There are four industrialized countries, each with its own Australia-sized continent:

There are four industrialized countries, each with its own Australia-sized continent:

-National Socialist
-Representative Democracy

Assuming they all have an equal number of citizens and food, how long does each country survive?

Other urls found in this thread:

The Christian one.

The anarcho-communist one fails instantly.

The representative democracy lasts for a good hundred years but eventually turns into an authoritarian shithole.

The national socialist one fails as soon as an idiotic asshole becomes the chancellor, so it really depends on how long they can keep it up.

The libertarian one survives because there is no massive state to sustain.

Undermined by leftists and degenerates the year it's made
>National Socialist
(((((Other countries))))) conflict with this country leading to it's downfall
Literal oxymoron, it's like if someone made an anarcho-fascist society.
>Representative democracy
Eventually balkanizes. Thing about this one is it lasts the longest, but it will fall, like any other "democracy".

I disagree. The leftists and degenerates won't be a problem in the libertarian society; reminder that there won't be any Civil Rights laws. Therefore, businessmen can refuse service to anyone they want. Besides, that's a more cultural issue than a political issue.

Bumping with a saproling.

Oh, assume they're all Christian, I dunno.

Whichever one hits oil first survives the longest.

Anarcho-communist since there would be actual morality

what did he mean by this?

>Christian communists

Assuming the citizens in the libertarian continent aren't warmongering greedy slobs

Finally a good thread

1 week and they would be reduce to a few but after that they would turn into a small comunity stabilized.

they would survive for a single generation, the
people on power would desert to the anarch comunist island

anach comunist would live forever, that is untill the democracy and socialist islands starts to fuck up its economy

democracy would never work on a island sized without external factors forcing it.

National socialist: instantly becomes a dictatorial shithole. Last long but people are dead inside, a la USSR.
Anarcho communist: starves instantly.
Representative democracy: last some century before it devolves into a welfare state and collapses under its massive weight.
Libertarian: last forever.



That is what happens if Alice uses the 'eat me' pastry as a suppository




Until someone invents recreational nukes

>-National Socialist

Depends on military, but probably no more than 100 years


Until next winter

>-Representative Democracy

I'd give it 150-500 years


i wish anime was real

National Socialist will survive forever. It is the perfect system.

last time it survived for 12 years, nat-soc country needs enemies to feed on if they have wealthy jews in the country, they can do pretty well for 10 years, but once they rob & kill all the jews, a there is no one left to give them loans, they have to start war



>last time it survived for 12 years

I am in no way a Nazi, but the only reason it failed because it started a World War and got invaded. The country seemed to be doing fine. Look at Spain, it's dictator lasted for like 40 years.


Population: 120m
Homogenous white population (start)
Would succumb to natsoc republic, or democracy. Right libertarian is a very vague term.
The standard of living would be high, overall best solution in this scenario.
Literal oxymoron, would succumb to larger imperial forces
>representative democracy
Would become lAmerica

Considering as well they can't decide how to fund and use an army to defend themselves from centralized countries with huge militaries

Yup... guess what - they had no other choice, socialist countries need to rob, they can either rob its own citizens or rob foreigners, the nat-soc countries prefer the latter which means war sooner or later

> Anarcho-Communist

This shit is hilarious. While it is an oxymoron in a way I would say there are a shitload of people who think of themselves that way. Think of all the statist "anarchist" that call themselves Bernie bros. Another great example is that e-celeb from Burzum who fucking whines about wanting to be left alone but lives off gibs.

Why do they need to rob

Depends on how close they are to each other and what's in the middle

>Why do they need to rob

Because states dont produce shit, people do, so the large state needs to rob a lot of money.

>can make all of its own shit and is self sustaining. Needs to rob

t. Nigger

Assume there's a deep ocean basin between all four, about the size of the Indian Ocean.

Also assume that none of them have nukes but all four do have access to oil and steady wind.

fucking BRAAAP posting is the most stupidest shit on this board but I have no idea why it makes me kek sometimes


are they allowed to fight each other?

this is very important.

forever as long as leftist ideology is kept at bay
>National Socialist
until corporate inversion collapses the economy
>Representative Democracy
200 years

national socialist lasts the longest, followed by representative democracy, then libertarian, then anarchocommunist, which falls after 3 weeks

Yes. Their starting military tech is 1950s-tier, minus nuclear weapons.

>minus nuclear weapons.
its unrealistic then.

The Nazi economy was a sham. If you look at figures that can't be faked you can see that consumption of bread and meat was lower in 1937 than it was in 1927. The Nazis reduced unemployment, sure - by taking women out of the statistics and conscripting anyone who didn't have a job. That's not real productivity.

>imports 30% of its raw materials
>"self sustaining"

The whitest one

In a libertarian state, pretty much everybody would be armed. Good luck invading that.

>my small arms fudd guns will surely defeat the enemy tanks

Lol they just want legalized drugs and hardworking whites to pay for them and the food they need to survive.

-National Socialist
-Representative Democracy

The Libertarian country does well until an encounter with any other country and hasn't been dumping enough money into military and mind control tech.

Nat Socs take over the world. But in doing so end up losing the national part and forcing crony capitalism type socialism like we see now in the world.

Anarchy and communism are both failures of shit idiocy and completely at odds with eachother. Without state enforced communism it instantly collapses into chaos and mass starvation.

Representative democracy is subverted from within. The struggle with democracy is when the lazy people outnumber the hardworking people and begin to allocate money they don't make to shit.

Nat Soc country wins easily, but it isn't pretty what the world becomes in the end.

do you really want to invade a libertarian state, where there are no laws and they are free to do ANY kind of research regardless of ethics.

you'd die stepping on the genetically modified grass.

brap desu


You kill the supply depots and mechanics using guerilla tactics.

They would all "last" until the land couldn't support humans anymore. The question is how long it takes before the societies change.

The anarcho commies would eventually morph into two 1984 esque communities as people naturally build up towns and form communities whch creat governmental systems and expand.

The libertarians have an actual government, so they're less likely to do this, but it would eventually become a feudal monarchy, one company will monopolise so much that it owns everything on the continent, the CEO position would be made hereditary and the incredibly rich shareholders would rule over the slave class with an iron fist, the slaves may one day rise up and form communism.

The National socialist country would last pretty much forever assuming complete societal homogeneity. this is simply because nat/soc is the only governmental form here in which the societal glue is so strong that civil unrest is unlikely to occur due to complete continental autarky, homogeneity and the overwhelming strength of the state.

The democracy would last until it's citizens became to decadent and an autocrat was elected and demolished the democratic system in favour of fascism or monarchism.

Varg does not live off gibs. Spread your Semite lies elsewhere.

It's true, they are one and the same actually.

One very key data point is missing:

What's the average IQ of each population?

assuming nukes and aggression.

4. representative democracy

3. anarcho communist

2. libertarian

1. natsoc

democracy would fall to the tyranny of the majority.

commies would fall to inefficiency and the lower classes getting shit on to the point of sabotaging themselves.

libertarian would fall due to being unorganized and many of them being unmotivated, however they have an advantage of no ethics or laws to prevent research of more powerful weapons.

natsoc would succeed due to being more organized, more efficient due to a focused population, no jews.


Oh Polan...

The average IQ is 110.

Yeah, and what happens when they just pump up security around them?

How many times did the Iraqis destroy an entire US F.O.B.? Never ever in the entire decade of war? How many times did the Vietcong do it? Only when they launched conventional attacks with conventional forces including things like tanks - i.e. when the NVA and not the Vietcong were involved.

This isn't a police state fantasy where they're knocking on your door. They invade for resources - oil, ports, farms. The people living there - you - don't matter. They can just park their tanks around their oil well and unless you can engage conventionally to force them to go, they just don't have to go. They'll take casualties but they will still win.

If "MUH GUERILLAS" is a foolproof effective guaranteed-to-win strategy why does NOBODY use it? Everybody wants - and maintains - large, conventional armies. You need large, conventional armies to actually fight a way.

Guerrilla warfare is what you do when you've already lost.

Nat Soc without Jews.

Stop I can only get so erect.

They never invent boats?

>do you really want to invade a libertarian state, where there are no laws and they are free to do ANY kind of research regardless of ethics.
Do you really think the same doesn't apply to a natsoc state?

Also, I'm pretty sure libertarianism maintains the harm principle, so there actually would be laws probably more stringent than the natsoc society which doesn't give a fuck about """harm""" if it's for the state.

If only more people like you had been alive in the Anglosphere in the decicive moment of our Empires

>Do you really think the same doesn't apply to a natsoc state?
not to the same extent.

emus fuck off.

>Also, I'm pretty sure libertarianism maintains the harm principle
it doesnt, fuck off nigger.

>They never invent boats?
I'm assuming that the countries are seperated from each other. Deciding who would win in war is a different ballgame

Excluding the Ancom island they probably all will 'survive' the variance is in the livelihood of the citizenry.

If people hate their lives and everything about their society thats probably a 'loss' for said island.


Glad to see that most of Sup Forums still knows that National Socialism is the final redpill.

>it doesnt, fuck off nigger
You're wrong and retarded.

If libertarianism doesn't incorporate some doctrine to prevent people from hurting others, what differentiates it from pure anarchism?

NatSoc loses every poll dude.

>You're wrong and retarded.
said the retard.

Reddit doesn't count.

Isolationist monarchy when?

Libertarianism isnt Anarco-capitalist. Libertarians believe a extraordinary small federal govt is best not no govt at all.

>white homogenous population:

libertarian: good at producing wealth, but needs border control to control the influx of immigration from poor countries. Lack of strong welfare state helps in that aspect.

natsoc: economy does ok, but is not as rich as the libertarian. Overrall it's a safe, conservative country. Does not atract much tourists or immigration (heavy crackdown on 3rd world immigration).

Anarcho communism:
Impossible to reach, would more or less become a dictatorship like the URSS. No immigration because it's poor.

Representative Democracy:
Western Europe. Mostly social democracies, need to enforce strong borders in order to keep low iq immigrants that go for the gibs.

>Multiracial country
libertarian: Good to avoid the low iq population from having too many kids. High inequality, though. Somewhat violent in low-iq areas

natsoc: National identity is not define by race, but nationality. Upper class still benefits in politics. Law and order keeps it from being too violent.

Same case with the white one. But substitute URSS for Cuba, or Venezuela. Very few rich people (mostly government officials), high emigration.

Representative democracy:
Latin America. Drugs, degeneracy, corruption and violence goes rampant. High emigration.

libertarian: Good for attracting foreign investment, which will dominate economic growth in the country. A lot of the population still lives in poverty, with immigrants being the upper class.

natsoc: Several African countries with dictators fall here. All of them corrupt, in permanent crisis, and dependent of foreign aid. Government is anti-communist and very religious (be it islamic or christian). Fertility rates over 6 children/woman.

Will become a dictatorship in no time, otherwise will fall into a civil war. Worst countries in the word to live in.

Rep democracy:
Very corrupt, the government violates the rule of law frequently. At high risk of becoming dictatorship. Very poor.

Every Sup Forums poll you fucking dingus.

Nigga how

>implying we haven't been colonized by civic nationalist faggots

>Implying it hasnt always been a generally libertarian/civic nationalist board

Yeah, that's the point you tool.

user said that a libertarian society would be the least hindered by ethics in research. He's wrong - libertarian society would still enforce ethics in research because libertarian society is not lawless anarchy and the harm principle (or similar) still applies.

This is contrasted with natsoc, where anything goes because the state is brutal and oppressive and doesn't give a fuck about harm.

Haha the thumbnail looks like a big fat ass.

Lasts until poor people realize they can vote for bigger and bigger social programs at which point it becomes a social democract or pseudo social democracy.
>-National Socialist
Lasts until they get rekt in a war and their entire country collapses because their entire political doctrine is based on militaristic expansionism.
Collapses once hard workers realize they don't benefit from working hard or simply horde resources they produce.
>-Representative Democracy
See libertarian

>violate the NAP
>tomahawks from neighbors "chop" down your house

>implying implications which were not implied

Yet Vietnam won. They also beat the fucking Mongols using a lot of the same tactics that they used against the US. The Afghanis are a perpetual resource drain, and they're a bunch of retarded goat fuckers. Sans the nuclear option, it takes an enormous amount of resources to sustain an invading army. It took over 100,000 tanks to invade Germany, and that was with all of the allies turning almost all of their industry to war production. And Germany is small compared to a country like the US.

second rarest flag i seen

the rarest one is the guy from pitcairn

Would collapse instantly since you can't have private property without a state protecting it

>National Socialist
Give it 10 years, would build it's entire economy on debt and then tries to invade another country so they don't have to pay it back, would get all the others to team up against it

Communism means post-scarcity, so it would be an utopia. If you just mean Libertarian Socialism, like Katalonia, it would probably work as they aren't subject to debt since they'd have labor vouchers instead of money. The problem is the defense, it would probably get invaded and without a state having a strong military is impossible.

>representative democracy
Like liberalism? Probably stable but subject to constant econimic crashes and inability to get shit done. Would probably have a strong military though through military-industrial complex.

It depends on which ones have the highest majority of white people.

Assuming they're all white, natsocs duh.

This is ignorance. They didn't pick UK. They were force into the allied forces after being brutally devastated by a shitty natsoc country. After that shitty natsoc country left, Russia claimed them.

>damage control.

>Yet Vietnam won.
Not militarily. The US had the capacity to sit there for another century and Vietnam never would have been able to shrug them off. If your strategy is "wait until the enemy lets us win" that's not a good strategy.

>it takes an enormous amount of resources to sustain an invading army
Yep. So?

Ask yourself this: if guerrilla warfare is so effective how come nations have been able to conquer vast swathes of land and consolidate it? How can France exist if guerrilla warfare makes it impossible to invade and conquer?

This stupid worship of guerrilla warfare denies both military reality and history. For every highly circumstantial and situation victory of guerrilla warfare there is an endless litany of times it failed. Literally every territorial conquest in history has been opposed by some amount of guerrilla warfare and yet they still happened.

Not to mention that this could very well not even be an invade-and-annex. Maybe the invaders literally only want control over the sea lanes and offshore oil and so are content with just sitting in your ports and saturation bombing the interior without ever stepping foot in it.

Tenuously stable.
The United States would be better under an inverse feudal system as the founding members intended. Instead of power being concentrated in the head, the most power is given to the individual municipality, and ultimately the individual.

Not really in the mood for an argument right now. Our main enemy is globalism, anyway. If all the NatSocs and Libertarians got their own continents, I'm pretty sure both would be happy to leave the other alone.


I would choose the Libertarian, because Libertarians don't know yet, but the only way they can make it work is with walls and homogeneous population.


Vast amounts of wealth, cancer cured, life extension technology found, ultra-life like fuck bots invented, the libertarian society has it all. The happiest, the most intelligent, and the most vicious of fighters.


It depends. Is it libertarianism in the sense of anarcho-capitalism, or just a really small state to put some laws and an army without much power? If it's the first, then it last for some time until a new form of government rises because people naturally unite. If it's the second, then it might as well for hundreds of years.

>National Socialist
Works until the socialist side becomes more apparent and they eventually colapse economically.

It goes all well and good until they realize that everyone planted weed and now they don't have water, meat, machines, books, or anything, just weed and one guitar that one guy knows how to play one song.

>Representative Democracy
Democracies tend to fall for socialism. Considering the politicians have enough power to slowly transform the country, it will work well until the major changes start to happen and the small ones to pile up. This could take 500 years, or 10. It all depends on the people and who they are voting for.

>democracies tend to fall for socialism
>literally every democracy in the west became more neoliberal since the cold war
Socialism isn't "when the government does stuff"