A lot of shit will be going down this year

I believe this year a lot of big things will happen, as to what I dont know. It might be biblical events being prophecized, or the elite trying to reanact the prophecies like it seems they like to do, maybe the pieces will be moved into position for the final happening.

Even if not the end, this year shit will go down i believe.
We have in the jewish calender the year 5777
Biblical events tend to happen in a 50 year cycle (Jubilee) ending on xx17 and xx67 in our calender which again is this year.
There is talk about the Antichrist being supposed to come back at the year 5777 of the jewish calender (would have to look up for a good source on that one)
Then there is this part in the bible
>And a great sign appeared in heaven: a woman clothed with the sun, with the moon under her feet, and on her head a crown of twelve stars. 2 She was pregnant and was crying out in birth pains and the agony of giving birth.
On September 23 this year, there wil be a constillation where jupiter (zeus, which is associated with jesus as jesus for example is a mockname meaning "hail zeus") will stay in virgos (virgin mary) belly for 42 weeks (pregnency) and leaving the constillation (birth) while the constillation of lion, usually consisting of 9 stars now will have 12 "stars" as mecurcy mars and venus will align with it, with the moon the the feet of virgo and the sun next to her head.
This depicts the birth of jesus by virgin mary among the stars and the last time this happened supposedly was around 4000 years ago

In generall a lot of the prophecies of the endtimes already happened in the last 70-80 year, and the bible mentions that when you see the signs that the end will come in a lifetime, probably meaning

Other urls found in this thread:


Part 2
The first horserider rider of the apocalypse, the one with the crown and a bow on a white horse. a king, and warrior shining bright. or maybe a führer (crown), that fought in 1 wordlwar (warrior/the bow) and did nothing wrong (white horse).
The second horserider that takes the peace of the earth, WW2, and since then an endless series of proxywars and (((military conflicts)))
The third horserider, the one with the scale, usury. we have constant inflation. ressource are plenty, and yet people starve and die of sickness we have more than enough medicine for.
The next one will be death...

Putting the 7 Trumpets in context of events

So I dont believe this year is the end, but we are entering the final stages of it as it seems.
Furthermore the 57777777 get (7 times the 7) also fits in the year 5777 which would be this one. Will this year come the big revelation?


this anomaly happens to be in the virgo constellation as well

tl;dr for pic related : company that publishes musicians or something (fontana) has band called "the happenings" with a song called "see you in september" with the mark "2.3i" next to it. september 23rd is when the big constillation happens propheciesed in the bible. also has the number 45 on the disc, trump is the 45 president. the logo of fontana is an arch with what seems to be an exlipse, similar arches you have all around the US. there is also an alignenment of the moon over bowling green where trumps associated talked about a bowling green massacre that didnt happen (yet?) and user who says the eclipse in august is the signal for muslims to start killing americans gets a 6666 get

You had me but then you went into some paranoid schizo stuff

dont ignore the stuff that makes sense because of the stuff that doesnt make sense.

Im atheist, but i know bible well.

I've seen so many endtime prophecies happening, that ive started to doubt my atheism.

Migrants from africa, war in Syria, president that should not have come into power, Trump, and president that feels like Antichrist, Putin.

I bought a Cross to hang on my neck, if god decides to make me a believer, but whatever is happening around world, sure feels like Endtimes.
Keep going OP.

>A lot of shit will be going down this year
Just like last year

and then when you're wrong, "a lot of shit" will go down in 2018

Believe it or not, the people who are smart and ambitious enough to get into a position where they can destroy the world...probably don't want to destroy the world.

Me too don't get me started

the first negative post, from a fucking Canadian of course

Dont forget that the end times will also be like the days of Noah. In the days of Noah there was wickedness and degeneracy like never before.

i thought about trump being the antichrist, acting all nice, doing false wanders by BTFOing media and the establishment, busting pedos and probably soon releasing classified technology, so we trust him, unite unde him, and then willingly join a one world government.
Obama was one i expected to be the antichrist, but he already is far too irrelevant
His slogan yes we can backwards means "thank you satan"
Many think the Antichrist will have german roots, since obama apparently comes from kenia, which was a german protectory, this kinda fits
The bible says "I saw satan as lightning from heaven" in Hebrew "lightning" means "baraq" and "from heaven" means "o bama" "I saw satan as baraq obama"
The antichrist is said to let it rain fire, and thanks to his drones he could do that nonstop.
He will speak of peace, but bring war, and exactly that was what obama was doing.
According to the Quran the antichrist (Dajjal) will be short (Merkel?)and his legs will be crooked. The hair on his head will be extremely twisted. (This fits Obama again with his niggahair) He will have one eye, while his other eye will be flat. It will be neither deep, nor protruding.’
Also red complexioned (could be Obamas dark skintone or maybe even Trump orange spray tan. Trump also got german roots), fat (Merkel is basically a walking blob of wobbling fat), blind in the right eye which looks like a bulging grape.’
the most distinguishing feature of his face besides the bulging eye will be the Arabic letters Kaaf (k), Faa (f), Raa (r), on his forehead. These letters spell Kufr (disbelief). All believers, regardless of their literacy will decipher these letters.
He also is said to be unable to make kids (Merkel doesnt have any as far as i know, and seeing that obongos (((wife))) has a dick we can assume that his kids arent really his.)

Jared Kushner is another candidate. he bought building 666 of 5th avenue. in that building is the company that invented and builds RFID chips which are rumored to be the future mark of the beast, which is also owned by kushner

The last pope, the false prophet is probably Francis seeing how pope francis is known as childtrafficer in southamerica, his peacedoves got eaten by the crows, and how he supports the replacement of the natives by savage shitskins this fits pretty much.
we should keep an eye on him as he is said to bring power to the antichrist

sorry to disrupt your faggoty little hugbox


Christcucks belong on /x/

this is not politics

I dont think trump is antichrist.
He would be "too obvious".

And i dont even think antichrist is a person, id vote for a company or maybe Artificial intelligence.

Just a funny sidenote. In the revelations, they talk a lot about TRUMPETS. Somehow its amusing that Trump is president now, not a coincidence?

Also, could you give us a short christian survival kit for surviving apocalypse?

it tries to predict political events, connect biblical characters to politicians etc. it involves politics


why can't the antichrist be obvious?

Yup putin is anti west neo sovietist.

It doesn't matter if your Tulpa or your Succubus told you where global politics are headed

biblical prophecies belong on /x/

Because AC is a deceiver, Trump could be the Dragon.
Maybe his son, or daughter.

Wait would such a massacre mean? Would it be the start of a world war?

we have not only trump, but also pence.
trumppence . trumpets.
Donald john trump
>donald=ruler of the world
>john=blessed by gog
>trump=trump, like a trumpcard
He also was 7 decades, 7 months and 7days old in the year 5777when he became president. He won by 77 electoral votes.

also the video mentioned in the second OP is really interesting considering the trumpets

additionally we have these weird sounds which could be meant by the trumpets

He's a deceiver, and yet you claim to know all of these little details about him.

How do you trust your intel?

why are the schizo's always German?

Or a significant event leading towards one I mean?

>12 stars

probably the tap water

maybe, more a civil war i guess. though. i have some feeling the WW3 would start around turkey/syria as greater israel has to be established first, or will be established during the war.

Old meme
You could have stopped this

It's pretty spooky really. I'm not particularly religious nor is anyone I know, but everyone I talk to seems to be convinced that there is some sort of end times coming. I noticed this since last year

If you surround yourself with the right people, the world will be "ending" every other month or so.

Usually, this is coming from people who are very unhappy with their lives. They want to world to end, because they're jealous of the people who are successful and enjoying life.

what? i claim what now?
What intel? You went insane on me?


If its not biblical, people talk about world war 3, or migrant crisis and riots.

Or economic collapse or collapse of society.

It sure makes me uneasy. Shit is fucked up and somethings gonna give sooner or later.

EU is an interesting case.
the prophecy of daniel about the statue resembled 4 empires. the golden head (babylon), the silver arms and body (medo persia), the legs of iron, belly and tighs of bronze (byzantia), the legs of iron (roman empire) and the feet of iron and clay, which will be similar to the former, but wont hold together as properly, the Holy Roman Empire which breaks apart and joins together again multiple times, and now with the EU reached its 4th incarnation, the 4th reich. we only need the pope to legitimize it.
a rock will fall and smash the statue, the empires. the rock will then become a mountain filling the whole world.
is the rock maybe islam destroying the EU, and after this inhabiting all of the world? not as ruling power, but being around everywhere. we already have that happening basically. brexit is in process, more and more people are against the EU, it is crumbling, mainly because of the immigration policies as they are too ignorant to care about the legislative or economy and involvement in the middle east.

Didn't we see this same shit back in 2015?

You just said that the AC is a deceiver.

And yet in this thread, you claim to know intimate details about him. How he will come to power, what he will make people do, how he will look and act etc.

What is your source for these details?

What the fuck are you talking about?
Where do i talk about him coming into power?

Maybe lay low on the weed for a while, aye mate?

stop being a pedantic cunt

Do you claim to know anything about the AC whatsoever?

user, I have been having these feelings for FIVE months now. I have been praying for the past three months for god to give me a sign that I need to come back to him (grew up in church, "got saved" at VBS but never meant it).

I've been feeling this urge in me for five straight months. Yesterday I went to church with my dad. Upon entering I felt a very strange presence inside me which I've never felt.

Lo and behold the preacher was doing a sermon on how we are living in the end times. I prayed to God with that man and got saved yesterday.

At the end of the service this older woman I've never met came up to me and told that she felt the Holy Spirit inside her telling her to pray for me.

This stuff is all very real, and I cannot express in words to you the difference I've felt inside since accepting Jesus as my savior.

Please listen and do not brush this off as "lunatic talk" or anything of the sort. It's all very real.

Sadly, those weird sounds are just people editing audiofiles on video.

Was interested and watched several and then disappointed that not a single of those weird sound videos werer real.

A Civil war will start to take place in August in France, Italy and Spain will then put into effect the plans to remove all undocumented migrants.

No, how would i know?

You might have mistaken me for OP and just play now, when you noticed your mistake.

Or just trolling, and find it amusing or something, i dont get the humor of canadians.


If you know nothing, then how can you call Trump "too obvious"?

I am praying as hard as I can each and every day for people to realize what is happening before our very eyes. I myself renounced my "Christianity" (which was never even real faith as I've come to realize) at age 18 before my parents. I remained an atheist up until about 5 months ago when all the Pizzagate stuff started. After looking into the satanistic/occult related aspects of it, I began seeking God again.

The thing about God is he always leads his flock back to him. You just have to be willing to come back. Pray for a sign. That's what I did, and it took a few months but it worked. I've never felt more relief in my life. It truly is something everyone should experience.

I have not been religious since I was a kid. Last week I had an extraordinarily disturbing dream in which I met God and was told to pray and stuff. Idk man

Cool, 23/09 is my birthday

That's the best thing you can do for anyone. Getting Saved.
Now stock up on water and nonperishable food, batteries, etc, also lots of funs and ammo

user, I need you to explain this dream in more detail.

I had the exact same kind of dream last week. It was like an out of body experience sort of deal, there were two entities in the room. They asked me if I was aware of the upcoming "astrological event." I answered "no." They then instructed me to do further research and walked out of my room. After which I woke up.

That's around the same time I began seeing these kinds of threads relating to the stars on here. It is all connected.

How far along are we as far as the prophecies in revelation being revealed? I've been trying to understand all this, but it seems most of it is metaphorical in Revelations.

I'm desperately seeking someone with better Biblical understanding to help me understand as well. I'm trying my damndest to tell friends and everyone I know semi well about this too.

well, i tried praying and no signs for me. I suppose my belief is on the gods hands now.
Also, im not so sure the christian god is the correct choice, but maybe it will be revealed. Or not.

Because every fukken nutcase is pointing at him and making connections that hes a antichrist.

Yeah, hes an AC, no one noticed, see how deceitful he is!

Nope. If there would be AC, it wouldnt be Trump. Like i said, maybe his son thats acting weird.

and his abnormal growth

God is REAL Anons

If we aren't at the end, we are definitely near it. There is no denying some sort of higher power has not orchestrated the poetic events we have seen Lately

In my dream I directly spoke to Him. What struck me was that He wasn't the normal Christian God as I had imagined, but God had simply taken the form of the dominant belief about Him many centuries ago. He spoke of the turmoils of Earth and how the prophecies would unfold. I asked why he wouldn't stop the end if the world and he said that He preferred the idea of the second coming that the early Christians invented. He told me that there was a heaven for those who prayed and that I must commit to him if I want to go there.

At one point I looked upon Him and my mind could not understand it.

how do you know that the AC is deceitful?

Never quit praying. Satan's biggest trick is deception. I will pray for you as well user. I was on the verge of giving up on this as well. It took 5 months in total before it all clicked. Best wishes.

>31Heaven and earth will pass away, but My words will never pass away.
>32But as for that day or hour, no one knows, not even the angels in heaven, nor the Son, but only the Father.
we wont possibly be able to fortell the exact date. we only can see the end getting closer and closer

after the constillation mentioned in the OP:
>3Then another sign appeared in heaven: a huge red dragon with seven heads, ten horns, and seven royal crowns on his heads.
>4His tail swept a third of the stars from the sky, tossing them to the earth. And the dragon stood before the woman as she was about to give birth, ready to devour her child as soon as He was born.
>5And she gave birth to a son, a male child, who will rule all the nations with an iron scepter; and her child was caught up to God and to His throne
>6The woman fled into the wilderness, where God had prepared a place for her to be nourished for one thousand two hundred sixty days.
1260 days also fit the ~3,5 years from jesus being announced until he actually arrived. so i guess it will be at least another 3,5 years after september 23

All you need to understand is dont get any marks on your hands or forehead, especially if it's to buy or sell. This mark shows allegiance to the beast system, the one world government (or economic system) which God will destroy.

Live without sin, praise God and the son of God, and inspire others to do the same.
You cannot survive this, because humanity has had a death wish since ancient times. The end of the world comes for all of us, but eternal life will come for the very few who choose truth and God.

i hope youre not one of those cringy satanists that claim that bible was not truthful and satan is actually the good guy. :D

i dont know for sure, but bible says that he is.
I allready told im not religious, so im basing my assumptions on that.

>inb did you just assume Satans gender

Well we are not even in the tribulation yet, depending on who you ask.
It usually goes Tribulation start 3 1/2 years ->mid trib->3 1/2 years -> Yeshua comes back in glory to reign over Heaven on Earth. Revelations is the penultimate book on the end, however, the book of Daniel, Isaiah, Ezekiel, and Matthew all shed light on what will transpire.

Rest assured that before God comes back, the United States AKA the Whore of Babylon will fall.

God is not something our minds CAN comprehend.

That was God's way of trying to bring you to him. Pray, pray, and pray some more. I'll be praying for you to0. All those who seek him will find him. Salvation is free gift. It's not hard to accept something that is free. God wants this for all of us. Don't fall for Satan's deceptive tricks either. He will try to convince you of all sorts of garbage and it's all lies. God is real, he loves each of us, and wants us to be with him for all of eternity.


That looks exactly like his son?! Barron?!!
(picture translation: we have a guest here from USA, hes a preacher)

so you acknowledge that your assumptions have no solid foundation

Okay thanks for the information.

As for the rapture, I've seen divide on when that will happen? There's no clear consensus? I want to spread this message to as many as possible. It's at the point where I am curious if I need to ditch school in order to pursue these efforts.

So lets say there is something to this. What exactly does it mean? A new baby Jesus? Adult Jesus? Antichrist revealed?

well isnt that creepy

so are the "barron trump is the mastermind behind all" not only a meme?

Yes. What is your point?
Im getting tired of this and will just ignore you, if you keep repeating yourself.

I've read very conflicting arguments on both sides for the rapture. In going off what I have read from scripture is that by the time God comes back nearly every believer will be dead.
We are expected to take up our cross rightly just as He did for us. And evidence of this coming has been happening as more and more believers are being massacred and persecuted across the world.

Why does Canada keep being a horrid little cunt? It's obviously a girl because she's a stupid bitch and obviously Chinese. Go away Canada!



That's the exact same thing my preacher was saying yesterday - that Christianity is under more scrutiny than ever before, it's just that nobody reports on it or acknowledges it.

As for the 7 seals of the apocalypse - how many do you believe have occurred thus far?

People have been predicting the end of times for as long as folks have been around. That doesn't mean it's not going to happen.

However the sheer number of people at this point reporting similar feelings/experiences can't be scoffed at. At the least it's something to consider.

Everyones kinda missing the point on these predictions.
It needs to be correct only once.

I've never been to church
Everyone I know is liberal including family
live in Chicago

How do I join?

Getting no answer for a prayer must not let people derive from God, if prayers were easily answered this world would be chaos. That or God doesn't want to answer for a reason.

>Silver and Gold fell to rock bottom lows shortly afterwards
>Oil fell dramatically to sub $20/barrel
fucking venezuela collapsed as a result.

Well Fukushima has been leaking radioactive water into the ocean freely since 2011, some interpret this as the Wormwood.
Wildlife has been dying off a disastrous rates across all levels of the food chain in different climates across the world. You can source this yourself, there's hundreds of articles.
Humanity is manipulating the human genome and splicing it with other organisms, as well as implanting technology (cyborgs). This is similar to what the fallen did in the times of Noah (Matt 24).

Put it this way user, the Earth was already previously destroyed at least once in our known record. There were massive civilations and there is an abundance of lost history and wealth that has been swept under the rug (vatican archives). This world is in the hands of the wicked.
There are multiple realms at play and the truth is stranger than fiction user.
Get a 1611 KJV bible, these bibles have the apocypha which were taken out of the other versions.

Three Trumpets have been sounded. (copy/pasted from wiki)
1st trumpet. Upon the first trumpet sound, hail and fire, mixed with blood, is thrown to the Earth burning up a third of the trees on the planet, and all green grass.
Possibly WWI
2nd. By the second trumpet sounding, it cues something like a great burning mountain that plunges into the sea and wipes out a third of all sea life and ships. A third of the oceans will become blood.
Burning Mountain of Fire - Hiroshima and Nagasaki. 1/3 of ships commissioned in WWII sank
3rd. By the sound of the third trumpet, a great star called Wormwood falls to the Earth poisoning a third of the planet's freshwater sources, such as rivers and springs. Men will die from drinking its bitter taste.
Possibly Chernobyl disaster: rivers were poisoned across Europe, many people irradiated. Wormwood in Ukrainian is Chernobyl.


4. Following the sounding of the fourth trumpet, a third of the light that shines from the Sun, moon and stars became dark from these celestial bodies being "struck". This catastrophe caused complete darkness for a third of a day, during the day, even through night hours.

That is all.

Look up local churches and start visiting them. Find one you can jive with. Explain your situation and I PROMISE you there will be folks who will do everything in there power to assist you any way necessary.

All it takes is little effort on your part. I know that can be daunting. Religion is can be a hard thing to talk about. But once you get the ball rolling, you'll start noticing a difference in your own life as well as those around you.

Like I said - find some churches and start attending, ask some members for advice and explain your situation. You will find what you need. I'm praying for you.

Bumping thread. This is more important than most of the threads on this board at this moment.

Yeah. Maybe god needs me as an atheist more.

I argued with one of my Religious friend about gods and religions and stuff (hes Jehova's Witness).

He claimed that my opinions made his doubts go away and hes believing in god more strongly than earlier. So in a way, i was doing gods work.

But, even i dont take this endtime stuff really seriously, im still preparing for it.

Food and stuff, so i can make it through.

I suggest everyone who is interested in Biblical Prophecy and such to watch the videos Age of Deceit (1 and 2) on YouTube. The guy who made it is a personal friend of mine, and the videos are pretty eye opening and really connects everything together. Its much more informed than most biblical prophecy related things.

I almost got worried, but then I remembered that the bible is bullshit. Close call.

>Well Fukushima has been leaking radioactive water into the ocean freely since 2011, some interpret this as the Wormwood.
wormwood probably was chernobyll as it translates into wormwood. around chernobyll there is also some lake which kills you when you just get too close to it, and wide parts of europe had increased radioactivity including the waters
also this thread could interest you considering the ancientcivilizations

The White horse rider is not an event or war. It is specifically mentioned as the antichrist, who is called a man of war in Daniel.

>Even though I don't believe it, I'm still preparing for it.

Just start believing already. Read up, and you'll believe.

A reminder that if end times shit like this gives dates it's not real. Remember September 23 2016 was supposed to be the end of the world?

Reminder that you guys have been tricked into worshipping demons and false gods


"End times" programming

Always keep your wits about you
Remember not to fall for EMF-induced feelings of elation/spirituality and the inverse and go along with the herd

see . september 23rd isnt the end, but its one of the more obvious prophecies coming real, and probably announces some other major stuff happening

>Star falling.
>Completely stationary structure.

>1/3 oceans becoming blood.
>Some ships sank.



Start reading a bible user. God doesn't need you as an atheist. He needs you as a believer and follower of Christ.

Lot's of happenings please, kek wills it!

hahaa, i have a wild theory of my own.

We were living on mars in a very high advanced civilization in a big city, called Atlantis.

Then suddenly, sun started acting weird, melted the icecaps and flooded the whole world.

We barely escaped with huge transport ship called Noah's Ark.

We brought seeds and genes and high tech with us, so we could start colonizing this Earth.

We weren't supposed to do so, because there was allready humanoid race living here, but it was desperate.

It went well couple hundred years, but slowly our tech went bad and got destroyed and there was accidents and stuff.

Eventually our ancestors were not that civilized anymore.

We killed that other race into extinction and are now mostly Homo Sapiens.
Also some people breed with the Homo Erectus, so we have black and asian people.

We are the aliens!

This. If God gave dates for every single prophecy, then it wouldn't be a prophecy.

Same thing with sin. Some say "Why won't God take all the sin and suffering away?" The answer is that without sin and suffering, life would be merry and nobody would need God.

Predicts WWII with stats, very likely it's talking about Bowling Green with the star and eclipse shiz.

Don't know what you mean by star falling/stationary structure.


I doubt the bible would describe something stationary as a falling star to earth.

Wow! I'm about as excited for this as I was for Y2k, 2012, the 4 Blood Moons!

Why does the god need people?

Why does the god need people to need god?