Will we ever see a Jewish US president?
Will we ever see a Jewish US president?
No, Potato Goy
Well Don really likes to kiss their asses, that's pretty much the same thing as being Jewish
I wouldn't mind this guy but (((Shapiro))) proved he was a fraud during the election.
For all practical purposes, we have one now.
We had a couple of Rosenvelts.
No whats the point. Now we have what appears to be incompetent democrats. Republicans. Niggers. Whites. Muslims. Mormons. Christians catholic and protestant. Atheists with all the positions under the president and guiding the discussion, making the proposals, fone tuning the proposals and essentiall inacting them.
Why put a one of there own in charge so people can say FUCKING JEWS
Sorry that should be "in charge"
Why the need? The jews already rule the JewSA. The president is only a puppet, a face.
>who is FDR
>Give me control of a nation's money and I care not who makes it's laws
the goat president
Make it happen, goys!
((( crucial foreign policy )))
It's not who sits on the throne, but who advises the throne who has the power.
The Anglo-Judeo race knows this.
Depends. A lot of secular Jews are atheists. That ain't gonna fly.
Well you already have Kushner now...
Some burgers should make a pact, that they will kill every jew pres.
Now that would be anti-sememetic.
They have already been overrepresented
Bernie Sanders in 2020. Shillary saved Trump from having his ass handed to him by a rational, social democrat.
Most of them are boomers. Coincidence? I think not
He won't live that long. It's a lot easier to campaign against a communist. Ted Cruz made Bernie look like a little Bitch in their debate. Trump would have eaten his soul...
Sanders had to defend obamacare (something he doesn't actually like either) for that question where Cruz got him. He actually wants single payer.