Explain, in a sentence, why this man is so based.
Jordan Peterson thread
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I don't really watch him but I like how he makes leftists and postmodernists so butthurt
Actually, use more than a sentence if you like.
Here's why I think he's based.
Do young men have good role models anymore? No. But Peterson is such a role model.
You can tell that Peterson is a man who was lost and confused in his 20s. It's pretty evident, from the fact that he switched between so many jobs. Also he is a man who has suffered from depression, which he has talked about on one of his television appearances.
But he sorted himself out. And he is a very successful man. He lectured at Harvard. He is now a tenured professor. He has been entrepreneurial, making money from his Self-Authoring Program (which was set up with some colleagues, not just him, I believe), and from a consultancy business he started (again with colleagues) to provide management advice, from a psychologist's perspective. And he does private practice which I'm sure isn't entirely cheap.
And of course he has a traditional family, a wife that he has known for 50 years (she says so in one of his videos - they grew up in the same town in Alberta), and I believe he has two kids, a son and a daughter.
He has succeed in life. He slayed the dragon, and he became the archetypal male hero - at least, for his family he did.
Best of all, though, is that he doesn't deny the truth. He will tell you that males and females are different. What professors DARE do this these days? And he's not saying it to be controversial - he's saying it because it's TRUE!
Great man, in my opinion. I don't watch his videos obsessively, but every now and then I sit down and watch a 5 minute clip of him speaking, and I think "shit this nigga knows everything".
The axiomatic presupposition that he is based is predicated on the idea, at least in Piagetian terms, that he's not a bloody radical left-wing ideologue
And that's THAT
There's a channel which uploads 5 minute vids of him, they're good. Here's one on social anxiety:
You might think "social anxiety, what a gay subject". But he is brutally honest about it - he says how if you're socially anxious, it's because you're low on the dominance hierarchy, which interferes with your sexual success.
He is simply a classical liberal man who is standing up to the crazy-left SJWs because he is reasonable and rational.
He walks a perfect line between rational, scientific enquiry, common sense libertarian values and just enough metaphysical theory so as not to become a tinfoiler
He's fucking awesome and his popularity is gaining massively by the day (just look at his Twitter/Youtube followers and views).
Yet another pathetic attempt by SJW's to ruin a "fascist" that only serves to bring massive attention to their cause and gain them countless new devotees
Can't wait until the SJWs find another top tier professor for me to binge listen to.
He is the father figure society tried to deny us.
But we found him in the chaos of the fray, nonetheless.
The dragon attacked him and so we clad him in the armour of our time (memes), revivifying him in the process.
Damn - I've watched a lot of his videos and I'd never heard him say that about social anxiety and the dominance hierarchy. Note, he says, /in that party/, not that you're necessarily a complete loser. Though of course dominance 'transfers' somewhat.
Also, 'never talk to the group'? I've really never seen that. I've focused on MoM, not his personality series I guess.
He's the typical man everyone on the right tries to push, and rightfully so: he is the quintessential good man.
He has a good family, a good job, is a consumer (but not an avid and rapacious one), and even teach others to follow-up on themselves.
I guess he's probably the definition of "centrist", politically, because he points out the flaws in both extreme left wing AND extreme right wing thinking.
But obviously he is more focused on the extreme left wing right now, because that is the side that appears to have much more influence within society right now. The extreme right wing, of course, is underground and taboo. Whereas the extreme left wing is openly courted in universities.
True. Gad Saad is also quite good although I haven't watched much of him. Peterson I think is the best because he is tackling the most important, the meatiest issues of our day, I feel.
I think Peterson should have more of a platform on public news and stuff like that. I think there are a lot of people who would respond to his message.
Jej. Exactly that.
I mean, the way I think about it is that, as a human (and especially as a male, since males are biologically more disposable), you essentially have two choices: a) make your peace with the compromise that is society, and try and do the best within it; or b) reject all of these rules and either get yourself in prison, and take your chances there. Or I guess c) kill yourself.
He realises society is a compromise for peace, which is why he always talks about negotiation. And it's why he's so sceptical of any utopian ideas.
>I guess he's probably the definition of "centrist"
no, the other guy is right, he's a cIassicaI IiberaI.
I remember he said once that he heIped the party that's in power currentIy in Canada (the Ieft Ieaning one) when he was younger because they used to represent and heIp the workers, but now they don't and he hopes they'II go back to that.
That being said, he is against both far wings of poIitics.
I just think it's so great, because what other psychologists would talk about it in those brutally honest terms these days?
I went to a doctor myself for """social anxiety""" (which I hate as a term these days) when I was 18 or so, and I went to a counsellor at university (out of my own choice. It was free so I thought fuck it.) That counsellor was really cool; he, like Peterson, helped me see bigger ideas and themes in my thoughts.
But he never put it in terms of "dominance hierarchy" and "sexual success". But I think it is fantastic to hear it in those terms. Because it's TRUE. It's not just airy fairy bullshit of "well everybody has anxiety!" or "nobody's thinking about you, they're thinking about themselves!" or "just be confident!" - all those bullshit answers.
Peterson's answer actually has SUBSTANCE. Something that is lacking from today's mainstream, bullshit ideas.
Exactly. And hopefully soon, mainstream society will revivify this idea of what a man should be too. Because it benefits all of us.
The last time that happened, though, was the 1950s; which obviously only happened as a result of the war. So maybe a big happening is needed first.
Well he used to support NDP too, which is even further to the left than the Liberal party, which is the one you're talking about (the main centre-left one).
The reason I consider him a centrist now is because he doesn't commit to either side. And criticises both.
I guess you could well call him a classical liberal, but I don't really see him talking about classical liberal ideas these days - e.g. letting people have autonomy over their actions, laissez faire economics, allowing them to make their own social choices and lifestyle choices.
Instead he emphasises the need for society (but not an authoritarian one), and co-operation. Which to me seem like centrist ideas.
I dunno these are all subjective labels. I'm sure he does agree with many classical liberal ideas. But I don't think it's the ideology that he's really pushing right now... but then again I doubt he would call himself a centrist either. Or any political label. I only call him a centrist because he is positioning himself bang in the centre, by emphasising co-operation between both sides, and rejecting the extremism of either.
You can criticize your own party and the other side without being a centrist. It's called not having a party line, and that is actually a good thing in politics.
Can someone give me a quick rundown on the 'rescue your father' thing?
Restoring the patriarchal figure and respect of elders, leading us to question bot conservative ways AND liberals'.
At least that's what I got from it, I could be wrong.
Obviously these labels are subjective. But in my opinion he fits the description of a centrist quite well:
>In politics, centrism or the center is a political outlook or specific position that involves acceptance or support of a balance of a degree of social equality and a degree of social hierarchy; while opposing political changes which would result in a significant shift of society either strongly to the left or the right.
He means the archetypal idea of "the father", which he says is manifested in many things: your own dad, as well as God, and these days (since religion has declined) in the state (the authoritarian functions of the state - such as law enforcement, and a standing military).
Whereas "the mother" is instantiated in your own mother, the virgin Mary, and anybody who displays nurturing and protective instincts.
Essentially "rescue your father" means "recognise the need for an authoritarian, disciplinarian voice in your life". But of course he believes in balance, so he thinks this should be balanced by the feminine.
Yup this is a much better and more concise way of saying what I was trying to say here: Jej
*Hand gestures intensify*
>t. leftist who can't comprehend what's a paternal figure since he's black
Just sort yourself out
Sup Forums think's he's based because he tells them to clean their rooms and read Jung,
Don't worry people will turn on him soon.