Would you vote for Bruce Jenner for president?

Would you vote for Bruce Jenner for president?

Say it with me "Madam What Are You?"

First female president say it with me

He's a Republican, I'd vote for her

The mentally ill liberals will because it is "progressive."

Remember he endorsed El Rato

Nah, the US doesn't need any more white male presidents.

The entire conservative wing did. She could have cucked out with Yeb

>Bethesda game character creator

id vote him queen of the muslim roof party

God, imagine telling people the shit that would happen in the next 10 years back in 2007.

> So yeah, first off, that guy Obama gets elected president
Stop LARPING user, you're full of shit.
> Oh hell no bro, four years later he beats a mormon and stays for eight
Bullshit you lying faggot
> Want more? Germany pretty much an heros Europe for the lulz
Shut up faggot no one cares
> Seriously, she does that shit, basically turns Greece into a slave state, then Britain decides to fuck off and leave the EU
Britain can't leave the EU you stupid faggot.
> Yeah. It can. Here's something else. Remember Bruce Jenner?
What about him
> He puts on a dress and a wig, starts calling himself Caitlyn, and actually wins Woman of the Year
.... Ok you're totally full of shit
> lol, just you wait fuckers, he has the bulge onstage... But that's not even the best
Ok what's next because I couldn't even imagine that
> We've got shit called Social Justice Warriors who literally are protesting Free Speech unironically
No shit user, that's what liberals do
> But wait... This shit is great. Guess who the president is in 2017
Donald Trump. Obama's fired
> ....
> How did you know?

Our guy Nye
Counter tranny

if i was american, no, hes trans

>first female president was born a man

I'd vote for it just to see women get BTFO

For four years I would literally wake up laughing like a madman.

You know, I'm thinking now. Ben Carson didn't run on his own. People campaigned to push Carson to run.

Could we do the same?



You must go back to plebbit


I'll throw away my career, rise 3 hellspawns that aren't mine, get cucked by my wife, kill a woman with my car and cut off my dick before I vote for that crazy faggot.

Bruce is dead.

Tranny gets a vote for the gas chamber