Why is pedophilia illegal if all parties consent, including their guardians?
Why is pedophilia illegal if all parties consent, including their guardians?
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Because a 8yo shouldn't be having sex, it serves no purpose and is gross.
A 15yo however should be allowed to fuck a 20yo guy.
Fuck off
Go back to /r9k/
But to answer the question, it's a matter of informed consent based on an established worldview. Children are barely aware of the framework of reality.
Fuck you
>if all parties consent, including their guardians?
I cannot object to that (I'd like a young wife with the parents blessing)
its the Government that made up that law
and that's probably based on dated "psychological" (or sexual) studies on whatever "consent" is or if their minds are "developed" enough to fully comprehend their own actions
then vilified and associated with the actual predatory, non-consensual creeps
Because of how our society is structured. A person should theoretically be able to live on his own before engaging in such activity. I know that's almost never the case, but even then a 18+ year old can atleast force themselves to somehow make a living. A kid is literally not allowed to, unless you live in China or India.
If you want to fuck 12 year olds, give 12 year olds the ability to own land, join the work force and vote as an adult can.
> but some adults aren't as smart as kids!
Either incorporate kids fully into the work force or you're just looking for sex slaves.
t. redpilled trap
Why should a 20yo be allowed that?
Because children under a certain age are incapable of understanding the physical, social and psychological effects that sex will have on them.
Fuck off, child molester.
that's why you get the guardian's permission as well
I'm fine with this
Protip; if you have to ask her mom if you can have sex with her you shouldn't be having sex with her.
Too hot. People wouldn't get anything done, because they would be fucking all day.
>Because children under a certain age are incapable of understanding the physical, social and psychological effects that sex will have on them.
This. Children can barely understand how to tie their own damn shoes and why to brush their teeth.
>b-but muh advanced child
>b-but adults are dumb too
The point is that children lack the ABILITY to understand the world around them and consent in general, and still have the potential to gain it with proper upbringing. Damaging them is not just harmful to society, but an insult to civilization's advancement as it is about at the level of animals to only care about the next hole to fill.
Stop making these fucking threads assholes.
>former Western civilization advocating to act like chimps
>missing link between bugs and mammals understands why not to fuck children
Mein gott, perhaps you'll join the EU yet!
>Why is pedophilia illegal if all parties consent, including their guardians?
Fuck you, Mr Epstein. Navy SEALs are going to raid your island soon.
Children shouldn't have a problem with my thin 14cm, but I guess a larger one can hurt.
The op was clearly dp'd as a child and thinks it's how things should be
It's not illegal
show me one verse in the bible that says it's illegal
the jews made it illegal to fuck the western nations up
>a 12 years old girl can be sexually active
>but it's illegal for her to marry
Hi FBI. Do you want to arrest some pedos here?
I can help you.
Because something something MUH CHILDREN blah blah feminism something something ABUSE blah blah my feelings da da da patriarchy and real men love morbidly obese curves
Because feminists didn't want to compete with young girls.
Maybe because you're a pedophilic trans degenerate and that we, in general, in BOTH sensible political spectrums detest it?
if you touched my daughter while she was growing up, i'd probably have to castrate you.
Teach her how to not be asking for it
Teenagers can have sex with each other and it's perfectly fine.
They just develop PTSD, bipolar disorder, anxiety, transgenderism, narcolepsy, pneumonia, epilepsy, blindness and AIDS if they touch the penis of someone older than 18.
Every feminist intellectual can confirm this with hard scientific fact. There's not real evidence for this, but it is scientific fact
>What if the child consents!!
>there's not real evidence for this, but its scientific fact
Well yes, rape is wrong user
I'm sure he's too old
also you're evil if you don't desire a fat saggy grumpy woman in her 50s and are more attracted to a lady in her prime post puberty age.
Don't care what anyone says, i'll get me a young wife.
ow the edge, rat
Why is murder illegal?
Children lack the legal ability to consent, which is good because it means banks and credit cards and (((other reprehensible individuals))) can't try to sell insurance to a nine year old.
I think some kids do develop a genuine interest in sex despite the witch-hunting, but their inability to consent is much better in the end.
This is a good question but first
What differentiates murder from honorably killing a foe?
Nice try, but I finished my streak before you had the chance to even type, burger.
However, a children can with no doubt determine his/her own gender and ask Dr. Schlomo to change it.
You know sometimes when you know you're not all right. it time for you kill yourself. Do the world a favor kill yourself before your curiosity ruins someone life
This will be the argument that is unironically pushed by pedos and shekelberg media soon enough
Okay so inlist to army or be wage cuck or drink water or smoke something.
No matter what you do , you are a good goy.
The socialists and feminists hate strong families.
Girls should be married immediately after their first blood. And if her daddy wants to do her before that that's his right.
>Because a 8yo shouldn't be having sex
Because you've been taught it's bad?
>it serves no purpose
Bonding the couple and being an enjoyable activity to do together is no purpose?
>Change gender without parent's consent
>T. Mohammed
>caring what a cunt thinks
You ask the girls father for her hand, dipshit.
Yeah, that's the fucked up thing. They'll say it's a horrible thing for girls to be married young but its great for them to slut it up. Fuck that shit.
I, personally, am only attracted to adult women in their mid 40's who have beautiful curves and are at the perfect age of sophistication for having and raising children. I just love the idea of having vastly increased risk of mental defects for my future babies and as a retard myself, I just have to reiterate how beautiful big women with lots of meat on the bones are.
I can't believe some so called "men" are attracted to children (aged 25 or less) who are practically dying of hunger (300lbs or less) and are unfit to settle down in a relationship (haven't had sex with several other men)
because a child can't consent. even if their guardians aprove.
Because the sexualization of children is one of the reasons we are in such a fucked up state. Kids brains are not fully developed, or capable of being mature enough to understand sex, sexuality or gender. Forcing kids to learn about sex younger and younger, has led to an upsurge in transgenderism, wierd genders (xi/xer/fuckoff) and gay/lesbians...which in turn leads to a fucked up adult who regrets their younger retardation.
Kids should be kids, without the worry of sex and its myriad of fucked up emotions.
Also, if you find anyone under 15 attractive,you should be castrated. You are a product of this shitty feminist society, you little sissy excuse for a male. Can't get it from adult women due to your aspergers retarded social skills, so you turn to humans who aren't fully developed. You sad cunt.
I'd like to display too bit I'm not good at it.
But I saw this girl on that show she's on and she's super cute. Too bad nothing she's been in looks like something I'd actually want to watch. Cute girls are nice.
When females reach puberty they should be put in sex camps for 3 months where any man (free of std's of course) can go and have sex with them. Father gets special first time right.
What did she mean by this?
>roleplay not display
Fucking autocorrect
That combined with American school's promotion and coddling of teenagers with their snowflake personalities is a big contributor here.
That's horrible. Arrangements should be made for a girls marriage when she's very young and she should be married immediately after her first blood. If her father wants to do her when she's younger that's his right.
>Also, if you find anyone under 15 attractive,you should be castrated. You are a product of this shitty feminist society, you little sissy excuse for a male.
Preach it, sister!
Fuck these stupid conservatives. Anyone who isn't a male feminist is a fucking pathetic male who can't handle a woman with meat on her bones and lots of sexual experience.
Fuck white men throughout all of history for being attracted to young girls. The TRUTH is that men are actually only attracted to adults (women 25
Just look at this fucking WHITE MALE ABUSING THIS CHILD
>if you find anyone under 15 attractive,you should be castrated.
Something like 90% of men subconsciously divert blood to their penis when they see a girl in the age range of like 11 - 18.
Like.. ugh.. I can't even.... Ugh...
Attraction to pubescent girls is pretty fucking normal. Acting on it is not.
If a girl has developed sexual characteristics and is clearly capable of breeding what logical reason would there be for a man to not find her attractive?
That doesn't make any fucking sense other than '15 is just arbitrarily the limit because I said so'.
That doesn't mean every dude who notices a younger chick as attractive is some creep predator kiddy fiddler.
You're lying to yourself and proposing violent solutions to convince yourself you're not in the same boat as every other red blooded hetero dude.
Feminism has done the exact opposite to what you suggest. It has told men that only girls over a certain age are attractive and no matter what their physical development anything younger than that is creepy and makes you a pedo. It has given rise to a society full of young girls abandoned to hedonism and promiscuity and men ashamed of perfectly normal attractions.
Stopping girls from naturally transitioning from a father to a husband at the proper ages (not fucking 25+ years old) has left us with crippled birthrates, rampant sexual activity amongst our youth and all kinds of fucked up deviancy.
It's not healthy to be lumping in healthy adult men with biologically sound sexualities with outright kiddy rapist. They're not remotely the same.
Look at the dudes face. The fucker is a product of inbreeding, the girl probably has a higher IQ than him.
There is no reason to steal a kids childhood, just because you are too socially retarded to find a woman to suck your microdick. Learn to adult properly.
>Unironically advocating for marrying 9 year olds to bearded middle-aged men
>Not a Muslim
Pick one.
Sage OP you or anyone who even remotely endorses this shit is degenerate so fuck off. There is no place this should be acceptable/ No child has even the concept of sex and it should never be instilled in them by some sick fuck like you
Should have elaborated on attractive/sexually attractive. Yeah, you can look at something or someone and find them or it attractive. But looking at a girl under 15 and immediately imaging them bouncing on your flabby gunt hidden cock....wrongy wrongness.
The fact that Muslims do it should be a fucking warning light to anyone.
Yeah man! Let those teenage girls slut it up with every fucking paki in town. Let them fuck their way into insanity!
It's cool because when they're in their mid twenties they'll be ready for you to have sex with yay!
Just look at her face
She's obviously suffering from severe mental issues just like the millions of others girls in history who were in relationships with older men.
No historians ever noted any problems but luckily today we have modern female psychology professors to enlighten these girls in these relationships about how they've been ABUSED and BETRAYED BY SOMEONE THEY LOVED and HORRIBLY RAPED and TORTURED and IMPRISONED.
Thank god they realise this otherwise they could have gone their entire life in a monogamous relationship without ever realising they were suffering so much.
>including the guardian
The guardian is there to protect and shield the child from the parts of the world that the child is unprepared to meet. Sexuality is one of those things.
Neck yourself for being a degenerate kiddy-fiddler.
This is a crap argument. People throughout history have also fucked goats. Doesn't somehow make it not degenerate.
Pretty simple solution to all of this. You ready?
If there is fluff on the muff, she is old enough. K?
>Also, if you find anyone under 15 attractive,you should be castrated.
Modern AOC is absurdly high. Biblical, Torah and Koranic AOC reflect thousands of years of wise practice. Young women are not infants. They are ready to breed when their bodies are ready to breed, and should be bred promptly and often, by force if necessary.
You don't have to graphically imagine it but if you see a girl under 15 and think 'wow she's pretty' you've instantly subconsciously made the admission that you'd fuck her if there were no strings attached. It's literally her sexual characteristics that are attractive and illicit that response.
Anything else is illogical dishonesty.
Muslims do it because we're too afraid to stop them and do it instead. Decent british young men should be taking those girls under their wing and creating stable families when they're that age... Not muzzies.
That's why we're getting fucking outbred 10 to 1. Feminism has made us all shit scared of doing what is biologically sound and worked for hundreds of years to create communities of stable, productive, happy families.
As a REAL MAN I personally don't date any woman who hasn't had sex with at least 3 coloured people before me, just so I know she's extra matured for my liking.
Only pathetic fucking virgins are attracted to children. I can't believe how pathetic the guys were who fucked my girlfriend before me. The pathetic morons couldn't even look after the children they left with us.
But at least my girlfriend is totally experienced with all that hot sex she had with other guys though. I totally hate the idea of having sex with girls who are bad at it so I only have lots of sex with big beautiful women who have lots of sex with other men before me.
Not sure how you found your way here, but fuck off back to Re ddit until you stop talking like a literal faggot
Pedos are gross.
t. Jamal Abdul Muhammad Mahmud Jethro
wew lad looks like we've got ourselves a good old libertarian thread
Get rekt gayboy. I've been here for ten fucking years.
Way to argue the point though.
>That doesn't make any fucking sense other than '15 is just arbitrarily the limit because I said so'.
Not when it comes to legislation. Having a "if she was ready" law like this would be a fucking nightmare
It's highly unlikely that the child will marry the pedophile, and multiple sex partners has adverse effects on women.
Those teenage girls should be living free and consuming healthy popular media directed at the youth like MTV and BuzzFeed, not having their minds poisoned by some sick pervert. They need to sexually develop themselves by legally getting gangbanged by a bunch of 17 year Olds when they're 14 because they drink and party every week.
How dare you suggest that these girls would be better off having monogamous relationships with responsible young men, you fucking rapist freak.
Stop this
Well yeah when it comes to it practically the law is the limit but it doesn't mean it's not normal for average guys to find some younger girls attractive.
Let me clarify that I'm talking strictly about girls who've undergone puberty. When I say 'young' I'm talking about developed girls not little kids.
All these days lying to themselves when they fucking know that if some 14 year old chick with a kicking bod walks past them that they instantly instinctively react by getting at least mildly attracted. If you don't your libido is broken and you have bad breeding instincts.
If you ancestors had waited for girls to be as 'ripe' as feminism has decreed you'd never have existed because every other red blooded dude would have pounded her first.
>Ban teenagers from marrying
>See! Pedophiles don't marry them!
>More sex partners has adverse effects
>Which is why the AoC should stay the same even though it causes most girls to have several sexual partners by the time they're even legal to marry
Canadian intellectuals in here
>Entirety of western society condemns pedophilia
Is that you Geoffrey Leonard?
>if you find anyone under 15 attractive,you should be castrated
>You are a product of this shitty feminist society
>excuse for a male
>Can't get it from adults
a good fraction of men would be castrated
aside from "protecting" the child, these laws only benefit (older) women
what is your definition for a "male"? I believe that producing the healthiest children is the interest of every "man", and younger women will guarantee this
I would have definitely settled for "adult" women in the past but this modern society damages and warps the mind, place and purpose of women in the family. I sure as hell would still look for a decent "adult" woman, but the chances of proper women surviving this onslaught intact is very small. I believe that re-teaching women is the only way to reverse the damage this "sexual revolution" has done to the West
I also don't believe that "children" should be taught about "sex" immediately
they should be eased into it after introductions to Biology and taught under the main purpose of procreation
I believe that this extra fluff concerning "toys" and self-pleasure has a hedonistic bent that has damaged its purpose as a solely for pleasure act
*into a solely for pleasure act
>using a very rare percentage of kids doing this to justify fiddling kids
your fantasies will never come true. Go back to the kiddie diddler Sup Forums threads please
but they can decide if they need to take hormones?
I showed my wife this graph and we both had a hearty kek because its so true. My wife has only ever been with me (close since junior high) and she adores that fact but every one of her friends who "explored and experimented" ends up posting long ass goybook posts about how all the good men are gone/chivalry is dead/single mothering is hard and we just fucking die laughing at the sheer stupidity of it all