Over the weekend we had a somali refugee in munich trying to rape a baby in public.
Now the newest gem:
Refugee with machete attacks german couple who were out camping and rapes the girl while her boyfriend had to watch
Over the weekend we had a somali refugee in munich trying to rape a baby in public.
Now the newest gem:
Refugee with machete attacks german couple who were out camping and rapes the girl while her boyfriend had to watch
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This is why we need to go to war and dismantle these countries to build them into functioning parts of the human race, this degeneracy needs to go.
>linking to Spiegel
I wonder if this is how the sane people felt when Hitler took control
Dont give them views
There is no (((human race))) you fucking faggot. that mentality is why we are in this mess.
>hurrr durr muh human beans need teaching
No you just fucking kill them.
Do they mention they're refugees? Because if so, you're better off than Sweden.
As for the baby rape story:
they link to the official munich police report, they just happen to be the only outlet who picked up the story, (((everyone else))) just pretended it didnt happen
They mentioned he spoke broken english.
No other descriptions of the man.
Germany IS sweden tier.
Man, I really miss the good old weekly rapist lynchings we had bakc in the day without cops bothering you.
Nowadays the no-fun police gets involved and you have to disperse, otherwise you get arrested.
Not even thieves and robbers can get lynched now, I remember when we use to tie niggers to poles and leave them there, maybe kick them in the head a few times. Nowadays, with social media, you get labeled as the villiain.
They didnt even catch the rapist.
The boyfriend just cried and called the police after the rape was done.
How do you even let that happen? If the rapist has a machete to the girl he is vulnerable to the man. If he is chasing the man with the machete the girl can easily escape.
Like a good germcuck. She had best sex of her life.
The police even praised him for "acting responsibly and non confrontational".
He's now being treated for his mental trauma.
Not kidding you.
They couple also won't be able to have sex for a few months at least while they wait for HIV testing result to be valid.
I think this ends the relationship. She belongs to refugees now.
Where we're they?
Well they could always use a rubber.
But yeah, realistically she's gonna fuck other dudes now via tinder, probably without rubber.
Thats one thing a woman wont forget, having her boyfriend curl up into a whimpering ball of misery and numale while a refugee ravages her.
They were camping near Bonn.
>assuming Hans did not enjoy this and feel enriched
Well, he might have been innocent, but AfD voters are only 10% or so of the population, so he probably wasn't. The same goes for her - when she tries to rape others and instead is raped herself, that is ironic.
Sex with a rubber is absolutely pointless. That's one thing I really feel sorry for shit skins about. They can't enjoy Sex properly without risking catching diseases from each other.
I wouldn't want to look at a woman who had been raped by a smelly ape and I doubt she could look at the man that let it happen.
We are assuming it was a white couple. This is Germany. It could have been turks getting rapped by an even less evolved creature.
Kind of funny when you think of it like that.
Only a kike could gloat about this you Polish nigger.
I agree. Nuke Berlin and try to get as many of our politicians as you can.
Was reading about the Somali geezer that raped two old German men then stabbed the one guy's wife earlier.
Do you let them chew khat all day at the refugee centres until they go batshit insane or something?
So what does Captain Germany look like I wonder?
Americans cannot comment. You are 50% white and your women getting raped by blacks is your favourite pass time.
the nog did hip movement, touching himself and shit towards an 8 and an 12 year old, not a baby.
Not that it would surprise me in the slightest.
>Refugee with machete attacks german couple who were out camping and rapes the girl while her boyfriend had to watch
I don't understand, surely the rapist is vulnerable during insertion, or needs to use one arm to hold the woman down. What, besides worm-like cowardice, stopped her BF from charging that shitskin and tackling him? How does someone claiming to be a man just stand there and wait for it to be over?
That question is the question that every male with a gf is askin himself reading that article, it boggles my fucking mind. I wouldve killed that nog with my bare hands. who cares about a knife when theres your women in vein and especially your own honor.
Literally fake news.
I'd imagine it happened like American demographic's. He was waiting for the right time to act but then he realised it was too late to do anything. White genocide.
no one cares your not even white northern turk.
I think about stuff like this all the time, trying to be mentally prepared. In that situation, if I didn't have a gun, which I usually do when I'm camping, I would sacrifice my left hand without hesitation to try and entrap the machete to get in range to slit the guy's throat.
At least grab a stick and start swinging, I mean christ if the shitskin is in the process of trying to dick a girl he probably isn't gonna have the best reaction time to getting charged and tackled.
It's the "sat there and watched" part that's so perplexing.
Get drunk so you post funnier stuff.
Maybe he held the blade right to her neck. But knowing germancucks and that they didn't take single action during new years rape fest it doesn't surprise me.
Haha you are going extinct and half your nation wants you dead. The greatest country. If you are a rich jew.
would you put your life on the line for a garbage piece of human shit white woman? I would not, she probably voted for it, she got it.
That's possible I suppose
I wouldn't be dating one in the first place
Machete to her throat?
Still, i can't imagine not doing anything in this situation. This guy was raised by Germany's feminized society to be gentle and play nice with other kids. He was totally unprepared for confrontation, and probably froze up.
This kind of thing triggers the hell out of me. I can't even make fun of german cucks at this point. If this could happen in the land of Hitler, where else will it happen? How long will it last?
>No you just fucking kill them.
The bluntness of that statement. Brilliant.
you have to admit it's getting hard to feel bad for them. at some point you just point and laugh
>can't defend yourselves with weapons
>government can't guarantee you're safety
>no one sees a problem with this
We've got plenty nigs here but we never hear of these news, are there that many in Germany or what?
>Links directly to official police report
>Official police report is fake news
What the fuck are you trying to defend, son?
It's only a gf not his wife. She wouldn't try to charge the refugee if it was him getting raped instead. The "your woman" shit is beta-tier pedestaling.
Ich habe die Artikel gelesen, weil ich b2 herenrasse bin. Und ich fand es traurig dass der Fruend der Frau war zu erschreckt seine Frau zu verteidigen ;(
Ich bin Dankbar ich bin kein pussy white boy sondern ein mutig brauner Mexicaner
nuke africa now!
your women don't get raped, they open their legs willingly.
So my girlfriend just moved in with me and the apartment we're living in is about 90% Somali, what do? Moving out isn't an option.
Breh its not about your GF at that point, its about youre fucking manhood you patty. It's about being a fucking man and not letting a nigger take your shit
nah, not really Akmed, stop projecting
I mean, technically he's not wrong since if you read the police report linked - i'll make it easy for you since it's a little bit hidden: polizei.bayern.de
accept your shitty life, your girl will be passed around the somalians. White girls are human shit.
The rapist and boyfriend should both be put to death
how the fuck did that happen? Get a fucking gun if that isn't a proxy
I'm not even a NatSoc, but the way things are playing out is uncannily similar to The Turner Diaries.
> The "System" begins by implementing numerous repressive laws on various forms of hate by repealing laws against rape (as rape laws are often viewed as "racist"), by implying that gender exists on a biological level, by making it a "hate crime" for white people to defend themselves from crime by non-whites even after all weapons are confiscated
> Turner witnesses an anti-racism parade in which whites who are not part of the parade are pulled aside and beaten (sometimes to death) by non-white marchers; the march eventually turns into a full-scale riot
>some nigger getting his dick out and trying to cum on a 1-year-old.
Big fucking deal. Tell him it's impolite to cum on toddlers, and he won't do it again.
The Irish have been cucked for centuries. Don't pretend you're any better.
To be fair what the fuck are you going to do if there's a feral nigger with a machete on the loose and you don't have anything to defend yourself with. Especially if you're probably some skeletal mode cuck. And even if you did defend yourself your life would become a living hell due to constant leftshitter and antifa harassers.
Probably just found it. If they're the only people to report these things, they evidently have to go looking
teach your grill to shoot, then contemplate your life choices about why your living in a shitty somalian area
Leftists will conveniently ignore this. The other Reports are from this weekend though.
>not letting a nigger take your shit
The girl isn't your property. She voted for this. These strong independent women have been saying for a while they don't need men so let them reap what they sow. As soon as they relinquish their voting rights we can go back to protecting them. Till then you're just a useful idiot betacuck risking yourself for women for none of the incentives it used to give.
Are you fucking retarded? Once you are trying to make a move he would just slice the throat of your/his gf.
Great job, you now don't look like a cuck but your gf is dead...
sounds like a good read, thanks
i'm not sure if he received the leaflet stating this isn't acceptable behaviour in germany
how was he supposed to know?
>And even if you did defend yourself your life would become a living hell due to constant leftshitter and antifa harassers.
spoken like a true cuck, being a man is not giving a fuck who talks shit to you if it means defending those that love you
Used to feel bad for you guys, it's just funny now.
It's time we Bavarians become our own country
>pic related
Somalian give best sex
Lol, potatoman, please. It's not the black population that's pushing the white percentage down. Blacks are like 12% of the total population and are projected to stay in that range. The thing that's driving white numbers down is the one-two punch of numale cultural Marxism infecting the youth, along with swarms of spics popping out 6-8 broodlings per familia like good Catholics.
Well I do have grand nostrils my brown friend.
Germany is a joke, and as such should be lafed upon. Besides why arent you happy? She was crying with joy as he streched her holes for diversity points.
I don't wanna be _that_ guy, but you talk about a "baby sex" story while the girls in this article are 8 and 11 years old. Neither one them qualify as a "baby" and there was now actual sex.
I hate every goddamn "refugee" in my country, but come on.
How does Merkel, or any politician in the West, call for more refugees and migrants after things like this continue to happen? Will we have to riot in the streets to make our voices heard? We are being outbred and killed in our own countries.
We are the descendants of explorers, conquerors, and innovators. Our forefathers did not civilize the world for their homelands to be invaded by the savage hordes.
Yeah I guess youre right , its easy to sit here and say he was a cuck but the terrifying thing is most of you guys raised in a feminist utopia , were neutered and now cant fight back.
I probably would have waited for the nigger to have his back turned as he grabbed my gf by one hand then I would of pounced on him . and gotten on top of him and gauged his eyes out.
Pick one. Using Berlin and Cologne to represent Germany is like using Manhattan and Los Angeles to represent the USA.
The Eternal Anglo would do us a favor if he'd bomb Berlin
Mate I realize what the correct option in this case would be, but never being slightly racist to anyone is so deeply ingrained into the german mind and society, it's ridiculous. At least you can somewhat hate some minorities in Murrica.
The article says nothing about "refugee" though.
It might just be one of our homegrown animals (2nd or 3rd generation).
Nah man, I live in Berlin right now because of work, but next year -> go for it
Just ignore b8 that stale, it's not even worth a (you)
well thought out
I went to my city's carnival the other day with my gf and I almost had to leave it was so bad. Wild negroes some with no shirts and many many children. Many spics and even more children, Mexican music playing at carnival rides instead of anything else. Muslims walking around with their 8 kids each. The only white people were either beautiful white girls paired with black men or drugged out white trash. I only saw ONE decently dressed respectable looking white couple other than me and my gf.
Ich habe kleine Dorfer besucht, und es gab auch fluchtlinge, du bist ein Lugner
why do you have interracial porn saved on your PC?
How is he lying if he says that Berlin and Cologne aren't representative for Germany?
Are you stupid, nigger?
Not quite, he's just a dumbfuck who fell for his own No True Scotsman.
source is truth24 itself written by editor. Sounds like a joke. The machete attack is credible the somali baby story sounds like bullshit.
Well, i have also visited small towns in Kansas and Texas and saw Muslims and Black people, i still don't judge the whole USA because of my experiences.
Not where i live in south eastern Bavaria.
The only foreigners we have here are christian Italians and christian Serbs who are all pretty based and redpilled
>pic related
... maybe because it wasn't a baby, they were 8 and 11 year old kids.
Black's are 14% now. Their numbers are growing both absolutely and as percentage of your population. Your whole country is BLACKED.
>Refugee with machete attacks german couple who were out camping and rapes the girl while her boyfriend had to watch
Disgusting, this couldn't find a way to stop the shitskin?
the guy is busy fucking his gf and he just watches? fucking hentai tier NTR
Americans like to think of Germany as what they see on (((Rebel Media))) and InfoWars.
Just a few days ago an American i talked to was convinced Germany has about 10 Million Citizens of which 5 Million are Muslims.
jesus christ even the pol germans are cucked beyond good reason
Fuck it kill the roastie too, she's tainted now
Wir sprechen uber das fluchtlinge Problem, und ich glaube Berlin und Koln haben das Selber problem als ganze Deutschland. Das ist was ich meine. Aber naturlich gibt es mehr Leftist cucks in Berlin und Koln, ich weiss das
don't care
your nation is controlled by traitors
they are flooding your country on purpose to kill and rape you
you know it
you do nothing about it
you're a nation of cowards.
it doesnt matter what happens to you. the best we can hope for is it happens fast enough to wake up every one else.
What's going with Somalis in Germany.. And eighteen year old raped disabled men. Wtf deport all the Somalis back now.
hot desu
>you just kill them
Start with yourself