One of the most brilliant modern philosophers

>one of the most brilliant modern philosophers
>abstained from alcohol
Was he onto something?

Other urls found in this thread:

>not into the liquid jew

Who is this beta faggot?

>The fermented Jew

Yes. Anybody who pays money for a substance that reduces their judgement and testosterone levels at the same time is a shabbos goy. Also, who was he?


Game theorists of their time.

Nietzsche, you moron burger.

A clean shaven Nietzsche

>tfw reading this post while enjoying the liquid jew

You know who else refuses to drink alcohol?

>brains are for stupid people

MFW people never saw Nietzsche without his mustache. and also dont know enough of his philosophy to understand that he compared alcohol with Christianity. so he abstained from both.


Kek, no wonder he had shit luck with women and went all depressive crybaby

>one of the most brilliant modern philosophers
he was a fucking freak and abandoned german ""philosophy"" in favor of a primitive voluntarism

That's the most disgusting sentence I've ever seen

Babby's first philosopher

Nietzsche and friends. One cant be more based than that : biggest thinker of history, and the first porn star ever.

He also had brain syphilis.

he used to fuck too many whores. his lifestyle gave him syphilis that corroded his central nerve system witch led him to madness.

i give 10 internets to the firs person that find the full photo (ive seen it, it shows off his dick.)

Wow, so he was just as degenerate as his contemporary followers.

>using the herbal jew
>drinking the hop jew
>using the tobacco jew

this is one of the versions. the other version is that :
as a physician in the army he had to treat so many wounded soldiers he contracted the disease. after that he went to university and was accepted as a teacher. dunno witch one is best (or true); mabe he did both things. he was both Apollo and Dionysus .

not followers bro. the girl is lou salome. the guy is paul ree. you cant even start to understand their philosophies burgers. mabe you should try it out.

i don't think that's really Nietzsche though...

I wonder what he would of said about the world today

He was a morphine addict IIRC

I said contemporary, as in right now. I appreciate a lot of nietzsche's ideas, but he was anti-nationalist which I don't respect.

im not sure also.
mabe he would say "i was right!" or mabe he would just team up with j. b. peterson and try to change stuff. He would obviously shit on commies, since its a retarded option to Christianity.

this beta faggot was the direct inspiration to such great men as Adolf Hitler, Anders Breivik and Elliot Rodger....

philosophy is a waste of fucking time

>t. Retard


really ? i cant recall anything about that. he used to make compliments to roman emperors tho. but it does not mean anything on that matter.

Do you think art is a waste of time as well?

> biggest thinker of history

More like completey overrated.

Hint for pol. The Jews hyped him.

He was even mentioned in the "protocols" as a subversive force.

>great men as Adolf Hitler, Anders Breivik and Elliot Rodger

let me fix that to you :
))nietzche(( did not like jew ethics.

>Woman is not yet capable of friendship: women are still cats and birds. Or, at best, cows.

- Nietzsche

How can you shitlords praise this misogynist???

Nietzsche was disturbed, and his philosophy was irrational.

> t.brainlet

nationalism is for cucks, almost no serious philosopher cares about it.

and nazis too. he literally was liked by both ends of this shit.

He hated Germans.

The Jews haped im.

People who admire Nietzsche are hoodwinked into degeneracy.



But he loved the Swiss so he's alright in my book

>He hated Germans.
no evidences on this.
>The Jews haped im.
not true, he actually despised jew ethics. please stop spreading misinformation.

>People who admire Nietzsche are hoodwinked into degeneracy.
just like hitler ?
just like hitler !

There was a lot of scientific advancement done in during the Prohibition era when drinking was reduced. When Prohibition was lifted advancement stalled. The Nazis did a lot of scientific research that was stolen by the Allies in Operation Paperclip.

Not necessarily, the Buddha obtained enlightenment, Jesus drank wine. Drink in moderation controls against Alzheimers and also improves general health and mood.

"Acting as his own physician, Nietzsche prescribed—in addition to ever changing of regimen of diet, exercise, climate, etc.—massive and regular doses of drugs, including chloral hydrate, bromide, opium, hashish, and a mysterious ‘Javanese preparation'" ("Ecce Psycho: Remarks on the Case of Nietzsche," International Studies in Philosophy, XXIII/2, p. 19).

so he was even more of a degenerate than previously imagined?

ive not read nietzsche but doesn't he speak of giving yourself meaning to your own existence? does that mean becoming an utter degenerate looking for every physical pleasure possible including masturbating inside of hookers and opium addiction?

what an enlightened man. did he go crazy from drugs or from having syphilis from fucking too many prostitutes?

hahahaha what about geniuses in TANGIBLE skills like mathematics and physics?

"le god's dead man"

>To Friend Overbeck and wife.
>Although you have so far demonstrated little faith in my ability to pay, I yet hope to demonstrate that I am somebody who pays his debts - for example, to you. I am just having all anti-Semites shot.

>all these nu-male muh science plebs

fucking kek'd thanks user

>prohibitionists were mostly uppity women
Your theory doesn't jibe, OP

>Implying that your own purpose should be mindless hedonism
Nietzsche specifically advised against being a degenerate because it doesn't provide a satisfying life, which is effectively the foundation for the rest of his philosophies.

They don't give enough credit to the fact that at one point science and philosophy were one and the same.

>ive not read nietzsche but doesn't he speak of giving yourself meaning to your own existence? does that mean becoming an utter degenerate looking for every physical pleasure possible including masturbating inside of hookers and opium addiction?

That's basically nihilism and neitzche was against that


why was he a prostitute fucking drug addict then?

>Moral philosophy

Hey, this is Library

nigger you just watched a school of life youtube video.

it has nothing to do with morality, he was just a hedonist which is probably why he went mad and died so early. doesn't make out so good for longevity as it turns out

actually i read some of his books at uni got it all wrong. Then i watched some classes comparing Spinoza with nietzsche. Got it a lil better. then i watched some Petersons videos on him. now i feel i can read his books with a wider knowledge. i read genealogy of morals, thus spoken zaratustra, byound good and evil. Im no expert but i read the guy. far better than the average Sup Forumstard

Just saying, expecting a philosopher to follow their own laws is like expecting snow not to melt in Summer.
Given the right conditions it may happen, Kant being an example; otherwise it's just retarded.

beautiful, saved

>expecting a philosopher to follow their own laws

Philosophy, except theology, is retarded autism.

Kant being an example.
"Act like your actions were universal laws"
wtf did he mean by that?
a ) act like justice paragorn.
b ) dont act or shit might happen.
c ) do whatever tha fuck you want since you are the universal ruler of the world.

Kant make this shit up.

When you're autistic, everything is autism.

'If everyone did what I'm about to do, would shit go wrong?'
==> Yes
>Don't do it
==> No
> Do it

Alcohol is a drug, and drugs just aint cool.

the tird one was marquise de sade or salvador dali interpretation of this quote. i cant recall witch one. Dali has this one also : If god is dead, he once was alive. Therefore im a catholic !

And Hitler. Don't forget Hitler.

Yeah all those fags on the right (Dawkins isn't too bad other than being way too edgy) are talking out of their asses, but this comparison doesn't give any credence to how much of an academic cesspool (((modern philosophy))) has become.

>other philosophers

I didnt cocaine a couple of times, and i didnt feel a difference compared to when i get into the zone, so that was not cool at all because i expected more.

nietzsche was a repressed homosexual

that's actually quite a philosophical thing to say.

Easy bait but your whole nation is precived as a repressed transsexual. In a way that is just a meme but if you take closer look it is just sucking on the tentacles of your faggy cocks to see if it really tasts like femine cock.

In a way sweden is like an actor that has trained to be fag for a long time and now you just get the script for our international musical and the script is what you disgusting faggots are made for.