HOLY SHIT!! Obama's lackey requested the unmasking!
Failing NY Times, Bloomberg, and FBI Colluding to protect King Nigger.
HOLY SHIT!! Obama's lackey requested the unmasking!
Failing NY Times, Bloomberg, and FBI Colluding to protect King Nigger.
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>tfw no matter how much evidence is presented, people who hate Trump will say Obammy dindu nuffin
is wire tapping illegal? can obongy bobangy really go to jail for something the cia did?
i'd rather have the cia investigated then jail another brown man
Not that anything illegal happened, but serious ethics issues about unmasking people who were being surveilled, and specifically people working for Trump's transition...it's really fucked up. Nobody's going to jail though
Obama/Democrat stooges would happily start WW3 somehow before seeing Barry go to the can.
But when's Hillary's arrest?
Someone is definitely going to jail. Unmasking names of people just because you feel like it is a huge no-no, especially if you're using that information to blackmail them.
hang 'em high
Leaking classified info is also illegal.
The Jewish ice fairy is a bullshit artist.
wasnt she the one they were talking shit about last week for being a cunt or something?
i wish they'd give death sentences to politicians, that'd stop them from fucking us
fake news
She's known for being a raging bitch.
Sliders gonna slide.
Hes going straight to prison just like Crooked Hilary!
Oh wait...
dont you understand things take time?
>sources says
Sempai i dont want to disrupt your little celebration but those words sound like a burger of darkmater
Kek I'll personally cut off my testicles, and mail them to gook-moot if Hillary or Obama so much as faces trail
>they wont
Heads start rolling yes
sage faggotry like this Cernokike and his retardation arent welcome here
Dont be naive. As much as Id like to see it, nobody as high up as Hilary, much less Obama, has ever been convicted of anything, despite being mafia tier.
Drumpf colluded with Russia why wouldn't they want the intel on him lmao
fake & gay
This is absolutely false. Someone will go to jail. If Rice has the option of 10 years in prison or spilling the beans, I'm curious as to which she will decide. Obama can't help her now. They all planned on Hillary winning and this info never seeing the light of day.
>>tfw no matter how much evidence is presented, people who hate Obama will say Trump dindu nuffin
Why are trumpsuckers such cucks?
nice "source"
She's the designated fall guy. She's already politically damaged. Sacrificing her is an easy our for Obama.
Tbqh why wouldn't our government spy on anyone who is trying to take over the country?
The story is more than likely a well executed distraction to draw away from Trump's Russian ties in all honesty, though for us, the left is a greater threat than Russia, so we play into the hype in hope of niggers BTFO
>kike cernovich
/nupol needs to fucking die
Do you think she will go quietly or tell what she knows? I would be furious if I was the designated fall guy. Fuck that. I'm bringing the ship down with me.
More like Israel ahohoho~
Fuck that retard.
Holy shit shes going to jail you guys! Im sure this time, this time its real! HAPPENNING! HAPPENING!
ShareBlue shill spotted
Of course she will go quietly. You know how many people will stand in line to be fall guys just for a taste of temporary power? At that, you REALLY think (((they))) wouldn't let her know that she and her family would suicide if anything went wrong?
Bush and Obama are being propped up in the media, Clinton is never going to jail. Its not happening, ever, the swamp is to deep.
>linking Cernovich
you're an e-book merchant Michael and that's all you piece of trash will ever be
What did Trump do, exactly?
Maggie Haberman has been asked constantly about this, and has tweeted like 50 times in the last couple of hours, but has said nothing.
When she can make random shitty tweets on random shitty things, why can't she deny this?
>anyone who wouldn't let Donald Trump cuck their wife is ShareBlue
Nice try kike nigger.
Then why doesn't Maggie Haberman just refute it, instead of stay silent in the face of a mass of people asking, as they have been doing on Twitter for a while?
Never gonna happen, if anyone is going to prison it's Moscow Don
Kys. Srs, do it. Your mom hates you. Your dad i ashamed of you. You're a cuck, a spook loving cock that craves dick up his ass. Kys. Jump from a bridge, hang yourself, it doesn't matter. Just do it.
are the Russians comm'n for ya?
it was just incidental surveillance. pure coincidence. lol at drumpftards freaking out over this
Leave it to the Jews to out nigger the niggers.
If Obama does go to prison how much will the value of this issue skyrocket? It's his first known appearance as president in any known media.
Since when?
Kek wut. I voted Trump and called anyone who liked Bernie's economic illiteracy absolutely fag.
Again, just because I'm not a cuck for Donald Trump doesn't mean I'm a cuck.
>everyone I don't agree with is a ShareBlue boogeyman
She can't refute it because it's true.
>Go to jail for ridiculing the president
>United States
>President goes to jail for ridiculing you
feels good man
>a well executed distraction to draw away from Trump's Russian ties
The CIA, NSA and FBI couldn't find any evidence of collusion with Russia up until the election
The DNI head of all of those groups couldn't find any evidence of collusion with Russia up until the inauguration
When do we realize that American leftists are a domestic terrorist organization and their claims of collusion are intentionally fabricated as a hostile act?
And yet, you're supporting the president who wants to turn you into Russia?
Yes but we have never had someone as vengegul as Trump at the helm
I find the ShareBlue butt hert in this thread sustaining.
I'll believe Marmoset Mindframe when I hear it from some more sources
I would agree with your assessment based on a formal definition of terrorism.
However, I've come to realize that the term "terrorism" is really just a term for a crowd sourcd intelligence operation.
>any moment now they'll provide evidence of it
>any moment now
I mean I want to believe this but I wouldnt trust that kike to fry my eggs
Not many has as much to take revenge for as Trump. If he dropped a bunker buster at the NYT and killed every terrorist inside, that would be anti-American traitors meeting their end.
Killing communists is good, the US has done it before. There are now more communists than ever and a need for more bombs and guns.
Maggie Haberman has been bombarded with questions about it on Twitter for the last day, and has said nothing. She just tweeted a lot of other random shit. Why?
I already recognize the left as the worst thing in America, and will be the first to point out it was the libs who sold the Russians 1/5 of our uranium supply.
Nonetheless, only a fool trusts the man selected as master. The ties between Trump and Russia are all indirect and non-damning to the best of my knowledge, and I truly don't think they will ever pin something substantial against Trump.
WITH THAT SAID, Trump is a master at manipulating the media, and it is entirely logical to assume that his unsubstaniated claims of government spying are an equal and opposite reaction to unsubstantiated claims of his collusion with Russia.
>I'm still not shareblue
Trump is going to BTFO them all
>and it is entirely logical to assume that his unsubstaniated claims of government spying
Yeah, except for what has come to light in the past week, where Nunes said he had seen dozens of reports written about Trump staff, unrelated to Russia.
The Democrat Schiff who viewed the same reports refuted nothing of what Nunes said.
Meanwhile, nobody has found absolutely any evidence of collusion with Russia. The feloniously leaked conversation between Flynn and a Russian even contains nothing hinting at it:
The official also says that there are recordings as well as transcripts of the calls, and that the transcripts don't suggest Flynn was acting under orders in his conversations.
The official also said there was "absolutely nothing" in the transcripts that suggests Flynn was acting under instructions "or that the trail leads higher."
"I don't think [Flynn] knew he was doing anything wrong," the official said. "Flynn talked about sanctions, but no specific promises were made. Flynn was speaking more in general 'maybe we'll take a look at this going forward' terms."
-- So on one hand we have written reports about the activities of Trump staff, and a New York Times journalist who refuses to respond to basic questions about whether she is sitting on an important fact or not. On the other hand we have nothing about collusion at all.
This is not equivalent. ¨
>don't believe the govt unless their silence backs my agenda
Reminder that the FBI has not been given access to the DNC servers to verify the hacking claims.
Elect banana third world leader
Receive banana third world results
You should have seen them last night when me and Norwegian VikingBro were
rekt'ing their world
and conveniently this morning Vlad gets bombed by Hillary and Obama's Isis faggots
Sorry DeepThroatSTate, nothing is stopping this train, its left the station already, and all you kiddie-diddlers will be brought into the light.
The main thing the ShariaBlue neckbeards do is try and get you to argue.
They slide first, and if to many woke people are posting, they switch to claiming to be one of you, cause "look at at all muh bumping"
but they will never ever talk about the substance/topic
and only dimiss it and continuously find ways to fill the bread up with irrelevant argument mold.
For those who dont know:
Mike Cernovich is reporting, that:
White House Counsel confirming that Susan Rice unmasked Flynn, via verified document id numbers, that she had to log her access to which the lawyers have, and the NYT's Maggie Habberman knowing about and sitting on the story for 48 hrs
Many on the Left still believe it because their media keeps pushing it. The MSM is the problem.
>implying Russia's end game was to get Trump elected and not destabilize and undermine our entire system to keep us focused on domestic matters
nice, still here with a pile of dead leftist shills screaming REEEEEE around you.
excellent work
The white house chose their outlet, as with all things, on purpose. Your reactions are part of what they were counting on. This is a replay of Drudge from 97. He was a basement blogger too. Look at him now.
No, the "results" are the product of antihuman psychopath leftists who should have been killed, for example by shooting them on the way back to work, or bombing their processions. Not a "result" of Trump.
The New York Times are the foreign terrorists in the US. Everyone who works there have signed up and are willingly taking part, and should be killed.
Your spouting off out of context click bait articles. If you actually looked into the Uranium thing you'd know that 0 American Uranium will leave the country and that State was 1 of 9 other agencies that sign off on these deals.
Russia bought the company so they could get the mines in Kazakhstan
not sure if shill or just reddit fag incapable of critical reading and independent thought
those two dickless kiddie diddlers have been at it for hours across multiple breads.
their goal is to keep you arguing with them and not talking about the happenings
The "destabilization" is produced by leftists and Democrats, not Russia.
The Democrats and leftist media could drop their fake "collusion" claims right now. They don't. They are the enemies destabilizing the US. You are blaming Russia for the deliberately chosen actions of domestic leftist terrorists.
oh look, arguing about some other unimportant thing, quoting snopes.com to boot
It doesnt matter how much of the US Uranium Hillary got paid $135 million dollars for.
What matters IN HERE, is Mike Cernovich's very important article where
He says:
"The White House Counsel’s office identified Rice as the person responsible for the unmasking after examining Rice’s document log requests. The reports Rice requested to see are kept under tightly-controlled conditions. Each person must log her name before being granted access to them.
Upon learning of Rice’s actions, H. R. McMaster dispatched his close aide Derek Harvey to Capitol Hill to brief Chairman Nunes."
It's very specific, using names and actions.
If he is wrong, his entire world would be wrecked. He is not going to report something that big and that specific, without having access to real information.
"This reporter has been informed that Maggie Haberman has had this story about Susan Rice for at least 48 hours, and has chosen to sit on it in an effort to protect the reputation of former President Barack Obama."
He calls out a reporter by name for having had the story first.
Starting to think Obongos hole was passed around to his 'comrades' at the Madrassa back in the day.
What else could cause someone who's been handed everything in life without any significant effort to be so repugnant and vindictive?
Maybe buying Obongo dolls and re-packaging them with an orange prison suit on ebay and amazon would be a profitable enterprise.
>and that State was 1 of 9 other agencies that sign off on these deals.
And if Hillary Clinton had said "no", it would never have passed.
9 people all pushing the button does not absolve Hillary of also pushing the button. She OK'd it and thereby allowed it to happen -- because it wouldn't have happened if she didn't OK it.
Reminder that once someone has joined a domestic terrorist organisation like the New York Times there is nothing that can be done other than kill them.
Obongo was Brzezinski's favourite and was almost like his "father" so you can imagine
who /sleepy/ here?
Expect Arrests To Begin Being made By the End of this week.
He's finally going to meet his dad in prison
Why is it that every time there's a "HAPPENING XD" on here, absolutely no other source (Not even Breitbart or InfoWars) reports on it? Do you cucks just believe anything that washes up here without fact checking? Because this shit, like usual, is flimsy at best. Just like the last time it was """confirmed""" Obama wiretapped Trump Towers.
If you've gotten to this level of partisanship you've got a weak mind
>cant refute what you've said so i'm going to move the goal posts and change the subject
I'm getting the rake son
>If he is wrong, his entire world would be wrecked. He is not going to report something that big and that specific, without having access to real information.
Everyone hes reporting on is a public figure so they cant exactly sue him for false reporting and hes a cult of personality; his followers wont leave, they like him for more than just his politics.
I'm fully willing to accept what hes saying so long as it can be proven but until then his credibility is pretty shit
Sean Spicer said it I believe 2 days ago so yea kys actual shill
they want it so bad that if anyone says something about it they will take as fact.