>Hey you sexist fuck! Respect women or I will blow your chauvinistic head off!
Hey you sexist fuck! Respect women or I will blow your chauvinistic head off!
Well you'll need to get on your knees to do that, sweetheart.
What the fuck is the point of this shill thread??? Sage.
>M1911 jams
>I have information leading to Trump's impeachment
>As she puts gun down I grab gun
Another user can continue :)
>Feminist with a gun
Did you take the safety off? Do you have a round chambered, I'll take my chances, grabs gun and beats her to death.
Joke's on you, this is a fake gun.
Guns are banned in europoor...
>implying a feminist would own a disgusting tool of oppression like a gun
you must be new to SJWs
Do it you whore, tell them to serve finger food and sandwiches at my wake.
You'll be my beer wench in valhalla
M-marry me?
>Implying your grip is strong enough to even pull that trigger.
Sure baby. (Beat the shit out of her when she turns).
As bad as women are at violence, they're even dumber when it comes to deception.
nice Larp
>she is a trained MMA fighter and breaks your penis in her iron grip
By the will of Allah I will now sentence you to death for raising a hand to a man.
>Gullible woman thinks she has won
>Turns around
>Pic related occurs
Heh, Women are so simple minded, they always believe what they want to hear
No turning the tables faggot. But two can play at that game (as you try to hit her she breaks your arm in 3 places and rips your penis off)
Most women can't even load handgun by themselves. "Ehhh I can't pull the slide".
Conclusion: this weapon is not loaded.
Lmao, finally I can rest in piece.
Why wouldn't I respect women? Am I not Nazbol?
>teleports behind her, nothing personal cunt
>shooting 45stronk
What's next, you're going to kill me with 9mm
This is an airsoft 1911 with the orange cap sawed off. Just so you know user, this is massively illegal and the feds can find you with location data embedded in your image file. Also, cops can shoot you if you're seen carrying this; they'll assume its real.
Better invest in the real deal if you want to rustle my jimmies.
>heh, I don't think so kid.
>teleport behind her
>ram my insta-boner up her ass and donkey punch her in the back of the head
>pull out and give her a pink sock
>shove her gun in said sock
>better luck next time
This is now a get thread.
Not with that little pea shooter, ya dumb bitch.
>women that do not have a conservative ("patriarchal") mindset owning guns
>teleports behind her
>nothing personnel m'lady
she would kill you and feed you your own penis
Why should I respect women when gender is a social construct and women are solely sex objects for men and baby factories the rest of the time?
>robowaifu, please turn this biocunt into Swiss cheese.
>of course my love, it would be my pleasure
>v-virgin loser..
>help I'm being rape!1!
>the sounds of gunfire drown out the shrill shrieking of the biohag
When you demand respect through the use of force, the force may be respected but you will not.
t. retarded feminist
I got another head you can blow, bitch
And you wonder why you're becoming obsolete
You mean men are becoming obsolete?
Hahaha I almost spat my drink on the floor reading that hyperbolic meninist wank fantasy. If women are obsolete then so would men. AIs would need men anymore than you need to get Valentines day card.
>men build robot replacements
>men making good progress on artificial wombs
Robots, cats and dildos won't support nor satisfy your natural parasitic nature.
>natural parasitic nature.
Humans are a parasite you dingus, I know you think you are "getting to me", but you aren't. Your weak human man mind is just as fallible as any women. The sooner you push for the singularity, the sooner you ensure your demise.
>she doesn't realize robot women are scheduled to be sold for cheaper than an average wedding this year
Stay in denial, I welcome our fembot overlords
Underrated. What the fuck?
>men become slaves to women for occasional sex and reproduction
>women contribute a hole between their legs
Marriage for as long as it existed was like that. One of these things is not like the other
The more you hurt me the more I cum.
I'm not a she and your bait is weak. You will crumble and fall with your gender.
Do you really think your puerile, uneducated, limited, and of course, STUPID opinionated grand wizard tier robot philosophy will work on ME? Fucking ME? I don't think so slim jim. Now fuck off back to /r9k/ day care.
>your gender
What are you? Transhitler?
>a paragraph of ad hominem
What do women contribute to marriage? Historically it was a wet hole and some minor chores around the house. While men slave away all day while getting jack shit in return.
I wish I could genocide men who get out of line.
And your line deserve no proper rebuttal. If you are really that stupid to think "LOL WOOMEN DID NOOOTHING" in marriage then fuck off back to your day care sandbox. I have no time for you.
I have never in my life had a 1911 jam on me.
even the shitty ass .22's like in OP's pic
Something isn't right about that muzzle. Do I see female threads?
What the actual fuck?
>Takes gun away and gives bitchslap I return.
>she kicks your balls through your teeth and rips out your tongue
don't mess with women, punk
More ad hominem. I'm not wrong and you can't provide shit, because you're wrong. White knight faggots like you should be shot.
>Respect women or I will blow your chauvinistic head off!
Those who want respect, give respect. Be confrontational and I won't hesitate to deck you.
Maybe you should go back to your own daycare sandbox. Tumblr is probably a better fit for you.
>he thinks .45's recoil is anymore noticeable than 9mm and .40
nogunz detected
You're right. I am wrong. Wrong that I couldn't spend anymore time on you because I can.
Lets argue using proper debate strategy.
First I will restate what you said
*audibly vomits words somewhat representing some babble about women being worth*
Now that I have established your central argument, let's critique it. I think, to be fair, the vomit was a nice touch, but a little too avant-garde for this crowd. Maybe try a little more direct. Something like "I HATE WOMEN I HATE WOMEN I HATE WOMEN I HATE WOMEN". That might be more yourself. To the rest of it. I'd say something like historically women's labor has been at least on par with their husband's counter parts, keeping the family unit together. And the fact that it is really difficult to compare the quality of work since there was no equal work back then, and any attempts to really compare the two are futile and misrepresents what women actually went through. But that is just me.
Are you really attempting to you my insult, on me? Phahahaha. Come back when you grow up, kid. This is the big leagues you're in.
>I am dead inside. You would be doing me a favor. Please finish the job. Pull the trigger! Do it!
Option A: She pulls the trigger and kills me and goes to prison
Option B: she doesn't pull the trigger and I live
Honestly, I want to know, why should I respect them or give them so much as the time of day?
What virtues, qualities, insights or properties make women worthy of respect asside from what they have between their legs?
Ignoring the ad hominem and strawmaning that was the first part of your post
>I'd say something like historically women's labor has been at least on par with their husband's counter parts, keeping the family unit together.
The family unit is absolute bullshit and is little more than choosing your slave master. As for the amount of work, cooking, cleaning and raising children are all something a man would have been fully capable of doing, especially if he didn't have to slave away at his job for his wife. That is also not including that men have to fight in war, risking their lives for essentially nothing. While women get to sit comfy and safe at home. That alone makes any contribution that women made pale in comparison.
Nope still not buying it.
Men go to war for themselves. Plus many women now serve in the military. You just didn't let them in the past. Women also couldn't do any of the previous jobs that men did, now they can and they are quite good at it. You aren't winning here. You aren't convincing me of anything. Try to respect women, can you do that for me chief? Can ya?
>women deserve respect because they live
really fucking terrific argument you got there lass now show me your pussy
You are not allowed to FPBP in my thread for such trash. The the fuck out, chumps.
Can I rip your dick off?
you can try
Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha
Pull the trigger you fucking womanfag. I have nothing left to lose.
I'm not here to convince you, I don't care what you do. Get married, have your 10 kids. just don't get in the way of what I want to do.
>you wouldn't let them
Men of old, no. I will not fight in a war unless it directly benefits me, women should feel the same way.
>try to respect women
When they stop trying to ban fembots I will, but I'd still prefer to spend minimal time with them. But of course they should be free to do what they want, and so should I.
Damn that looks like a good time. Ain't no beating like a good ol' woman beating.
men don't ask for your respect just because they're here. why do some women think they're above earning respect?
he he he he he he
ikr check out this woman getting it
Are you hungry?
Where they belong
Hey you sexist fuck! Respect women or-
>take gun out of hand mid sentence
>boom head shot
>fucks corpse
>go home
>eat a PB&J
The best bath she ever had :)
Alright I guess we are doing this now
Don't forget to check your shots ;D
You mad hoe? You mad hoe? You mad hoe? You mad hoe? You mad hoe? You mad hoe? You mad hoe? You mad hoe? You mad hoe? You mad hoe? You mad hoe? You mad hoe? You mad hoe? You mad hoe? You mad hoe? You mad hoe? You mad hoe? You mad hoe? You mad hoe? You mad hoe? You mad hoe? You mad hoe? You mad hoe? You mad hoe? You mad hoe? You mad hoe? You mad hoe? You mad hoe? You mad hoe? You mad hoe? You mad hoe? You mad hoe? You mad hoe? You mad hoe? You mad hoe? You mad hoe? You mad hoe? You mad hoe? You mad hoe? You mad hoe? You mad hoe? You mad hoe? You mad hoe? You mad hoe? You mad hoe? You mad hoe? You mad hoe? You mad hoe? You mad hoe?
How can guys get off to this?
Aunt Fucking Jemimah XD
That's not even a woman. stupid
Nice bro XD
Come on hoe....like you don't like head
Ooohhhhh yummy saved :)
Want some crushed walnuts :)
Read the sign XD
Fake and gay
Hammer is probably not cocked and or thumb safety engaged.
Give it too me baby
Legit and real, Brazilian how caught cheating
I have some picked dicks too :)
Let's go for a ride
Mine are better
Women have no foresight, integrity, honor, intelligence or self awareness
Even if you kill me that will still be true
I got what women have
oh, me nuts