Why is the white man always trying to keep the black man down?

Why is the white man always trying to keep the black man down?

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You mean the Zionists?

>everything bad that happens to blacks is whitey's fault.

He can't keep getting away with this.

Go to bed already.

When will you stop beating your wife, OP?

The fittest will always rule, and will always fight to keep it that way. Compare almost any country in Africa to a white country.


It's a fact that racist white cops love killing blacks

>trying to keep the black man down

Nigga we try to uplift you all the time. In isolation, it's nothing but tribalism and warlords. In cities with welfare and dem programs, it's still tribalism with warlords. In media, you're always covered for or given excuses, and any attacks on wittle baby bwack man are descended upon with outrageous fury by everyone else because we know you're too dumb to help yourself.

No matter the circumstances, no matter the charity, education, and guidance, or just being left alone, black men can't build or maintain civilization. It doesn't matter if it's on the scale of a nation or a household.

Jews aren't white. Sorry to break it to ya.

shit...we do not have to....most do a great job all by themselves

Why does the black man have such a victim mentality?

When will they leave my people alone?

WAKE up or DIE, black people

you know whats fucked up?

theres at least a 75 percent chance that piece of shit was born and raised on whiteys tax dollars

quit killing us, cumskin

Jesus Christ.

Top kek

So they don't blow away, duh.

i think even you know, whether you are a shill or an actual nig, where the interracial violence is coming from

ps stop destroying cities please. other people worked very hard to leave that stuff for us

Calm down. Remember what your father taugh you:

You cheeky cunt, you.