What are your opinion on China pol?
What are your opinion on China pol?
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They really fucked themselves over with their 1 child policy.
I would hate to be a boy coming of age over there. What, with the fact that they killed or sold off all the female children
They went straight from rice paddies to skyscrapers with no transition. There are no regulations. Rivers run red with lead. Gigantic housing projects but nobody can afford living in them so they end up being ghost cities. The sun barely comes out. Everyone thinks like a hivemind. If some little kid gets run over by a car, they don't care because it's just a tiny irrelevant part of a gigantic machine. There is no love. Everything is fake.
It felt comfier and safer than the States, but I wouldn't want to live there permanently because there's a lot of corruption in the business world and, although it is better now than it was 20 years ago, there's still corruption in the government, too. They are friendly to foreigners if you put in the slightest effort to learn the language.
Hong Kong is truly based, I would live there, but it isn't like the rest of China.
The decades of warlords, Japanese occupation, and Cultural Revolution absolutely destroyed any semblance of culture or civilization on an individual level. Most Chinese don't know their own history before 1949.
I'm chinese, I love the mainland (it has some gorgeous regions), but I hate mainlanders, because they ruin everything they come into contact with.
China is amongst the worst plagues the world is facing right now. A country filled with hypocrites, subhumans that don't care if their own brethren have a stroke and die right in front of their noses,superstitious little shits that still believe in magic methods to grow your penis 5 inches bigger and compulsive liars that do whatever to get the most profit.
Can you stop spamming in every china thread
Literally not spamming.
Can chinks ever stop lying?