What's your excuse for not being part of ANTIFA, Sup Forums? Are you just that much of a fucking bourgeoisie scumbag?

What's your excuse for not being part of ANTIFA, Sup Forums? Are you just that much of a fucking bourgeoisie scumbag?

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You're communist marxist losers who will ruin everything if given the chance

Because I'm already a member of an alt right group. Me and my brothers already beat the living shit out of a couple of you antifa faggots at a protest that YOU turned violent and we will NOT hesitate to do it again.

Fuck off, Fascist

>The retarded bastard children of socialism
RWDS when?

I'm from a metal worker family

I aim to unite my country's working people against the non-working leeches and supporters of archaic theocracy and hang them from the street lights

They don't work and all the crime they commit is always towards the working class, the rich capitalists who bring them in never suffer from it, so they should die too. But not all capitalists do that, those who aren't actively shoveling shit on innocent people are good for the country.

Sup Forums.org/rules#global7
>Replying to a thread stating that you've reported or "saged" it, or another post, is also not allowed.

Hail to the Chief baby

Get fucked commie

>What's your excuse for not being part of ANTIFA, Sup Forums?
because I am a fascist

what are you going to do..
call the EU?

Sup Forums tier threads and spam are also not aloud you fucking mong

>bored middle/upper class trust fund kiddies who've been pampered their entire lives thinking they know the struggles of the proletariat and know what's best for them

>joining (((WALL STREET)))'s controlled opposition thugs

Yeah nah.


why do you this Sup Forums is a borad of peace and tolerance

free helicopter rides for all antifa

That there are no social and cultural movements to eliminate pride in any other race, and instead it's the opposite and other races are encouraged and celebrated for being proud of who they are, convinced me that there is an anti white conspiracy in the west.

I'm a falangist, and I think all leftists should die painfully.

You are the bourgeoisie. The face of your movement is scrawny middle class boys and fat pink haired girls yelling how it's unfair your useless college degree, that you got with your parents money, isn't getting you a job that will let you buy the newest I-phone when it comes out. You're a bunch of overprivileged children that threw away their opportunity and now blame everyone else for not being able to make it in life.

Meanwhile the working class people cheer as you get dragged away by the police.

I'd hardly call myself pampered. I'm working towards my degree, but I'm not upper class


leaf knows what's up

Fucking potato faggot. U2 are shit.


>Working towards my degree

See, you have the opportunity to go to college/university. The actual proletariat never get such opportunity. You are a middle class kid in uni talking down from your high horse to the plebs about how righteous your movement is. You are only sowing the seeds of your resent.


That gender studies degree won't feed the masses, Seamus.

Fucking potato nigger.


spotted aids Bjorn

I'm not white like you OP I wasn't a trust fund baby like you.I didn't have time to become a marxist ideolog . I had to get a job..

>Claims to be anti-fascist
>Resorts to physical violence to silence people who disagree with them, just like fascists.

I truly and most ardently loathe,despise and hate niggers and smug spic "women". I hate them for their victim mentality while they commit the most crimes. I hate them for sucking up all the benefits despite receiving the most incentive to work. I hate them for their naked racism that defends those of their color while ignoring context and fact. I simply hate them and will happily volunteer to kill them all should we ever have real authoritarianism.

Antifa is simply useful idiots that hurt their own interests. White people must look out for white people more. Everyone not white is against us. A significant portion of our own people have been brainwashed against us as well. Though white women are more red pilled than many Pol members would believe.

We as a people need to stop being so cautious, especially when it comes to children. Welfare and various gibs are still available to whites with children. (((They))) have a hard time coming up with a reason to discriminate against whites there. We need to say fuck it more and just get as many white girls pregnant as possible by white guys and damn the economics.

We beat Fascists. We beat Right-wingers who want to oppress minorities!

Have you even read any Marxist literature?

It's not. It's a degree in Sociology with a minor in Feminist theory

Cromwell did nothing wrong

Anti fart?
No i fart a lot

>We beat Right-wingers who want to oppress minorities!
>By oppressing them
Sounds very fascist to me.

Because I'm a member of the actual white working class, and I like keeping every dollar I earn. You noodle armed commie fucks just prowl in packs, preying on those you outnumber for being guilty of thoughtcrimes. The fact that you don't see the irony of being a bougey cunt that attacks blue collar dudes while at the same time proclaiming to be on their side and speak for them is just another marker that you're an intellectually retarded child.

>t. former lefty now full on Me Ne Frego

I am not a mental midget or a tranny

I would literally beat you to death with a hammer in real life you faggot.

Because i like my white pride.
Why should i be ashamed of myself?

>Because i like my white pride.

Antifa are faggots and commies

Even in Columbus you faggots are limited to tiny "safe spaces" at Ohio State and CCAD. The liberal cunts with the embarrassingly stupid pussy hats and "nasty woman" t-shirts have more pull than antifa.

Guess we have a good candidate for a free™ Helicopter Ride®

Sup comrad

>Sociology with a minor in Feminist theory

You are exactly what I'm talking about. You are an overprivleged kid throwing your opportunity down the drain. One day you're going to graduate and because of your worthless degree (I should state sociology isn't completely useless but the humanities market is completely over saturated, thus it's effectively worthless) you won't be able to get well paying work. Then you're talking to start talking about how great Marx is, and shout at me for not paying my "fair share" while I'm fixing your toilets.

If you want to have a conversation with me do it fast because, unlike you, I have a job I need to leave for soon.

>mfw 9/11

Antifa is another shitty german invention just like protestantism, nazism, and wahhabism

Figures the squirming bastard wouldn't have anything to say to this: Looks like he's not a friend of the working class after all

Hang all violent criminals.
Low intelligence is a disease that must be put into quarantine.
Everyone has a right to a exclusive home except people who disagree with that.

We need the horsefuckers back man


I'm not even a Fascist, but I hate commies and antifa makes me cringe because it's run by rich white teenagers living off daddy's credit card who are generally blatant socialists or closet commies

>It's not. It's a degree in Sociology with a minor in Feminist theory

MYEAAHHH Cant make this sht up

hello /mlpol/

Oi I've got ten minutes so hurry up. Otherwise I'm going to assume you aren't responding to me because I'm perfectly describing you and you don't want to confront someone that knows exactly what type of person you are.


You're all losers, that's my excuse.


>A degree in Sociology with a minor in Feminist theory

Because i don't to be a Useful Idiot for the Bourgeoisie Scumbags.

Now please step into my Shower.

The Antifa is immunized against all dangers: one may call him a useful idiot, parasite, libtard, cuck, it all runs off him like water off a raincoat. But call him not a true member of the working class and you will be astonished at how he recoils, how injured he is, how he suddenly shrinks back: “I’ve been found out."

Because I hate antifa and ca'n't wait until you ACTUAL fascists deserve.

And yes, antifa are fascists.


The literal 50 per cent.
Kill yourself nigger

>Have you even read any Marxist literature?
I read more Marx last month to brush up than you've read in your entire life. I've read Marx's POETRY. I've read Marx's letters. I've read Marx's articles, I've read articles that Marx didn't even write but edited.

I've read more Bakunin than you've read Marx, and one page of Bakunin will teach you more about human suffering than reading the Eye of Argon sober. I've read Engels. I've read Trotsky. I had the terrible lapse in judgment to read Stirner. I started with the Greeks and made it about to Hegel before I had to quit philosophy forever because I was going to sleep every night with a glass of bourbon on my bedstand just in case I woke up wanting to shoot myself. I read Lenin's pedantic explanations for why establishing his totalitarian dictatorship was an essential step in the move towards the abolition of the State, and definitely not just a way to keep him well supplied with roast beef and suckling pig.

You know who I haven't read? Hoppe. Friedman. Sowell. Hayek. I sure as fuck have never read Rand. I don't bother exposing myself to right-wing ideology because it's all self evident. I've never had to have a right wing idea explained to me more than once for it to make perfect sense, but I had to read the entire amazon fucking rainforest to come to even the beginnings of understanding the appeal of Communism. I had to broaden my horizons to such an absurd degree that even when I shut it off I don't think democracy is a good idea anymore. My brain is like the floppiest roastie cunt ever battered by BBC on a black sofa, except old bearded Germans were the ones fucking me instead of niggers.

I've read Marx, you little faggot. Oh my stars and garters have i read fucking Marx, and it was the most colossal waste of my time I've ever indulged in. Never have I read a more content-free volume than the Communist Manifesto. Das Kapital was at least informative.

Maybe I am part of the bourgeoisie, whats it to you

Well Anti-faggot, I have to go to work fixing toilets and toasters. Because you didn't reply to any of my posts I'm leaving with the understanding that you're an overprivleged upper middle class kid that knows he can't get a job with his degree so you want "socialism" so you can leach off of everyone else's hard work. Learn to farm and google search where the nearest commune is if you love communism so much. Meanwhile us actual working people have jobs to do.

Apparently I live in an antifa zone according to a note on a nearby lamp post.

Send help.

There was two in my area and I carved swastikas into them

1. I am not rich upper class kid
2. I work for living
3. I don't despise and mock working class
4. I don't destroy working class property
5. I don't like to be on a corporations or government payroll


Why tf does Ireland have antifa, you're 95% celtic white ffs.

Good work, though.

>It's not. It's a degree in Sociology with a minor in Feminist theory

Wowow ok guys I get what's going on. When u spend enough time and money in something as useless as femanazi theory class you have to justify that by going out and arguing for it. Otherwise it would just be a waste of time and money :$


>went to university
Off to the gulag you go, same for your familly.


Fuck off, Fascist

Yeah, I live in the real world and learn about what the working class actually go through

Antifa are fascists, not me. "No u" isn't an argument. Then again, that's what I can expect from a retard.

I can't wait until the riots, though.

Wait so let me get this straight, you support diversity but beat up anyone and everyone who thinks differently from you? Boy you sure do suffer from an inferiority complex. Why don't you go to Europe or some other cucked country while people here who work for a living and stride for a better America stay here.

you realize that the "bourgeoisie" is just a made up word for jews right?


>learn about what the working class actually go through

And that's the problem you retarded potatonigger. You only have to learn it and then get to go home to a cushy apartment paid with either Daddy's or taxpayers money. You don't have to live it, breathe it, toil with it day in and day out. If you really want the "working class cred" cut all your financial ties and supports, get a manual labor job, and bust your ass to make rent. If you had any scrap of financial independence you'd understand why the working class never picked up communism.


>That gender studies degree won't feed the masses, Seamus.
>It's not. It's a degree in Sociology with a minor in Feminist theory
>Yeah, I live in the real world and learn about what the working class actually go through

Damn nigga, those stereotypes sure fit somehow all the time in :D :D :D

Sorry, I would like to join, but I'm not gay

gross, that purple haired slut is a 5/10 at best. is this the best example of a woman you betas can find?

Furthermore, the fact that you've completely avoided the posters from blue collar backgrounds calling you out for your shit only reinforces your retarded hypocrisy.

Cromwell did nothing wrong.

North shore antifa member Anthony burnham.
The meme's were not on his side.


Stop associating Mussolini to Hitler.
Hitler only allied him, cause he knew the Italians would ass rape him in battle.
Fascism is the opposite of National Socialism, which is shortened to "Nazi"

Simply being associated to him, got Mussolini killed by the end of the war

>Are you just that much of a fucking bourgeoisie scumbag?

UAF (same as antifa) support pedophiles, golbalism, and islamic terror. They wear the same outfits as skinheads (hoodies, black pilot jackets, etc) and are a rent-a-mob who use violence to stifle free speech.
That sounds like "fascism" to me.

You mean the alt right group with the dorks in skull masks?


I'm so stealing this

First, Fascism is based on a core belief of anti-liberalism and anti-communism and is very nationalist. Sounds like National Socialism-- right? The main difference is that the NS movement goes a step further and blames these philosophy's and all the other ills of the world on the Jews. Fascism is basically not anti-jewish and as a matter of fact had many Jewish members, including the grand Rabbi of Rome! Additionally, while they believe in the ideal of superior leaders rising to the top of government, Fascism is not racist.

Second; in the area of economics Fascism is based on more of a traditional form of socialism whereas National Socialism rejects traditional socialism as being just another Jewish swindle. The main difference is that Fascism is more rooted in an economic form of government while the NS movement is based on race and the folk community. While there clearly were socialist elements in the Third Reich these are actually closer to what we today have in America, with things like old age pensions and public health care. I have been repeatedly told that National Socialism uses any economic element that will benefit the people of their nation and is neither a left wing nor a right wing movement.

Fuck off Nazis. A Great Man was killed and had his reputation ruined, thanks to faggots like Hitler.

Commies and Nazis FUCK OFF

>What's your excuse for not being part of ANTIFA, Sup Forums?

I wasn't born as an autistic retard

I really really like this post.

>lives in "real world"
>has degree in Sociology and muh feminism
>trying to understand working class
Most working class people I know are hard as fucking nails and would beat the living shit out of a pansy like you. Fucking traitor.

Lmao nerd

>the Italians would ass rape him in battle
