/mlpol/ Observation

Yesterday showed us who the true enemies of Sup Forums really are and who really aren't. Reddit scattered like roached at the sign of pony pussy. So did the shills. The problem isn't the citizens of Sup Forums, we got along fine, but external forces.

Im not going to use the term /ponyfag/ again. After yesterday they are forever /ponybros/


Other urls found in this thread:


Ponyfags are still disgusting degenerates

Go back to R_TD and never come back

Yes, but I'll take them over the shills and reddit migrants any day of the week.

I never hated any of these weird fetish groups, I don't really understand how someone can like that retarded child's shit but w.e solong as you aren't a ponyfag near me I don't care

You fucking fag. Horsefuckers are not our allies, they are degenerates who were too degenerate even for the shills and redditors to tolerate, but Sup Forumsacks over here just love to swim in a pool of degenerate filth if that's what it takes to scare away the normalfags.

I still absolutely despise the horsefuckers, as I did back in 2013 when they flooded Sup Forums with their shit and m00t had to create a containment board just to keep them from taking Sup Forums over. I repeat, those are not the kind of people we should associate or show hospitality towards, they are bunch of fucking degenerates who must be killed when DOTR arrives.

We love you crazy guys too!

Hava a lovely day!

This. Trying to use bronies to get rid of shills is like curing cancer using AIDS.

we must morph to unlock a more powerful autism and finally defeat the redditors

Shhh, just lie down and close your eyes. It will all be over soon.

We can change... we will worker harder for you! Just give us a chance!

Please accept our love! Sup Forums :#

Kill yourself mentally ill degenerate ugly omega male ponyfucker subhuman you must be gassed freak

A few gens stayed the same whilst the main board succumbed to madness.

We should keep some of the degenerate shit on because the normalfags can't handle it. The newly formed "anti hatespeech" organization Correctiv literally employs NEETs to delete and report hatespeech... recent news showed that they have investigated the working conditions and many are burned out after 3-4 weeks due to all this degenerate shit they have to watch and decide to report it or not (animal cruelty, mexican cartel massacre etc). Some NEETs quit the job or ask for psychotropic drugs to help with the working conditions.

wtf i love ponies now

What if he is a stormfag?

The only reason there was no reddit was because the ponyfags were spamming their bullshit

>he lives in a country so poor and shit that his only activity is to hoard images of bronies to make himself feel better as his mother sells herself to pay for dinner

Wew, Costas, get a fucking life. Say hi to the Turks for me.

of course we'd get along, we're all 4channers afterall aslong as most of them have their heart at the right place i could care less about their pony obsession
each to his own
there are more important things to focus on anyways
for instance, what happend to the jap user dumping 911 pics
or pic related

Be fair, it's more like curing cancer with chemo. Sure, you'll lose your hair, fingernails, and can't keep any food down, but at least the cancer dies off.

I wonder who is behind this...

neat, got some source for that?

thats some nice pic

Implying Sup Forums doesn't profit from this degeneracy to weed out the weak.

Implying /mlp/ doesn't profit from this to weed out turbo degeneracy(like watersports and diapers)... Srsly, that place is so god damn perverted...

Also bronies could use self-improvement generals just as much as Sup Forumsacks could use some cheering up after long day of seeking or reading intel...

You faggots dont understand that after a few weeks of cohabitation, the bronies would be redpilled x visiting self improcement generals and overall bettering themselves. They will have come out of the swamp of filth and emerge aryans.

The most fanatic men of any movement are often the converts from the other side.

>he defends ponyfags
kek. you're not Sup Forums.

Can we keep it to anime porn or gore?
Horses are too much

>we're all 4channers

That is exactly how I viewed it as well. A break...

How about a speech to solidify your statement?

which is worse:

1. Those who willingly destroy their people, culture, and natural environment - all that is good and meaningful in this world - to virtue signal

2. Autistic ponyfappers

Both need to be gassed, but one destroys all, while the other destroys only their own dignity


since when dreaming of fucking ponies was politically correct? Sup Forums isn't entirely /mlp/, but /mlp/ is most definitely Sup Forums.

Horesfaggot degenerates are not allies

If you know you share a lot of natural characteristics together with one another, then you can go into a weak position, or a position that will highlight those strong points and race together with the strong other anons.

Then in the moment, the weak ones, the ones who did not adapt and cannot adapt will fall through the filter.

That is a very good concept more or less. It was a gamble to know if a lot of us are still here from the olden days, and it was mostly right I guess.

We dont care about ponies, we can still shitpost under gore. Under much worse things.

This feeling of strength is so great that it can even erode some form of shitskin pride. As you saw in the flag capture thing. Many people are so enthralled in all of this that they would rather that the white man wins than let the jews win.

I'll take horsefuckers over redditors and shills

se we are allowed to still post ponies here ?

I knew it !

post more ponies

I like this one.

Well. I mean.
Given how aids works it could be engineered to kill cancer cells.

>anti mlp
>redditfrog pic
Fuck off

It would work quite well against leukemia, to be specific. Genetic modification does pretty much use viral vector concepts already though.

Reddit frog please

I'm a stormfag and I want T_D gone. I can be trusted. I am from storm



I saw a picture of a horse in bridal costume, presenting it's genitals for sex, drawn as an anime character.

It was very detailed and intricate, the genitals and anus were biologically accurate.

I wanted to say something funny or interesting about it, but every time I type this far, I remember the picture and cannot think of anything to say.

Haven't you noticed how every single defender and advocate of the /mlp/ merger is A FUCKING BURGERNIGGER?!?!

>Haven't you noticed how every single defender and advocate of the /mlp/ merger is A FUCKING BURGERNIGGER?!?!

Haven't you noticed how every single defender and advocate of the /mlp/ merger is A FUCKING BURGERNIGGER?!?!

>Haven't you noticed how every single defender and advocate of the /mlp/ merger is A FUCKING BURGERNIGGER?!?!

Haven't you noticed how every single defender and advocate of the /mlp/ merger is A FUCKING BURGERNIGGER?!?!

>Haven't you noticed how every single defender and advocate of the /mlp/ merger is A FUCKING BURGERNIGGER?!?!

Haven't you noticed how every single defender and advocate of the /mlp/ merger is A FUCKING BURGERNIGGER?!?!

>Haven't you noticed how every single defender and advocate of the /mlp/ merger is A FUCKING BURGERNIGGER?!?!

Haven't you noticed how every single defender and advocate of the /mlp/ merger is A FUCKING BURGERNIGGER?!?!

>Haven't you noticed how every single defender and advocate of the /mlp/ merger is A FUCKING BURGERNIGGER?!?!

Makes me hate my own country even more than I already do. MLP is autistic cancer. I'm glad this happened though, just to tip everyone off to the fact that cuckchan is still irrevocably cucked.

Fuck off leaf

>All these plebbitors still triggered from yesterday

The horse fuckers degenerates were more entertaining and engaging then any of the stale bullshit nu/pol/ posts every single day.

The shit what your thicc plebbit skull doesn't get is that you are cancer who thinks our board needs to be normalized for "more support", no body likes you, you are fucking normies which need a final solution... fucking jidf from 2014 were more amusing then you.

Yesterday you fucking proved yourself how much triggered faggot you are that can't even enjoy some shitblastin fun Sup Forums is used to.

Horsefuckers will get theirs one day, but they'll be last on the day of the rope

fuck off leaf

You know that nu/pol/ and the shills prefer DRUMPF and WHITE BOIS threads.
Atleast with the horsefuckers we had actual politics going on again, even if there was some horseshit here and there.

Abandon this board. /mlpol/ is still up and I hope it stays that way forever. This board is for the shills now.

1. destroys all and they have no dignity?

You are welcome to Sup Forums despite a few autistic screeches you may encounter here

>I am a brony but I don't want to say it out loud
kys, degenerate

Kill yourself retarded Murican nigger. No he is not welcome here degenerate autistic freaks get the rope

Can you even afford a rope?

Fag is basically a term of endearment for 4channers. I do dislike them less now that I have met them. To me that means they have earned the /ponyfag/ title.

For the people complaining about degeneracy, what exactly are your priorities?

>All degenerates are deported or killed
>All non-whites are deported or killed
Which do you choose?

Kill yourself ugly omega male sperg.

t. ponyfag that hasn't left yet


Looks like I missed the fun, can anybody give me a quick run down of what happened?

Been trying to hit up the bunkers and put together a theory with what they tell me, here goes.

Didn't let me post image, trying again.

Ponies are not my thing, but honestly yesterday was the hardest I've laughed in a while, imagining the shills' eyes getting big at the pony dicks.

There's probably a crossover between the pony fans and the Sup Forumslocks, and that's fine with me, because I'm not an intolerant faggot.

autistic ponyfappers destroy their culture and redfine it as this (picture related)

that's the modern white man

I hope you realize how bad this makes pol look, as if we weren't already seen as basement dwelling autists. This is just another level.

My fucking nigga. This perfectly sums up my opinion of yesterday.

You are on a fucking imageboard created expressly for the discussion of anime. On a board where half the people are nazis and the other half are autistic libertarians. Where a poorly drawn cartoon frog is the most prominent icon and anything with recurring digits is taken as gospel, and miserable loneliness is one of the most rampant memes and source of self-deprecating humor.

Even ignoring the fact that you're fucking anonymous, how stupid does one have to be to take this place, or even worse its image, seriously?

>everyone who is not sucking my dick is fat
You must be from /lefty/pol.


>falling for the hooved jew

>caring about board image
This isn't reddit. We don't have shit to prove to anyone. We're here to talk about politics, not being the internet's hate machine. Go back to plebbit.

All the plebbits ironically frogpost while having an autistic fit over the horsefuckers. It's a dead give away.

Normies are a fucking disease on every board


Die you fucking Barneyfag

Fuck.. that's too real for me.

hang yourself Barneyfag

really makes you think






kill yourself


>Implying that Sup Forums would ever give up pepe just because normies use it.

Get the fuck out you fucking disgrace.

>We are not redditors.
>We visit Sup Forums, and we left because we don't want to be associated with hebechan.
>Go back to fucking 8ch, and suck Trumps tiny dick.

kill yourself

goddamn, they should die


These fags should not exist

I was ready to go full wildcard and let the horsefuckers stay. I wanted to see how crazy the board could've gotten, the amount of potential butthurt could've been so real. All the YouTubers who are pro-Sup Forums would have to back peddle and reveal their true colors. All the redditors would buzz off and fight their own cause.

Oh, but what do we have now? Back to all the redditors who lecture us about what Sup Forums really is. That's what it means to be a Redditor, it's not this weaponized autism like "LOL autism is badass XD". No you trendy faggots, it was never badass, and those that claim it as a badge of honor probably just suffer from ADHD. That's what Reddit is, a hive of ADHD constantly yelling screaming and interrupting each other. The pure revulsion people get from our site was what made the place ahead of the curve in the sense that people couldn't and wouldn't want to understand us. Keeping ideas alive is important, burning those ideas out, memeing to go viral, makes this place a fucking passing fad.

Are you reading this faggots? I don't even claim to be an oldfags but I've seen glimpses of the board years ago. It was a lot more info friendly, people posted shit that mattered. What the fuck have you done for this board r/the_donald?