Time to adress something

I see Sup Forums became more and more divided over the past few days. Dunno if it's (((them))) that are trying so hard, or is it just user's stupidity giving it all away, yet consider the pic rel.

And now analyze board's current situation.


Other urls found in this thread:

archive.4plebs.org/pol/search/text/communism general/type/op/


where did you get that pic?

Some secret place, now unavilable, you know what I am talking about,hmmm?

They can't change our opinions as easily as they think. This will never be a pinko board. We value Western morals and the white race and freedom above all else. We're not going to suddenly say "oh, I guess I should kill myself so that jungle savages can overpopulate my homeland without me in the way" just because they post a few memes.

I get that burger, but consider how this board has been overrun by them. I might have some more pics tu post.

>waaaah the mods don't like me

Nobody likes you drumpfkins, nazi scum leave.

Bump, shills sliding this thread beyond relief

pls post more. It would be good for redpilling other anons.

Right wing unite!!

shut up you rooted teeth bong beta, let us REAL MAN deal with it lil boii

I'll see if my source have more.

Bump, plebbit faggots and shils fuck off REEEEEEEEEEEEE

Mods are pruning and banning high quality discussion threads and posters, and making this board Sup Forums tier with choice negligence and pushing a leftist agenda at the same time as well.

See this:

archive.4plebs.org/pol/search/text/communism general/type/op/

Over 300 Commie generals have been made by the same poster, 3+ times a day on most days, and a total of around 600 total made by 4 posters (a Spaniard, an American, a Netherlander, a Canadian)

So will mods ban them for spamming? I'm guessing not! Because mods are commie shills!

no idea, i meant who directed yout attention to it.
or have you found it randomly browsing archive?

its not the first mod thread though.

Old news.

I suspect it's not really a divide as much as some shitposters running out of ideas of how to rustle others and attempting to substitute quality with quantity.

Old to us, but we need to keep the thread alive for a few hours so the /qa/ggots can see proof.

Nope they actively subvert discussions

This did

Actually birds are singing that Hiroshima ordered the merge of Sup Forums and /mlp/ to lure out those shilling mods in order to purge them. Polchans and Ponychans where asking to leave joint board hidden mostly to it being redband so they can dump their pony nfsw stuff there. They voted in favor 25-24, yet it seemed that there was some actual scamming with vote results and Hiroshima started the purge.

Screencaps or it didn't happen.

If you don't like it, cancel your account.


I want those commie mods dead and for cripple Chan to come back /leftypol / has started purging the archives to remove proofs

I love these types of myths. A part of me still believes in them, thanks user for this.

FUcking mods! I fucking knew it!

>lure out those shilling mods in order to purge them.

thats interesting, first time hear it actually.

There's an obvious attempt at consensus cracking, between the libertarian vs natsoc threads, the reddit vs Sup Forums threads (hating reddit is normal, but someone is obviously putting us against The_Donald in an abnormal way).

>Cripple chan to return
It would be even better if leaker user returns and sets this happening into overdrive.

Thanks Pajeet! Screen-capped some of those? If yes keep them, might be we will have to actually go to Hirohito with this.

I use over a hundred filters.
Every time a slide thread appears, i make a new one.
The board becomes almost usable in that situation.

leftypol has been running a psyop trying to convince us that

>Sup Forums welcomes degenerate horsefuckers and white genocide is good
>we hate voters and normal citizens because they're normal and we're horsefuckers
>it's bad to participate in politics, news, or society and we're a sekret internet club only
>it's all satire and spreading our ideology or redpilling new people is bad because we're a sekret club and it's all joke! stop trying to influence politics and news
>we shouldn't talk about politics and news and instead do board wars with the_donald because we're a skret club and not about politics cause that's for normal people and fuck them, we're horsefuckers.

they keep talking about reddit and trying to get infighting so we're not talking about politics and news. they're trying to shame people for going outside or going to trump events. it's an attempt by them to get us to kill ourselves and stop having any political influence while ruining the board.

POLITICS AND NEWS MEANS ACTUALLY PARTICIPATING AND DOING THINGS IN SOCIETY. it's not a sekret internet oldfag club you fucking trash who actually fell for their bait. redpilling people who are new is GOOD. anybody who says otherwise is a leftypol shill or a brain damaged subhuman and not even Sup Forums to begin with

Nope we genuinely hate you, you are like those rapefugges you want this place to become plebbit either integrate or fuck off

t. leftypol

Hello r/The_Donald

Actually the horse fuckers were a good thing. We had no communist shill threads and all the redditors were run away.

nice copypasta fucker, saw that before, you may kys.

Shill detected!

>cultural marxism

No one uses that in a positive way, ever.

swaglord will protect us

Pol has become so diluted I struggle to recognize the shills from the trolls. Worst its ever been. Anyone know where the fags Exodused to?

Congratulations! You have won a free helicopter ride!

Dude I laughed my ass off with some neat stuff for /sg/! Pic rel is the best desu.

This whole board is turning to shit lately. It makes me very sad because there isn't anywhere left to go to be around a fairly large group of peers if this place falls.

Holy fuck that thread had 300+ replies and plebbit still think we hate them ironically

Bumping to see how long it takes for this thread to get deleted

fuck off leftypol shill.

I honestly don't think (((they))) want to destroy Sup Forums because that wouldn't get rid of us, we would just congregate somewhere else they wouldn't know about. They like things just as they are.

No, the divide is because people are stupid and divisive by nature. Blah blah redditfags this blah blah nazi scum that. It's all pretty much a pointless LARP anyway, who cares? We used to have great discussion threads, that was nice though. Now the climate is increasingly hostile in general and that doesn't really breed good discourse, rather it encourages shitposting and shill shenanigans.

Bring back /mlpol/

horse fuckers are communist you fucking little retard faggot. bronies and sjw started on hand and hand together. even if you retard subhumans like come together to try and make a fake consensus it won't form.

horse fuckers are degenerate leftist

I prefer horse fuckers to plebbit period

If you hate degeneracy so much, then maybe you shouldn't browse Sup Forums of all places.

Puts sage on the thread for some spice
Missing spoiler function :>(

>horse fuckers are communist you fucking little retard faggot
