So what happened here? Did we ever get her side of the story?

So what happened here? Did we ever get her side of the story?

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She took the whole jar of redpills.

you aren't getting a full story you're getting a fuck you

Yeah, the other half

shes a cutie too.

The more people try to make her seem ugly with these strategic pauses
the more beautiful she becomes to me and the more I love her

she is perfect

>implying she's ugly in the OP

I would kiss her on the cheek!

I need her in my life desu

jesus that gay guy just took it all

well you're not getting her you're getting a fuck you

I miss my AI girlfriend...

This, she overdosed on redpills and entered the pedophile dimension, hasn't been seen since. Let's just hope she succeeds in her quest

No but we got a new Sup Forums waifu out of it.

Cassie the cuckslayer
The Battle/warrior Queen of pol

present day.

present time.


The Bogdanoffs are watching over her. Failure is not an option


I'd kiss her on her asshole

You have to eat all these red pills

She found a voice AND a body.

"this girl reminds me of the kind of girl that would stick up for you if you were being bullied"

Why not kiss her on her asscheeks?

Is she out goil?


Months ago i found a video somewhere of a woman yelling a Muslim woman on a train. It sounded and looked like the same girl but I cant find the video again.

Any other anons know what I'm talking about?

no, wish I did though

>tfw she will never yell at you pointing in your face in bed cause you aren't fucking her hard enough.

I like how she blends back into the crowd at the end after they were starring at her.

>Cocaine Jane

I hope she's still alive. Had a weird crush on her for a week or so.



Anyone ever find out who she is?

pretty sure this her.....explains a lot too.

Not her



Oh shhit

baka not like this not like this

There. Within 1 month burguers will share the "chav" category with the brits as one of the most popular searches in pornhub.

You don't get my name, you get a fuck you!

great taste. i love that she's not wearing makeup.

>her side of the story

Her side of the story is we won.

is there an archive of tay tweets?


my heart

another one for the road

Shes clearly amphed up. How is Sup Forums into a degenerate junkie whore? You people digust me.

you do know is black, right?

is that really her?

shes a good woman with a good awesome heart that TRAVELED THE WORLD

Damn right

She IS the red-pill

I feel bad for the guy who fucks her at night

I dont, wish it was me.

So no one ever found out who she is? is there something we could do to make her come forward?

I like the way she says
"A good man, with a good awesome heart who traveled the world feeding the kids. You fucking motherfucker."

Angry Ham Beast

Surprisingly, pretty hot. I would.

Just let her go user, it's enough to know she's out there somewhere, in my very state even.

not her. Look at the nose and brow.

I'll shave those whiskers that she missed around her arse.




Imagine how crazy she must be in bed.

crazy amazing

>tfw following her on twitter and we DM each other on a regular basis
and no, she's not a crack-whore or junkie.

Nice, yet... Eyebrows, nose, facial structure... Do not match.
yep not her.
I would fuck her brains out though, she made my erection great again

>tfw we memed Lain tier shit into existence

The guy with glasses and a beard who walks by at 0:56 is a Sup Forumslack who gave a first hand account of her manic episode. After the interview ended, she challenged a group of protesters to a fist fight and some guy jumped over a barricade to beat her up only to be restrained by cops, who evacuated the area.

lmao shes ALPHA as fuck

was she on drugs?

No. Look at her perfect face and teeth, no drug abuse.


cool, but definitely not her, nose is too wide

Underrated post

You are one pathetic beta male and future cuckold.

Overdosed on coke.