Sweden getting BTFO again by refugees
What's going on Sweden? Why on earth are you sending UNARMED policewomen to refugee centers?
Sweden getting BTFO again by refugees
What's going on Sweden? Why on earth are you sending UNARMED policewomen to refugee centers?
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This is not a bad thing.
> one refugee
> 3 police womenfficers can do shit against a monkey
> call the army
> give rapefugee a medal
Fucking Swedish racists. He was obviously having a sexual emergency and they wouldn't help him in his time of desperate need.
This is fucking pathetic.
Just smack him over the head with a baton, is it that hard?
Sweden NO
A skrawny emaciated 12yo vs three grown women with battons
"Sir, Sir! Thank you but that was unnecessary, we'll take it from here"
Dumb bitch pulls the good Sam off before securing the suspect.
Those racist policewimmyn should have let the 12 year old Syrian refugee enrich them as is standard protocol for de-escalating sexual emergencies in Dawlat Al-Swedani
No pepper spray ? No tazers ? And they sent three women ?
Did at least have their no-rape bracelet on ?
>implying there are any men in Sweden
2:10 "allahu......ackbar'
When modern feminism meets reality.
some people have a natural tendency to not want to get hit in the head, so they don't jump in and fight.
They actually were armed (every police on the street has a pistol), but they were afraid to use it for some reason (RACISM).
>refugee centers
It's called "an offering" and it's very popular in shitskin culture. The concept is based around sending beautiful innocent women to their "gods" in order to appease them. The Swedes have assimilated shitskin culture as well as become cuckolds, so they now send their own women to their new found gods, the mudslimes.
You Want to supply them with weapons?
This is what happens when you have a country full of feminist women who think they are equal with men.
No, they were clearly just armed with a rubber baton. No taser, no spray, no non lethal pistols. Just pathetic Sweden.
Yeah like in any civilized country that values the life of their women and doesn't put them at risk against shitskins.
i would do things to that blonde policewoman, if you catch my drift of course.
Did they try to arrest that other migrant who helped them out?
Is there such a thing as Swedish nationalism? Does it even exist? Because seeing videos like this makes me think Swedes must really hate their country.
Must be the estrogens seeping from plastics.
He was arrested for internalised intolerance.
How do we avoid the estrogen jew?
They pushed away the migrant who tried to help, because feminists must never accept male assistance, it is seen as humiliating for them.
replace any plastic dishes with ceramic/glass, look for other unnecessary contact with plastics. Like showers, etc.
>Watch entire video in vain hope of the police actually shooting this shitskin and coating the ground with his grey matter.
I'm good to go on all that. But my main concern is the plastic water bottles. Do I buy a filter? I live in a swampy area of Florida where the water quality is below 50 as dictated by the EPA, I would probably need an industrial size purifier for water instead of a little filter.
They were (and I'm not kidding) given paid leave for "pain and suffering" because of this interaction, yes it was that traumatic.
plenty of american cop video
>Why on earth are you sending UNARMED policewomen to refugee centers?
J'Kwamai M'Bosi, Dispatch Officer
I don't know what kind of output you could get via home distillation, nor do I know if it will keep the estrogen-like chemicals out of the water.
But it's something to look into.
Nice policing there.
LEO here, next time just punch him until he submits, or use your collapsible baton. Jesus.
Last time someone resisted arrest, I smashed his quads with my baton while my colleague was restraining him. Highly effective, a woman can do it as well.
The cuckold police force paid with your taxes, Sven.
I bet if Sweden wasn't riddled with migrants it would be a great place to live
I guess nobody likes being shown conclusively you are shit at your job hahahaha
When the fire rises high enough and everything boils over, the blood won't be on the hands of the fucking white males, it won't even be on the hands of the rapefugees, it will be on the hands of the those who enabled every shitty aspect of this video.
Start up the rotors.
Based on your experience how much training did the 3 chicks get would you say? They seemed, confused, scared and almost surprised by the over reaction of the refugee. Would you ever dispatch a female only patrol with no male supervision?
I meant the fugees. Just Look at Thomas policewomen: they wouldnt have used a gun but the weapons would have Bern stolen
Why don't they have fucking guns? I'm just not understanding why they don't put a hot one right in that fuck.
>Based on your experience how much training did the 3 chicks get would you say?
They just need to man up (pun intended). Since I became a LEO, I only had training in academy and it was useless. It's about being assertive, and not be afraid of using physical violence when needed.
>Would you ever dispatch a female only patrol with no male supervision?
I have no problem with women on the force, but female only patrols is indeed a bad idea and you shouldn't ever dispatch women only patrols on first response missions.
There are men in sweden all are "very dark skinned syrians"
>he's smashing their car
>they're just standing around
Well, that's just what they've signed up for. And if the risk is that high, maybe they shouldn't be put in the police force to begin with.
>leave baton laying on floor and run away
What the fuck is this shit no wonder all the niggers go to sweden apparently you don't get arrested for shit
Women as police officers, fire fighters or fighting in the military is hilariously retarded.
Way to weaken your country.
Sweden is a joke of a country. It really is, in America that man would be dead before he has the chance to swing.
>Gives the Marxist femmy-cops a smack.
>Smashes up their car in front of them.
>Casually walks off.
Based. He showed how pathetic Swedens' diversity-quota police force is.
I spoke to a few cops and they've told me they're no longer allowed to leave female officers unassisted, and that's because of the police murders which took place 2 years ago. Shitskins are 10x more violent around female cops if left alone. Good to see that cops from Belgium aren't all pussies.
BTW you guys should spread this all over twitter, this shit needs to be highlighted.
Firearms are an equalizer, they are so afraid to use them because THATS RACIST
i am greek
Oh god I missed the thread where this headline was posted didn't I. What date because I HAVE to read this thread.
Sweden is like a fake country. Their police, their military, their politicians. It was all fake and everyone thought it works well because they never faced any real threats.
It's unraveling now.
>that values the life of their women
>Western Women
>of any value
Western Women show time and time again that they wanna be treated like total trash. Until they are treated like total trash by a Shitskin.
White Women are effectively destroying our civilization. Yeah the Kikes are pulling their mental strings, but thats no excuse
What a useless police force. Give them tasers or anything.
Would be funny if they were raped too
Is it reaching the point where you're begining to thhink that Shariah will be an improvement for your country? are you beginning to see the Muslim invaders as liberators?
top kek, they even allow him to leave the scene
No, that's what the Jews want you to believe. you're stuck inside a mental prison. You believe, whites are the problem, women are shit, women should be left to the muslim hordes...
The root of our destruction is population and cultural replacement via mass immigration organized by the globalist elites. Women are being destroyed in the process, just like us. Don't you ever start victim blaming as your condemning our entire race altogether. Man up Germany.
They should have rape them at this point.
but that guy's white
literally pissed
I kinda thought they were gonna start shooting the people who showed up after the first dudes got shot
one more
they should've, imho. those niggers are literally saying "he's just a child, he dindu nuffin!", just after they fired against the police... with rifles.
Source for webm?
Jesus Christ, Sweden.
Also, what the hell kind of shit hole gravel parking lot is this? What happened to glorious Scandinavian standards of living? Why are all your men standing around laughing while your women get beat up by a monkey?
*Literary shaking right now*
why dont you guys just kill yourselves youre worthless.
>Why are all your men standing around laughing while your women get beat up by a monkey?
Because it's funny I guess.
>are you beginning to see the Muslim invaders as liberators?
Not really. But there is a Double Standard in all Western Societies. Brown Men can treat Women like Trash and its ok, but a white Woman who wants to be a stay home Mum is pretty much a no go.
>Don't you ever start victim blaming as your condemning our entire race altogether.
Its getting more and more difficult. These brown People are everywhere. And every pro Apefugee Movement is mostly Women.
ever Swedish police officer Carries a gun. they just didint use it.
We are killing ourselves. It's all a funny joke.
They probably wanted that ficki ficki dick.
Why not? Dude was hucking rocks. That could have killed somebody.
>What's going on Sweden?
Cultural marxism
>Why on earth are you sending UNARMED policewomen to refugee centers?
They aren't unarmed, they have mace, ASP and 9mm SIG Sauer. They are just useless.
Swedes are such
Fucking apolitical cowards.
Im half slav and I whip all my swedes with my red pills and they just silently agree like the pussies they are.
Bekväma fjollor. Swedish men have let this happen and they should at least try to fix it.
no idea.maybe they didint want the media to call them racists or something.
>Shitskins are 10x more violent around female cops if left alone.
They are that to all women, they absolutely can not handle being told to do anything by a woman. If they are out in public with their family and their kids start to act up and some random woman tells him to call down. They will chimp the fuck out on the woman (even though their kid was in the wrong) because even though their kids is a little shit they can under no circumstances tolerate being told to do anything by a woman.
Imagine being raised to think that women are literally subhuman. Female social workers have the same problem.
But you can't let people attack cops for no reason. That wasn't anything close to self defense.
That's not acceptable behavior. That's when it's OK for the cops to act in self defense to take your ass down whether it's nicely or not.
I loved Elite Squad 2. Send the BOPE to Sweden for a month or two.
why do they send women to do a man's job?
>Why are all your men standing around laughing while your women get beat up by a monkey?
Those are other migrants, filming from inside the asylum centre. The only Swedish male in this video was the security guard that tried to help the cops. But since they just stood there and watched and did fuck all while he held him for a few seconds he just gave up and walked away.
the obvious not trannied to handel something like this. our police force is a joke beacuse the people with actual experience quit beacuse shit work hours, bad pay and crappy supiriors that wont let them do thier job out of fear of being called racists.
A mans job is blow jobs
>Why not?
Maybe they though they could handle him alone.
>Dude was hucking rocks. That could have killed somebody.
Yeah, seems like he was mostly aiming for the car though. I think this guy was trying to commit suicide by cop
One of the female officers charged the guy who helped them with assault
Are you cool with having women tell you what to do? lol. Western "men" are such pathetic beta cucks, this is why western women vote to import dominant/masculine men from the 3rd world.
This is what you get when you are blinded by "equality"
Pls be joke.
In fact it was before the cuckification.