Should I go to jail for beating the shit out of my dog for chewing my Xbox controller...

Should I go to jail for beating the shit out of my dog for chewing my Xbox controller? Because I do that every time she chews my stuff, eats her shit, or jumps up on people.

Seriously considering taking her to be put down, because my neighbor kerps threatening to report me, but I don't think I can stop beating her.

Simple solution: Kill yourself for being too mentally weak to gain an animals respect.


just kys fag

Give her to an adult and kys.

>triggered PETA yuropoors

I bet you'd have no problems beating slaves, through.

This desu, kill your self and the dog. Clean slate

I'd explain why you're an awful person, but apparently you're too stupid to properly care for a dog, so I won't bother
TL;DR kill yourself faggot

Possible bait post but if that's true then you should kys.

just put it up for adoption

Dogs and black people are both useful to white people.

You have to beat the latter for it to work though.


Nigger-tier reaction to not being able to gain proper respect or dominance over another animal. You shouldn't have a dog.

>dog is still disobedient even after being beaten
It can tell you're a beta.

I accidentally ran over a pitbull in my car last week. After the massive thump I looked in my rearview mirror and it was rekt bad. Went on Sup Forums later that day, asked how they felt about what I had done. Thread had 100 posts, every single one glad the pit was mangled.

>Mfw everybody ITT defending the nigger breed of dog

The dog broke the NAP by attacking your xbox controller so any reaction is justified.

If you can't train a dog to behave properly, you're not fit to own one.

>i can't properly train an animal specifically bred to be under command
>i'm too stupid to put my valuable shit up so my ( ( ( BAD ) ) ) dog doesn't eat it
>i'm too lazy to do any research on how to train dogs
>therefore I beat it and am gonna put it down

kill yourself and leave the back door open so your poor dog can escape your shit house

First problem: You chose the wrong breed if yours is pic-related.

Second problem: Not gaming on PC.

But, what may be the most important detail in this situation; which xbox are we talking about here?

Have you tried a shock collar? Idk what kind of dog you have, but I've got a lab puppy. Got him a few months ago. He was really bad, but then we put the shock collar on him. A few buzzes later, he knew who was boss. A few more after that, we don't even need to shock him anymore. If he's wearing the collar and sees us holding the remote when we give him a command, he obeys right away, since he's smart enough to know what I'm holding and what the consequences are. He was pretty timid and scared for the first couple days, but once he figured out that he could avoid getting shocked just by listening to us, he perked up again. Now he's a happy, good, obedient boy, and we're all having a great time.

I believe people should be put in prison for torturing animals but beating them as punishment is not the same thing, not that I'm particularly fond of it.
If you beat her too hard however I think you should be fined. Probably not going to happen anyway because nobody will report the crime so it would be kind of dead law.

On the off chance this isn't bait, you're either black, white trash, or severely autistic if you can't keep your anger under control enough to not harm something you willingly brought into your home that had no say in the matter. A dog isn't going to learn shit from getting beaten, and will only end up turning aggressive towards you and others after a while. Yes you can go to jail for animal abuse but it's a very short amount of time and you will lose your dog, which you obviously don't give a shit about in the first place. Just take it to a shelter and don't try to take on responsibilities you're too retarded to handle.
