Time to take the gun pill?

I have long suspected that Swedish police has been carefully engineered to be useless. The following situation where four "officers" fail to control one person just confirms my suspicion.
Basically, I have come to realise that Swedish police chief Dan Eliasson is a Yuri Bezmenov-esque plant to demoralise and destabilise the nation.

So, is it time to take the gunpill? Getting a license for a shotgun is pretty easy, and having that in my home would make me feel a whole lot better. Because, when shit hits the fan, our useless constables will be indoors drinking coffee, and not protecting the people like they are meant to.

Am I going crazy, or is it time to take the gunpill? Any other Swedes in my situation?

how is a shotgun gonna help you against a grenade

Kanske om du bor i nåt utsatt område men om du bor ute på landet så vet jag fanimej varför du skulle vilja ha ett hagelgevär... kommer ändå få skit för det...


isn't it super easy to buy a grenade off of a "refugee"?

Sweeden Yes! Into guns

>So, is it time to take the gunpill?

You're late, but better late than never, get it now, and get lots of ammo too

Living far from great cities is also vital when shit hits the fan.

A shotgun will be useless if you live in middle of Stockholm for example.

Everyone in the uk is a beta gunphobe fag. The site of a gun gives people an opertunity to virtue signal about how guns are bad. Anyway get a gun and start killing sjw's. I'm going on the deep web to get me some ar-15

I thought deep web gun shops were all just police fronts? Do you have any legit .onions to share?

I like where this is going.

Getting muh popcorn for this one.

rolling for civil uprising

>Refugee breaks into OP's house with every intention of taking both anal virginity and his life.
>OP blaps rapeugee with shot gun as he yells "you can't have this booty!"
>Cops show up
>"Refugee was a victim too!"
>OP is now serving 2 life sentences in Swedish prison for racist racists.

Rape isn't a crime if you're black I guess.

Was riding the subway in stockholm a couple of weeks ago and saw 2 young female security guards. Made me think, physically i could or any other average sized man could take them both down at the same time. They won't use their tazers assuming they have them at all.

Which means they're essentially pointless. The only reason they've become security guards is that they think nothing will ever go wrong. Which would be a fair assumption if this was a couple of years ago.

dear god man yes
if ANY of you have an option to get a gun and haven't.. you are the biggest ,useless cucks that has ever graced Sup Forums
there is NO reason not to have the greatest self defense tool ever created, especially in this time of "lets paint every white person as evil"
This is not a joke or laughing matter
It is coming and you don't want to be unarmed when it gets here.
if you're worried about accidents then take a class or do some safety research on the web

Dude get a fucking gun. I just got one a few months back and the paperwork was a hassle in my state but it feels fucking awesome owning a gun. Every sane person should have one. Period.

Å andra sidan så kommer det ta en bra stund för en beväpnad polis att ta sig dit om det nu skulle ske att man behöver ett gevär.

Better than being dead, Swedish prison is probably comfy af

Ja, men om du använder det så är det du som kommer åka dit.

Så är det bara.

Niggers, Arabs, and jews fear the shotgun, user.


I wouldn't even be afraid of going to prison in Sweden