Why do you need to shoot and kill someone when they don't have a gun and can't possibly hurt you from a distance?
Should the shooter face murder charges?
Only pussys use guns
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Castle law in the case of the Oklahoma incident. If someone has broken into your home, you can legally assume they're going to do you harm.
basically because if he runs away you are using your only option to stop him at that point. If you are just going to let him run off and be like "oh well, i guess he's gone" than why even stop him in the first place?
And you can't really just run after him because the person could be planning on trying to dash away, and if you catch up turn around and shoot you with the gun HE has...
It would have been better if he got some buck shot to the face so no open casket.
a person's home is sacred and an extension of themselves. if someone tried to crawl inside of me, I'd kill them. no questions asked.
coming into one's home without consent means the owner can pretty much do whatever they want to you. if they wanna feed you to their dog and let you die over a period of hours, that's just as legal. don't rob people's homes and make them have to majorly punish you. I'm glad that grandfather is grieving
>should have pissed on your shot-up, dead grandson
In situations where instances can turn very dead very quickly, especially in someone's home...The dweller does not know if the invader has weapons on them.
I say it's one's civic duty to remove people that feel entitled to invade people's personal dwelling, with only God knowing what the intent of the invader has in mind. At least the dingy son on a bitch wont go into someone's private dwelling again, and in the end...Hats a good day.
but don't forget, even if the robber is completely unarmed, you are more than welcome to fuck them up. they are committing violence by being in your home unannounced
just the AR though? grampa is it fair to shoot him with a double barrel shotgun like the VP biden said? two 12gauge shells would leave your grandson unidentifiable
he doesn't need to have weapons on him to be dangerous
it is entirely possible to kill a sleeping person with nothing but your hands and possibly any object nearby
when you break into a home you immediately pose a severe threat to all the people living there and they should be allowed to defend themselves in any way they deem necessary
This story reminds me of that German faggot who broke into a house while visiting the state, man that was hilarious.
He should of maimed the grandson and shoved a butchers knife up his urethra. Grandpa is a pussy, prob draft dodger.
Robbery should have rules like basketball so you give the robber a sporting chance.
Ahahahahahah another nigger hate thread
He shot all three of them in the kitchen after confronting them. They rushed him. An AR15 is not ideal for close combat (unless it is collapsed down somehow or has a folding stock). A tany rate, the likely sequence of events is so far that he raised his weapon, confronted them, and one or more of them tried to go teen invincible tard-strong. Then he shot them. In a kitchen from which one ran and collapsed on the driveway. Fair play.
The guy's probably going to need some counseling. Taking life is not "hurr durr, I gots away with it". They were masked, but now he knows they were teenagers/younger than him. He should sue the surviving family for his pain, suffering, mental anguish and expensive psychotherapy bills.
He wuz a good boy, on track to gettin his life ontrack. He wuz on his way to church. He dint even do nuffin.
>weak attempt at a slide thread
Joe is a maniac. May he is not /ourguy/, but I like his style and he has a damn soul. Yeah, I believe he would kill someone with a shotgun, then drink a beer with the cops when they showed up.
It's also unfair to break into someone's house. It's called asymmetrical warfare bro. Get good or go home
bingo. you could shove three balled up tissues down someone's throat and kill them if you really had to. someone in your home is dangerous, period
>Break into Anons house to steal shit
>Expect a fair fuel on katanas
Dont those people understand they deserve to be killed for sports?
Its like they have no self cinsciouness at all.
They were all white so I don't know what point you're trying to make
castle law is a fundamental human right.
heck you don't even need to get close to the people, just start a fire make take out the fire alarm and wait for the inevitable
even the "but they only wanted to steal shit" doesn't work, starting a fire can easily happen accidentally when you're doing something like say, fucking with electronics in the dark.
There was a story on A&E or some other such channel were someone broke into a home and kidnapped their daughter by threatening her with a knife in her sleep. When her parents woke up the next morning, she was missing.
Daughter comes back a year and some change in months having escaped her captor with his baby in her arms.
Anyone breaks into my home, they are getting fucking SHOT. You don't always have the chance to view the intruder at a safe distance in the dark to check if he is armed or not.
>all white
One of them was either full on spic or half nignog
What happened to the girl that was supposed to be the getaway driver? Did the murder charges against her stick or not?
dont thread your own posts faggot
Here's how the (((media))) is portraying the case.
They make this kid out to be a mass shooter of course
You'll face charges if he doesn't die.
Kek I can't tell you how fast I'd kill someone for trying to steal from me. A beat up a nigger for shorting me 2 dollars in high school
And this is why I want to move to Burgerland if you so much as lay a finger on a home invader in this country you get sent to jail.
Fuck England
I wonder how the media would have reacted if instead of the son gunning them down all 3 had their throats ripped out by a hypothetical family dog
He was armed with a knife, right?
Fair game unless they're moving away from you/dropping it
You can't really flee in your own home
>Oi cut myself climbin' over 'is barbed wire fence, I did!
>Well we can't be 'avin' that! We'll be takin' down 'is fence, chargin' 'im for the expense and then put the tosser in jail for 'is in'umane wounding of thieves!
>'unfair' to shoot grandson with AR-15
True. You shouldn't hunt animals with a semi-automatic rifle.
Why couldnt the robbers not rob
Its unfair to the owners!
Why the hell not?
You're right. They should charge the family for the expense. Ammo is expensive!
boundary issues resolved
>Stop exercising your right to defend yourself
It's a joke, you autistic leaf.
In some states we have a stand you ground law. Basically the castle law but you get to shoot nigs that chimp out on you.
>Be American
>Know full well everyone is armed to the teeth and have legal right to defend their homes with military grade firearms
>Think it is a good idea to home invade
How fucking stupid do you have to be to try and burgle a house or home invade in Freedom Land?
I'm going to give the grandpa a pass on this. He's just grieving for his flesh and blood.. a kid he probably took fishing once upon a time. He just overcome with grief and can't emotionally admit his grandson was the perpetrator of a crime.
I'm from /k/. We don't take kindly to fudds.
In the eye's of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.
He did what was right.
For if you kill a man who breaks into your sanctuary, you will not be judged for murder. As the man had evil in his heart.
Jesus loves you OP, even if you are a faggot.
Because we /leftypol/ now.
i am under the assumption that anyone breaking into my house has a gun and intends to kill me and i will defend myself by any means i deem necessary to preserve myself
Thats if one of the 25 police officers left in the country even find out.
That's the best part of living in the countryside. Pikey breaks in, pikey vanishes without a trace.
Lots of farms out here, with lots of hungry piggies :)
He should've instilled better values then. It's his fault his grandchild is dead because he raised them to be stupid subhuman criminal scum. He should neck himself from grief.
As it should be the entire world over
In some states you are legally allowed to gun people down in the street if you feel threatened right?
I love your Country, Free Trade and Movement deal with UK and USA when? I can't be arsed waiting 4 years while I do my degree to be eligible for a H1B and Green Card
3 assailants
At 3am
With knives and brass knuckles
That's "imminate fear of life" and deadly force is acceptable
We should be praying for the kids hearing, fucking .223 in a house?
God bless this kid
I feel bad for the pigs being fed trash
shallow graves aren't a thing anymore?
Dude why are you shooting me just let me steal your shit lmao
Aren't there problems related to hunting with an AR-15, like the small caliber? I'm not a hunter, but I would assume that 5.56 doesn't have enough stopping power to consistently put down large animals with a single shot.
Mate, there was a case here where a burglar tried breaking into someone's house and fell through the glass roof of their conservatory and injured themselves...guess who got in trouble with the law?
Tip: It wasn't the burglar.
Unless Tray was stark naked at all times and especially at that crime Naughtykita is full of shit.
Dude, don't you watch John Oliver?
It's 2017 bro, hey could you help me carry this?
The California case is what you are referring to.
Nigger breaks into house via roof, falls onto table and cuts themselves all over.
Sued the home owner.
This is Mcdonald's coffee levels of stupid.
user, I know you are still a mentally undeveloped middle school and do not possess a basic understanding of how the human brain works, but it is perfectly normal for a family member of a deceased person, particularly if death involved a crime, to blame everyone but perpetrator. I 100% guarantee you if your mom was killed while out blowing nogs in a back alley, you would vehemently defend her actions and blame everyone but her for putting herself in a dangerous situation.
Yes and no, you need to have a fear for your life.
Some states force you to first retreat.
Some states let you open fire on private property, some require the assailianto to have entered your home.
Its wildly different, and why gun owners always need to keep updated with the law.
Depends on the animal. You can get AR-15's in larger chamberings, too. .300 AAC hits harder than .30-30 (which is one of the most common deer-hunting rounds). .458 SOCOM would be more than adequate for any game in North America.
Those are legal UK handguns, they have to have a barrel over a certain length so they are not concealable.
Yeah but why do you need a knife if you're just stealing? How are brass knuckles going to help you steal?
I swear "victim 1" looks like Robert DeNiro's mongol spawn. Pic related.
nah, the mcdonald's coffee thing was warm enough it caused third degree burns, it was a lot more justified than that bullshit
>This is Mcdonald's coffee levels of stupid.
That case was justified, actually. Look into it. She suffered really serious burns.
Its perfect for florida deer, hell ive seen .17hmr take down a 130lb buck
Up north you want 7.62x39 at a minimum,30-06 or .308 for elk and shit
They were white.
It's still better than here, you will get arrested for assault with a deadly weapon or attempted murder if you hit a burglar with a bat, even if they have a gun (which they usually do)
>if someone tried to crawl inside of me, I'd kill them.
Sounds kinky desu
People figured this shit out tens of thousands of years ago user.
Protecting your home from unwanted Intruders may very well be one the most basic of human survival instinct outside of eating drinking and fucking
>retards that broke in are "victims"
>the guy who defended himself is the "shooter" and is portray as the bad guy
why does the media hate white men?
Holy shit I need to research 300blackout more
Didnt realize it was that powerful
(I know all about the casings and why it was created, just never researched ballistics)
wiggers should be shot twice: one for the crime, another for deliberately acting like a subhuman whule doing so
Any hope of uncucking your men now that Brexit proved there's a national will?
Do you people seriously not test your coffee?
I open it up, put it close to my face and feel the heat.
Look, we are getting off topic. Let's get back to home break ins.
No I was referring to a case in England, here they will tell you to take down barbed wire or pointy fences in your garden because a burglar might get hurt.
It's totally fucking retarded.
>theyre white
It's a double score with this story, he's white AND he's pro self-defense. They have to drive that narrative at full throttle on this one.
Yea ive heard crazy shit. But I thought you were allowed to use the same force the burgler is using?
Like you can use a bat of he has one, but can't use a knife.
Is it really so cucked you can't defend at all?
>break into somebody's home
>get shot
dog bless ameriga
The supersonic loadings are approximately the same performance as 7.62x39, which is stronger than .30-30 past 150 (.30-30's ballistic coefficient is trash, unless you use those newer leverevolution rounds or whatever they are called).
Because if someone kicks in your door, there's a very good chance that they will kill you. It happens all the time. This was a clear home invasion, the homeowner is completely justified and is only defending himself.
nigger they still haven't publicly hanged Sharia May and her disgusting kind, what makes you think they are on the way to bring uncucked?
good point. we can't have anyone hurtin the chilluns when they break into someones house
It was self defense, where I live we have stand your ground law and castle doctrine, the same would happen if the criminal broke into my house.
He's talking bollocks. You are allowed to defend using any means necessary if you feel in danger.
It's only when you shoot them while they're running away from your property that it becomes a problem
Dude, actually look up the court case. It spilled on her lap in the car. That lady gets shit on so much by people and she really doesn't deserve it.
Your understanding of the law is tenuous at best.
I feel like the media could have been very close to taking the kids side simply because the perps are white and it would have been a fantastic chance for them to go "SEE NOT ONLY BLACKS COMMIT CRIME"
had he been any shade of colored himself the story would have been drastically different
Possibly, it depends how much of the retarded laws were down to EU meddling and legislation, our government is going through all the laws now and repealing/amending shit.
We already got rid of the anti deportation laws so we can remove criminal migrants and terrorists.
I think first we will have to legalise self defence, then try to uncuck our firearm laws. It will honestly take years I think and by that time I will hopefully have a green card or at least a H1B.
That might change though depending on the trade deal our countries will make, I know for a fact it is a lot easier to get into the USA as an Australian, Chilean and some random other country I can't remember to the free trade deals you have.
how did it spill on her lap?
This really is the messed up thing, he now has to live with the weight of knowing he ended the life of 3 teens. Theyre trash and deserved what they got, but that guy might still suffer for pulling the trigger.