Is this true?

is this true?

kill the redditors

nigger what

Everything on the internet is true, especially Reddit caps.

>You have to go back.

>Sup Forums isn't the counter culture, we the ones backed by the mainstream media and the establishment politicians are the counter culture
Oh, I'm glad they cleared that up for me. I hate my people now and welcome Bolshevikism with open arms.

>There controlled opposition guyz dont worry



>falling for the reddit jew


It is true. I am from the deep parts of the internet. Deeper than Sup Forums. I come from 2deep and we have you all by the balls. Hahaha.

>paying attention to people who paid 10bux to shitpost in the CURRENT YEAR

We're not trolling you, but we do persuade you to do our bidding. You guys get shit done and are very helpful.

t. gatekeeper

Yes this board is literally a stormfront/Russia brainwashing arena. Personally I am just curious why they do it but they won't even admit that they are.

i dont mind being called a useful idiot. im more annoyed with the guy that swoops in to announce to everyone that he has indeed heard of the term 'useful idiot' before.

concern trolling 101

>w-we aren't losing relevance guys, n-no, forget that kids are reciting moonman lyrics in playgrounds and there are articles of parents panicking over their kids worshipping Pinochet and Hitler, we're still the hip and edgy ones!

Listen. If your parents don't get upset at you for doing something, it's not cool. That's a fucking fact. Back in the early post-soviet era parents and the public in general scorned anything Socialist or Communist-themed, which is why we got a generation of lefty dildos who rebelled against their parents and go around LARPing as commies, while all the normal kids did what they always did--became boring conservatives, i.e. Republicans.

But that was nothing--NOTHING--compared to the forces arrayed against us. The sheer scope and magnitude of the cultural anathema that National Socialism and Fascist aesthetics cannot be adequately described in words. There is a constant pressure on every depiction of it. Every single time you see Nazis, it is in a context to make them seem evil, sinister, powerful, monstrous, frightening.

That last one. That's what's important. It's frightening. Frightening enough to scare adults. See, that's what children want. Deep down, all children are terrified of their parents, and the worse they're raised, the more terrified they are. All they really want is to impose that fear onto everyone else. When you see kids acting out, it isn't to try and frustrate their parents--frustrating them doesn't get them what they want. They want to SCARE their parents. They want their parents to fear them, because being feared makes you feel powerful, and children live in a perpetual state of powerlessness.

Now think back. What were parents scared of in the 1970s? Communism. But that fear is dead now. Nobody is afraid of communists, we laugh at them.

Nazis, though. That's different.

Nazis represent something so ingrained in our society that it has become primal, like vampires or werewolves except it's REAL. Kids used to dress up like vampires and shit because they felt it made them intimidating.

You know what's more intimidating than some pale faggot with long hair? The SS. What we can offer children right now is UNLIMITED power. Power to disrupt society, power to horrify their parents, power to shock, power to stun, power to get themselves sent to the principle's office every time they speak, power to get themselves expelled, the power to destroy relationships with a WORD, power to signal to every one of their friends that they are "in," they are part of the group, they are part of the movement.

Fascism is the ultimate counterculture and it has become that way because it was so utterly and effectively suppressed. THAT is what is happening right now. Eighty years of the most deliberate and systematic propaganda imaginable has turned the Nazis into the ultimate villain, with the Swastika as their Icon of Sin. But kids WANT to be the villains. They WANT to be feared. They WANT to be the badass with jackboots and a trenchcoat, they WANT to kick in the door and beat people to death with batons, they WANT to make weak people dig their own graves.

We represent POWER, not of the staid and boring Republican sort, not of the limp-wristed alien Democrat sort, we represent terror and darkness and fear and evil, the promise of respect and deference, and all you have to die is raise up your hand in the middle of class and shout HEIL HITLER at your kike teacher.

It's perfect. Literally the perfect storm.

>Sup Forums BTFO

>edgy high school kid wants to scare his parents

There are plenty of people on Sup Forums who do this as a joke. It is a counter culture because of the shock value not the fear. There are people out there who don't want to be the villains but they want people to realise that demonising everything you disagree with is propaganda. You can't argue for the middle ground today because everything is polarised. When a person who is raised on the principles of individuality is then told that they can only have two choices, the evil way and the "good" way then they see through the bullshit.

All people don't want power, people have aspirations but they are also relatively complacent. They are forcing people who naturally want to sit on the fence to hop off and pick a side. I know so many people who don't give a fuck about politics or other things in life but are forced to care.

I speak only from my own experience as an angry teenager, but you are probably correct as well.

My point is, for whatever reason the next generation has access to a counter-cultural resource of hitherto unprecedented potency. Nazism is Punk dialed up to 12. It's Punk so extreme it literally turns into Fascism. All of the spiked hair and piercings in the world aren't as shocking as a swastika.

Yes kinda but this place is still important and I am pretty sure the person who wrote the post has no idea where those 'deeper' places are

Everyone itt is autistic except for me

>There are plenty of people on Sup Forums who do this as a joke. It is a counter culture because of the shock value not the fear.
yea 90% of the people saying "hitler did nothing wrong" are saying it because it's funny to watch people lose their shit

The denial is strong on this one. Basically he doesn't like Sup Forums so he makes a story about how it is being manipulated giving zero proof. To the trash it goes.

>no idea where those 'deeper' places are
yea. uhhh uhhh they moved to somethingawful and uhhh uhhh other places on Sup Forums. literally didnt even think to throw in infinitychan.

either way it's preposterous to say the 'internet counterculture' is in agreement with the mainstream

>getting tricked by SA goons lying by claiming that we are them

This is of course true, but allow me to make a counterpoint: When I was 15, I was pro-Bush because I liked watching sandniggers die on the internet, and I liked pissing off my liberal teachers and friends by talking about it and being a warmongering little fuck.

But as I grew up I had already internalized my allegiance to the Right. I still retain that essentially Bush-era retarded attitude towards war, and it takes conscious effort for me to shut it off now.

You become who you pretend to be as a child, that's just how growing up works. Kids might be saying Hitler did nothing wrong as a joke, but once enough of them start doing it, they will start to believe it, especially if some of them already did.

And this is key--unlike my retarded fetishization for our Bush-era wars for Israel, Hitler actually DIDN'T do anything wrong. There's no sour pill for them to swallow the further they look into it. Any digging these kids do into the truth will confirm their memes, not abolish them.

>Kids might be saying Hitler did nothing wrong as a joke, but once enough of them start doing it, they will start to believe it, especially if some of them already did.
yea i agree

>when you think conspiracy theorists spread conspiracy theories because they're being manipulated in a conspiracy

Oh you mean like SJWs?

It's not though. It is punk trying to look like something else.

Prince Harry dressed as Hitler and he clearly did it as a subversive statement. Kids hang out with shitty people and do stupid shit but the moment it gets real to the point of someone curb stomping a nigger they are gonna run away or never be involved with it again to go live a nice little life.

As I said people like to sit on the fence. Most people are centre left or right, they aren't hardcore marxist or fascist. Lefty kids tend to act like they are more radical than they really are because they are pretending to make themselves appear deeper or slide further and further thinking its progression. "First we legalise gays, then we legalise trans, then we legalise gay trans kids, then we legalise fucking kids".

Kids saying "Hitler did nothing wrong" is if anything going to make these kids realise the depth of WWII. There were so many things going on before it that saying "Hitler was wrong" is in itself wrong. As I said people are forced to be polarised, if they looked for other options they would actually understand the depth of things that are just glazed over.

People are being forced to say "Hitler was the worst" or get punched in the face because "they is a nazi". There is no argument that "Hitler wasn't right but he had reasons" like taking into account 1918-19, war practices, disease and nationalism worked back then it made sense why Hitler did what he did. You don't have to have aryan nation written on your math book to believe that.

Plenty of dumb kids will hope on the neo-nazi train but they probably would have become juggalos anyway.

It's true, Sup Forums is being manipulated by a dark cabal of memelords from Weird Twitter.

>I hate my people now and welcome Bolshevikism with open arms.
Wtf i love supposedly being manipulated by vague "state actors" now

I wish I was cool enough to know a FYAD dude.

People who dont agree with you arent brainwashed.

How the fuck is this place a Russian brainwashing center? Forget about the ShareBlue posts, I never see anything but negative posts about Putin. Non-The_Donald users seem to dislike everything he does besides bombing Muslims in Syria. Even the Russian posters seem to hate Putin for not being right-wing enough. If they're trying to make Putin sleeper agents, they could be a helluva lot better job of it.


Lol, there's no place "deeper" on Sup Forums than Sup Forums. Literally outside of maybe three or four boards, this entire site is Reddit now. Sup Forums is the last main stronghold left in a sea of shit.

A bunch of people moved to 8ch and wizard, but as far as oldfags on Sup Forums this is about the last place left.

That's why when stormweenies came here to defend Spencer after the Hailgate they were so successful.

Wtf OP, i'm a communist and Bolshevik now.

None of us are joking, Hitler did nothing wrong and the world would be a much better place if he won.

It might appear as a joke to you because you have only been here a week, but we are all serious, and right. You are the problem this retard was talking about in the OP.

wtf I love state actors now

>i dont mind being called a useful idiot. im more annoyed with the guy that swoops in to announce to everyone that he has indeed heard of the term 'useful idiot' before.
he's an "intellectual"

/r/the_donald was always a paid shill site. Only Sup Forums is a free exchange of ideas.