Brit/pol/ - Winchester Cathedral Edition

> Spain would not 'initially' block Scotland from joining the EU after Brexit

> Blue passports may make a return under Home Office £500-million post-Brexit redesign

> British 'implacable' in support for Gibraltar – Johnson

> EU wants 'divorce bill' settled first

> Revealed: How the Cabinet plotted to exploit EU’s fear of Vladimir Putin during Brexit talks

> Sturgeon Sticks with Timing for Scottish Independence Referendum

> What clues does Theresa May’s Article 50 letter give us

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British NatSoc.

Winchester > London

Think i got enough hobbies lads? What do you do apart from shitpost here and fap to traps?


got any good quotes regarding morality?

>17yo asylum seeker attacked by gang of drunken racist thugs in Croydon - arrests made

>tfw you went out last night to the pub with the lads (stuck to cheeky pints of lemonade and lime because I'm straight edge)
>tfw you come home and walk in on your flatmate (who was also out with her mates but has been drinking) lying on your bed kinda like pic related, saying "the heating isn't working in her room" and asking if she can sleep in your bed for the night
>tfw you've already told her six or seven fucking times that you're MGTOW

Starting to get on my tits a bit now, lads. I had to sleep on the couch last night and my fucking neck is killing me today.

>pakis battering a kurd
What's new?

> Spain would not 'initially' block Scotland from joining the EU after Brexit
But not before the brexit, they should apply after if they leave you, that was always the spanish posture, they want to stay or at least have a special deal and Spain said no


I am so in love with dobby

I just broke up with my bf over text
I want a tomboy gf

Winchester seems like it would be a good place to live.

STILL no Rimmer

British Army user still here answering questions

>implying there is a "true" time and it's not entirely a man made veneer for a dimension we can't fathom in any other way
Fucking idiot, can't wait till he gets stabbed for riding his bike like a racist.

Went for a walk down my local town centre for the first time in a few years and christ what an absolute state it's become now.

Could also be blacks or pick n mix.


Afternoon lads



Video games aren't a hobby.

Support your local pub today, before the stinking, slimy mudslimes have it shut down and turned into a mosque or kebab shop.

>"Leave Brexit to me."

What a disgusting little creature.

>pakis battering a kurd

>Police are investigating whether the gang had been drinking in The Goat pub in Broom Road prior to the attack




No refugees will actually want to go to Scotland, they'll go to England instead.

Scots complain about the English being right wing and racist but if foreign people actually went to Scotland in any sort of numbers (their largest minorities are English, Irish and Welsh) they'd feel that way too.

Fuck Scotland

That's shit. Complain to the council. Everything around here is always getting upgrades. They're repaving the roads and pavements just now.

article fag from previous thread:

new intro

Before starting, I want you to ask yourself, “am I leading a good life?” Think carefully and honestly. Think about your happiness, health, and your effect on others. Are you having a positive effect on those around you? Are you making the most out of your own life in a positive manner? Think carefully, think honestly.
Most of you would of course answer “yes”. But is that necessarily the truth?
It is an answer to be expected, everyone likes to think they are leading a good life, everyone likes to think they are having a positive effect on others, everyone likes to think they are improving themselves, and by extension the world around them.


>tfw I moved from Winchester to London

No I fucking hate my life and want to die


sorry i missed the last sentence

>So then why do you feel vaguely unhappy? Why is the world such a terrible place? If we are all having a net positive effect, why isn’t it working?

Yeah that's fucking great and all but are YOU leading a good life when you're acting all superior on a Mongolian lithograph forum?

>best place to live in UK
Fair enough. Makes sense.


Interesting times.

This is way better. It feels like you're actually setting up your argument here, giving some pretext to it. It also starts to dig in to the reader's views of themsen a bit which is good.

because I have the chance to push morality man politics onto stupid yankee students for a laugh

nice meme


What do you guys think of /u/multiplebrexitounds on r/ukpolitics? Bit of a lad am I right?

Planning on doing so. It's a fucking shame because this town is meant to be an important historic market down but now it's full of Polaks and Turks, graffiti everywhere, bus stops smashed and litter everywhere.

What magazine/paper is it?

thanks, I put a lot of effort into it


>haha this is all a big joke to me

Ah okay yet another memeposting child.


>"Thirty-five-years-ago this week, another woman prime minister sent a task force half way across the world to defend the freedom of another small group of British people against another Spanish-speaking country.

>"For visitors lucky enough to receive a personal tour from the PM around Chequers, she pointed out a certain desk and uttered what must have seemed rather ominous words: 'That is the chair I sat in when I gave the order to sink the Belgrano'.

Based Lord Howard, war with Spain when lads?

some user in another thread edits a yank student paper and was totally sick of all the bollocks people were submitting, and was asking for ideas on how to bring it down.

obviously submitting articles is the best way.

Who /JamesBond/ here?

Winchester is too expensive, I live in Beastleigh

>i can't have fun because everything i do must be 110% serious my name is christopher hitchens please obey me

Shut up you nob. You're on a Hungarian wood polishing forum.

Got a link to the paper website? Then got a link to submit?


>implying modern James Bonds aren't Pakistani manlets living in huts

I'm watching it on ITV+1



Something similar to this actually happened to me a year ago
>4 days of 9 hour shifts in a row
>Come home (1 bedroom flat) tired as fuck
>See girl knocking on my door, ask her what she wants
>"The hot water in my room isn't working, can I use your shower instead?"
>Just want to go to bed so I don't want a stranger in my room while I'm asleep
>Tell her it isn't working in mine either (it was) and that she should ask someone else
>Makes small talk about how the flat sucks and that she really needs to move out before she goes

I didn't realise that I'd fucked up until a couple days afterwards. I still think about it sometimes when I'm lying awake in bed

Obviously a 6'2 white guy infiltrating muslim terrorists wouldn't work


its a student paper for a yank uni.

he wants 750 word articles sent to:
[email protected]

>I live in Beastleigh
Is it really full of NEETs? Someone told me it was. For some reason that's all I remember about the place, off the top of my head.

Who /Formula1/ here?

Do he offer any specific guidelines as to what things the articles should address or anything? What were his particular gripes?

I might write something but I just want to be clear on what and how I should write.

I think the distinction you want to make is between happiness and fulfillment, or flourushing as some put it. The greek concept of "eudaimonia" being conflated with the pursuit of Base pleasure.

The stoics and Aristotle both viewed virtue as necessary for "happiness" but differed in that the former saw it as sufficient alone whereas in Aristotelan ethics it's the most important constituent but not sufficient in and of itself.

You can probably quote mine Aristotle (Nicomachean Ethics in particular I think) and you might want to look at Marcus Aurelius' Meditations.

I'd be more helpful but it's been a long time since I've read either of the two and I've never really looked at any other Stoic writings.

Wtf, sounds like you need a lot more CCTV to catch the filthy little vandals. We got lots of new flower pots with little signs saying which local business contributed, donated them and bins every few yards. There's usually a street sweeper a few times a week as well. Usually see him talking to people though, with his little cart because there's no litter for him to clean up ...

lads the fucking merged boards are still going on

Also, did he say anything about whether you can include pictures? Liberals are exceedingly visually stimulated, so pictures would help a lot.

nigga you be delusional.
>4 days of 9 hour shifts in a row
that isn't tough, you're just a pussy
>See girl knocking on my door, ask her what she wants
>Just want to go to bed so I don't want a stranger in my room while I'm asleep
if you didn't know her she didn't want to fuck you.
she was just being overly informal because she needed a shower or wanted to scope out your place to rob you.

I think this is honestly the price the town has paid for housing over 30k people compared to the nicer outlying villages of

David Davis said immigration won't actually go down after we leave the E.U and could actually go up



not really, he was just complaining about the absolute STATE of the articles people were submitting.

One of them was about the different fake swearwords people use

he was asking for pictures to sneak in yeah

Could. It won't.

It's not as bad as some people say but there are a lot of single mothers and chavy people around. It's not as bad as places like Gosport or Somerstown (Portsmouth) though.

>mfw the snp will soon complete the deck

I have an SNP MP.
I have an SNP MSP.
The SNP are set to take ALL of the councillors in my ward.



They're only mistakes, user, if you don't learn from them. If it's any consolation, we've all done shit like that.

>Daniel Craig is 5'10"

But seriously, The Guardian had an article a few months back with a guy who was an actual spy for the KGB and it's a fucking horrific existence. I mean, if it were actually about staying in casinos and shagging models, it would be brilliant and worth it but it's basically mundane as fuck 99% of the time - a normal life but a normal life where you can't talk to anyone about anything.

It's a good read:

Pic related: why we should be hasty about throwing all the Poles out without checking them first.

Can they at least not be muslims then?

Perfect. Might get to work on writing something, just gotta figure out how I want to approach it, what particular issue I want to tackle.

imperium desu

Sturgeon needs to get fucking slotted.

>wake up at normie time
>feels like 6pm at least
>its only 2pm

I know she didn't want to fuck me, but that doesn't stop me from thinking WHAT IF every time.

cosy british toad

I'll happily put something in her slot.

Dagenham Dave blown the fuck out


Britbong, where do I have to go to get that?

>old fashioned razors take ages of preparation and fuck you up if you make a mistake
>new razors last one week of shaves and then you have to pay £20 for 3 more blades
>electric razors leave you with a sandpaper face

How do you shave in the morning lads I still haven't found the perfect method?

Stop being homosexual.

Any kebab shop in the West of Scotland.