Things that triggers the americans

>be burger
>can't drive real cars

manual transmission is overrated.
it's just a fetish.
now that you know, try to come up with quality thread of gtfo to plebbit

>Wake up
>Cant stand cause fat interferes with muscle
>Bean care taker puts me on my scooter
>Scoot away to kitchen cause personal hygiene is for Europoor
>Eat 6 gorrilion worth of calories and blame my damn genetics for my condition
>Bean care taker takes me to my hammer h3 benis inlarger
>Driving over homeless people cause they don't deserve the freedoms
>Clap and get hungry
>At Wendy's take away
>Order everything with double cheese
>Cant pay for it cause 15th credit card has been declined
>get shot
>Get mugged
>No money ultra premium health insurance

>be burger
>gets shot

>south korea
>can't defend itself against a poor commnist shithole that two times smaller
>sucks yankee dicks constantly

>be American marine
>proudly serve your country
>on a mission in the Eastern Mediterranean
>get bombed into oblivion by the merchant
>50 years later your country still kiss Jewish ass 24/7

Nepal what are you doing in Lebanon?

being a bitch to United Nations
sorry senpai, nothing personnel

Things that triggers the Eurabians

>Occupation of holy Mudslime lands in Palestien
>Attractive women
>The Right to Bear Arms
>Single family homes
>Cars bigger than a suitcase
>Open spaces
>Blowing up sand niggers
>Having an army
>Not being a commie

>be Jew
>be reviled

Lol, case in point, like pottery

I should have added:

>American Jews
>American-Israeli friendship
>The fact that their no-name country is not America's BFF but secretly wants to be
>Arabs losing wars

No its ok you bro tier and Hezbollah gives you frew hookers to not to talk while we fight each other

Lol, not by you, though.

Lots of people drive manual though

>personal hygiene is for europoor

literally the opposite of reality

>Mommy can you wipe mu butt
>Sure han
>Hurrrrrr *sharts*
>Good boy Daniel , you make big poopoo

It's why they have to have bidets everywhere. Water is a public resource, can't be using it up on showers.

We invented something in the 1950s called an Automatic Transmission
Now we can smoke and drink while driving.
Rest of world btfo

>Neo-marxist dreamworld with chinks, mudslimes and frogs
>mudslime defense minister

t. Mongoloid who cant into manual

My First car was a manual.

>Talks shit about Canada and USA being Marxist and full of Mudslimes while literally converting to Islam and adopting Sharia law
>Despite having memorized the Quran still can't tell the difference between a Sikh and a Muslime
>Makes fun of American military failures despite not having undertaken a single military campaign since 1945

Quiet on the bench there.

>not being able to smoke and drink while driving a manual

Do you have a pussy?

body odors because oh my god my fees fees will be hurt if everyone doesn't smell like artificial fragrances

burgers are literally middle schoolers

>Built wall along the southern borders, defends europe, nobody can enter illegally

>takes in 25k "refugees"

>Laughs at pasts

I fucking hate you reddit faggots go the fuck away or lurk moar.

Sage and report these kike threads used to perpetuate faggots like this guy to reply.

You know they still produce manual cars in 2017 in the US....

but they're all penalty boxes. literal poverty boxes yet somehow burgers are so poor that even those cars are too expensive to buy outright with cash so buyers finance a more expensive car so they don't look like they're poor.

>be American
>cut your son's foreskin off, because the Jewish overlords want you to be good goyims
>mock Europeans for keeping your foreskin, because you're too dumb to understand that you can wash it

Been using stick since I was 14 on the farm truck boss

Actually user it's the same like that everywhere really.

Manual cars = poverty packs with less features.

Luxury cars almost NEVER have manuals.

is that why you can get a prado land cruiser with stick in fostersland?

Hardly luxury.

oh right, the rest of the 1st world have executive cars with "poverty packs" while burgers are used to certain makes and cars being luxury no matter the trim

>Know anything about driving real cars

Pic related lad, enjoy driving your shit Opel

Top kek, having been to Hungary I would say they're better drivers than your average American.

I didn't even dare drive because it seemed so chaotic over there. But if they can survive like that then they clearly have more skills than us.

>Real Cars

I prefer manual trannies. They hardly ever break down and when they do it's significantly cheaper to get them fixed/rebuilt. Few people know how to rebuilt an automatic tranny and most times I've seen one go bad, they're shipped off to some special place that knows how to rebuild them.

But on a lot of models these days, you can't get a manual. Or it's the pleb-tier trim that has it, and if you want any sort of convenience or power, it's an auto for you.

Even high end sports cars are going with those gay DCT paddleshift electronically controlled trannies, stick shift is going away even there. Sure you can shift for yourself, if you want. But the computer is generally good enough. Why not just put it in auto mode and let the computer take over.

Cars will be fully automated soon enough.

>fully automated cars
private ownership of cars will be a privilege for only the wealthy

If you cant drive while smoking and eating food and drinking at the same time while driving a manual you're a disgrace to runden

Ameriacanfag here, Both my truck and my wifes car are manual transmissions. Try again.

Indeed, police will be fuming when they find out they can't ticket anyone to get up their quotas or catch anyone for drink driving.

I see people with manual cares all the time. At least try and make your reddit tier post a real stereotype.
>t. driver of a manual

they'll be coming to arrest you for thought crimes instead


My wife's son has a manual car. It's pretty neat, and makes me proud

That would be in violation of the NAP. I will kill them user.

A hungarian, József Galamb invented the gear box of the ford t-model and Eugene Farkas was the chief designer of the car, you may heard about that car.


Eh, I rented a Hellcat few days ago... I can't see how driving a 707hp car can be fun with a manual transmission ...

You are trying very hard to be edgy, huh?

Nuff said


>My wifes son

Because if their car doesn't get stolen then whose corporate cock will they suck?

t. autocuck who puts both hands on the wheel

Congrats Hungary its the ones thing your country has done other then get its ass kicked by Austria.

why can't i get a manual transmission with any of the fastest European cars?

Actually Hungary invented many things such as the ball point pen, the rubiks cube, Hydrogen bomb and a bunch of other shit.

This board is for the discussion of news, world events, political issues, and other related topics.

You answered your own question, modern automatics now shift faster than YOU can.

Tons of Lambo's come with manual

That's a Ferrari, made by Italians

It bums me out that I can't get a manual transmission for my truck anymore unless I want a toyota or nissan. Also the diesel work trucks for dodge makes them too.
>kinda sucks.

I shit post while drinking and driving in my 6 speed manual transmission BMW. You were saying?

He's mocking the previous poster for some reason.

>Drinking and driving

why do speedracer manualfags act like it's a huge achievement to drive stick? are they coping for their small penis and virgin status? i could teach my literally retarded brother how to drive one in 2 hrs


>Learning to drive stick is an impressive skill

Can only get manual on most trucks if you get the base model with the smallest engine. I just want a king ranch diesel with a stick shift.

but i can

Also why are the Leaf's on this thread so much more fucking based than the East Euro and Scandinavian shit right now?

Seoul will be reduced to ashes

>People who left Hungary invented things
>Hungary invented things

Only thing
>Only country beside germany that fought against the jewSA two times.

They won only because the ruskies helped them out