Is shameless pop culture worship the new religion?
Is shameless pop culture worship the new religion?
Kind of.
Consumerism is the new religion.
Yes. Instead of worshiping the Lord and Jesus Christ, they instead worship fictional movie characters like Iron Man who is literally just a archetypical Jesus character.
jesus was an alien though
Jesus is literally just a Tammuz ripoff
>Instead of worshiping the Lord and Jesus Christ, they instead worship fictional movie characters like Iron Man who is literally just a archetypical Jesus character.
At least Jesus was a sort of meta-hero and there were some good historical and moral lessons you could teach your children.
Iron Man has... good action figures?
Who fucking cares? 2000 years of Jesus is more beautiful and ethereal in comparison to a fictional character designed to sell comic books or action figures.
Nothing wrong with some old-school Marvel tribute art.
No, but there's everything wrong with littering your entire body with it. Tattoos are retarded anyway, they don't make you special, they don't make you artistic, you're just being permanently drawn on your body. Why?
Draw it on a piece of paper and hang it on your wall, that's a tribute.
>Nothing wrong with some old-school Marvel tribute art.
She's basically advertising that she is immature, can't handle money, is into consumerism and pop culture, and makes retarded decisions.
I agree, but the guy with the tattoo doesn't care about Jesus. Why can't he venerate his idols too?
Don't pretend Iron man doesn't have a good moral lesson to it.
An arms trader lives the life of luxury far removed from the harm he creates until he is captured and forced to endure penance for his sins. Instead of bowing to demands of terror and choosing the easy way, his torture makes him stronger and he builds a suit to fight his way out. Etc etc.
It's basically a jesus resurrection and redemption narrative as are 90% of all superhero films. Which is most of their alter ego names tend to be things like J.C. or Shepherd or Christian.
Hollywood jews really love the bible.
Deep down he really does care about Jesus, but in the form of a fictional man in a suit.
>Why can't he venerate his idols too?
He can, but he's retarded.
I'd make a lamp shade out of that skin, I can tell you that much!
Jesus is a fictional storybook character just like Iron Man and the incredible hulk.
That's where you're wrong kiddo.
>a fictional character designed to sell comic books or action figures.
... isn't this literally just Jesus Christ?
Extreme Leftism is the new religion. They're acting like puritans, controlling what is kosher and what is not while ruining everything they touch.
comics/superheroes, video games, and anime used to be niche interests occupied by social outcasts. Now it's not so those people who used to be "nerds/geeks" now can be more self-expressive--and, of course, the bandwagon normies like to virtue signal.
Son, I doubt you're older than I am.
Jesus may have been a real person, (doubtful, though) but all the magic tricks are entirely fiction. You worship a 2000 year-old comic book character.
Well, it's just worshipping other fictional figures...
Christianity was designed to take humanity out of tens of thousands of years of immorality, degradation and mayhem and it's perfectly accomplished those goals.
>Son, I doubt you're older than I am.
The recorded instances of Jesus Christ are older than you and your daddy, and your daddy's daddy's daddy.
Funny, whenever you atheist spergs say this you can never quite articulate yourselves properly, but here's hoping you can finally break that dry spell.
>comics/superheroes, video games, and anime used to be niche interests occupied by social outcasts. Now it's not so those people who used to be "nerds/geeks" now can be more self-expressive--and, of course, the bandwagon normies like to virtue signal.
This user is 100% correct.
They're modern mythology, so they're linked with religion.
>Christianity was designed to take humanity out of tens of thousands of years of immorality, degradation and mayhem and it's perfectly accomplished those goals
I wonder what life was like back when there was still immorality, degradation and mayhem; since it's been extinct for so long from the world...
Do you actually want to make a point or not? Living in tribes killing everything and anything while maybe sacrificing a child or two for the good rains to come is a little different than what Christians on this planet do today.
Again, try and articulate a reasonable argument as to why the existence of Jesus is doubtful to you.
Reminds me of a story
>Used to play magic the gathering on Friday nights
>get paired up with this guy
>Has MTG tattoos on his arm of the mana symbols
>His deck cost him at least 350$
>MFW that deck is worthless now it's not in standard
>MFW magic is going down the shitter
I swear half the people cheated anyway and were tryhard net deckers. If you want to play and win at least one game you got to spend over 100 dollars on one of three decks.
Nigger, I'll go toe-to-fucking-toe with any shit-eating christian leaf any day. I fail to see where there is any lack of articulation in my response. The only detriment is the poutine-guzzling nigger leaf responding to it.
I think I made my point; that these things still exist in the world; so obviously Christianity is not accomplishing the goal of removing them perfectly.
>try and articulate a reasonable argument as to why the existence of Jesus is doubtful to you
Pretty sure he did exist. It's just all of the other details about it that are suspect. I don't consider the accounts of people in an age when pissing in a cup & gargling it was considered dental hygiene to be infallible, let alone entirely accurate.
Pic related.
Leafposting has reached new levels of utter buttblast
>Whoops kiddo I'm afraid you didn't make an articulate rebuttal I guess that makes me formidable. *tips*
>magic the gathering
that's still a thing?
I was a fairly staunch atheist. One day I realized that 95% of my atheist friends had developed a new religion out of Leftism, and their new God was the State. When I brought this up to them they treated me like a heretic and told me I was "just wrong".
These billion dollar movies are the prized artifacts of our time. They are driving innovation in graphics by themselves because of our desire to represent things in fiction in ever growing detail.
>historically proven figure is doubtful
>why is it doubtful
Nobody has time for this kind of retardation.
But you conveniently won't do it right now.
>I think I made my point; that these things still exist in the world; so obviously Christianity is not accomplishing the goal of removing them perfectly.
Actually you are right about that, should have said a perfect as humanly possible.
>accounts of people in an age when pissing in a cup & gargling it was considered dental hygiene to be infallible, let alone entirely accurate
Yeah, but then again you are the one ignoring the 2000+ years of philosophy and boiling it down to some sort of piss argument.
Could you tell me why I'm wrong?, I said. I'm explaining your beliefs back to you, and showing you why they're unscientific. You're basically creating a new religion complete with utopian fantasies. Why create a new religion? It has no history - it will probably end terribly.
"You're just wrong, man. You're on the wrong side of history."
Yes but they fucked up bad this cycle and fucking up in other ways.
They are even bending to the SJW's.
Nobody has to prove your delusions false.
You weren't there. The victors write and shape history. It's been a while. Etc etc.
Relax. Other people can have other opinions.
>Nobody has to prove your delusions false.
Pretty convient when you're denying the existence of the most recorded man in history.
>ignoring the 2000+ years of philosophy
I don't see how two millenia worth of edits & reinterpretations, with numerous allegories beneficial to the power structure of those in charge at this or that time inserted, make it any more historically accurate.
>make it any more historically accurate
You're the one who says he doubting historical accounts from people of a who apparently gargled piss. Should people be doubting the existence of Trump in 2000 years because it was an age where people thought they were born in the wrong body?
Can you see why that isn't even an argument?
But Jesus wasn't fictional
Freedom is the new religion.
>most recorded man
2 other examples for you: Genghis Khan & Vlad Dracula. Both frequently historically recorded; the vast majority of details or surrounding contexts in both cases completely inaccurate & fabricated in ways that served the allegorical agendas of those doing the "recording".
>Should people be doubting the existence of Trump
You're blatantly ignoring the fact that I said very clearly I did not doubt the fact of his existence; I doubt the accuracy of the details regarding the nature of events and who & what he was.
I wouldn't trust the accuracy of who Trump is or what he did or didn't do or intend if it was written by either an SJW or a hardcore believer (or "Trumptard").
A comic book hero that changed the course of history and shaped Western culture for 20 centuries.
>At least Jesus was a sort of meta-hero
been listening to Jordan Peterson I see
What is convenient about disagreeing with your logic? We've been lied to an awful lot by mass media and the bible is one of the first examples of mass media.
If he was real, he sure wasn't a fucking wizard.
You seem to be basing a lot on what you say on your own presuppositions. Nobody else but someone trying to discredit an argument in the most childish way possible would ever bring up "well, the accounts of said person are doubtful because people drank their own piss."
Why would you assume the details surrounding Jesus were made by people with nefarious agendas who also drank their own piss? This has to be a troll.
>bible is one of the first examples of mass media
>But you conveniently won't do it right now.
Nice bait, leaf-nigger.
Jesus Christ is an amalgam of many religions at once. Zoroastrianism plays into it as does judaism. Islam doesn't because it's only a recently-invented cult. The stories of Jesus' life reflect many stories at once of previous deities, mainly sun gods, but not limited to them. Written down in times when oppression was severe, the bible stories revolving around the messiah conveniently fit a pattern followed even by greek and roman gods. Poetically edited and reinforced in many large and small ways for 2000 years by those who would seek to control the mind of some simpleton leaf on Sup Forums, the stories of Jesus Christ are now nearly perfectly crafted to ensnare the weak-minded and those hopeful for magic to exist.
Just because a story is old doesn't mean it's correct. In fact, the chances of any accuracy at all are so slim that you may as well worship Harry Potter.
In short, you're a victim of a 2,000 year-old conspiracy to control a population that was dissatisfied with the world the way it was and needed eternal torment to threaten everyone to believe. Haha! But, that's not all! You aren't even remotely the first. You're one in a long line of gullible suckers who have believed - sometimes even giving their one-and-only lives for their beliefs. You are part of a people who waste many aspects of this one-and-only life you have by not even living it because you're afraid of the made-up underworld and a red forked-tail cartoon, a concept that has evolved over millennia to be scary specifically to you.
Why you christcucks insist that you're original is beyond me. Do some reading, asshole. Research the history of world beliefs. It's an eye-opener, even for die-hard believers. Your religion is merely a recycled story designed for subjugation. Congratulations. You're a moron AND you're wasting your life.
Suck a dick, leaf.
Yes; Ignore all of my other points & examples about the unreliable nature of historical accuracy.
if you're going to do something so important as defend the LORD, do it without memes you faggot
Well that's a load of tldr drivel I'm not going to read. Why entertain any of that if you're not even going to engage my argument or answer a simple question?
Unreliable because you claimed the same people writing about Jesus are drinking their own piss. You have no integrity and don't even seem like you want to make a valid point.
>do it without memes
>his President was elected by memes and memers
>no strong female/non-binary persons of heroism
Very upsetting, femienesta
Pretty much.
Super heroes. Beards. IPA Beers. Tattoos. The desperate nu-male attempt to cargo cult masculinity into their lives without doing anything masculine.
>Should people be doubting the existence of Trump in 2000 years because it was an age where people thought they were born in the wrong body?
This is nonsensical. Trump is a tool who will do nothing of value and disappear into obscurity. Jesus was a fictional character created to subjugate a population through the threat of magic. They aren't even remotely the same.
I was going to say almost exactly what the other guy said.
>I don't consider the accounts of people in an age when pissing in a cup & gargling it was considered dental hygiene
^^ That's exactly what I said; not
>you claimed the same people writing about Jesus are drinking their own piss
as you claim I said. You're ignoring every valid point I've made & inserting words in my mouth to give yourself an argument you can attack.
I believe in God and you're a complete fuckhead
I love how he begs for reasonable arguments, then ignores every reasonable argument presented.
>This is nonsensical.
No shit it's nonsensical. I'm not the one making that argument, retard. Go read up the replies. If the argument is "I don't find anything entirely accurate coming from a people who do [insert weird activity here] there's no point in believing in anything ever.
Might as well become a useless nihilist like you already are.
That's not a valid point because of what I've already stated above.
>I don't consider the accounts of people in an age when some are thinking they're born in the wrong body was considered brave and biological fact to be infallible, let alone entirely accurate.
Why believe in anything on the sole basis people do weird things?
Good for you.
There's method in History to determine historical accurracy of a given event or person. For instance, as you mentioned, Vlad's tale came forth about 200 hundred years after his passing. Genghis Khan was praised with allegorical mythos at least 100 years after his passing, by the tribes that inherited Mongolia.
This time-gap between the person and their legends is an indicator of mythology/legend, and therefore disregarded as historical Data.
Jesus differs from all of these, including others like Great Alexander and Ceasar, because his "legends" were spread while he lived and soon after he passed they were carried on.
Doubting Jesus's role in History is just your stupidity in Biblical Research showing.
I'd love to hear an explanation as to why you should doubt historical accounts because human beings do weird things.
You should doubt historical accounts based on evidence or lack of evidence, not a childish way to call people piss drinkers.
I hate the way those hobbies are being treated lately like anime, manga, comics, video games, etc. What is wrong with just enjoying some simple entertainment while not treating them as your own identity? It's unnerving when people feel the need to tell others how much of a "nerd" they are as if they are coming out as gay or trans.
He isn't the first. Other religions are WAY older, and have shaped even larger parts of the world and history. Before you make boastful claims, make sure they're worth boasting about. Jesus is still a blip in history. If all of time on Earth was a football field, Jesus would be a blade of grass. It just happens to be your favorite blade of grass right now. In time, jesus will be forgotten just like the religious heroes of the past. You represent a phase in human evolution, nothing more.
I say it every time - I wish I could be around after I die to laugh at all the people who thought there'd be a heaven or hell. That's just silly of course; nobody is still around after they die. They just end. You are your brain, nothing more. Once that's gone, you cease to be aware. If only I could be there the moment you actually realize that...
>He isn't the first. Other religions are WAY older, and have shaped even larger parts of the world and history.
Nobody is even denying that you absolute sperg.
It was a metaphor for a backwards society that had no foundation in actual science, not that piss-drinking was the only factor. He was being colorful with an analogy that you are obviously too simple to grasp.
>have shaped even larger parts of the world and history.
What the fuck? Like the neanderthals had a savior, right? You can't be this retarded.
Wait those are tattoos?
>bible is one of the first examples of mass media
You misspelled "propaganda"
Entartete Kultur
>It was a metaphor for a backwards society that had no foundation in actual science
>muh science
Nobody is even talking about science either because it has nothing to do with what we're talking about. Again, why would you believe in anything if you're going to be doubtful of information on the basis that people do fucking weird things?
Yeah dude.
> What is wrong with just enjoying some simple entertainment while not treating them as your own identity?
They don't wanna build their own personality. It's too much work... while consumerism is right there at the corner, ready for them to buy.
Instead of making those hobbies a PART of them, a detail of them as person, they "become" those hobbies.
It's just sad, really.
I blame smartphones, this really wasn't as bad in the early 00s then they came along and really did ruin everything.
>Well that's a load of tldr drivel I'm not going to read.
TRANSLATION: "Fuck, this guy's right. I'll have to just be defiant and misdirect by claiming that I asked a question or something that he didn't answer. If he ever finds out that he specifically said exactly what I needed to hear to shake my faith, it's all over."
Try again, nigger leaf. I realize you're talking to several people at once, all trying to save you from the embarrassment of being a blind follower, but you've clearly confused yourself. If you have a question, ask it directly. I've responded exactly to the things you've said to me, even though you aren't worth a squirt of piss, much less the time I'm spending trying to educate your simple ass.
Nigger, you have a hard time keeping your thoughts straight, don't you? I read everything you addressed to me.
I like how you call me a nihilist. It proves you're running out of fuel. You have no idea how dull you really are, do you? There comes a point where a man's ability to assess his own intelligence is impeded by his own intelligence. I'd say you reached that around third grade.
No, really what you did was go off on a retarded tangent for no reason. Nowhere in this thread have I claimed to be a Christian or even believe in the Bible or the accounts of Jesus Christ as the Son of God and God himself.
Atheists are full of fucking presuppositions, so full they're all covered in shit and falling out of your ass faster than you can type.
You're legitimately confused and/or stupid.
Its funny how atheists would like nothing more than to bring believers into their miserable depressing worldview, you know what they say: misery loves company.
If you were so sure god didnt exist then why would you even bother arguing with a bunch of us koolaid drinkers. Is it maybe because you know deep down you cant completely rule out the existence of god? Lots of things happen in this world for no logical reason and thus our human idea of logic and reason can not simply explain away everything.
He doesn't know who he's arguing with. He's lost. I don't believe in god. He's arguing my points with you and your points with me. It's all that religion that has him confused. If you fill your head with shit, there's no room for reason or intelligence.
>Jesus Christ is an amalgam of many religions at once. Zoroastrianism plays into it as does judaism. Islam doesn't because it's only a recently-invented cult. The stories of Jesus' life reflect many stories at once of previous deities, mainly sun gods, but not limited to them. Written down in times when oppression was severe, the bible stories revolving around the messiah conveniently fit a pattern followed even by greek and roman gods. Poetically edited and reinforced in many large and small ways for 2000 years by those who would seek to control the mind of some simpleton leaf on Sup Forums, the stories of Jesus Christ are now nearly perfectly crafted to ensnare the weak-minded and those hopeful for magic to exist.
>Just because a story is old doesn't mean it's correct. In fact, the chances of any accuracy at all are so slim that you may as well worship Harry Potter.
>In short, you're a victim of a 2,000 year-old conspiracy to control a population that was dissatisfied with the world the way it was and needed eternal torment to threaten everyone to believe.
>purposely ignores my two above posts
I'm dying
Yes, it's a damn shame that today's youth have respect for the word of God and shun Christianity altogether.
Even the slimes are beginning to lose their youth to (((pop culture))) worshiping.
have no respect*
The books of the bible regarding jesus were written no less than 60 years after his "death" according to many scholars. The bible is a story book, not a documentary.
Degenerate harlots.
I hear ya. I remember when I was a teen in the early 00s and used to talk to/meet people who were actually interested in certain things and weren't pretending just to look "different".
I also blame social media. One can research about a certain topic for a few hours and anybody can pretend to be anything, wether to use it as a fashion accessory or to get some 15min of fame.
So a biography written about Adolf Hitler 60 years after his death means Hitler never existed?
One of MANY explanations for discrepancies in the bible is the 2000 years of corruption and editing of religious texts by the church and kings for political gains. You're a fool if you think what you're reading is exactly what it was 2000 or even 500 years ago. You believe in a literal lie.
>Jesus wasn't a wizard
He was a wizard. That's what makes the story so good. Please don't ruin my wizard worshiping religion that has become publicly accepted. It's a pagan's wet dream over here.
Christianity is the only religion that successfully reconciled polytheism and monotheism. It suggested that the only was to have One was to have Three (Father, Son, Holy Spirit). Judaism and Islam are practically the same with serious daddy issues regarding God. Jesus was man and god and godman, possibly trying to remind us all that we can be too (?)
Back to OP, some of my friends are strangely obsessed with pop culture. I'm not sure if it's a religious fervor, but it is weird as fuck.
>You believe in a literal lie
Still going with this after you purposely ignore my multiple posts stating I haven't even confirmed nor denied me believing in God or the Bible?
Is it your money?
>can't handle money
Is it your money?
>consumerism and pop culture
So what? Everyone has hobbies.
>makes retarded decisions.
No, that'd be DC tattoos.
Also throwing this in for anyone who's around.
Are you really this god damned stupid? Let's see... Hinduism, for one. Thousands of years older than christianity. Zoroastrianism - same. You only think this era is more important than the rest or bigger than what came in the past because it's when you're alive. You must live and breathe anecdotal evidence. Ignorance is bliss.
How'd they fuck up?
>Like the neanderthals had a savior
Implying Neanderthal Jesus isn't watching over us right now.
And of course once feminism is added into the mix of those niche interests it creates a cultural divide for the old fanbase paving way for the new who won't care about anything other than making it a fashion accessory or to help inflate their vain ego more.
And I agree, quite terrifying to believe people considering Netflix a hobby.