Am I the only one that here that didn't go from lolbertarian to national socialist?

Am I the only one that here that didn't go from lolbertarian to national socialist?

>Be me liberal
>Start to realise the massive liberal Hypocrisy on Islam
>Find Sup Forums get red pilled realise race exist
>Still recognise that leftist economics are better as long as there not commies


I've been here since the board was created and I'm still a fairly moderate free-market low-taxes conservative.
It helps that I actually read polisci and economics books, unlike an alarming number of people who post here.

>Am I the only one that here that didn't go from lolbertarian to national socialist?

>>Still recognise that leftist economics are better as long as there not commies

National Socialism, and all socialism is left wing, you kike shill.

Nazis are fucking scum.

Libertarianism and National Socialism don't mix.

Please kill your entire family then yourself, jewboy.

Have you mental retards considered just taking each decision as it comes instead of adopting an ideology?

pick one, nigger

People seem to forget they had free health care NATSOC Germany

Ok I Used to be liberal now I'm slightly left on economic issues and extremely nationalist

>Libertarianism and National Socialism don't mix
>implying that you can't want legal dude weed while also wanting to gas the kikes

>leftist economics are better

I swear the amount of people on this board who sniff glue all day is really concerning....

Are you retarded can you not read I said i'm not libertarian you pleb and never was

I went from liberal to natsoc to ancap

Then what's with the Gadsden flag?
>don't tread on me
>but take my money

National Socialism has it's problems, but dealing with illegals takes priority. Once the illegal problem is dealt with, and immigration law made much stricter, our ideological differences will become more pronounced.

>Being on pol not understanding Irony

yeah in nice camps..

The problem with politics recently, especially in america, is that over the course of the last 20 or so years the left has been inching further and further over. They've made hardcore left wing ideologies like communism appear like the norm. Anyone slightly right of those beliefs is a hardcore right winger.

The balance is completely off.

Exactly that requires more gov ,gov works when the people in gov care about the people it wont work when (((they))) get involved and more people will care about the people when nationalism is re-invigorated

>ive never actually read any literature but professor goldenberg says im a good goy

I'd agree with you on cultural issues holy shit we have gone far into the left but not really on economics if you look at the old labour party they were pretty left on economics.

Implying that you can't have a natsoc gov without putting people in camps

>Only reads a select number of libertarian books that already support his idea of an economic system in a state thinks his red pilled

Ancap for life but I would support a Pinochet to remove commies from my country

conservative because parents were conservative
conservative because I was still learning about politics
liberal because I wanted to be edgy
libertarian because holy shit can't get edgier than that
w e w l a d so edgy I'm a Marxist (that and the whole "the bourgeoisie is stealing muh surplus value" thing)

>realise race exist
>recognise that leftist economics are better
Smart enough to agree with Marx but dumb enough to disagree with Darwin, eh?

Went from liberal to national socialist.
When you put the goal of preservation and strengthening of race as the foremost goal- economic ideology loyalties no longer matter and you are completely open to utilizing both central planning or free market, whichever is better.

Loyalty to any economic ideology is degenerate. That's why Strasser was killed.

I grew up in a extremely liberal house and now I'm a fashy so I guess I am pretty edge lord , used to smoke weed with my mum and family and lived in area of Britain where i was a minority which got me pretty red pilled quick


I never said i was a commie dickhead

>implying camps are a bad thing

Is this bizarro world?

I'm a classic liberal. But i'm aware that we need to purge the communists. So i lean to the right to combat them. When they're dealt with we can have proper discussions again.

Do you want to put words to your thoughts or just sit there dumbfounded?

I'm the same but smart enough to realise that we could never have classical liberalism with shitskins and nignogs everywhere they would force us to make fucking Islamophobia and racism illegal

>shitskins and nignogs
Without a welfare state to support them? Think again bucko.

Literally named after a communist thinker.

Grew up in a communist house, although I believe this communist was reactionary to fascist and not as a reaction against liberty.

Parents still taught be about the importance of labor and not being a parasite.

Become 18, I am a socialist, but some things just don't feel right about it. Can't even say I knew what socialism was at that point, but the idea of sharing and compassion seemed appealing at the time.

Economic crisis comes.

"Wtf how could this happen", begin reading about economy.

I begin arguing in forums through my socialist bias. Some opinions contrary to mine make a lot of sense.

I realize my shortcomings, start reading more about socialism and capitalism.

I realize there are some flaws in my logic, start getting interested in classical liberalism.

Everything makes more sense but something is not right, most classic liberals are just cucks who want to enforce their vision of the world and not private property, doesn't sound like freedom to me.

Start reading Hoppe.

Become ancap. There's no way out of this, this is the final red pill.

Read and watch Hoppe realise that boarders and nationalism are incompatible with ancap.

You can have a sense of pride for your covenant and even for your nation. How is it incompatible?

It's like saying you can't be a nationalist Swiss because the cantons division.


Borders are incompatible with private property? Okay bro.

>Implying it matters why can't we just deport them regardless and enforce boarders being libertarian would make some leave but a lot would stay cus of high wages then they might become productive then then the shitskins and nignogs stay and start to demand more in welfare anyway

▲ ▲

Private property yes national boarders no

How can you teach children to be nationalistic and proud without gov the kikes will be right on brainwashing your children on private tv and shit

12-20 I was varying degrees of left wing but not extreme in any sense

20-22+ after I got a real job I realized I don't like government waste but I am not wholly against being taxed if my money is going to good use. I hate identity politics. Fiscally slightly liberal and socially moderate (leave me alone and ill leave you alone)

How does one try to increase white birthrates without government grants?

There's no government that forces me to have pride for my gym when our lifters get awarded, for example.

What would be the incentives for brainwashing in a world of private property?

In that society, people vote with their wallets and feet, you might be brainwashed into thinking living surrounded by brown people is okay, but at the end of the day you will go where your life and livelihoods are not at risk, and something tells me these communities are going to have a predominant pale visage.

because the mechanism you are using to deport keeps asking for more taxes and then starts using those taxes to reverse deport

>the kikes will be right on brainwashing your children on private tv and shit
got any stats on cable tv use to back that up?

i'm an actual libertarian
you can't be a libertarian if you hold leftist economic views. go back to r/libertarian with the rest of the "Libertarians" faggot

When did I say i was a commie?
Never said wanted to live around shitskins and nignogs I hate it

Not libertarian read fag

Libertarianism can only be morally pertinent in a frontier environment

>in a world where every country controls its economy I want to ensure my nation becomes a dump for their literal garbage and degrade the work of my countrymen

Yes ancaps don't nationalise those banks thats right be a good Goy

>When did I say i was a commie?
When did I say you were?

>Never said wanted to live around shitskins and nignogs I hate it

I'm just explaining how incentives in private property societies work, currently jews brainwash you into VOTING for more immigrants, more minimum wages, more regulations, etc, but what happens when you remove democracy from the picture? Then all you get is market, and in the market, there's no space for anything but self-interest, little brainwashing possible.

>Nationalise those banks for us goyim so we can take over the economy much easier

>0-18 totally disinterested, just annoyed by commies

>18-22 vaguely socially progressive, supporting Obama and all that

>"holy shit this clandestine influx is getting out of hand"

>22-now start taking interest in geopolitical topics, political doctrines and economy

>I am now fully right wing, probably quite libertarian but I wouldn't mind making an alliance with fashy goys to make Italy/Europe great again

VOTING for more immigrants
>Implying I vote for modern day (((lefty))) parties

Not all regulations are bad not all are good what is it with nuance and you ancap pleb how the fuck do you not understand we need to regulate porn so theirs no child porn or any porn fuck porn but how do we stop pleb business not fucking straight up lying to us?

Oh yeah cus the federal reserve is really (((federal)))

'liberal' and 'libertarianism' have different political connotations, but libertarianism wasn't morally pertinent because of frontier communities, a lot of governments up until the 1900s were strictly libertarian.

>Still recognise that leftist economics are better as long as there not commies

>lots of governments used to let their nations run themselves while their aristocracy degenerated
And once the globe became more intimate with itself you see those countries fall, see romanoffs. In a world where governments can make war effortlessly you need governments which take up an active role in defense and economics
