
Nazbol isn't bad

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>Take the worst of Nazism combine it with the worst of Communism
Russians are the edgiest people on the planet

National Bolshevism actually started in your country, m8

the fucking nerve

>He was released in 1945
Fucking hell all of the shitty consequences of Germany losing the war.

what's wrong with Nazbols?


Nazbol's are more sound in their ideology than the faggot capitalist liberals that hang around here.


remove the savage finns and it's perfect

The retarded version of strasserism

Should Saamis also be removed?

>We need to finish them off
B-but it's you government that cries muh oppression whenever some faggot group gets persecuted. They were in bed with Kasparov and Kasyanov.

>before they gain traction
They are in decline if anything.



Yes pls, we are not cucked like u

i didn't mean finns should be removed from finland, more like finland shouldn't be part of the union, we will take Ă…land tho.
Samis can be put in some kind off reservation, i think it could bennefit the cultural heritage of northern scandinavia too keep some off them around

You're not much better

>Not knowing nazbol
You need to read up on your memes pal

Atleast we dont get burned cars and nigs exploding grenades every weekend

get fucked.

Kill it I like democracy with my communism

If Finland was annexed into the USSR as a Soviet Republic, it wouldn't be cucked by liberalism or capitalism. You should've joined the rest of your Finno-Ugric brethren

you're not wrong


russia is a nation of dumbfucks



/leftypol/ go back to your 8fuck shithole


I did not even know of leftypol until now. Funny how lefty pol is obviously pro communism that it makes even more sense that normie lefties tend to lean more communist too.