They day the police and the government stops killing people and humanity loses the ability to rob one another is the day that the 2nd amendment won't be necessary.
Got it!
The thing about weapons is that if you don't have them, you are destined to live under tyranny. With weapons, we have the choice to fight back and the hope of succeeding.
Also, we Americans believe that death is a better option than tyranny, and if you don't agree, then you can get the fuck out.
Why don't you go bleed your vagina over the people who manufacture drones and guns instead of the people who receive them? Why don't you try thinking objectively for once you ignorant self entitled fuckboy?
Great idea, why doesn't America blow half its self up trying to dis arm its citizens. At the most they'll go door to door and that's not gonna work. They may have fancy weapons but it's not in the best interest to blow up entire cities.
>drone strikes
Who wants, or needs, to protect themselves from drone strikes in America? If you're being attacked by drones, you're a fucking sandnigger and deserve to be killed
The second amendment is more for pic related.
So wait -- civilized is drones everywhere to shoot us immediately when we do something naughty?
>Posting Horsey cartoons