too bad your neigboring countries still have to find out about this
Christian Watson
FPBP Keep voting for civic traitors to see your country turning into a mongrelised hellhole without any roots
Dylan Hill
>Two Zuma voters we interviewed on the streets, Ogga M. Booga and Tyrone Jorgenson, expressed disbelief at the decision
Daniel Robinson
Those wind mills are fucking beautiful
Brandon Ramirez
>we must create a safe space for homosexuals >we must accept islam
can't have both, why can't those retarded lefties choose the right choice.
Robert Myers
Elijah Murphy
It never died, though it's seen a significant rise last weeks
Zachary Diaz
well, you can't get it here, but I'm always ordering it from the netherlands. it just works better than ketchup
Parker Moore
They're too brainwashed user
Josiah Cox
This pro-EU shill should kill himself. He's either a shitskin, a Jew or a d666 voter.
Dylan Nguyen
>retarded >choose the right choice.
Jeremiah Ward
Robert Wood
This. I don't get why people don't realize this. If a fucking nation of diffferent nationalies doesn't work (Yugoslavia) how do people think a nation of different races and religions can work out without civil war? I do think the US could have been the exception to the rule if they didn't fuck it all up in 1965.
Leo Baker
slechts de schijthuiden zouden zoiets op deze manier formuleren
Angel Gray
Another great example is basically all of Africa with their post-colonial borders.
Zachary Williams
If you're that user: Are you White and Dutch? Don't you care about our (future) demographics? Sure the economy is important, but it will not be as bad as people think when we leave. The EU is bound to fail if they keep doing the things they are doing anyway. Better leave the sinking ship.
Jack Jenkins
Even the youngest African nation South-Sudan has become a shithole in only a few years.
Goddamn I was typing a reply that took so long the whole moederneukende draad was gearchiveerd. It was about the empty wallet that got me triggered.
Lincoln Hall
>Sure the economy is important
At this moment the economy is terrible and the effects of current migrant policy can't yet be overseen. Societal collapse within ten years has become a very real possibility.
Cities like london, berlin and paris look like warzones yet politicians would have you believe that you're safer than ever and that nothing fundamental has changed.
It's all lies.
Parker Phillips
od kahane chai from the netherlands
Oliver Lopez
unrelated to your video btw, no idea what that's about
Bentley Richardson
And rightfully so user. Fuck that guy and the propaganda he parotted.
Josiah Parker
I'm 20 so too young. But Baudet, my very religious grandmother and a lot of other economics say that we sold the Gulden to cheap. They promised us 1 Gulden would be 1 Euro, but in the end it was much less. Is there any truth to this?
To be honest I don't even care if a Nexit would benefit or harm us economically. Everything is second to demographics because in the end that's what decides almost everyting else.
Nathaniel Morris
Wyatt White
what I think is most funny (or rather grotesque) about immigration is that while on one hand people love immigrants because they bring foreign cuisine, or because they just want to publicly "look good" on the other hand the same people who want more immigrants send their kids to private schools, or move to areas with no immigrants
and those people who can't afford to move or give better education to their children are called racists, because daily see what their neighborhood has become or that the majority of children speak some foreign language at their children's school
Parker Allen
You haven't bought the 40 dollar pan have you? There are much cheaper ones on Marktplaats.
Easton Butler
Reminder that CDA (or predecessor parties ) and PvdA have formed one of the most successful nations on earth
Reminder that the left is responsible for introducing all worker rights, AOW, 40 work week and other great things
Reminder that there are no succesful 'right wing' nations in earth.
Reminder that the EU has brought peace, stability, global influence, economic power, wealth and is organised in the most democratic way possible considering countries of varying sizes and differing cultures.
Reminder that Baudet and Hiddema are clowns that will be >exposed
Henry Turner
I will post the list after this post. It redpilled me on taxes and wealth distribution when I saw a old cartoon video explaining the money system and fiat currency. I had to stop my list at 2000 chars or the message system would freak out. I shall copypasta it from the other thread reply.
Depresses the fuck out of me, some quotes from the interview: >I wish there was a pill that would turn me black, but it shouldn't exist as black people would turn white >Corruption is a means of redistributing wealth to the poor >Zuma is a hundred times better than trump >Zuma should've been somewhere even though he wasn't invited >There are too many white people in the netherlands >I don't wanna be racist but all white people are horrible (keep in mind she's also white) And many more gems
She'l be having a talk at the VU sometime soon, she's highly referred by many universities...
Thomas Johnson
Ryder Jenkins
>Reminder that CDA (or predecessor parties ) and PvdA have formed one of the most successful nations on earth
And destroyed it
>Reminder that the left is responsible for introducing all worker rights, AOW, 40 work week and other great things
40 hour work week and a lot of other shit was introduced by Hitler I believe, not sure. AOW and gibsmedats are pointless with non-white immigration
>Reminder that there are no succesful 'right wing' nations in earth.
>Reminder that the EU has brought peace, stability, global influence, economic power, wealth and is organised in the most democratic way possible considering countries of varying sizes and differing cultures.
What is the USA and NATO?
>Reminder that Baudet and Hiddema are clowns that will be exposed
Exposed for what? Everything is better than Geert 'Israel' Wilders. Are you the same cancerour Brit from last night? Fuck off.
Joseph Lee
They sure are persistent aren't they?
Aiden Jackson
$60, and not yet...I am planning to go to town tomorrow and check a few stores, this town has too many Dutch people for it not to exist. I'll check this Markplaats, good idea - think I should be looking for a cast iron?
>Poffertjespanleaf? Yes, and still panless ;)
John Foster
>I'm 20 so too young. But Baudet, my very religious grandmother and a lot of other economics say that we sold the Gulden to cheap. They promised us 1 Gulden would be 1 Euro, but in the end it was much less. Is there any truth to this? Yes this is very true. Minister Zalm (VVD) botched the exchangerate in our nadeel because that way the debt (begrotingstekort) was also off by 10-20%.
There are whole books written about this and even a claim was made by I believe stichting They had a website but they failed (see McDonalds pic related on who supplies and pays the Judges).
Our whole history has been nothing but liberal politicians making poor choices that we have to bear the brunt for. Whether it be Kok who raided the pensionfunds without paying them back, or the PvdA bringing in the Gastarbeiders and the VVD and CDA allowing them to stay here uneducated and fly over their families >
to selling out natural gas resources too cheap abroad. the list is endless.
Tl;dr: Zalm screwed us. All the way to the bank.
Fun fact: a study shows that 10 years after the Euro replaced the Guilder, prices went up about 2-fold, while our salaries were cut in half. That same study showed that the top-earners/including politicians had their salaries more than doubled in less than 6 years. ((((Official CBS stats))) cherrypick data so they claim inflation and pricehikes were marginal, but real life shows otherwise.
David Brown
Finally >landgenoten
Nolan Hughes
>responding to this bait kek >implying FvD are not pro-Israel even more keks
Oh hey OC-user who made the pic for you over the weekend here. I stayed here long enough to catch you. I found a webshop here that sells new ones and a used one for 5 euro that has only been used once (pic related). Want the link to that webshop so you can ask them how much shipping would cost?
Also brace for a wall of text when I dump that list in here
William Johnson
At least it's not in their progamme. Can't say the same for VNL or PVV.
Eli Turner
>Didnt destroy it. Still very successful nation, top10 of most relevant measurements >muh immigration. Even PvdA is critical on immigration. Just a matter of how to organise a cutback >Japan is a shithole where people have to work 60 hour weeks to sustain themselves and cant have a good personal life. Western social democracies are vastly superior. >USA cucks states with low population (ie Netherlands compared to Germany France and Italy) EU format suits NL better >NATO is dominated by a single nation >exposed for having no experience, dedication, solutions, dossierkennis and whatnot. Referenda are nonsensical.
Blake Ward
Will give you credit, you kept these threads up longer then I expected, here a bump
Owen Baker
>Your empty wallet is your own fault man. user I don't even... ok I hope you are shitposting but fine:
(gecontroleerd) Well, OPs did used to say we're proud and stubborn, guess that was right.
Dominic Martin
39. Bouwgrondbelasting. 40. Havengelden. 41. Begrafenisrechten. 42. Extra op limonadesiroop 43. Parkeerbelasting. 44. Forensbelasting. 45. Baatbelasting. 46. Energiebelasting. 47. Belasting op leidingwater. 48. Schenkingsrecht. 49. Huurbelasting. 50. Verhuurdersheffing. 51. Bouwleges 52. Windmolentoeslag 53. Lokale riool en wegenheffing 54. Bp procedurekosten 55. Vooroverlegkosten gemeente 56. Recreatie toeslag 57. Schoolboekengeld 58. Net/transportkosten energie 59. Opritbelasting bij de dijken 60. Verpakkingsbelasting 61. Energiebelasting 62. Extra op mineraalwater 63. Zorgverzekering 64. Precariobelasting 65. Erfpacht 66. EU naheffing 67. Tabaksaccijns 68. Reclamebelasting 69. Extra op vruchtensap 70. Parkeerbelasting 71. Erfbelasting 72. Internetbelasting 73. Heffing op zonnepanelen 74. Luchthavenbelasting 75. Ondergrondse gas- en elektriciteitsleidingen belasting 76. Kopieerrecht tbv hardware/dragers 77. Verwijderingsbijdrage
I stopped there because I reached 2000 chars. But you get my point. Add to that that we have a pretty high taxrate anyway and yeah....
Aiden Wright
This guy is just here for the (you)'s. Ignore him, his statements are obviously bait.
Landon Price
Dank OC, >neukensaved
>I'm afraid I can't help meme tonight, I have to post from my mobile since my computer crashed :( No worries, I hope you get your computer fixed...dank je for the link!
Hallo broeder, good to see you need for wall of text, I am at the Marktplaats now. Not sure I can even order, its all in Dutch. Hmmm.
Thomas Price
Set your damn region and city flag.
Cameron Lopez
We've been over this Maastricht, it's been decided I can fly stealth until I can get my rightful flag flying again.
To ease your autism, this is what my flag should look like. Go ahead and look up what I've been saddled up with. I dare you.
Daniel Gutierrez
Too afraid to take the Orangepill?
Carter Rivera
his city flag is pretty ugly man, I said the same but gave it a pass when I saw the travesty that his local government did
Evan Reyes
>she's highly referred by many universities
Tells you all you need to know about said universities or at least their relevant departments.
Surprised there is no tax on orgasms, on everything else. Holy shit!
Ian Murphy
> (You) >Hallo broeder, good to see you need for wall of text, I am at the Marktplaats now. Not sure I can even order, its all in Dutch. Hmmm.
I got a webside adres for you, I'm sure you and google translate can help you shoot a email to the customerdept. to ask if they can help a leaf out.
30 Euro is 42.79 CAD, but the shipping is probably what's gonna set you back a bit.
Bless you for sticking up for me Mont.
Like I said, I stopped when the box told me I ran over 2000 chars. Makes me sick.
Tyler Sanchez
>Like I said, I stopped when the box told me I ran over 2000 chars. Makes me sick.
Just think of all the vibrant diversity and blatant racism and sexism those taxes buy you!
Serves you right for being white. ;)
Jason Butler
I hope you get to vote on changing the flag in 2018
Do you want them to split the municipality again or just want that nice flag?
Jack Jones
>I got a webside adres for you Great link and excellent idea, I don't usually embarrass myself by mangling foreign languages in the translator...but this time I think I can make an exception ;) Not a bad price either, rated 4.5 stars. I will see if anyone in town has pans tomorrow, if not then I am going to be doing some ordering. (Oma didn't have a pan, shes in her 80s and doesn't cook much anymore sadly)
>Like I said, I stopped when the box told me I ran over 2000 chars. Makes me sick. We have it kinda bad here as well, but we aren't nickel and dimed to death like you guys are - we get fucked right to our faces on payday deductions lol. It starts at 38% and goies up from there. Overtime is penalized heavily as well, as the governments view is that noone should be working overtime and that companies should be hiring more people instead of paying OT
and we all know its going straight to gibs
Nathan Morgan
Real quick before I head off to bed (I have to wake up in a few hours).
The whole merging of cities/municipalities is probably a result of them trying to push Agenda21 (now called 2030). If you haven't heard of Agenda21 look up how they try to take away our freedoms (butchering some flags in the process) under the guise of "muh green energy" and "here goy, use this smart-xxx-device" so we can have total control over you. I always have wondered if Carbon was so bad that they tax it, why does a cola (with carbon in it) cost less than a bottle of brand flat water. And why do farmers use it to make their plants to grow faster. Etc.
As for your question, I would like to see local councils getting redpilled on A21/30 and preventing further damage to us.
Brandon Stewart
This madness has to be stopped. Do you have anymore info on this Agenda21 thing? Sounds important
Colton Young
>Great link and excellent idea, I don't usually embarrass myself by mangling foreign languages in the translator...but this time I think I can make an exception ;) Not a bad price either, rated 4.5 stars. I will see if anyone in town has pans tomorrow, if not then I am going to be doing some ordering. (Oma didn't have a pan, shes in her 80s and doesn't cook much anymore sadly).
I have ordered myself from the parent company, they are legit (also have real stores, no worry you're getting scammed which is always a thing when you order from a websiTe first time).
I also think if you just say: Hallo, I spreek normaal geen Nederlands dus is het goed als ik de rest in het Engels doe? [insert your question here] you will be fine.
I am sad to say I have to head off to bed, but I am glad I caught you. If your plans succeed you should try some Frietsaus over your Fries like pic related next.
Okay, okay, I won't push you that far but I do hope your plan works. Don't skimp on trying to find it locally, I assume what you said with all the Dutch heritage around you might end up finding one there and saving yourself the added shipping costs.
Glad to have caught you and the story continues...
Until next time poffertjesleaf
Jordan Jenkins
James Collins
>I also think if you just say: Hallo, I spreek normaal geen Nederlands dus is het goed als ik de rest in het Engels doe? [insert your question here] you will be fine. I think you are right, from my experience the Dutch speak top notch English.. at leat the Internet going ones ;)
Thanks again for all your help, afternoonbroeder...I hope you can get to sleep!
Looks like a whole lot of busywork and expensive at that, is this some sort of weird EU initiative?
Ryan Gutierrez
Meh, dunno, first I hear about it.
Jack Allen
There is a ton of stuff out there for you to find.
Just go and do some research yourself. The basic outline it's human enslavement under the guise of "Muh environment". It's also a longterm plan. Search for the Georgia Guidestones as for their endgame. It all sounds nice until you see trough their means to achieve this plan
I mean, you can't be against the environment, right? Even it that means....
Kayden Foster
Lol at kek confirming this is urgent.
Sleep well and see you in a /comfy thread soon anons.
Juan James
(checked) I see, so this A21 is the next thing on the menu now
Daniel Reyes
Sleep well user
Tyler Sanders
Don't you newfags watch infowars?
Dylan Williams
Well, no. Tried a few times but just couldn't get into it.