POLDER FvD strategies


>official website
>Thierry Baudet on Business Class (2/4)
>Thierry Baudet presents members of his FvD team (30/3)
>small message from Thierry Baudet and Theo Hiddema to all FvD voters (20/3)
>Thierry Baudet having to defend himself once again- RTL Late Night (21/3)
>Thierry Baudet playing the piano - RTL Late Night (21/3)
>Theo Hiddema on Businessclass (19/3)
>Thierry Baudet on WNL (19/3)
>FvD: The Return of the Kingmaker
>Thierry Baudet - NPO Oikofobie (remix)

Other urls found in this thread:


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Which one is the real one?

So I'll respond to the point some user made in the previous thread.

>There is an astonishing number of Jews at the heart of the globalist agenda and doctrines subverting our western way of life (which might be entirely coincidental, but one cannot deny the trend

Absolutely true, and I'm not saying it's coincidental: it's not. But you have to realize that these are the Jews who are the first to condemn and hate Israel too; Een Ander Joods Geluid, the PvdA Jews who continue to support the party as it has taken an anti-Israeli turn, etc. Highly educated left-wing Jews in the diaspora are terrible and big pushers of progressivism, globalism and open borders, it's absolutely true. I'm a right-wing Jew and I hate these people's views myself.

But the real Israeli right is not like that, the Israeli people are not like that, and many ordinary Jews in the West are not like that either. I understand all too well how you have arrived at your conclusions because I agree with much of the assessment on which it is based; I also think Jews who are "on the right side" in this should do more to speak out. But know that there are huge differences on this within Jewish communities, both internationally (diaspora vs. Israel) and nationally (because there are Jews like PVV MP Markuszower, not exactly an open borders pusher, and me too).

Lastly you shouldn't underestimate the extent to which our own Dutch businesses have pushed for open borders and Muslim immigration. It was not "the Jews" but rather big businesses, KVP and VVD that let in the "gastarbeiders".

this one seems more full, but idk there are 2

>mgw KVP en VVD de gastarbeiders geen maximale verblijfstijd gaven


>Thierry and Theo voted PVV before they started FVD

>Both wanted to join PVV, but Bosma had a better plan

>FVD already had a big win with the Ukraine referendum, so they had momentum to steal disappointed VVD-voters, who think Geert is socially unacceptable

Remember, the vote of a tokkie is equal to the vote of a Latin-speaker

This one obviously /DENK/ dankness

This and also this is why I remain neutral on the JQ. I just want me and my people to be left alone. I might even be willing to ally with Israel in order to remove this globalist cancer from our European societies.

/DENKness/ ????

>but Bosma had a better plan

Indeed. If I invite guests, I'll make sure they leave too. How fucking retarded can you be to give them Dutch passports and have them get their families here.

And as much as Jewish leftists have done wrong, it's Dutch politicians who made these decisions.

>Dutch politicians
I think i will have a look into their past, see if there are no jewish ties

My bad. I made the other one because my ctrl+f "/polder/" didn't work. I don't generally make threads, I just post in them.

bottom right corner of ur thread click on delete maybe that works idk

Many of them were commies and influenced by the Frankfurt school. Which, coincidentally, was full of Jews.

You'll probably find some Jewish PvdA politicians, but the KVP and VVD politicians that made these decisions at the time definitely weren't.

I did

>both wanted to join PVV

Source? Never heard this

Politicians on the Dutch right in the 60s and 70s were no commies.

another made up lie by the left

I do know they both voted, but did they want to actually join in? Anyone got info on that?

You are like clay, easy to form

Bosma knows this, fool

they weren't no, back then we had the communist party for that

True, I'm sorry. That was a bit inaccurate of me to say. They were either influenced by shortsightedness and quick economic gain or by globalist doctrines, which are based on social Marxism in many cases.

You can ask them

Both have publicly expressed it

Vids have been removed on YT, will come back to hunt FVD upcoming election


I don't see why it's a bad thing per se.

>links populisme slaat toe
Why does it look like GroenLinks doesn't even WANT to join a coalition? I prefer the CU choice so that is ok for me tho, but still strange

Because they'll get slaughtered electorally if they enter a coalition with three economically right-wing parties. Of course Klaver doesn't want to join such a coalition. What's more, in a VVD-CDA-D66-CU coalition, D66 will bleed a lot of progressive votes directly to GL from people who don't like the coalition.


>Top neukende koek

D66 would love to have GreenLeft in the coalition though. It allows them to go full-on "progressive" without having to answer for it.

>mgw ik wil dat ze Geert toelaten maar alleen immigratie geven.

Dont pretend like VVD would really mind. Its pretty much a repeat of the Kunduz accord. Fitting name for such a shitty club.

>FVD already had a big win with the Ukraine referendum, so they had momentum to steal disappointed VVD-voters, who think Geert is socially unacceptable

Did anyone outside FvD and GeenPeil actually care about that referendum? Serious question.

Zouden ze toch niet hoeven in beide gevallen.
Linkse mensen zijn dom genoeg om te geloven dat het allemaal de schuld is van rechts

True, all VVD cares about is staying in power Clinton-style.

Well it did put them on the map, and the referendum had a serious question about EU expansion.

Nope, only after it became an issue

I care about the referendum being ignored by our political elites on both sides of the isle.

This was the issue
Rutte made the referendum an issue

Het is just om centrum/rechtse mensen niet te hard op de tenen te trappen of iig de schuld bij GroenLinks en het poldermodel neer te leggen.

Of course D66 would love it. But GL and their voters wouldn't.

>a serious question about EU expansion.

Which the politicians lied about and flat out denied. Gee, who would've thought.

So happy to see Ruttes VVD to return to power, with their european parliament coalition partner d66 no less! Full speed ahead fellow federalists!


You honestly think they'd prefer for their guys to be shouting from behind the sidelines? A wide leftist coalition isnt going to happen.

i love how D66 and VVD attack eachother in parlement and then work together in EU parlement

Tijd voor nog een corsendonk

Van Mierlo ligt te spinnen in zijn graf met Pechtold aan het roer van D66

GL would prefer to be in opposition this time to become much larger after the next election, yes.

>dames en heren, jongens en meisjes, het is tijd.

Better invest in some rejuvenating cosmetic surgery for their poster boy peasant then.

God that empty shell almost makes me miss van Oijink.

For what?

Truly incredible. I dislike Pechtold but at least he is the intellectually honest one.

pannenkoeken revolutie

de nacht pannenkoeken thread, wat anders?

>Intellectually honest
Yeah, no. He's a lying sack of shit who discarded everything D66 used to stand for

when he speaks i get rillingen all over my rug zo erg is it

Waarom wordt Thierry opeens als fascist gezien door de media? Wat heb ik gemist?

He's terrible, and he's done away with D66's crown jewels, but he's not even lying about it. He's honest. Much better than Rutte's populist bullshit to win votes only to behave like a Eurofederalist cuck in Brussels.

share your best pannenkoeken memes


je hebt gemist dat de media een linkse paniekaanval kreeg

Well you already posted my meme :(

>there were talks of revolution...

I think we have different definitions of "honest".

Sinds wanneer zijn ze verschoven van Wilders naar Thierry?

honest as in twisting words and make promises made out of wind?

Soon, maple syrup and pannenkoek will reunite to form the sweetest alliance of all.

sinds steeds meer mensen shiften van Geert naar FvD, Geert krijgt er ook nog wel van langs, komt goed

maple syrup > stroop

Pechtold is terrible. His predecessor Boris van der Harm on the other hand is surprisingly decent, heads the Humanistisch Verbond and actually made a documentary about disbelievers in the islamic world:

youtube.com/watch?v=EKLxfitPtE8 (trailer)

youtube.com/watch?v=kPkDpd1yelM (full movie)


One of the best, non-propagandist movies I've ever seen on our public broadcaster.

Im going to Amsterdam in October. Im finding it much harder to find medieval stuff over London

Im curious if the Dutch view Amsterdam as a Vegas or Sodom and Gomorrah

>Im curious if the Dutch view Amsterdam as a Vegas or Sodom and Gomorrah
Yes, we do.

It is as international as London, tho the city center is 17th-18th era stuff. U got the Fort at Hoofddorp which is really cool (very close)

I consider Pechtold's lies by omission and flagrant disregard for the very principles of his party plenty dishonest desu. We all know Rutte is a rat.

I'll have to watch that one

When the ship sinks the rats are the first to flee, we will see it when the EU collapses in a few years

>maple syrup and pannenkoek
Had that for dinner at my pannenkoekenhuis..I highly recommend trying it!

>maple syrup > stroop
I like them both, stroop is a nice change from maple syrup

If you want Dutch history and culture you should visit Leiden or Maastricht desu.

Neger wat, heb je al eens echte goede stroop op je pannenkoek gedaan? niet die slappe pannenkoekenstroop maar échte stroop van een boerderij. Neger die shit is geweldig.

Come to my hometown Leiden, i can see you around if you want desu

Telt de pannenkoeken boerderij? Wij hebben geen boerderijen in de randstad

Ik raad aan dat te combineren met banaan. Banaan en stroop zijn de combo van de weledelgeleerde heer.

Als je nog een studentenkamer over hebt, dan hoor ik dat graag.

ik woon bij me ouders tot me hbo af is hahaha daarna gaan we pas weg, niet te diep in denbts komen

waar kom je zelf vandaan dan?

It's not that exceptional. It's got lots of prostitution but one of the biggest losers in our recent election (Lodewijk Ascher, heading the social democrats or PVDA as they're called) closed quite a lot of windows back when he was still in city politics there.

His plan was not to help vulnerable women stuck in the sex trade but to put hip young artists/businesses there and improve the overall image of the red light district for the rich voters/party members living (near) there. Of course this failed spectacularly.

No worries though, you can still find plenty of hookers, weed and psychedelic truffles there just a bit less then before.

Theo zat toch bij de PVV?
Thierry wilde eerst niet eens de kamer in dus dat is wel een leugen

Ik ben nog wel een jaartje of 10 aan het studeren, dus schulden krijg ik toch wel. Geneeskunde duurt lang.

Arnheim, dus dat is wel een eindje weg.

>Theo zat toch bij de PVV?
Nee, was een uitgesproken sympathisant.

>dvw je in duitsland voor maar €500 per jaar kunt studeren

Hij steunde maar zat er niet bij


pokke eind weg idd, iig wel een degelijke stad

Im not interested in the debauchery. More about history

Something like the tower of London or the catacombs.

>mgw studeren in Schotland GRATIS is

Met gratis culturele verrijking goed mogelijk vers van het strijdtoneel!!

>iig wel een degelijke stad
Goeie mop. Het is een arbeiders en allochtonen hellhole.