(((Civic nationalism))) should always be surrounded by taco marks because it is promoted on pol by young Mestizos who want to be American, but can't be. It's not enough to just be an American citizen, they have to rewrite history and claim that America was never a legally white nation for people of European descent. At least the SJW communists respect us enough to acknowledge that America was founded on white supremacy.
(((civic nationalism)))
Other urls found in this thread:
>be me
>indian spic
>married to a blue eyed blonde white girl
>planning on having children
>be you
>be troll
>be white redditor communist
>nothing you write is true
civic nationalism is white genocide
>ruining good dna with my subhuman genetics lmao
Sure they can be american citizens. stormfront are like the old SA... Caught, betrayed, and killed by the biggest fag in the world in the middle of a fag orgy.
jews did the russia bombing thread here
Is it really so hard to believe? How sad. Whatever helps you deal with your life.
IQ 127.
Not even mad, at least you are trying to abandon your shitty DNA
Need a civic nationalist answer for this.
Do you accept that minorities vote heavily democrat? Do you oppose democrat party policies? And do you see a way to win over minorities to right wing views and policies before their growing electoral power gives the dems the power to forever move this country lefteard?
Good. Ethnic tensions will only bring out more white guilt leftist SJWs, the more of those there are, the more free things illegals get
>be me
>t.cypriot roach
>dating a blue-eyed, blonde haired, beautiful conservative girl
>plan to have kids
>125 IQ
>top university in UK
>supports the kingdom of Britannia more
than typical white englishmen
I ain't mad, as long as you stay faithful to her and raise good Christian children.
>wanting to create mongrel freaks who without any identity, direction in the world, or purpose in life
You think I couldn't bleach one of a million shitskins if I wanted to? You can go to any third world country and have them jumping on your dick just because you're a white American. The reason I want white kids is so they'll have a homeland and identity.
If we remove leftists regardless of their race, then why be bootyblasted about the few based minorities who are left over?
We are moving into an age of servility, where free shit gets you power. Spengler called this Caesarism, and we are in it. We are no longer responsible citizen soldiers. We are asking for our damn bread every day.
>wanting to create mongrel freaks who without any identity, direction in the world, or purpose in life
Guess how I know you're not racially mixed?
fuck off dumb leaf
Spengler was basically right.
The vote for people who are worth less than 1,000,000 USD should not have the vote. This is the best way to transition into competent caesarism.
>mongrel freaks who without any identity, direction in the world, or purpose in life
Not everyone is so pathetic their entire identity and being to devoted to the color of their skin. That is the refuge of failures
Yup. We need to look for the best dictator we can find, and support him, because our republics are on deaths door and will not be resurrected. This pains me because it is unAmerican, but it is the truth.
The only thing I fear is Antichrist coming in the near future. We would need to flee from him, which will not be fun.
>The only thing I fear is Antichrist coming in the near future.
Lol retard.
Your wife and children will be slaughtered or sent back to mexico. Your children's lives will be ruined as permanent racemixers. I'm glad you're so eager to throw away your chance at passing on your genes since you're a shitskin.
I'll let you have your coping fantasies. You seem like you need them
You don't know what you're stirring.
I don't think thats the idea
Here's the question however, do civic nationalist want a white majority country with some minorities like the US has been or are they shooting some multicultural hell hole where everyone at least calls themselves American?
It's always really vague what civic nationalists want on this board
You sound pretty insecure.
Civic nationalist here, we are the future. Ethnic nationalism is for sister fuckers.
>more vague threats
>one of these days i swear guise...
Why are you open to their ideas when that's been the republican party for the last 20 years. I don't feel like unraveling the long thread this would become for you to explain just how big of fucking idiots they truly are. This mentality only started when all the plebs with their chris rock niggers vs. black people meme came infesting this board during the election.
>leftist shaming
Nationalism period is dead, long dead, and is not coming back, in any form.
Neoreaction is the future. The ruling class doesn't care what "nation" you are from.
It's self evident when you participate, you put yourself at risk.
This is why christianity is anti-white.
We care about the values that people hold rather than their skin color. I'm not gonna kill Ben Carson, Sheriff Clark, or Ben Shapiro just because some autist yells nigger or kike repeatedly.
Not all black people are bad.
Wrong. Ancap is the future. Child soldiers and legal Cocaine.
It's quite simple if you have purely european genetics or not, and whether you're a racemixer, either as inherited or creator, by taking a dna test. Even without that, some of us are experts at spotting the unwhites.
If young mestizos wanted to be American we'd be handing them visas and complimentary Taco Bell.
The problem is the come here, take the blue collar work, don't speak the language, don't assimilate to the culture, don't participate in paying taxes and do everything they can to try and turn their hovels into Mexico.
>not all blacks are bad
And the sky is blue. Thanks for proving you have a badbrain.
This, we are a melting pot
Not killing minorities =/= anti-white
So why is civic nationalism bad?
Jesus dude, I just asked a question
At the end, the thing about Civic Nationalism is that if you secure the border and enforce strict immigration laws so that only the best could enter, as I would imagine a civic nationalist despite of race or ethnicity would want, then wouldn't that mean that the nation in question would eventually become a majority white nation?
What exactly are you shooting for?
The US pre-1960s or something else entirely?
It is when they're infesting your homelands. Right now is a clear warning for them to fuck off and we'll give them an even fairer warning, but our patience and charity will run dry soon.
Yeah, but no one gives a fuck about who is white. Only SJWs and Nazis do.
The franchise will be eliminated for commoners, and then the rest of the perversity will fall away because the Demoshits will no longer have nogs and spics to pander to.
White trash will not get the vote either, but that's not important.
Both of you are spics. America was never a melting pot before communist Jews told you it was.
Settling for anything less than a white nation is a concession of weakness. I don't know if you will ever reach my level, but I look at you as some kind of dog who wants me to tell you why you can't lick your crotch in front of me. You still have the conditioning echoing in your brain and have fetishized foreigners.
And then you're going to isolate everyone who would've been on your side by killing the blacks, and when you lose you'll just give the SJW's even more power.
>hahahaha yeah dude, so hilarious, your kids will have a blast
Fuck off retard. You don't know what it takes. Hitler knew. It can be done peacefull or it can be done violently. Hopefully shitskins have evolved enough to understand it's in their best interest to do it peacefully.
America was a very white nation until it changed it's immigration laws. Who changed those laws? White Americans.
Your anger should be directed at the liberal whites that opened the doors. You can't get mad at the immigrants for taking America up on its invitation.
But you have to admit that some races are more predisposed to violence and shitty behavior
I mean for every Ben Carson, how many Tyrones are roaming the streets despite how the government has been propping them up, giving them opportunities and giving them preferential treatment in recent times, e.g Welfare, Affirmative Action, diversity Quotas?
If you really think about it, the melting pot idea should actually spook the progressives
Wasn't the idea of the melting pot that, no matter where you come from or what creed or ethnicity you are, you WILL assimilate to American culture until your original culture, traditions and customs were forgotten by you grandchildren?
Isn't that the opposite of what Progressives want?
Hitler lost you idiot, and in losing he condemned Germany to become the politically correct muslim hellhole it is today.
Hitler was a hero and took on the world. Kill yourself with your defeatist brain, retard.
>Canadians telling Americans how America is supposed to be
my sides
>If you really think about it, the melting pot idea should actually spook the progressives
No, you're just stupid. I bet you don't even have a college degree.
Also, you didn't deny being a spic, so you probably are a disgusting spic.
White women are generally repulsed by Asians of all types
RECONQUISTA!! "Civic Nationalism" will do for now.
>Spic thinks he has any business discussing Anglo politics
My sides!
>being proud of Hitler's strategic idiocy
Maybe try not taking on the entire world next time?
My dude, did you read my post or are you not trying to have a discussion?
What is your goal?
What is it that you want?
A white ethnostate?
You're not an American. The only reason you could get American nationality is to steal it from whites as the kikes in the 1960s changed our brains and our laws and then erected psychological barriers to trap them. Your paper is illegitimate and will be revoked one way or another.
>a non-american lecturing americans on what and who is and isn't american
They should try to organize in Mexico and gain power there instead of muddying up our shit
It wasn't idiocy. He held the world on his shoulders. You couldn't have come close to doing it better, that's for sure.
See, there's a special brand of idiot that thinks by calling others "kike", "nigger", or "spic", they somehow have proven your argument wrong. Pity them, for their condition is not likely to be fixed any day soon.
Christ! You sound like a textbook hapa.
ok? The only mistake Hitler made was showing mercy to kikes.
Civic narionalist here. Unlike ethnic nationalists, who have a relativley "unaimous" goal in mind (that being the 14 words applied in either in an isolationist or expansionist manner); civic nationalists are vauge and divergent.
I for one am quite a racist civic nationalist. For example, i think to truly recover our inner cities, we need to ship all the dusky ghetto dwellers and chicanos to their own reserve far away from anything important (im thinking somewhere like the southern Baja peninsula) whilst killing the ones who have been convicted, and let whites/civilized folk retake the land. But at the same time any civilized and productive niggers/spics that reside in the city should be left alone.
At the same time, whilst there should be policies indirectly crafted to alievate the racial gap (i.e. free embryo selection for intelligence improvment to those whom identify as minorities, enhanced education cirriculum to slow regression to the mean for the children of civilized minorities), the whole 1488 nazi larp pol likes doing is too divisive and autistic, we should focus more on creating shared ideals and a shared culture, preferably a shared religion.
When it comes to european demographic politics though, because of feels and Europe being the homeland of all Europeans, and Europe still being homogenous enough to make total minority removal economically possible, 1488 all the way.
If thats what you want, there's an entire continent across the pond that needs people like you, although I have a feeling you're a troll not looking to discuss anything
The right wing equivalent of an SJW
And yes I am a bean and I'm probably taller than you :^)
>don't declare war on Poland
There. I did better than Hitler.
t. racemixer fetishist
You are not a civic nationalist.
I will pray for you (seriously) user. You sound like you need to step away from the computer for a while. We've all been there. Take a hike, literally. Go out and enjoy the outdoors for a while. May God bless you.
In reality you are a LARPing chink from r/Asianmasculinity
Wow, so brilliant. Did your kike history professor laugh at his hindsight strategic mishaps and it got your attention for once? Fuck off retard.
Why are Canadians always trying to start shit with America when their country is a crap filled sewer hole?
Get back to redit. I've been this way my whole life, ya immature coward.
civic nationalism is a last ditch ploy of jews to try and stay in control in america and stab us in the back again later
>oy vey we're redpilled too goyim.. let us stay in control of your media and banks
Christ is better than Richard Spencer, asshole worship is vain and nihilistic
Most people aren't ethno purist stormfags so his children are fine
Did I hurt your feelings? Does it bother you that National Socialism failed even harder than Communism did?
Christianity is trash slave morality. Richard Spencer is an atheist like me, just like all smart people.
Mixed race people grow up to be Democrats.
But he has a point my dude, since the birth of the nation there has been non-whites in the US, there were blacks and natives fighting with whites to kick the Brits and Hessians out and there were beans standing next to Texans and Californians to kick Mexico out
To make the US a 100% white nation is unrealistic, 90-95% is possible because thats the way it was pre-1965 and life was better for everyone, whites and non whites
You seem to be concerned about the well being of your people, I believe Europeans have a right to their homelands and a right to defend themselves and maintain a homogeneous society in their own countries
Liar, you're a Jew aren't you.
does this trigger you?
>Jesus said, "Congratulations to the one who came into being before coming into being.
>If you become my disciples and pay attention to my sayings, these stones will serve you.
>For there are five trees in Paradise for you; they do not change, summer or winter, and their leaves do not fall. Whoever knows them will not taste death."
>Not knowing that the only way people learn about history is 100% hindsight
>Mary said to Jesus, "What are your disciples like?"
>He said, "They are like little children living in a field that is not theirs. When the owners of the field come, they will say, 'Give us back our field.' They take off their clothes in front of them in order to give it back to them, and they return their field to them.
>For this reason I say, if the owners of a house know that a thief is coming, they will be on guard before the thief arrives and will not let the thief break into their house (their domain) and steal their possessions.
>As for you, then, be on guard against the world. Prepare yourselves with great strength, so the robbers can't find a way to get to you, for the trouble you expect will come.
>Let there be among you a person who understands.
>When the crop ripened, he came quickly carrying a sickle and harvested it. Anyone here with two good ears had better listen!"
>indian spic
>typing "haha"
>not "jaja"
(You) = exposed
>just like all smart people.
You should seriously get out more.
>pretending Germany was alone against the world
>ignoring Italy, Austria, Czechoslovakia, Romania, Finland and Hungary
>and Yugoslavia, Bulgaria, Switzerland, Spain and Sweden
>France, Denmark, Belgium and Netherlands were bigger collaborators than opponents
He literally had most of Europe helping him, and lost.
Deal with it.
Shitskin Democrats on the dole.
I think you sent that to the wrong person.
I'm libertarian you little bitch. Sup Forums is a libertarian board you stormweenie. Now GTFO.
i went from loving Obama to full out white nationalism, the tide is turning boys
keep spreading the word, the crisis is coming and we have to form groups based on race
That I did.
Ok, so your cognitive dissonance used to be at 100% and now it's down to 80%. You'll get there 1 day.