SJW's flipping out at Trans-Racialism

SJW's flipping out at Trans-Racialism.

>claim gender is a social construct
>your feels alone determine your identity
>Rachel Doležal identifies as trans-black
>flips out
>muh race has biological foundation
>it's a hereditary thing

Are they digging their own graves now?

>Not filing out equality forms with

Kuwaiti transsexual national from a white-Polish race descent

> Get on my level

If race is a social construct, I don't understand why a blonde, blue eyed guy can't claim to be black.

>race is biological
>race is hereditary
>race isn't a social construct
This is the true argument. Anything else is doublethink.

its a self-cannibalizing culture

constant competition to one-up each other, and theres no consistent logic, so they keep arguing amongst themselves

give it a few more years, and all the moderates will be gone, replaced by extremists retards who are too absurd to be taken seriously by anyone

(like, even more than now)

this is a very well-put and succinct post, thank you.

The thing that worries me is that they say such dumb things it makes a lot of regular people so mad that they react in a way that normies think validates sjw insanity and women.

gender has biological, genetic determination as well LOL

I hope they keep going down this road because it's gonna be so much fun to watch.

Why are nigger women so disgusting?

Even worse is knowing is that coon is bald and wearing a giant disgusting wig

This "individual" in this video is a transgender

Well they teach that race is a social construct, so she's really just lining up with what they've been taught. No biggie

Not my argument, but transgenderism is supposed to be about having a different frame of mind. Someone born as a man might feel he's more like a woman, so he transitions. Its different with transracialism. There is suppose to be no difference in mind between races, because over course thats racist, so there is not need to transition to a different race.

Of course these can be easily debunked aswell. As said, its a delusional, self-cannibalizing culture.

>Are they digging their own graves now?

They have been for a while now. Watching the left implode, morally, ideologically, and now politically has been immensely satisfying to me.

Wait what that niggress was born a nigger?

>gender isn't somethhing biologically inherited from your parents
>you literally inherit an X chromosome and sometimes a Y chromosome from your parents

>Bixnood trying to look like an intellectual


Why do leftists need other lefties to tell them how they think?

>trans black
>trans white
>pic unrelated

has anyone ever gone "full circle" going MtF, white to black, then transitioning back to a white male?

They hate whites. That's all there is to these people and the entire field of (((sociology))). If this lady were latino trying to pass as black and became head of an NAACP chapter she'd be celebrated rather than demonized. There's logical consistency in what they do when you realize it's all based on denigrating whites and nothing else.

Kind of like the "red pill" desu.

how do people study race and learn this SJW shit yet somehow manage to ignore all the Sup Forums race stuff?

>it's a hereditary thing
>but open your borders because we're all human

what about Talcum X

Their brains are trained to shut down when they encounter it

"Ugh, I can't even..."

The real question is, why aren't we raiding the comment section calling her out on these contradictions? I did my part. What about you?

Discussing IQ, impulsive behaviour
>Race is a social construct!

Discussing identity politics, gibsmedat, racism
>Race is real yo!

Founding fathers thought the same ;)

Nah, there'll just be a spectrum of lunacy and how far people are willing to go.

It's like here, you have "sjws are crazy" to "races are different" to "homosexuality is evil" to "jews did 9/11" to "the holocaust didn't happen" to "but I wish it did".

There will be people who believe in some of the crazy shit but not all.

The entire IT dept where I work did this when the HR hambeast sent out a diversity form

Lets see the pics of Kat as the man he really is, the fucking freak. .

I love watching leftists tear themselves apart and eat one another!

OOOooh, THATS why she has a job.

proud lithuanian woman of color

>Races are different is on the spectrum of lunacy