Sexual Degeneracy cont. pt. 3

Continuation of Allow me to explain to those who are unaware the dangers of over sexualization (especially in the West). To many, this may be too long to read, as your attention span may have already lingered off in another direction. I'll try to keep these points precise and numbered, with a quick rundown on the topics at hand.

> 1) Each generation from baby boomers & up is being bombarded with sexualization.
- From social media to magazines to TV to video games to erotic literature, etc., sex has been proven time & time again to be the #1 interest in matured or maturing human beings.
- Every day, we are exposed to some form of sexuality. Whether it be browsing the internet & coming across suggesting pictures or even nude pictures, or even going outside and seeing how slutty women dress.

> 2) With the decline of religion (mostly Christianity) in the west, sex has become easier to normalize in society.
- Social media apps such as tinder & even apps like instagram/snapchat/etc. promote narcissism in women and the steadily available option to have easy casual sex.
- Because society is bombarded with sexual content every day, these social media platforms allow society to give into their degenerate desires.

> 3) Contraceptives allow for this moral degeneracy to occur without requiring any social responsibility to procreate
- The contraceptive (condoms, birth control pills, plan B) industry thrives off of over sexualization and social media to exist. Without these 2 factors, contraceptives would not be as profitable.
- Contraceptives promote the idea of casual sex by ensuring that the risk of having a baby is significantly lowered, as well as the risk of receiving STIs from sexual encounters.

> 4) Sexual Intercourse is losing/has lost it's meaning of procreation between 2 consenting human beings who truly love each other
- The more that porn & casual sex is normalized, the less emotional sexual intercourse becomes

Other urls found in this thread:

> 4) Continuing on:
- Sex has become a means of selfish pleasure for the individual instead of a unifying intimate bond between two people to encourage the prolonging of the human race.
- Women will post suggestive pictures on social media to show off their fertility to get compliments as a mean of narcissistic self-validation. This behavior is very common especially with over sexualization and social media platforms that open their arms to this behavior.

> 5) Porn/Sexualization is used as a weapon to control the masses
- This is the final point I am going to make about sexual degeneracy. (And it happens to be the most essential/important redpill any man can swallow)
- Israeli Forces broadcasted pornography in Palestine while it's residents were confined to their homes. This was used as an alternative to broadcasting world news, which could anger the masses. Instead of removing all forms of entertainment, they chose to keep TVs within households and broadcast pornography on them. This caused the Palestinians to feel complacent with their current state, and therefore snuffed the potential flame of rebellion.
- He who controls the flow of porn, controls the willpower of the human race. Porn is a very powerful tool that has the possibility to become just as addictive as heroin, as the orgasm has very similar effects to the drug in terms of dopamine & serotonin release.
- With the rise of sexualization, women become far more disloyal and give into degeneracy easier, which leads to interracial sex with men who tend to have larger penis size (Africans)
- With promiscuity on the rise, birth rates begin to decline between people of the same race & begin to rise between people of the opposite race. This is a tool by the globalist elite to cause a multicultural society driven solely by sexual desire as a form of motivation.


Why do you hate stepparents? Some cases are decent

So what can we do about it? Establish private covenants like Hans Herman Hoppe espouses?


Dafuq is this graphic

>casual sex is normalized

I honestly haven't heard of anyone having casual sex in my social circles

Maybe it's just overblown?

liberals unironically believe in those bullshits

You were born in the last age of an "empire". The age of decadence. Sorry bad luck senpai. Enjoy the ride. At least we will witness the downfall of a civilization like some witnessed the downfall of Rome.

my sister told me today that one of her friends (15y old) has had sex with 17 guys already

(she saw porn on phone when she was 12. made her feel all fuzzy and stuff)

>lying on internet

This is insane ,if real ?!


What age did she lose her virginity? God damn.

I know, I saw the filename: it's complete cancer
Delete degeneracy

>So what can we do about it?
Reluctant Partisan

See also Forging the Hero

I think the fact that it's pushed as even remotely normal by the dominant culture is what's absurd. None of my friends have had casual sex, myself included: but we now plenty of people who have and the state of their morality. Where it's widely accepted for niggers to have "side-chicks" and the like

Even the whole abortion bit: there would be no babies to abort only in extreme cases if abstenence/loyalty was still the dominant culture

I'm not sure that WE can back to normal.

>Banning pornography
>making socially unaccepted oversexual behavior

Slowly putting things back to normal would take decades (and WE don't have much time).
Otherwise this tactic would lead to :

>Will lead to sexual frustration.

Don't forget -(((Big corporations))) are using sexual degeneracy for shekels and control.
Making young ppl to have more sexual desires by simply push lgtb/etc-bullshits,virgin/less-sex shaming, peer pressure.

Abstinence isn't useful. Breeding, in quantity, is useful. The reason whites are so cucked is they fail to spew out children like they used to.

We don't really NEED to do anything desu. I posted in the previous thread that limp-dick men and strong jawed women tend to not breed, only have 1-2 children, or be fags

By virtue of just living a normal quiet life and having 3-4 children minimum, we've already won

Let the degenerates occupy themselves with their own narrow worldview: this is how we got to the recent changing tide in counterculture in the first place

>abstinence isn't useful

Enjoy your retarded 16 and pregnant idiots

The Jews and cultural Marxism

> repressed Christian faggot who focusses on sex, sex and sex and faps all day to trap porn but preaches about it daily because it's on its own degenerate mind.

> catholic priests - forced repression of sexuality
> becomes burning desire - keep repressing,
> mountains of evidence that sexual repression lead to outright sexual abuse by massive amounts and percentages of clergy.
> people who teach and practice repression are the worst sexual deviates.

>Sexual Degeneracy cont. pt. 3
Kremlin degeneracy thread 96,387

Here's Putin telling Russia how degenerate we are.

Everybody outside Russia - where the internet isn't censored - knows that Russia is the most degenerate nation on the planet.

He's turning his people against us, he's lying to them, he's threatening the West with WWIII and he's launching cyberwarfare attacks on America and Europe.

No it appears he's burning his own Reichstag in a false flag attack to eviscerate more Russian freedoms.

What's wrong with practicing balance.
> not engaging in outright sexualisation.
> also not becoming repressed
> just live and let live
> be your own model

People in the civilized world only breed when there is a sound structure supporting the future existence of their offspring and their mate. In the past, this function was taken up by the social institution of the family unit as well as a well-off economy. The economy is now in a worse state than it was in the past and the institution of the family has been progressively undermined by things like single motherhood, the state functioning as the father figure (welfare dependence), cultural marxist ideas of sexual "freedom," and the general devaluation of the sexual market by increased promiscuity in both males and females.

Provide examples; I'm not quite certain of the points you are trying to make

"Mountains of evidence" he claimed, with nothing

Appreciate the effort, but this is pretty well-known to most redpilled anons.

Question is how do we stop it, a ban on pornography could have a similar result to the US prohibition and ban on alcohol (completely backfired).