what compelled that stupid faggot to say that?

Get ready for an influx of boomerfags

Other urls found in this thread:


Soundbite or GTFO

where proof? :D

How do I up-vote or like a post?

Gubbermint/CIA/Jones plants all the callers. Its bullshit. Everybody knows the first rule about underwater basketweaving forums is you don't talk about Mongolian horse whipping forums.

What did he say?
This is the most recent thing I've heard him say : youtu.be/39lxSp9Gxak

Alex has mentioned Sup Forums many times before newfag.


If this is the kind of hate speech you young nincompoops use then I'm out!

There will probably be a utube clip of it on AJ utube channel later after it's fnished airing.

look for ex special forces guy interview, don't know his name atm.

he brings up brock.

Blake Miles

as if they can somehow make this board worse

He's definitely trying to cover too many subjects.
Got some airtime on infowars and wants to hit so many different things, bet dude's brain is full of fuck.

Excuse me,

some faggot even made a twitter called pol news or some shit
the newfag from reddit is ruining this board further

He's probably going through the motions right now.


look at his twitter, he covers alot of pizzagate stuff and im sure he's a bit shook atm

Hey guys! I'm new to this Sup Forums pol. There's a lot of nazi stuff here and I'd like to say, as a person who grew up among that as a Jewish person, you guys really don't know about what you're talking about. You guys post these pictures of nazis, Hitler, and swastikas but you really shouldn't. Nazis were downright evil people who murdered my people in the name of white supremacy! I know you may reject me and my plea to change but that's okay as long as I may have gotten to at least one person in the smallest bit that's fine with me. Embrace racial harmony and peace! Go volunteer at your inner city soup kitchen, take a class on African American culture, just take an interest in the wonderful thing that is diversity, and always remember us info warriors have to stick together :-)


>I want my political ideas to succeed but I don't want to tell anyone about my political ideas

I don't understand why pet roosters are so incredibly rare
Just look at this thing, honestly

>implying thats not exactly how its done

I hear Paul Joseph Watson rarely leaves the house in fear of breathing in chemtrails, giving him a pale and sickly sort of appearance

Because they are mean, dirty, and loud.

How do I post on this thing? Where do I set up my avatar?
You people keep posting frogs, are you French? Surrender monkeys LOL! I have a French rifle, never been fired and only dropped once!

Well, you folks take care


> Archetypal Cocksucker
> youtube.com/watch?v=NrVd4-mfVms
Never knew there was a cocksucker archetype.

Get the fuck out of here and go back you fucking mong

bretty gud b8


Nah they will fuck off when we shit on iseral, for some reason they love that place

Chickenfag here, it's because they grow. Most neighbors will file noise complaints against roosters, making them unviable pets



This kike needs to be strung up. He's a fucking plant to make right leaning opinions look bad

I remember when this fuck unironically thought lizards ran everything and we're going to kill him

How do I create an account on here? Is everything anonymous? How do you get likes/karma?!

Alex Jonestein is cancer.

>my civilization is literally dying, but keeping the solution to save my civilization secret is much more important than sharing it with as many people as possible

Jones already talks about how he brought his 10year old son to a birthday party and all the kids swarmed him asking about Sup Forums and moloch. Apparently were Internet super heroes to children. Not sure how I feel about that

Upboated my friend =) You sure got them!


can we still go to our horsefuck bunker?

Those children are your fellow posters.

blake miles is awesome. he and i see this exactly the same way. This is good vs evil, completely.

In fact, I was atheist until 2013 when I finally realized that evil is absolutely real and so for evil to be real, good must also be real.

I now have total faith in God, and I know we will win this war. And I cannot wait to split the heads of millions of commies/leftists/islamists.

>I've probably called a 10 year old child a faggot nigger lover who's been brainwashed by the kikes

hmmm. Not my best moments but far from my worse.

Can we please bullycide for destroying this country in the 60s?

>Sup Forums mentioned on ny post
>Sup Forums mentioned on alex jones show
>Sup Forums is a total secret to all normies
Sup Forums is half normie at this point.. literally just go around fucking in vidya games they post directly to Sup Forums memes.. it's over.. Direct link to Sup Forums itself not even posting it elsewhere
The kids are trying to be normie/polfags.. this whole thing is the new fad.. far left is GONE.. "alt right" is the counter culture

kids are totally immersed in it.. they are taking it way too far too, what has happened.. if the far left think they are winning the culture war, the kids being brought up now are so much fucking far right i'm downright scared.. Not that they are that but that ok you realize lot of that was satire you guys right? hahaha.. that kind of scared.

>Get ready for an influx of boomerfags
I'm somehow okay with this. Think about it, redpilled boomers, we could rule the world

Hopefully it stabilize a bit.. but given how much the far left has taken it to.. i guess its the appropriate response. Their attempts to censor them just emboldens them further.

>Sup Forums is half normie at this point.. literally just go around fucking in vidya games they post directly to Sup Forums memes.. it's over..

Pretty much.

If you want to watch the infestation go to the fringe boards like Sup Forums and Sup Forums. It's morphing into reddit. People unironically repost threads from there.

I don't get what the fuck they think they're doing though - why would you flee that place, to come here and post the same fucking bullshit.

From little effeminate bastards who were like "where's my fanny i don't know if i'm male or female or not" to hitler literally did nothing wrong fuck you commie heil hitler.. and the girls "white is the best fuck the rest". Perhaps we took the memes a bit too far.

Although.. very sentimental youtube.com/watch?v=OtNRwTl1sRk
Hitlers failed attempts at peace.

Please stop it faggot.

>I don't get what the fuck they think they're doing though - why would you flee that place, to come here and post the same fucking bullshit.
they loved us all along but were afraid to say it..

alternative b) they are trying to pretend that we encourage that kind of behaviour to shut us down.


Gjort. men hvorfor?

you are a disgrace to my country you fucking shill

Fordi du vil har os allesammen dræbt, meget simpelt.

>fordi du ville have os allesamen dræbt
Hvordan vil jeg da det?
Godt google translate i ovrigt haha

>up-vote or like a post?
Yeah, how do I change my profile pic and add some friends to my account?

>my country you fucking shill
>goes to google translate
Nice try.

Du siger det skal stabiliseres, vi skal så langt til hojre at vi sprænger skalaen - vi er fucking igang med at odelægge vores samfund totalt.

Hitler er fucking ingenting i forhold til hvad kommunismen vil bringe os.

>i want my community to be flooded with musl- i mean normalfags
No. Fuck off.

Ofcourse none of us are interested in war, but can we not be interested in historical facts, hitler did not do an honor he was pushed towards war and it was bad for all of europe. And never should it decide to repeat itself because without that our earnest desire to simply remain a majority in our own nations should not be as hard to find symapthy towards as it is afterwards. Hitler did in peace time a great thing but when he was coerced into war after being slapped by a glove so many times.. it was a dark time for all of europe.. as the video also describes..


>Hitler er fucking ingenting i forhold til hvad kommunismen vil bringe os.
Og hvem kæmpede hitler imod hvis det ikke var kommunisme, og det var selvfolgelig på den forkerte måde, på måden af krig, og ingenting kommer god af krig blot dod og odelæggelse.. præcist den undskyldning de gerne ville have!

og bagefter var det ikke kommunisterne der sagde at hitler dræbte alle disse joder.. så de så endnu værre ud.. for at have sagt imod for kommunisterne der i 1918-23 som de også gjorde i rusland, provede at berove den politiske magt.


>people here actually still think Sup Forums is a secret clubhouse after 2016

You're all faggots.

(checked) , this means you got doubles, see the first two numbers of your No.? yeah, that's a special power.

now check out my avatar

After 11 years of 4 chan and all of the progression of cancer I've seen now i'm worried what will I do you can never leave here

This dane pretend that i want all killed because he thinks i praise hitler and saying that the communists did worse, i think he forgot who the germans were fighting against on principle, the same who after the war after they were done raping germany whilst the allies conveniently looked the other way and also by themselves starved several million GERMAN CIVILIIANS to death.. also looked the other way when the communist russians pushed the lie that the evil nazi's who had opposed them and dared to try to invade russia had kill all these jews in death camps.. And it just so happened that every "death camp" that was investigated afterwards.. turned out to be a regular war internment camp.. imagine the surprise..

>its bullshit
hello cenk

And this dane who say to me this, also forget that in 1918-23 as i have explained to him the communist tried to do an ARMED OVERTHROW of the german govermnent.. but failed.. unlike how they did not fail in russia (sadly).. Which is why hitler wanted to EXPELL the jews and the communists from germany, looking what happened to russia can you blame him for it? havaara agreement to repatriate the commie jews who were also behind the bolshevik revolution in russia, even giving them money for getting the fuck out of germany.. Clearly a person who wanted to exterminate all jews on the face of the planet developed a plan so early to repatriate them out of germany.. Because THAT's what you do when you are hellbent on ethnically exterminating the jewish ethnicity.. you give them money for leaving..

If you gave them money for killing themselves i might have believed it.. "oh so much money.. maybe i should considered it" all jokingly ofcourse..

He didn't want them exterminated he wanted them OUT with a BOOT, out of germany to conduct their ways somewhere else, since the jews were obsessed with their previous land of israel, palestine was the objective.. hence the havarra agreement.. effective from 1938 and onward.. they were giving money and tools to establish their own settlement in palestine. The islamic grand mufti of jerusalem hajj amini al husseini was against it having sent many muslim volunteers to fight alongside hitler but hitler was insistant on it..

When did you last hear of that in your classroom look up these names see if they check out!

You want communism in germany have it somewhere else, his idea was.. if jews have their clay that they cling to in the torah and tanakh etc. maybe they leave germany alone for once! not an entirely wrong objection.. Since the communist uprising in germany was spearheaded by jews..

But now today that's now how it's told at all they barely mention it.. just hitler had death camps and he fought this war and there were the allies and the axis of evil and the axis of evil was defeated and hitler killed himself end of story nazi bad you guys communism is good though!

@ []

WOW! are we MSM now?

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He blamed Sup Forums for Pizzagate. It isn't the first or last time he mentioned/will mention us.

this isn't a hugbox and possibly redpilling more people is a good thing.

Eventhough stalin killed objectively over 2x the amount of nazi germany but STALIN GOOD COMMUNISM GOOD YA.. why doesn't his numbers count?

>implying Sup Forums is a secret club

It hasn't been a "secret" since 2006 and back then moot was even advocating for spreading the word about Sup Forums especially with "Donate or die"

Fuck off and lurk moar.

>underwater basketweaving forums
>Mongolian horse whipping forums

kek this shit gets me every time like "90D interdimensional upside-down vacuum hopscotch"

Oh god infofags will flood

4/pol/ is already compromised everyone and their grandmother knows about this website

hes a kike, what do you exspect

This whole thing brings me to an idea. We should find ways to get more of them, especially demographics that appear less here, redpill the world, amass the normies to blitzkrieg the kikes.

retard, boomers started Sup Forums. it always has belonged to us, all of it.

You cannot control yourself what makes you think you can control what anyone else does?

jfc you're everywhere today, huh? Congrats on being the single most assblasted faggot to ever grace any board here. Don't you have a rally to go to or something? Get out and make the difference you wish to see. Or just get out.

Sup Forums is more reasonable than the entire InfoWars crew.

What the fuck did you just fucking say about me, you little bitch? I’ll have you know I graduated top of my class in the Navy Seals, and I’ve been involved in numerous secret raids on Al-Quaeda, and I have over 300 confirmed kills. I am trained in gorilla warfare and I’m the top sniper in the entire US armed forces. You are nothing to me but just another target. I will wipe you the fuck out with precision the likes of which has never been seen before on this Earth, mark my fucking words. You think you can get away with saying that shit to me over the Internet? Think again, fucker. As we speak I am contacting my secret network of spies across the USA and your IP is being traced right now so you better prepare for the storm, maggot. The storm that wipes out the pathetic little thing you call your life. You’re fucking dead, kid. I can be anywhere, anytime, and I can kill you in over seven hundred ways, and that’s just with my bare hands. Not only am I extensively trained in unarmed combat, but I have access to the entire arsenal of the United States Marine Corps and I will use it to its full extent to wipe your miserable ass off the face of the continent, you little shit. If only you could have known what unholy retribution your little “clever” comment was about to bring down upon you, maybe you would have held your fucking tongue. But you couldn’t, you didn’t, and now you’re paying the price, you goddamn idiot. I will shit fury all over you and you will drown in it. You’re fucking dead, kiddo.


"i don't believe that this all the british that i have courted that wish this thing" but it is a few insane men who insist that there can never be peace between us.. These insane idiots.. that only know a few words, we want another war with germany.." "that won't keep talking about how *wonderful* this war would be" for all these ten years.. "i'm a soldier i know how much it costs to achieve victory and i do not want this thing". "if it was not possible for me with all my endearments to win englands friendship then it was better than animosity would stand between us it is clear that there has to be a decision between us that will effect us for the next 100 years." "direct quote instead: for if my meassures and concessions would fail to court englands friendship then it is lost for all time" (english leadership is the problem)" and then no matter what he does or says the leadership is the same and they ignore the british people which he courted. "i am convinced that no understanding is achievable between these men" "they are insane idiots" "in all these idiots when i did not wish war all that they could say was we want another war with germany" "in all of these years where i sought an understanding under all circumstances mr churchill only cried "i want my war" now he has it.. And all his cohorts who had nothing better to say than that it would be a lovely war and on the 1st of september 1939 could only congratulate themselves on starting this war have probably learned to change their minds in the meantime"

I wonder if good forces won that day.. When you see what is happening all around you.

I bet Alex shit his pants when the dude mentioned Comet Pizza

it is litterally the worst pet you can dream off. They are very violent, arrogant, loud, dirty and retarded.
Yeah i know like french ppl haha blabla but i swear you don't want this shiet in your yard kurwa.

Oh, and they focus on your eyes and your cock during battle. don't hesitate to use a shovel to knock out them for few time.

Good, we need some more conspiratards back in here to fend off the normies.

So they're niggers?

>fightin words

I love burgers sometimes

The victor will never be asked if he told the truth! think about that. And with the "best allies" statements of their deliberate war propaganda attempts.. there's a lot of things that might be said about that issue.

Afterall did you even realize that the allies under allie high command DELIBERATELY killed MILLIONS of german CIVILIANS.. and ofcourse not recorded aswell what the russians did. But that's just the allies.. because to pay back to the germans over the war.. Oh yeah they totally deserved it i mean why don't you just kill several million of civilians.. by deliberately neglecting to give them anything.. Seems legit..

Just imagine that situation.. you're a german not all germans even went along with it.. hitler gets btfo.. allies take over.. allies the progenitors of freedom, decides, you got to die sorry to make ammends for whatever.. MILLIONS of germans dying just like that no soldiers no wrongdoing no thing you can even point at they did wrong.. just die.. And you call yourself liberators..

That's a warcrime do you know that it's a warcrime, nobody cares, cause let's make up something about 132490123 gorillion jews being slaughtered and have germans pay forever for it cause the commies discovered "death camps"

And when they discovered it was a lie, any compensatory action nope, just sorry, we made a mistake.. that the world happened to not hear about either.

It's all about who your friends are isn't it.