Sup Forums How did cultural marxism (Feminism, BLM, ect.) find its way to the good ol' USA?
Cultural Marxism
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Freedom, Democracy, downfall of church, privatly funded NGOs that promote degenercy, degradation of educational system, destruction of family unit
This didnt happen over night. This has been happening since 1900s Accelarated around 60's.
Things you are seeing now is brainwashed idiots.
Fankfurt school philosophers in the 1920-60s came to California from Germany. Hated seeing white happy Americans and decided to apply their ideas to subvert an entire set of nations.
It really makes you reee
During ww2, the Jews running the Frankfurt school fled to the USA before they were imprisoned. They established themselves at Columbia and continued their (((social research))) there. It was much easier to disseminate this info in the USA since it was much more stable than Europe at the time.
Communist (((Germans))) were probably salty about seeing america doing well and the USSR going down the drain so they wanted to fuck up every thing, for every one from the inside out.
Soviet subversion tactics and Frankfurt school.
>cultural marxism
Everything you feared about "cultural Marxism" is coming true under Putin's "west is degenerate" disinformation campaign.
Look at the cool painting of Barron.
Communism is American.
See: Eugene Debs.
Deny it all you want but the working man is a communist at heart
Jewish media and academia financed by Jewish bankin elite.
back in the day weak faggots used to get a beating till they toughened up, now their every need is catered to with "noncompetetive activities" and participation trophies.
Thanks for the opinion dad!
What the fuck are you 45?
What the west has become IS degenerate. Fuck off with "muh Putin boogeyman" you fucking shill.
Beginning with the rise of the Soviet Union is when it began to take shape.
All these famous and esteemed intellectuals and news channels decided to go check out the Soviet Union. Almost every intellectual that went there and came back said the same thing:
>Communism is the future of mankind
>Soviet Union is a human paradise
>USA should be more like the Soviets
Now those SAME intellectuals telling you about how great the Soviet Union was, are in your universities and schools brainwashing children into believing that communism isn't really just hasn't been implemented properly.
Anglo-Protestant stupidity. The reason why the kikes were able to monopolize the arts is that in the early 20th century Americans had very little respect for writing or acting as a profession. Unless you were a major household name, you lived in poverty or starved in that line of work. The Jew flourished there because Jewish artists, writers, and actors all got support from their moneylending ilk. If an anglo writer went broke his family might begrudingly bail him out if he was lucky, meanwhile kike families supported their artists. Its no accident that all of the major comic book franchises were started by jewish writers and that kikes have dominated pop culture for almost a century.
>downfall of church
church was cancerous, this is the next cancer.
just because it lost doesn't mean it's any less deadly just look at Islam.
Michel Foucault went to the USA and destroyed your best philosopher (he became a professor in the USA and was a huge influence on the LGBT movement, dunno if this video was filmed in the USA tho) After this huge defeat Chomsky became a socialist:
the real question is : why is Cultural marxism so fucking effective on USA. You guys could never see it coming. Even on the americas were USA had a huge influence all the universities were totally filled with gommie teachers and students. Even after the 80, with the obvious fall of the gommies the virus of cultural marxism was spreading on the americas.
>>the real question is : why is Cultural marxism so fucking effective on USA
because trying to define cultural marxism is a wild goose chase. and everything you are seeing now has nothing to do with a bunch of faggots that actually left america because of mcarthyism (despite what many faggots here think happened). in fact some of those "cultural marxist" frankfurt schoolers lost faith in any possible revolution and hated topless, unwashed, pot smoking, liberals of their days
>no source
wew lads. Rise up against your shitty euro/canadian governments and implement Utopia already.
Subversion by KGB since 1960-s
Probably the rise of social media. Nobody wants to like controversial content for fear of being ostracized, and the least controversial thing you can post is something that promotes "caring" and "equality".
The solution is to not care what people think of you.
Also it's becoming more apparent in companies now too because of five-star-ism. Lots of businesses dealing with the public want to be popular with everyone and can't tolerate having a few people dislike them, so they avoid making any strong impressions and neuter (metaphorically speaking) their employees so that they're all robots.
Universities are also a kind of business, and so they force their profs to be politically correct so they don't have any students talking shit about the school. I think this is why universities are such breeding grounds for this behaviour.
Nobody works under communism faggot. Why work when you get the same for doing fuck all?
>gimme source
Not going to spoon feed you fag
Because the right was so batshit retarded in the years of 2001-2014, it raised a whole generation endowed with the stereotype that left=correct; right=wrong; always.