Whoa, islamophobes absolutely BTFO for all eternity
Whoa, islamophobes absolutely BTFO for all eternity
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every student says that you retard
some degenerate with a name mimicking an opiate
literally every kid i went to school with said they hated it
they say they hate it on tv programs too
Confirmed high school reality show shootings?
LOL, like theres something wrong with fear our country been filled with violent dumb boombing scum.
Fuck the religion of piss
Every student says this though. No one gets scared when a white guy says it.
Muzzies are just desperate to deflect criticism onto white people.
WoW learn some English Jew before you try shit posting
I secretly drink poppy seed tea a couple times a week... Is this bad?
>mass shooting data for the US since 1982
>white people committed 64% of the shootings.
>black people committed 16% of the shootings.
>asians committed some 9% of the shootings.
>Whites make up about 63% of the U.S. population, blacks 13%, and Asians 5%.
Whites are the best-behaved of these three racial groups in terms of mass shootings (though all three racial groups commit mass shootings at levels close to their percentage of the population). The idea that mass shootings are a uniquely white thing are anti-white propaganda.
As a side note, hispanics make up the difference here; they are much less likely to commit mass shootings. I'm not really sure why.
Pretty much every negative white stereotype applies moreso to other groups except for acne.
learn more
>implying minorities even stay in school
Yeah, its the scary white kid making you leave not your low iq lmao
Every muslim says that you retard
lol they push this school shooter meme so hard, as if black kids don't shoot guns at each other five steps outside the school on a daily basis from age 5 to 55
Literally every muslim says ALLAHU ACKBAR
Lets just ignore all the biracial and Asian school shooters because it's convenient to cherrypick.
reminder that niggers literally believe that America is 40+% black
It's an even worse ratio now due to Pulse
>you hear a nigger say "GIBZ ME DAT", you staying?
Still, the issue here is what counts as a mass shooting. Black teens obviously engage in shoot-outs far more often, but gang wars don't count as mass shootings, do they?
It shows how shills only prove their "points" through different categorization of the same act and omitting relative information to create a headline that is positive for their ideals.
No truth involved, just trickery.
there is absolutely no fucking way for a westerner to comprehend how fucked up and disgusting islam is unless that ignorant fucktard westerner lives his/her life in a country which its religion is this shithole called islam...
so fuck you, all sjws, liberals and leftists when they talk like this. they have no fucking idea and i am happy to trade my place with one of those stupid motherfuckers if they want to feel islam that bad...
I believe the criteria is more than 4 people shot during the event
1. What kind of gayass Zootopia haircut is that? 2. why are progressive liberal atheists the biggest defender of Islam?
I know what you're doing but no. Muslims are a minority in America while children aren't
That's cool, but if they say it on a plane I'm out.
Reminder that they consider hispanics and whites as white in that statistic.
If you read the article, they do make a distinction between non-hispanic whites and latinos. Also, I think it is based on the same data as this graph: which shows the same thing.
HOWEVER I do think CNN lumped white and arab people together, since in that article whites were slightly overrepresented, whereas non-arab whites are slightly underrepresented.
the main difference is a kid exclaiming he hates going to school doesn't spontaneously explode afterwards.
Oh wow 5 major school shootings by whites what a trend. It's not like whites are still the majority or anything. These people think mass shootings they never hear about on the news aren't real or are somehow less important
Everyone misses the real culprits in school shootings...
The fucking students. Children attending schools are to blame. Deport all school age children immediately. Problem solved.