I unironically want a war with the EU if they don't pipe down

We could crush beta continental manlets in a week.

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>inb4 overly defensive frog, kraut, and toothpaste posters

Sounds like fun count us in we will fight alongside our british brothers

I'm just itching for a fight with those continental cucks

I too would enjoy this. I'm getting real tired of Godless, gunless, carless, cum-guzzlers preaching the virtues of 100% taxation and supranational communism.


>all of eu vs UK

Kek are you retarded??

You have to factor in your burger brothers it would be easy win

how the fuck are you going to fight them, you are on an island. remember what happened the last time you tried to land on mainland Europe?

First strike should be a bombing campaign on Germany. Dresden and Berlin.

russia would be on our side


>wanting to kill other europeans while your country is filled with shitskins

Fat ugly britbongs with bad teeth couldn't even crush poland you dumb nigger.

Don't expect us to help you this time

What sort of negative consequences could you expect if you, hypothetically just nuked Dresden? Just to see what happens?

Don't count on us, Portugal or Switzerland. Other than that you are free to attack. USA will help France as always and u'll be fucked

i like brits

>filled with shitskins

We have less % of shitskins than you, which makes sense because Belgium isn't a real country.

Why would you help us, you would be the main reason for a war

At least they have a country

Who do you think we'll use as cannon fodder?

You call not having a london stock market and big companies already moving out to eu countries a success?

No france has lost favor

Portugal is our GREATEST ally. They can have spain as part of the deal.

We are gonna need a little slice as well for our troubles

we can wipe British isles off the face of the map if wanted to

Name a single company that has moved from London to the EU.

You're full of shit krautcuck

The LSE has shut down? Thanks for letting me know.

Spen? we are pro soft brexit and let you deals and things like that, also party and siesta land here, no bully, better blame Poland or something

Anglo sphere vs EU when?

Why would people talk about war when they have never touched a gun.

Only in your dreams

*rubs hands* of course young-master USA, we will give you the lovely lands of France.

You can join russia bro there is room

UK, America and Russia join forces and curbstomp the EU, that is my dream

Cheeky lil bastard, fucking green card American, thinks he speaks for the majority real white Americans

You Spanish are weak, untrustworthy homosexuals.

I look forward to slitting your throat while you siesta.

I'll help out, dad! :3


I thought the British and the Dutch were allies?

Germany talking shit to Britain after they lost 2 world wars against them. Shall we make it a third?

That works we can clean out achmed we got a lot of practice bombing muzzies

>The Reformation
>Thirty Years War
>Seven Years war
>Napoloenic Wars
Lad, we'd literally probably win.

I mean European Union Ivan

You can sit this one out

Kraut on vpn detected

>tfw that big lad down the road is giving you problems so you get your cousins around to better him

Fat bastard can't even reach round to wipe you own shitty arse

But you can enter in Spain in siesta time, too much sun 4 you John. we r safe during sietsta


Battle of Britain, bitch.

We took on an entire continent before and won.

>Against them

You mean against the UK and the other 20+ countries

Pic related.

UK doesn't need us. MI6 disables / commandeers France's nuclear capability... easy win.

Watch your mouth

I used to love britain, since brexit they went full autismo, well as usual they follow their americuck overlords

Just because you have no friends doesn't mean we can't call a few.

What's that old chap? You want some more weed?
Coming right up.

>Be German
>Never won a war

Pretty sure a massive percentage of our country would never go to war FOR the EU, let alone with a nation we've been very friendly with for centuries now.

So come and liberate us from the 4th Reich Brits, it'll be fine.

What's going on in this thread?

I would go to the U.K. seeking asylum whit all my family. We deserve a nice house in the English countryside, and at least 2000£ /month

Whatever helps you sleep at night Kraut.

>eternal Anglo wanting another war amongst white countries
wew lad

>nigels push for Brexit
>Brexit happens
>nigels realise they'll get raped in ass during the negociations
>nigels then want to start WW3
>letting nigels to have the right to vote has always been a mistake

Wanna be on our side this time?

...Doesn't Germany have more friends than Britain currently?
I mean we like both here, but seriously who do you have besides the US and us?
I mean all your colonies abandoned you since their chains were severed.

>You mean against the UK and the other 20+ countries

We have fifty States, bitch. Each one of them is stronger and more powerful than the EU combined.

Germany losing both WW2 turned out to be a very bad thing newfriend

>The LSE has shut down? Thanks for letting me know.
It is irrelevant, that's basically the same.

Germany is still occupied by Anglos

Its even more funny cuz its true

>Just because you have no friends doesn't mean we can't call a few.
Like turkish cockroaches

Yes you won the war, but you would have never won it without help.

why would two muslim countries go to war?

>Only fights us during civil wars
Swamp Brit pls

Frexit soon



We have the angloshpere, which accounts for a good 450m or so people.


We can also call on India since they owe us.

Trump hates spics and loves anglos

Not gonna happen tough guy.

How about we stop letting the jews manipulate us into killing a few million white Europeans again and steal a page from the marxists and have a good old peoples revolution where we hang/guillotine/burn all our political classes and bureaucrats so we can just be happy Europeans minding our own business in our own countries again?

dont think you have anything to laugh at 56% israeli puppet

Britain is only 80% white ...

>implying Norway can't defeat the US
Oh believe you me, Norwegians are ITCHING for a war with USA. They will fucking ANNIHILATE your dirty country. There wouldn't be a square meter of American soil that has running water, electricity, or petrol that isn't on fire, once their airforce and navy is done bombarding your defenseless country. Then, their army boys (they'd send the niggers and other mongrel races first) would swoop in, raping your women, and killing EVERY American pig shit they see. When Norway's done with you, they will have committed acts of genocide. Of course no one is gonna do shit about it

And 80% of their defense is funded by, who?

HSBC transfers 1000 Workers from london to france for example. Stay stupid, cheesefag that will work out for you I guess.

Don't know lad, aren't the Trumps from Austria or something like that?

basé ;)

Shouldnt you be helping your new somali and chinese neighbors move in?

Yuropoors are so butthurt and jealous of Britain that they'd side with a union whose whole purpose is to destroy European countries.

Pathetic. We must cleanse Europe.

based russia

Jesus this board is becoming more idiotic every minute. What a downhill since past couple of years

Slow down there waffles, that would never happen and you know it.

>I mean all your colonies abandoned you since their chains were severed.
Only Canada has abandond the homeland of their forefathers.

This is a copypasta, I hope.
>neutral socialist farmers
>defeat the most powerful nation on earth
My sides have exited the building

>hitler's birthplace
What did god mean by this

I think you might be doing that too


>At least 30 London-based finance companies decided to leave Britain to settle in Paris accoring to RTL Information

that's like a boxer in his prime fighting his mom's son
the US even pays their bills so that their socialism operates on the US dollar
you wouldn't even have to fight; pulling the funding would implode the whole continent


>Counting the Hundred Years' War as one war

>>wanting to kill other europeans while your country is filled with shitskins

Tell me about it, it's fucking embarressing. They will fistbump niggers and pakis, before siding with a German, while pissed out of their head sluring 'Two wurld wurs, n wun wurld kup fgt!"

1) Leave NATO. Convince the US and Canada to do the same.
2) Sign a non-aggression pact with Russia.
3) Open Gibraltar for Russian warships.
4) ???
5> Profit.