Everyone is welcome.
Discuss news, ask question, give answers, be kind to one another, and above all assist one another in living the virtuous life. Did your priest cover the crucifix & statues in violet, anons?

Today is the second Sunday in Ordinary Time.
Here are your daily readings

Community links, such as recommended media, are now below in pastebin links. Remember to recommend things to add to the lists!
>Catholic Encyclopedia
>Directory for Finding a Latin Mass (U.K)
>Directory for Finding a Latin Mass (U.S/Can)
>Laudate App
>Recommended Movies
>Recommended Books
>Recommended Music
>Beauty of Creation
>Tales of Love and Virtue

Other urls found in this thread:

Apologies for the shamefully small OP pic

I also forgot to delete the 'second Sunday in Ordinary time'. Please consider that a test of your observance of the Catholic calendar rather than a lazy mistake on my part.

Forgiveness please

One final bump with a Josemaria Escriva quote

Drink the blood and eat the flesh of the eternal jew.
It's the only way to paradise.
Praise (((Jesus)))

Are you implying someone who condemned Jewish practices, scourged moneylenders in the temple etc actually represents Jews?


Babylonian Papists


12 years. RIP

oh hey guys i have some neat Catholic pics too

le awesome Red Pilled religion am i right fellas? Dues Vult xD

>Mystery religion serpentine idolatry

>that feel when going to Mass for the first time in three hours

Thanks guys, these threads have done a lot to introduce me to the Church

Welcome back to the only Church founded by Christ, yankeebro.
You should find the Gospel today especially poignant. Belief in Christ brings Lazarus back from the dead.

If you have any worries before you go (I've seen people on here express anxiety about what to do at different stages of the mass etc), don't hesitate to ask

>Walter Veith
Based user

12 years he's been roasting in hell

Appreciate it man, having been to an Orthodox Liturgy recently, I imagine, on my part, it's a similar deal: follow what the people around me are doing, don't go up for Holy Communion and dress conservative.

>don't go up for Holy Communion

If you are baptised, you can go to Confession though and you are free to receive the Eucharist.

Pretty much. And remember to make the sign of the cross differently to how they did it at the Orthodox liturgy, or you will out yourself as a friend of the orthodox and be shunned, and possible lynched.

Seriously though, if you have time, getting the laudate app mentioned in the OP would help you. Tells you when to sit, kneel, tells you responses etc

It will all come over time, of course. Most important thing is you've returned to he who created, loves & strengthens you


Long live melly!

Thanks for the bump Britbro. As a way of trying to keep this alive, post any spiritual reading we've read this lent that really helped us deepen our understanding our faith

It's been some time I'm beginning to take interest in Christianity as a really doubtful agnostic. But I don't know where to start, my parents are Christians, but unfortunately they never gave me Christian education so I really have no knowledge of it.
I don't even know the difference between an abbey, a diocese, a parish and a church, nor what is baptism and why there is so much versions of Christianity. Do they dislike each others ? Also, there's so much shit in the world, why does God don't do anything ? How could the death of Jesus be a sacrifice to save all mankind ? And why does God forbid us things he gave us access to ? Like every sins you can do, he gave us the possibility to do it. Why does he say then that we shouldn't do it ? I don't know if you see the contradiction as I do here

Anyway, I think I have to buy a Bible first but apparently there are several versions, I don't know how I could choose. Thanks for anyone who answer me, I guess I ask you a lot

Déjà c'est super que tu t'y intéresses !
>Do they dislike each others
Plus trop de nos jours
>Also, there's so much shit in the world, why does God don't do anything
Parce que Dieu ne nous considères pas commes des petits animaux de compagnie dont il doit s'occuper ,Ce que Dieu veut pour nous c'est qu'on le trouve de notre plein gré ,avec la va et vient de la vie
>How could the death of Jesus be a sacrifice to save all mankind
Dans l'ancien testamen Dieu était fâché avec les hommes ,3/4 de l'évangile c'est Jesus qui reforme la foi pervertie des juifs
> And why does God forbid us things he gave us access to
Tout n'est pas à prendre à la lettre mais Dieu nous a donné une "guideline" pour être heureux et la bible nous dit que la meilleur version de notre vie c'est celle qu'on trouvera en la suivant
>Like every sins you can do, he gave us the possibility to do it. Why does he say then that we shouldn't do it ?
ça c'est vachement important dans la foi c'est "le libre arbitre" et ça rejoint le fait que Dieu veut qu'on le trouve de notre plein gré Il ne veut pas qu'on soit forcé dans la foi.

Et pour les bibles essaye de commencer avec un truc limite pour ados genre un peu plus claire

Bon je suis loin d'avoir raison à 100% mais j'espère t'avoir aidé un peu

I'll try to cover your questions in varying detail:

Difference between abbey etc: Abbey is a type of church. A diocese of a collection of parishes. Parish is the community that attends a particular church. There are different versions of Christianity for various reasons, pride, anger, jealousy etc. But, that does not mean all must be false. A counterfeit banknot does not disprove the existence of a genuine banknote

What is baptism? I can do no better than give you a link to the catechism as it explains why we are baptised and the effects it has

Problem of evil & ability to do evil: We are able to do evil because we have free will. Just as you would not have light without dark, you cannot be good if you cannot be bad. If man was not able to do anything but good, would he be worthy of eternal salvation?

I'm about to take a shower, brush teeth, put on a fresh suit, then drive over to my church. I need this energy for the week!

Orthodox is probably more confusing from what I've seen/experienced

There are pews there so you aren't likely to really get in peoples way or anything as opposed to Orthodoxy where everyone kind o frandomly moves a couple times.

>It's been some time I'm beginning to take interest in Christianity as a really doubtful agnostic.
Mere Christianity by CS Lewis is a great intro book, can find a pdf googling

> there is so much versions of Christianity
This requires quite a bit of history reading but basically there is one True Church which others have broken off of.
The two big breaks of note is the great schism in about 1024 which is the Orthodox and Catholics.
They still recognize each other as being somewhat valid and the main issue is the authority of the Pope, again a whole thing to read into there. To start off attending either of the apostolic (Catholic or Orthodox) Churches is a good start.

Then in the 1600s a bunch of people broke off of Catholics (the Church had some problems then but they just made it worse)
These are the Protestants, and they are responsible for the 40k denominations you see today.

They deny the who apostolic thing so don't worry about them, just focus on Orthodox or Catholic.

I can't answer for france language bible but hopefully other user can (Protestants removed tons of books and have bad translations so if he is in that vein ignore him)

For now find a Catholic Church near you and talk to a priest always best step

Best christian podcast out there.

God on you user ! I'll be going tonight ,have a good week hh

>Hey let me look for a Christian Podcast
>Lets see monks, priests, deans of seminaries, wait why would I listen to them I can listen to some autistic kids

I'd rec catholic stuff you should know for something with a sort of daily shoah feel, lots of banter and no prep (okay sometimes some really good prep just not often).

here is a random one
It's a couple Priests

Word on Fire is another one that is really good, bishop barrons stuff in general.

I have to say Orthodoxy is at a much higher quality of podcasts though, not sure why. Just more monks and higher up people doing podcasts.

Qu'entends-tu par un truc d'ados ? J'ai 20 ans, ne ferais-je pas mieux de lire la Bible ?

J'entends par truc d'ados des bibles faites pour les ados j'en ai une chez moi ,elles sont généralement plus claires un peu genre une bible pour les débiles celle que j'ai s'appelle "Ze Bible"

Mais si tu préfères commencer par une bible legit rien ne t'en empêches,là je part du principe que tu ais aucune base de la foi

Hey I only have experience with Orthodox mass before want to go to a Catholic one today

I can go to a latin or a ordinary one

Was thinking latin for sure but heard ordinary is reading Lazarus which is one of my favorite pieces from the Gospel (second to geresene demoniacs)

Do the latin and ordinary use the same readings?

Not a podcast, but this series of talks by Michael Davies is very informative. Not sure if non-English speakers will understand his accent though

As long as the latin mass parish is in communion with the Church (i.e not SSPX or something like that) readings should be the same, yes

Although, if it's your first time going in a while/at all, I'd recommend the latin mass regardless. I find them to be much more reverent, and the latin mass is the one I personally attend

OP here. Time for me to get to my lenten practice of attending Stations of the Cross. Thanks for the input, & hope to see this thread/a continuation thread when I return.

God bless

First Catholic one though like I said I've gone to an Orthodox for a while so Latin is a bit more up my alley.
Same Church doing both though

Just googling to verify and it does look like extraordinary form does use a different reading schedule so will probably go to the ordinary today atleast.

Will be able to see how different it is from latin/orthodox I guess but it's still being performed by a priest who does TLM so I imagine it will lean towards the better novus ordo masses.

Came across this this morning, theres a few churches on this site with unsecured cams.

Dieu n'existe pas tres probablement pas maggl.

Fuck Catholics, you corrupt pieces of shit. I bet 90% of this thread has been raped by a priest. Why do you follow this "religion", which is actually just another mechanism of control over your lives? Stop wasting your lives, stop sucking the pope's dick. You're literally worse than the jews.

Quelle version de la bible me conseillerais-tu ?

>scourged moneylenders in the temple etc actually represents Jews?
Ya, the shills have no answer for this. Good job.

It's atleast better than filling the void with my little pony

Do Catholics hate gays? I'd never go to a church that allows faggots, and the Pope seems to be accepting all the shit the Bible says not to.

Why did you let Simon Oesterreicher and his jew minions subvert the church in the early 1900's, leading up to the dreaded Nostra Aetate of Vatican II that opened the floodgates for jewish subversion of your institution?

Looking forward to hearing the Catholic rationalization on how this was not a very big mistake.

another church cam, enjoy

>Looking forward to hearing the Catholic rationalization on how this was not a very big mistake.
I wouldn't mind an American Catholic Church that ignored Vatican 2 and went full traditional crusader.

This generation will likely feature many saints who restore the Church

there is that or the people who just complain online and give up

>says that he is catholic
>does not even own a sword

Luke 22:36
>He said to them, "But now if you have a purse, take it, and also a bag; and if you don't have a sword, sell your cloak and buy one.

You cannot be a follower of our Lord and Saviour, Jesus Christ, if you do not own a sword. It was a direct order from the Lord that you should sell your clothes to buy one if needed.

Thus, british people cannot be christian as you cannot even own a pointed knife.

>Thus, british people cannot be christian as you cannot even own a pointed knife
They have sarcasm though, and it can cut deep. Real deep.

I am here to profess my love and unceasing devotion to our Blessed Mother, the Mother of all Christians, Mary

I love Our Lady more than words can express and will resolve from this day forth to always serve her. My own wants, vanities, and delusions mean NOTHING and I pray that Mary my mother may occupy every inch of my soul and edge out these foul human vices and fill that space with her own holiness, her own perfect humility, her own serene peace, her own perfect union with her Son our Blessed Lord, of whom every blade of grass, every grain of sand and every wisp of breath in the cold air proclaims the presence and the glory.

Accept the goodness of Our Lady into your heart, take her as your personal confidant, express your love for Christ through her and keep a sense of her presence and blessing with you all day, every day during our sojourn on this earth and you shall never, ever fail or stumble.

Know Mary, know peace.

No Mary, no peace.

Make the right choice, my brothers and sisters, whatever your denomination may be. Our Lady is waiting for you. She has always been waiting for you.

O Mary conceived without sin, pray for us who have recourse to thee.

Pray for us, oh Holy Mother of God, that we may be made worthy of the promises of Christ.

The rulers took Adam and put him in the garden, that he might cultivate it and keep watch over it. They issued a command to him, saying, “From every tree in the garden shall you eat, but from the tree of knowledge of good and evil don’t eat, nor touch it. For the day you eat from it you will surely die.”

They said this to him, but they did not understand what they said. Rather, by the father’s will, they said this in such a way that he might in fact eat, and that Adam might not regard them as would a man of an exclusively material nature.

The rulers took counsel with one another and said, “Come, let us cause a deep sleep to fall on Adam.” And he slept. Now, the deep sleep that they caused to fall on him, and he slept, is ignorance. They opened his side, which was like a living woman. And they built up his side with some flesh in place of her, and Adam came to be only with soul.

The woman of spirit came to him and spoke with him, saying, “Rise, Adam.” And when he saw her, he said, “It is you who have given me life. You will be called ‘mother of the living.’ For she is my mother. She is the physician, and the woman, and she has given birth.”

Then the female spiritual presence came in the form of the snake, the instructor, and it taught them, saying, “What did he say to you? Was it, ‘From every tree in the garden shall you eat, but from the tree of recognizing evil and good do not eat’?”

The woman of flesh said, “Not only did he say ‘Don’t eat,’ but even ‘Don’t touch it. For the day you eat from it, you will surely die.’”

The snake, the instructor, said, “It is not the case that you will surely die, for out of jealousy he said this to you. Rather, your eyes will open and you will be like gods, recognizing evil and good.” And the female instructing power was taken away from the snake, and she left it behind, merely a thing of the earth.

>Mother of all Christians, Mary
Hold up there partner. The Mary business is foreign to me. How would you explain it to someone like me that doesn't know what to make of it?

I love the Church but I'm too fuggin weak to do what needs to be done. Sin has a vice grip on me and it feels impossible to break. I'm the worst kind of Catholic, I know all the rules but I wilfully ignore them and just try to block out my conscience. I still fulfill my Sunday obligation but I rarely take Communion. I'm a stupid fucking bench warmer, feelsbadman.




Why do Catholics worship a fucking dead Kike carpenter?

Why do Catholics do missionary work among fucking niggers and wogs instead of helping the White race?

True to be honest.

All Catholics should feel bad so the Church can control you via guilt. You are shit, now bow down for your cucking.

I instantly thought of Sup Forums at this point and laughed.

This was a great reply to the threat of Feminists destroying the Vatican because the pope has banned all forgiveness for women that have abortions.

Has any1 else been recommended that kingdom of heaven video where they are marching through the desert with the golden cross?

Youtube recommended it to me, i think it knows

Deus vult over all the liberal and hypocritical Catholics to be honest.

Hopefully the current ongoing "civil war" in the Church will end with the militants winning and deposing that Marxist false pope.

I've been getting a lot of Gregorian chants, Latin sermons, Militant Catholic videos,pro christian militias in Syria and Iraq videos and hymns in mine recently. It does know.

You're deranged. Mary is not a deity. Only way to heaven is through Jesus Christ. Not through the pope either.

No, absolutely not. Only Catholics can confess and receive the blessed sacrament.

Not so. TLM follows the old calendar with the old readings regardless of schism.

From his post, he seems to have already converted, so I don't see any problem with confession.

>I tried an ortho liturgy once now I want to try mass
>sounds like he is a Catholic convert

Just returned from traditional Mass. Only way to go to Mass.
God willing, my children will never know what the New Mass is.


Ever get THAT itch to go crusading?

We consider it sinful. The Pope can do his usual speaking workaround, but he won't risk a revolution.

I had those moments too, bro. Just remember to never give up, because He've never given up on You. Try to increase a number of your daily prayers first, so your mind could be more focused, I recommend the Breviary for that.
Reflect on your sins, how they affect you, why they damage you and overcome your shame to receive the Penance.