How has Sup Forums changed your views?

How has Sup Forums changed your views?

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Nazis are dumb and Hitler was a genius but a fucking asshole. From a right-wing german

t. Abdullah Mohammad




Went from libertarian with white nationalist sympathies to libertarian with hatred for white nationalism.

This tbqh,
also pic

White piece of shit, white fucking garbage, you will learn your place beneath the audacity of a true man. A black man. Know that even the lowliest of the blacks is greater than your greatest white prodigy. A dick numbering 12 inches or more you cannot compete and while you laugh yourself giddy in denial revel in knowing that every single day while you go to work a real man, a black man, is destroying your gf or wife in your house and on your bed and she will never tell you because she craves what you cannot offer. There is nothing you can do about it. An untamable beast of pure masculinity in comparison to you, you shrivel in cowardice behind your computer screen. Never in your sorry pathetic white-guilted life will you ever call one of us a "nigger" to our faces because you know that you would not escape retribution. Claim your superiority with your guns all you want white children because deep down you know that its a fall-back to mask your incompetence and insecurity over having become worthless in the eyes of those greater than you. Try as you will reality cannot and will not be prevented by the likes of you. You are the minority. We are the majority. We are lord and master - judge and jury. You will not escape the next generation you will be bred out of existence and your children just as your women will bow to us.

Exactly the opposite of your pic.
Edgy le may may Nazi.
Research and live in the real world.
100% believe in The NAP, just not so much on the no taxes portion.
I need roads.

Made me hate Germans

Libertarians trying to make their ideals edgy to appeal to the cave dwelling NatSocs of this board always gives me a chuckle.

>implying anyone cares what stormcucks think

I went from Minarchist to National Libertarian

>National Libertarian
An oxymoron.

have the updated image, Pastabro.

We're simple connected-to-the-reality-libertarians.



>I need roads

If that's your solution, build me that.
I will trade you my goat Muhammed.

>Hitler was a genius

hey thanks!

So basically decentralized Nazis in denial? NatSoc is about race and is an idea that race is important, not an ideology. So long as you agree with that idea you are NatSoc, merely your own brand of NatSoc.

I was always told this by my PoliSci professors, I still think Libertarianism can be compatible with Civic Nationalism. In fact I think a strong nationalist culture (one of taking personal responsibility for good of the state) is essential for libertarian ideas to work in the absence of ethnic and cultural homogeneity.

I now refer to to ISIS, Turks, and the chinese under the umbrella term "subhuman"
>thanks /pol

uhh it absolutely was an ideology. From the NatSoc perspective, the world's races had been in competition for resources since the beginning of history. As opposed to the communists who believed one class was exploiting the working class etc. You're thinking of ethnic nationalism.

Sup Forums made me ancap but also racist, thanks

See that's your problem Nigger. While you are out there bragging about your dick size white folks study, researching and then developing something you could have never come up with.
How was the White Man able to oppress the black man for so long? Not because of better physical assets, but because he learned to use his brain and invented shit like boats, electricity, weapons, an economic structure.
It may be Niggers have larger dicks, I'll give you that. But seriously who gives a shit? White people are the only reason EVERYTHING exists today! We invented the best stuff that exists today (Arabs invented some shit too yes, but Niggers?).
Okay, conclusion: Not the one with the bigger dick is superior, but the one with the bigger brain, the higher IQ, the better ingenuity.

I fucking hate almost everything and i want die or go back to being unenlightened.

I realize that we must go back at least 1000 years if we wanna secure the existence of our race and the future for our white children

I realize thate christianity and islam is just judaism v2 and 3

I realize that women aren't biologically fit for personal freedom and that they act like children in order to see if you're a capable father for your offspring

Violence is underated, diplomacy is the downfall of us all

Being /alpha/ and /fit/ is the key to getting women

Sup Forums actually made me more liberal. I've become more convinced that hard right wingers are pretty much all degenerate loners, particularly the ones on this board

He was. Just look at the timeline from the founding of the "Weimarer Republik" to Hindenburg to Hitler as chancellor and after. He planned EVERYTHING. Everything was cold hearted calculation.
He was a fucking genius.

Also that communism is superior in theory
But national socialism is superior in practice

No it just validated them. I was always a racist and leaned toward authoritarianism, but now I feel okay with it. Thanks for the peace of mind, Sup Forums

from my comment here this is exactly the kind of person I reckon is a complete degenerate loser irl. Possible virgin, but likely has no real friends, possibly unemployed or at best has some job doing nigger work

Reverse that

Im actually a father irl, but okay whatever.

I found out I was double iq inbred scum.

Before /pol: Slightly left leaning.

After /pol: Centrist, but still a little left leaning.

Huge change. I hate niggers and kebab a lot more now, though. The biggest changes would probably be my stance on abortion, which I'm now against, and I'm now very VERY anti immigration, especially from places where cultures are inherently incompatible with ours (like the middle east).

Still want gays to be able to get married, still want people to be able to own guns, still want to protect the environment and believe in global warming, still want socialized healthcare, still want to remove private prisons, still against the death penalty.

I'm kind of everywhere on the spectrum. Maybe you could argue libertarian?


>tfw i almost responded to an australian

Rofl it wasn't calculated at all. He took things one step at a time each time taking a little more here and there without meeting much resistance and in the end he tried to grab a little too much. Don't bother mentioning the Weimar Republic, he didn't pull Germany out of hyperinflation, the previous government before the Nazis put all the foundations in place for the recovery that happened. Everything from the Keynesian economic policies to the autobahn project was from the previous government. Hitler would have done well to follow this but instead of continuing on with this he shifted resources into national projects with zero economic value (mostly aesthetic function) and bankrupted Germany if not for having pilfered the banks of the occupied countries.

So is Tyrone but he's still a drug dealing nigger

> communism is superior in theory

lmao,of course you're Swedish. Let me give you the quick rundown

>Flip to the end of Ch2 of the Communist Manifesto. Look at that list of ten things. It says you can't have transportation or communication outside the hands of the state. It isn't talking about means of production-it's talking about all of it. You're not supposed to have a car or cellphone, as Marx envisioned it.

>Not allowed to have means of production, technically 3d printers or printers.

>Not allowed to own land, so 0% home ownership. Are you going to go to your grandparents and tell them to fuck out of their home for the good of the vanguard all-union party?

>All-Union party means that all unions are part of the government, which are also your corporations. Think about how sound this idea is. It totally defeats the purpose of having a union in the first place.

>Open up Das Kapital. Read the first sentence of the first chapter. It's talking about "use value". One tiny problem however-it doesn't exist. Value is completely subjective based on supply/demand and alternating value is shifted by the "invisible hand" concept of competition and hidden forces(you'd be better off denying evolution than competitive practices). There is no intrinsic "use value". It's entirely subjective.

>Next think about what kind of people Communism appeals to. Either high openness naive leftists or high conscientious power thieves who disregard the general value system. Both are degenerates.

Communism is a lie throughout. Anyone who says it's good in theory doesn't know the theory. It's broken from beginning to end.

>before: libertarian
>now: socially libertarian, fiscally populist ethno-nationalism

Libertarian around everyone except communists, where i become some sort of 1950's right winger

Absolute alpha*

Hitler actually was quite amazing. He is the reason German army did so well in the early stages of the war. Of course he's also the reason German army did poorly in the end. He was not trained in military strategy, so he was very unpredictable. And that's him as a commander. His oratory skills might very well be the best in the history of all humanity. His speeches were able to rally millions to fervently pursue a single goal, which is just awe inspiring. He had many shortcomings, but it'd be ridiculous and utterly dishonest to call Hitler stupid or incompetent.




>bankrupted Germany

>he was surrounded by 130+ IQ people but sure, hitler was dumb, yeah, yeah.

shut up you kike shill

You need to read about luminance and color theory. Or, you know, not be a retard. Your text is almost unreadable. Use a different color or add a border to the text.


No, I've always been a green square liberal, but I've become much more sympathetic to the far-right than the far-left, especially in these past 6 months.


Please pick up a book you fingolian. The Wehrmacht began the war with the greatest advantage having spent 6 years building up and updating while countries like the USSR had just gone through an officer purge losing more than 1/3 of their experienced officers. Hitler is the guy that refused his army permission to prepare winter uniforms. The war was pretty much lost after the first winter in the USSR (USSR was still mobilizing while by this point the Wehrmacht had lost most of their experienced men and everyone coming in then on was green)

Well, I used to think that dindus could become members of society after seeing Ben Carson. Now I know he's an outlier. As for the Holocaust, I found it kinda weird Germans didn't just shoot Jews in the head when I was a kid, but now I doubt it completely. I also believe that pizzagate was a real thing, because a fucking pizza map is suspicious as hell. I also want to return to my home country, but Vietnam's full of Communists, and I'd prefer death to Communism.

My entire family thinks I'm insane.


Before: Sympathize with the Europid man because muh civilized worldview.
After: These loathsome bastards deserve everything they get. Karma is at work.

>before Sup Forums
"I'm socially liberal, but fiscally conservative."
>after Sup Forums
I'm not an ethno-nationalist, but Hitler didn't kill 6 million jews even though he should have.

also this

>NatSoc is about race and is an idea that race is important
it's also centrist economically, more or less, which is not libertarian

One race, the human race liberal scum --> centrist --> lolertarian --> 1776 NOW, avenge Kennedy Constitutionalist

A misconception, but I don't blame you.

Most people getting into amateur ww2 history will start by reading "Lost Victories" by Manstein-which is a pretty good book overall. However, he mentions that Hitler too over the planning stages and he felt robbed by that, and implies that the German military would have had overall success if he hadn't taken control throughout the book.

When you listen to the audio of him speaking the the Finnish leader Mannerheim, Hitler tells a different story(you should be able to find a copy on youtube and listen to Hitler and Mannerheim speak there). He says he always listened to his generals.

So who to believe?

Well, in Hoth's book "Panzer Operations", he mentions that Hitler would often intercede in favor of those at the top of the food chain. So if a field marshal or general got to uppity, he would defer judgement to the top leaders at the time. Hoth names Brauchitsch, Jodl, and Goering as a few that Hitler would decide in favor of.

Here's the thing: Brauchtisch is the commander in chief. Jodl is chief of the operations staff. Goering is in charge of air operations. So when Hitler is telling generals like Manstein to listen to these guys, he's basically telling them to follow their chain of command.

So what's happening here is that generals wrote a bunch of books in post ww2 blaming an easy enemy for their failures, Hitler, and everyone is ignoring the fact these guys were basically whining about having to take orders when they disagreed with them. Manstein is really just a big baby but amateur historians think he's the shit because they read his book(and it is decent overall), and totally neglect the implications of other lesser known others(Hoth) and first hand sources(Hitler speaking to Mannerheim).

It made me a RADICAL CENTRISTâ„¢ because Sup Forums helped me realize just how fucking full of shit both the left and the right actually are.

Still fucking love nazi memes though.

>green in political compass
>top of purple, almost blue

Wait, that symbol is ancient and means more

It's pretty much how the Eastern Front went. Over time Hitler started micromanaging more and they started making colossal blunders meanwhile the Stalin was micromanaging less which led to USSR making less colossal blunders. Two idiots that should have left control to their much more competent General Staff

>Please pick up a book you fingolian.
I have read a book or two. Hitler had far better understanding of how the war would break out and over what, than Allied countries had. He was able to unify German countries in peace, and was prepared for the war with France and UK after invading Poland. And France was very well prepared for the war. Even so, Germany utterly destroyed France. The war with USSR began with devastating victories too. Hitler advanced extremely fast during the first phases of the war. But he got stuck in the major cities of leningrad and stalingrad, and he was too fixated on getting them. He also ignored his commander who suggested he should retreat, which ended up in a disaster. When the army surrounding Stalingrad got cut off, he tried to support it with airdrops, but that was just futile. Despite the shortcomings of the German army, it is absolutely clear that they were far better supplied than USSR. They might not have had the adequate supplies to survive Russian winters, but neither did the Russians. Soviets didn't even have enough guns and food to go around.

Germany had unprecedented victories in a very short order. Hitler was a great commander during the early war. And he was an amazing statesman before the war. Denying that is just retarded. Almost as retarded as calling someone 'fingolian', since that doesn't exactly foster the will to give legit replies.


I started hating Canadians...


>Two idiots that should have left control to their much more competent General Staff
That's stupid. Stalin famously purged the army. There wasn't any kind of competent general staff once he was finished. That's one of the reasons Russians did so horribly bad in the winter war.

So I made mistakes in this post:took*

But I forgot to mention, the real reason the Germans did well early on was the German reliance on focusing firepower, where their enemies did not. For instance France would rely on splitting up it's tanks along large lines, while Germany would concentrate. Also, the German planning relied on a concept of finding a focal point for an attack, a "schwerpunkt", and pierce that line. That was nothing new, but it did receive emphasis in the theory building stages of the 30's when they were initially designing tanks.

Also, the Germans had a tradition of "auftragstaktik" which meant German units could adapt based on loose specifications handed down to the next tier of command, unlike the Red Army which shot anyone who didn't follow orders to the letter.

Most development that would be used throughout ww2 would be pioneered by Guderian and to some extent Rommel. Rommel was more well rounded and Guderian focused on the mobility aspect solely.

Panzer Leader would be a good book to read regarding Guderian.

And Nazism is all the good points minus all the utterly retarded points of libertarianism. Your point?

I think you missed the whole point. Hitler literally wasn't micromanaging. The generals that claimed he was doing that were basically bitching about having to follow the orders of people they didn't respect.

So Manstein would get pissy when Jodl would tell him to unfuck himself-and Manstein just blamed it all on Hitler because he knew everyone would go along with it and it would redeem himself.

Basically this is my evolution

You haven't read a single book, your knowledge is poor even for documentary educated level. Go back to your tent Mr Khan

>Also, the Germans had a tradition of "auftragstaktik" which meant German units could adapt based on loose specifications handed down to the next tier of command, unlike the Red Army which shot anyone who didn't follow orders to the letter.
I've understood that German generals and commanders had great freedoms, so they were able to pursue advantages once they saw them. This was what made the early war go so well. Later when Hitler started micro managing and giving unconditional orders to never surrender and never retreat did things start to go poorly. Although he probably did so, because things started to go poorly. If he did it at all, as you say.

Go away shill.

I haven't changed. I have taken the black pill long before /pol. I just come here occasionally to have a good laugh at you brainwashed idiots

General Staff means his upper echelon of Generals. Guys like Zhukov. The Soviets had the best Generals of the war by far. I'm saying Stalin should have listened to them from the very start

>The Soviets had the best Generals of the war by far.
Go away shill.

Read a book you tingri cunt

>it's also centrist economically
Dont confuse a wartime economy with a command economy.

Holocaust didn't happen, the "mountains of evidence" people give out are admitted to be "recreations of the plans they thought the Nazis had" and there is no evidence supported by mass graves that concludes the 6 million figure.

Also Hitler was a genius, the Barborossa meme needs to end. Hitler actually was listening to his generals, and no he didn't hate the STG-44.

On top of all of this I'm now a borderline fascist.

That's not a shill that's just a bogan shitpost.

So in reality Libertarians are just jewish puppets?

It's an obvious shill. He's a commie trying to elevate USSR. And of course I shitpost, when that cunt does nothing but call me names based on my flag. You're a retard if you can't see that.

>Soviets had the best generals
>He said replying to a Finn

I feel like there was something important about the USSR and Finland... Hmm really makes u think

A form of ethno-nationalist Libertarian. Race, and nation must be preserved, but there must be an underlying in society that prevents degeneracy...the decay of a society ALWAYS starts there. As more people get the benefits from the goodies of the free-market they become hedonistic brain dead idiots. An updated form of Christianity, that can be taught in both a dogmatic, and philosophic way is the way to bridge that gap I think.

Yeah they did. They developed Deep Battle Doctrine which the Wehrmacht was never able to counter. You only think the Wehrmacht had the best because your education comes from Sup Forumslution, hollywood and video games. You're uneducated

>You're uneducated
You're a lefypol shill

>Christianity will save anything

Only as a vessel for white identity, and in that only in small cases. Christianity is probably the largest barrier between whites and ethno-nationalist, especially in South Africa at the moment.

T former christian

Used to be incredibly ancap, to fully answer OP's question.

I don't see why you would consider a "hold the line" order as micromanaging. It's strategic in scope, especially considering it was the only thing holding up against the Caucasian oil fields. It was an economic decision just as much as a military one.

>They might not have had the adequate supplies to survive Russian winters, but neither did the Russians. Soviets didn't even have enough guns and food to go around.

Let the record show that this is accurate. In Hoth's book, Panzer Operations, he mentions a time when the Germans would capture cities but the Soviets didn't know they had lost those cities-so the Soviets sent Russian supplies directly to the Germans. The Germans were being supplied through the enemy during the first phase of operations. They were ludicrously overloaded with informal (non-regulation) equipment.

> Soviets had the best Generals of the war by far.

This. This is the dumbest thing on all the threads on all the boards of Sup Forums. This is it.

How could the Soviets lose 20 million civilians, anywhere from 8-11 million soldiers(depending on how you count their partisans), along with millions more slavic non-USSR partisans, while having a comparably sized starting army with vastly more tanks and far more aircraft?

The Soviet leaders were absolute shit. The worst of the worst. The absolute dregs.

Who are we supposed to take seriously? Kulik, from the winter war? Budyonny, and his obsession with horses? Zhukov, and his skill in political correctness?

Nope, Ethno-nationlism and a love for your own race is what will be the main driving force of saving/protecting a civilization. Christianity is used for individualism...would you like me to explain?

They get braindead because of the state apparatus subsidizing their existence. Once you remove the state entirely out of the question (or at least form schools, the workplace, etc.) the degenerates are no longer subsidized and must survive on their own. Normal people will soon start to realize the degenerates are not as productive, nice, enjoyable or decent as them, so they'll segregate them from everyday life step by step, generation after generation, until all degeneracy goes back in the closet. See the relation between statism, time preference and cultural decay in Democracy The God That Failed by Hoppe.

this desu senpai