Today I went to the Piggly Wiggly and while at the checkout I dropped a $20 bill... the lady in front of me picked it up... I thanked her and told her that it was mine and she said "The things found on earth are kept by the collector" and walks away... I looked at the cashier who is as amazed as me and, in a loud voice, I say to the lady, "is this some kind of joke?! Give me back my $20!" I followed her into the parking lot of the Piggly Wiggly, still shouting, but she would not stop.... When she got to her car, she put her shopping bags from the Piggly Wiggly on the ground to open her car door of her Sudan. So I ran up, grabbed the bags and ran off yelling "The things found on earth are kept by the collector!!" I went home nervous, shaken and agitated because I've never stolen anything in my life.
Good move if true. Fuck her, I hope she dies in a single car crash tonight.
Hilarious. Hopefully she was on EBT so the bags were full of steak and lobster
you didn't steal shit. you paid twenty bucks for it.
OP did nothing wrong
This is technically true OP
I wish you had hit her with some Sweet Chin Music as you bent down and scooped up the bags.
Tell us what was in the fucking bags you cockknocking fuckbuster
Not sure if copypasta. Either way, have a (you)
You should've legally shot her in Texas.
what color was her Sudan ?
This. Also post photo.
What the fuck is a piggly wiggly
If not was what was in the bag worth the 20?
Fuck off op... tell the whole story before you make a thread
Go back to making comics, Drew.
It's a grocery store chain in the south. It was actually the very first grocery store.
seriously is this is a thing somewhere in America? Assuming Texas because of earlier post, but in California there is only Trader Joes, Sprouts, Safeway, Luckys, and for the Poor People Winco
What does this have to do with politics?
Different regions have different grocers although some are owned by the same companies.
Chicagoland area has jewel, and a couple piggly wiggly. Some Mexican joints, caputos, Walmart and targets
>10 minutes later
>1 post by this ID
And Raley's for the yuppies
Definitely a Texas thing, not sure but they may exist in other states too
Nice redditpasta, I'm sure this will get me lots of upboats
Few in Texas. More of a Louisiana, Mississippi, Alabama thing. Texas has Kroger, Louisiana doesn't.
shitty larping post
u should be ashamed op
You are a true alpha male. Good job, user.
Checked, and we have the Pig here in Wisconsin, too.
slide thread?
holy shit hahahahaha
I dropped a 20 on the ground in the super market the other week. Went back in right as someone was handing it over to the clerk. I thanked the man, then asked the cashier for it back, and she quite literally threw it at me.
The guy was nice, the cashier was a massive cunt. But atleast I got it back.
You can find them at several locations, you should travel to one of the states highlighted on this map so you can experience shopping at one.
Hope the bag-grabbing part was true, but somehow suspect it was "things I wish I had done that I thought of after the fact."
>thinking this isn't copypasta
>So I ran up, grabbed the bags and ran off yelling "The things found on earth are kept by the collector!!"
Kek, so did you get your monies worth?
>has never been to the sto'
Im gonna have to stop you right there son: there aint no way there's a store called "piggly wiggly" that really exists, not even in shithole south states would shop at a "piggly wiggly"
they have them in georgia
The Piggly Wiggly is the most based grocery store chain.
Google it, they even have a website.
Ooh, I want to larp too. One time some purple haired Latino tranny told me to check my privilege so I pulled out my IQ score and bank statement and said, "yup, feels good ma'am."
>poor people winco
Winco is great man, and they actually give their employees benefits and hours. Safeway's dimly lit trash store for trash people, get your shit straight.
Mrs Mac's fried chicken. Hello? Anybody home?
First of the month, always avoid shopping.. Nig infestation, they get that EBT bux which means waiting a hour,at checkout
>Piggly Wiggly
This is why no one likes Americans. Who the fuck would name their grocery store such a weird ass fucking name. I guess it's bait for a ll the fatasses who like bacon and ham.
THE FUCK IS A PIGGLY WIGGLY, sounds like some kind of fucking child cartoon!?!?!
Look at the cool painting of Barron.
Had to look it up because I couldn't believe an adult could create a company called that, THE FUCK IS THIS SHIT!??!? I DIG MR.PIG....O.....M......F......G.......I CAN'T EVEN, AMERICA IS TRULY THE MOST LAUGHABLE COUNTRY ON THE FACE OF THE PLANET!!!!!!!
I thought Waco was some sort of cult in Texas?
Yank detected.
steak is for taxpayers
Supermarket for swamp people.
its basically just a poor nigger grocery store. that somehow owns a perpetual license to the likeness of porkey pig
>there are piggly wigglys in minnesota
what the fuck
>america invents the first self-service grocery
>canada invents...?
Any area with a Piggly Wiggly is a hick town infested with niggers.
Is that what you did or the fantasy you came up with later? 's ok either way.
Was it a black woman?
American confirmed most retarded creatures on Earth, literally would buy merch for a retardedly named grocery store, no wonder they're 20 trillion in debt
Soda is the number one thing bought on EBT
Soda and frozen processed shit
What's wrong with the name Piggly Wiggly?
Check out their website they've got some cool shit yo!
>Piggly Wiggly®, America's first true self-service grocery store, was founded in Memphis, Tennessee in 1916 by Clarence Saunders. In grocery stores of that time, shoppers presented their orders to clerks who then gathered the goods from the store shelves. Saunders, a dynamic and innovative man, noticed that this method resulted in wasted time and expense, so he came up with an unheard-of solution that would revolutionize the entire grocery industry: he developed a way for shoppers to serve themselves.
Origin of the name:
>Saunders' reason for choosing the intriguing name “Piggly Wiggly®” remains a mystery; he was curiously reluctant to explain its origin. One story says that, while riding a train, he looked out his window and saw several little pigs struggling to get under a fence, which prompted him to think of the rhyme. Someone once asked him why he had chosen such an unusual name for his organization, to which he replied, "So people will ask that very question." Regardless of his inspiration, he succeeded in finding a name that would be talked about and remembered.
>Pic related the founder of the Piggly Wiggly
Was it a nigger?
Be honest
Who knows? Fucking Reddit normalfags think Sup Forums is their fucking blog
Unless it was more than $20 worth of things
holy fucking wew
Come and collect the debt pussy
What rednecks have instead of Kroger
Oh, 1 post by this ID - I see.
"Canadian pastry" stand, whatever the fuck that is:
A place where teenagers would go to steal all their cough medicine because the cameras were fucky
you are all yanks m8
NY texas even hawaii
you are all yanks lol
Here's an attempt at Americans trying to be cute and funny. HAHA HE SPELLED CORNER WITH A K LEL!!!
>Mommy mommy, can you print me a picture of piggly wiggly so I can colour :D
Said no kid ever
>At Piggly Wiggly, we are dedicated to providing top notch quality for the whole family, look we have A FUCKING KIDS KORNER WHERE THEY CAN COLOUR
Since 1916
Nah, he just got a good deal is all.
>they don't Dig the Pig
>Americans everyone
W...was there anything good in the bags?
kek, this
> 1 post by this id
This is a slide thread
>small town used to have a family-owned grocery store everyone went to
>now its been replaced with (((piggly-wiggly)))
>all of the prices got jacked up and the service became shittier
>Not going to Harris Teeter
Serves you right OP.
> Door
> Sudan
Figures you'd misspell sedan like that.
You both sound like niggers
Maybe Piggly Wiggly isn't so bad after all.....
At least he's white
what board did i stumble onto here because this cant be the one about world events
>that site layout
What is this, 2005?
I know right, Ameritards are stuck in the past
Damn right no kid would say that here, filthy leaf.
Oh yea, I forgot you guys ruined traditional English like you ruin everything
>still using imperial
You just wish you had a piggly wiggly, us Americans love a good pig, even our Presidents like pig and the pig
Looks like somebody has been taken advantage by their emotions
>The place I work is relevant for one day on Sup Forums
Pic related is some uniforms. It's a pretty comfy place to work until I move onto something better. Sadly yes, there's a lot of niggers.
What was her ethnicity OP? She sounds like a gypsy
Hope this is true
Should have grabbed her by the pussy and said "well looky what this collector just found"
Cool blog
Actually dude
That was amazing
If that was me, straight double leg tackle to the pavement, and then steal her shit
Literally you right now.
>whats basic logic
If she has more than 1 shopping bag of stuff, its probably more than 20 bucks
Is that now the official Sup Forums recipe?
>that ancap piggly wiggly shirt
Honestly, I had no idea more than handful of these existed. There's one in my county but oddly enough you have to drive to the middle of fucking nowhere in Hollywood, SC to get to it.