Why are you so mean to Jews? Everyone seems to believe the meme that Jews are greedy, or that they're bad people, but that's simply not true. My ancestors are Jewish and I'm not a bad person. And I've met other Jews who were very kind too. Being mean to Jews is wrong, and it's a form of bullying, and if you have love and kindness in your heart you won't do it.
Please stop hating the Jews
okay sorry
nice bait
shalom my fellow aryan i feel you its rediculous how these goyim are trying to keep us down
Jews are rat like lizard "people" and should be treated like chattel/fodder.
oy vey
Why is this bait? I am asking you all to reconsider your views. I did nothing personally to you, and my family members are all hard working and law abiding people. Because we are frugal does not make us bad people. I'm sure there are some Jews who are bad people but there are also a lot of good people who are Jewish. The man who invented the polio vaccine and saved millions of lives was Jewish.
Merchant thread?
Merchant thread it is then, post your lucky merchants Bros
>And refused the patent, so it could be more widely available
There are pieces of shit in every race, and redeeming examples from each as well, but bizzarely people still consider their own race's worthless dipshits to be worth more than another race's best.
Humans are inherently assholes.
it's afraid.jpg
slide thread; sageru
why is your ID changing OP?
I'm Jewish and I recognize that Jews are incredibly kind people. That being said, is it unfair to say that we are controlled by a Jewish establishment?
>meme image used on a meme site, from a centrist position that's unpopular
yeah, sage, totally. Up next; nigger hate thread full of memes & cherrypicking.
>if you have love and kindness in your heart
thats where you're wrong, kike-o
You did not have pennies thrown at you and were laughed at in the halls. You didn't have someone tell you to go back to the concentration camps when you were in 7th grade. I am afraid for my people. This irrational hatred is simplistic thinking and needs to stop. I didn't do anything to you, and your life is probably significantly better because of accomplishments made by Jewish people. There is no reason to hate all Jews. If you are a kind person, you will not hate Jewish peoples.
Personally I don't think it's wrong or racist to fairly & logically judge overwhelming evidence & call things what they are.
Problem is when that gets used to paint everyone from that race with broad, general strokes; judging individuals by that instead of their own personal actions.
We whites throw a shitfit when it gets done to us (muh slavery)....
Hey guys I'm also jewish what's up rofl
Jew's are the reason western civilization is in decay. Not you or your friend necessarily, but the elite that runs the west are crooked zionists. THEY ARE THE ENEMIES. not muslims, not blacks. RATS, GREEDY LYING JEWISH PARASITES are. Molding our culture into this circus.
Lol I GOT TIEM trips... 0:2:22::000 ... Look at the 2s. Not the 0.s. Yes there are threeee 0''s but tjey arent trips becaise they arent behind eacj othre ... The 2's AREEEE behind eachother like you can imagein a threeesome with 3 fucking retraded mongoloids. Haha. Very awesome
Yes, I am the OP, I don't know why my ID changed. I think it is unfair. Just because Jews are more likely to be in higher up positions doesn't mean you are controlled by Jews. I am sure less than 20% of people in the government are Jewish. You also have both Zionist Jews and left wing Jews, so I think it about evens out.
Why? Because of pic related. It's easy to hate a group that literally wishes you were dead
>You did not have pennies thrown at you
never in a million years did i think i'd hear a jew complain about that
Is your flag the universe? With all the stars and britain? Are you a britihs astronaut? Woah
it's the southern cross, a constellation that i'm not even sure is visible in the northern hemisphere
Woah if it's not visible how do you know it's visible?? Scaaaary stuff.. So you are in space right now ??
I can't find any credible source of him saying that. If you look at the full quote it literally sounds like some Stormfront user wrote that.
Obviously the pennies were thrown at me as a form of bullying, why would I not complain about that?
i mean it's visible in the southern one aka where australia is
someone help, the german is confusing me
German Ali G ripoff pls leave
Once the jews are dead we'll stop being mean to them.
Haha wow
The southern what? Space? Not space? Australia? Southern australia? Space over south australian territory? You're a very intersting guy.
pls no
I will find you son
Honestly, nothing wrong with Jews. It's just a meme, bro.
>B-but muh conspiracy theories prove...
That's fucking retarded. Do not take these freedom-hating cucks seriously.
We only hate extremists here, especially Islamic.
>Why are you so mean to Jews?
Because you took away /mlpol/
OP is using stronger Jew magick than you. He has kept up with his studies.
if i recall correctly i dont think most people hate jews, i think most people hate israeli warmongering zionists that are on occupied lands. the diaspora jews are fine and peaceful people for the most part i think.
you can still get there it just doesnt automatically take you
gotta type it in manually i guess
>I am a Jew
>I met other Jews who were nice to me
It is frozen. Can't post for 2 days now.
fuck it is a shame because it was good quality
>Using jew tears
I don't hate you user, but there is a very obvious pattern of your people overrepresenting in all areas that shit on our culture/civilization. This was a white country and was nice and had standards for a while till you guys came to America in droves post WW2, and gained your cultural hell foothold in the 60s. Until your demographic fucks off and leaves us alone the rest of us will always be skeptical of even the ones that aren't in on it
>I am sure less than 20% of people in the government are Jewish
Yeah, they learned it's better to pull the strings from the shadows after their commie failed coup in Germany 1918-19.
See: Stalin and his Jew henchmen. Good he killed them all.
>Zionist Jews and left wing Jews
>evens out
No. Fuck you. Jews ruined my life.
Jews are scum and destroyed America.
They hate jews because they're too dumb and arrogant to admit they've failed in the meritocracy. It's the same reason niggers hate whites.
Actually if you listen to the rhetoric of Sup Forums regarding jews and niggers regarding whites you find it's actually quite similar.
I haven't said anything untrue thus far. I'm only asking you to reconsider your views.
Israelis are not warmongers, they protect themselves from radicalists who want Jews dead. Jews deserve at least one state, do they not? They took the land that was relatively empty and turned it into a liberal democracy with freedom of speech and freedom of worship. They do not intentionally kill anyone that is not a threat to the nation.
This. We hate jews as a collective who seeks to infiltrate the society to turn whites into self-hating cucks. We don't hate jewish individuals who consider the fact that jews are doing some bad shit all over the world and they do not have some divine privilege to justify any of this.
No. Jews destroyed the morals of our nation. Jews pedal porn to sterilize whites because they no about nofap and the problems that come with too much ejaculation. They openly encite anti white rhetoric and agendas. Jews are a plague on us.
No. Go fuck yourself. Israelis stole the land in the first place.
If I had the option id kill all the Jews.
In what sort of meritocracy are people favored for jobs because they are not white?
>I don't know why my ID changed.
Because you're a shill using various proxies.
Fuck off kike shill.
>the diaspora jews are fine and peaceful people for the most part i think.
No, they're mostly anti-white, leftist subversive fucks, almost as bad as the "Zionist warmongerers"
You go fuck yourself. I will beat your Jew ass. Heil Hitler kike scum.
It's a way to fight capitalism without fighting capitalists. All the evil of the profit skimming system is projected onto one group which will be sacrificed to allow thievery to continue by capitalists of all other races.
Here's an article about how niggers believe the white man conspired to destroy his race by selling them stuff (crack in this case).
Jews are a complete different animal than corporatist fuck bags.
I don't give a fuck what niggers believe.
It's possible they did do that shit.
I have no way to prove I'm not a shill. My ID changed because I am on college wifi and I used a VPN to look up stuff about Jews so I don't get in trouble. I also don't know why so many Jews were Communists. I do know that later the Jews were shunned from the USSR government. I am not a communist personally.
I hope you can someday get over your hateful views. Nobody is forcing you to watch porn or be immoral.
You think zionists are you only problem?
I didn't say there was a perfect meritocracy. Affirmative action doesn't prove some sort of jewish conspiracy, it does confirm that liberals are stupid, however.
I honestly think Canadians are worse than Jews.
But you're still a fucking jew.
Go fuck yourself. You know damn well children see that shit. I'm 3% Jewish and I'd kill myself if it meant all kikes would come with me.
Here you are trying to say whites have everything stacked in our favor. We built this country and now it's being stolen out from under us and Jews are virtually inciting violence against white people.
Lots of disgusting people in politics/entertainment/news that are Jews.
I hate you for Dianne Feinstein, Michael Bloomberg, and Chuck Schumer.
I'm okay with Jews if they consider themselves citizens of the country first and Jews second
Why are Jews so mean to us
They do not integrate into their host country and remain a group of foreigners that pisses everyone off.
Now, it makes much more sense why Jews want us to be accepting of groups of foreigners pissing us off.
You know who people don't hate? Pygmies, they live and die same as them, go be Pygmy.
>Why are you so mean to Jews?
"The predilection of American Jews to embrace liberalism both vexes and perplexes. We want our modern Chosen People to exemplify the “kingdom of priests and holy nation.”1 God called them to do just that, yet we often find the majority of American Jews on the frontline of liberal social issues that compromise biblical morality. Why? Let’s take a look."
"Contemporary Jews keenly identify with the underdog, borne of their own suffering throughout history."
"The only issues of concern are the preservation of the Jewish People and furthering the causes of social justice."
>Everyone seems to believe the meme that Jews are greedy, or that they're bad people
I wonder why...>And I've met other Jews who were very kind too. Being mean to Jews is wrong, and it's a form of bullying, and if you have love and kindness in your heart you won't do it.
"Unlike master morality which is sentiment, slave morality is based on re-sentiment—devaluing that which the master values and the slave does not have. As master morality originates in the strong, slave morality originates in the weak. Because slave morality is a reaction to oppression, it vilifies its oppressors."
"Slave morality does not aim at exerting one's will by strength but by careful subversion. It does not seek to transcend the masters, but to make them slaves as well"
This is why I hate jews.
You don't think porn would still exist without Jews?
>I also don't know why so many Jews were Communists.
That's a good start. Now you could acknowledge it publicly and officially apologize for it (which precisely 0.0001% of Jews have done), and tell the world, denounce what you consider to be the "bad elements" of your group, since most people aren't even aware of your crimes.
Jewish Bolsheviks killed tens of millions of whites with their ideology and through their control of the governments (and tens of millions more through various means, or with their ideology, which was usually funded by them in other countries), the greatest mass murder in history, yet we're supposed to believe Jews are innocent victims because of "muh Holocaust".
Billions have gone to Jews for the sake of "reparattions", and it's illegal to even investigate the main weapon they use to play the victim in a lot of countries, yet Jews haven't done anything to make up for it, or even acknowledge it in any official form.
We really need to reenact Justinian Law.
Forbid Jews from participating in and influencing political matters.
Forbid them from being involved in matters of finance.
Forbid them from being involved in education.
They would of course try to subvert these laws, so we'd have to seize their assets, and kick them out of the country.
Its the only way.
That's a gross mis-characterization of my point, sir. You're not even reading what I'm writing. Your reinforcing you're own deluded views with your deluded thoughts. I wager your life is a daily struggle to ignore any and all evidence that doesn't fit neatly within your views. I'd also wager you'll die alone still clinging to these beliefs.
Either that or you're a fine troll. In which case, cheerio!
Fuck off kike, gas yourself
I don't think propaganda porn would exist without Jews.
Fuck jews. They are a nasty, ugly, hateful, jealous group and this world would be a better place without them. If this offends you, you are part of the problem.
Your post is just a mess of nonsense. Die alone clinging to my hatred of Jews? There aren't enough Jews in the world for it to be that big of a problem in my everyday life.
Please stop your religions tendency to destroy everything
Hell no, porn is destroying the aryan race
How about the fact that every Jew talks about the white Christian male devil?
>they took the land that was relatively empty
Tell that to the Palestinians.
Islam deserves at least one state right? The Christians, Buddhists, Hindus, whites, blacks, asians, indians, etc. all deserve at least one right? You kikes are all about yourselves and fuck everyone else. You want a state for Jews so that you can turn the rest of the world into a bunch of fucking degenerate mongrels that do all of the manual labor of this world for you. Go fuck yourself kike.
I think the hatred of Jews is greatly misplaced. Due to their IQ they are likely to be found as leaders and luminaries in every argument. Sure, leftists are led by Jews but the intellectual mentors of the modern liberty movement are almost all Jewish as well.
>inb4 kike puppet
>I wager your life is a daily struggle to ignore any and all evidence that doesn't fit neatly within your views
Untill 2-3 years ago I never thought anything about the jews. Then I started noticing they were promoting white genocide.
Gas the kikes
> implying there aren't perfectly rational and logical reasons why everyone should dislike Jews
Oy vey!
You're a stupid piece of shit not a kike puppet.
You know who don't bother me?
Pygmy geniuses, get the duck out of our countries.
i like both jew and nazi
they are angry bros who fight eachother and had a bad time once but they are still bros
Shut the fuck and help us gas these kikes and we will happily accept you.
this is secret picture of jews nazis
>the intellectual mentors of the modern liberty movement
That's called controlled opposition, you fucking doofus. That is literally where the term was popularized.
Stupid kike, murder is a crime.