/mlpol/ is dead.
We won't forget you, friends.
/mlpol/ is dead
Other urls found in this thread:
I refuse to go back. What the fuck do we do?
Just go there
I bet a lot of Jews work on MLP
it will live on
in our hearts
A lot of jews work against /mlp/. After Faust revived their dead franchise, they decided to give her the boot and completely take control so they could crash the show with no survivors.
Never forget the memories we made
We migrate to the horsefuckers.
It's still there for you to post on.
I hate horsefuckers but goddamn did they make this board better. I'm gonna start horseposting. A horse a day keeps the shareblue away
I can't go back here.
The shills and redditors are too obvious.
It's too full of normalfags and autists.
Too many larpers and blind retards.
I got a taste that reminded me of /new/, that reminded me of when Sup Forums was young. And now it's gone again.
We even created rules that would prevent us from ever degrading into the shitty sorry state that Sup Forums has become, that would see to it that /mlpol/ learned from the lessons of Sup Forums, /mlp/, Sup Forums, and so many other boards on how to avoid major fuck ups and keep the board pure.
But gook moot still took it away. He wouldn't even let it live unlisted.
I can't go back here. I can't be on Sup Forums anymore, not while /r/the_donald still makes up over half the users here.
All I can hope is that /mlpol/ magically resurfaces unannounced.
>It's still there for you to post on.
>to post on
Just try it, normie.
Reported kill yourself freak
You don't understand.
nu/pol will never understand.
This is bullshit, I took one look at the Sup Forums catalogue after 24 hours of bliss and it's all shill and slide threads from r*ddit
What the fuck do we do now
/mlpol/ was a taste of the forbidden fruit. Now you can see. You've removed yourself from the garden of eden
some of you may not like us...but we'll always be friends. thanks for the fun times, Sup Forums.
It's dead
>Performing site maintenance. Try again in a little while.
they're deleting it and have already blocked all posting, it's just up for now but frozen in time until it finally goes
WTF I love autistic ugly manchildren who masturbate their tiny dicks to drawn pictures of young ponies wearing diapers now!!!
I miss you user...
I wonder.... will I dream?
I have bigger wars to fight.
It was a hell of a ride. I think it may be time to head to infinity once it's back up and recreate that board.
I can't go back to /pol as it was. They say its better to have loved and lost than never loved at all. Not so sure anymore.
Kill yourself normie go back to your shitty upboat site
Yea, I do love them.
Because they kept reddit shits like you away.
an hero immediately or at least lurk for another decade or so
brony is to /mlp/ as alt-right is to Sup Forums
What are you talking about goys? Don't you enjoy the shills, bots, reddit, and bait threads?
I thought this thread was larping rule 1 & 2 and then I tried to post on /mlpol/
Kill yourself autistic faggot nigger you need to be gassed subhuman degenerate abomination you are sick in the head
We can make this fucking work.
We can make /mlpol/ great again.
w-why gook moot - i don't want to go back here with reddit and all the shills. god fucking damn it i was having fun with all those pony fuckers.
Guys do you think we can take over /trash/?
I don't know what they use it for, but if its just for porn we can beat them at that.
Wash them away with an ocean of horse cum and Zyklon B.
Maybe we can make a deal with /mlp/? Maybe they want some nazis to come say hi every once in a while and in return they come here and keep the shills away? Trying to come up with ideas here
Go the fuck back to plebbit you gyronigger. You're just fucking assblasted that the board was a thousand times better with the horsefuckers than you you goddamn reddit fucks
Reported you subhuman ugly repulsive neckbeards will get the rope
ITT: Lesbian twink weebs loose their sh%#!
>pic unrelated
Remember it, vivid as it used to be
>never fapped to a horse pussy
Kill yourself fat ugly sperg there is something wrong with your head your are fucked up.
Is this ironic? Tell me this is ironic
The memories will never fade.
Reported kill yourself ugly omega male weirdo.
Kill yourself deranged repuslive autistic manchild.
>clippity cloppity get of my property
Go pay your debts and kys
Reddit confirmed. There was actual political discussion and no blind worship of Trump where any criticism was met with "shill gtfo .02 deposited." There were no BLACKED threads. There were no bait threads or if there were they were ignored completely. Reddit is a fucking cancer and /mlp/ turned out to be the chemo
Pay denbts you ugly piece of shit, r*ddit will burn for this
There you go user
I actually just shed a tear over this, fuck man
>April third everything is going to be revealed
>we are entering a new era
I didn't ask for these feels
I remember when pol meant more than (You)s.
I have to admit it was pretty funny
We'll look back on that day feeling all retro
>cancerous shitposters are still this assblasted that people would rather look at literal horse dicks than put up with them
>reporting people.
Pay debts, then fuck off you sweat stain.
Goodnight sweet board
Seriously kill yourself now ugly circus freak. Nobody will miss you. Even your mom will be happy she won't have to support her weirdo son anymore. Deranged mentally ill manchild you will never amount to anything filthy subhuman genetic failure
>Site maitenance
I'll refrain from panicking for a couple of hours more.
come on dude that's cringe as shit
Reported. You insane pony fucker subhumans will be gassed. You are barely human. Gross ugly autists
Get in here before this thread dies
>so do I just like tie them together or...
Lol have fun being Germany's bitch
> >119306241
>Deranged mentally ill manchild you will never amount to anything filthy subhuman genetic failure
Now THAT'S projection
Have you ever wondered about the fact that while you retards obsess over a cartoon made for young children to the point of letting it become a part of your sexual attractions, that your brain has simply un-wired itself to be a proper male?
If you want to save Western civilization, how about you drop this infantile bullshit and start to act like a man?
Cringe can be good chemo.
Like I have been saying, /mlp/ has begrudengly offered up a board on their own site they use when Sup Forums goes down.
The main admin might not know about the influx of people popping up, but I am sure he can handle the traffic.
You can click on the horse and it will take you all to the thread they are currently on on /mlp/ and ask them if it's cool.
They are assholes but they might help out, they saw the bullshit.
pic related
Nobody will miss you on the day of the rope, you wont even be counted in the statistics.
We will destroy reddit, the EU and your globalist masters and take your whole country with it
Yeah but 'memers' is about as reddit as it gets. 'memers' is chemo if chemo caused more cancer
M-maybe they are just adding archives for us...
I'll never forget.
Deus Vult!
Reported enjoy your ban subhuman trash. People point at you and laugh you ugly sperg
kek stay mad
Don't bullshit yourself, it's gone.
*blocking your path*
What do?
look, you bloody talking ape, we had political discussions over on /mlpol/, without shills and bots and could actually get our redpills across to the people, instead of beign swamped by retards like you.
so we did actually do more for the white race than you idiots will ever achieve, go back to your fucking retarddid and take the shills and bots with you!
It was good while it lasted, horsefuckers.
You're a million times better people than plebbitors. Until Next Time
People don't even think about you at all, you are less than trash in the gutter, not fit for even rats to eat
t. Assblasted shill
I don't like ponies but fucking hell you faggots were gone for 2 days and the board went SO MUCH smoother.
We could actually discuss things without
>Sup Forums btfo
shill threads sliding everything.
It's worth a couple horsefucking threads.
you don't belong here
Reported go back to your containment board creepy ugly autist
Thats it. I am favoring Turks over you from now. Continue like this and you will be lower than Albanians.
fuck faced Turkish rape baby i will laugh when you clay is annexed and there is nothing you can do about it, Mussolini was right to whip you lazy sons of bitches like Negroes in the cotton field.
>go back
B-but user. That's the problem.
That's cool. So you spread and posted a bunch of charts and infographs about how bad things are.
But what have YOU done? Are you on your way to become a more attractive sexual partner capable of sustaining a family emotionally and financially? Have YOU developed the ability to find a nice white woman and make children with her, thus ensuring the future of your race?
Oh wait, you didn't. While you were deluding yourself that "reddit hates ponies" in order to justify this endless shitposting, you just dug yourself deeper and deeper into a rabbit hole of further fucking up your brain into delusion and fantasy.
Sort yourself out. Stop obsessing over a cartoon of small children and embrace the responsibilities of a real man. Find a woman, start a family, and have children. Only then YOU will be saving the white race.
*rubs hands*
pay denbts you non-white trash
Autistic omega male brony freaks getting massively assblasted ITT
Did your plan backfire? Did you not expect us to like /mlp/?