What's with all of the racial shills?

>"Irish are white"
>"Some Spaniards are white"

I've even seen posts claiming that Russians are white. Who is pushing this stuff and why?

Are Europeans even white though?

Who do you (((think)))?

THIS. We need to put a stop to the dilution of our board.

inb4 "le Russian posters are helping uncover deep state conspiracies"

All native Europeans are white

*Germanic, Alpine and Nordic Europeans are white

Fixed your insinuation that ((((((((spaniards))))))) are white

The Irish are white you retard. White skin = white


well it's true. some spaniards are white though many of them have become mixed long ago. the irish are white, they got dicked for centuries by the english. doesn't make them a top tier white. and as with spaniards, some russians are white though most eastern europeans tend to carry a little mongol blood thus revoking their white status.

nah, generally white means people of western european descent though there are exceptions. if it were solely based on skin color, some asians could be considered white.

>White skin = white

slavs confirmed white

It's Reddit, just sage and ignore. They're hated across the internet.

>let me tell which countries are white
t. 60%




Yes! What this fat yan- I mean gentleman said.

These threads are so gay and unfunny


That pic is so retarded I can't find a meme to accurately describe its retardation.

Slavs are slavs, whites are whites.
Chickens aren't cows, are they now?

What's the story, lads?

But seriously, are slavs white? I'm asking because pic related

They're whiter than us.

are there jews in chile?

I don't get the ''Irish aren't white'' meme.
I've never seen any argument agaisnt Irish being white, let alone a good one.

Memes will be memes.

PS if it aint Austrian, Swiss, Dutch, French, British, Scottish, Irish, Swedish (kek), Norwegian, Danish, Belgian, Luxemburgian or German,


You didn't answer the question

Yes. And today I saw a fucking jew wearing that traditional bs in the uni. Same beard, same hat, same everything

t. Seamus McMurphy

So...mediterraneans aren't white? Only arians??

I don't know the t. meme.
Please enlighten me.


just reminding you that your nordic/alpine etc terms come from this book which is the source material for what you just said defines white

it's because in a lot of ways the irish have been the niggers of white people. they were enslaved, they have substance abuse problems, lot of them have a short temper, they haven't invented or developed much comparatively, they all nearly starved to death because they were lazy in their crop diversity. nigger attributes.

lol daily reminder some cros/serbs are white

It's the way Vikings thank each other

t. (Thanks "x")

>Bosnians are whiter than Swiss

Yeah, no

Spaniards are better than whites you sissy faggots

Apparently I'm more white than Spaniards now even though I'm half asian

And here I thought pale skin and ligher hair constituted whiteness.

Face it, Russians are white, Jews are white, Irish are white. Please tell me how they aren't. Maybe you need a new term to refer to your favored races.

bosnians (not the muslim traitor ones) are mostly serbs/cros

The I haplogroup formed IN europe during the ice age and is confirmed by glacial formation during the ice age

you're reading the map wrong, I isnt the ONLY euro haplogroup

This right here, this is an American education.

Irish substance abuse is a stereotype, it's not actually statistically relevant - look it up. Slavery was small-scale and not in Ireland. "They have a short temper". Citation needed? You have never read anything about the famine.

>Jews are white

>And here I thought pale skin and ligher hair constituted whiteness.

Somehow brainlets can comprehend albinos not being white but as soon as it gets more complex than that, they mentally shut down

this, never trust a Hibernian

That's a nice reverse psychology divide and conquer tactic. wreaks of kikery. All natives of the European continent are white. We need to be unified against darkies and ((globalists))

woah bro, calm down. how many have you had tonight?


t. Paddy O'Shaughnessy

Russians are so pale even the chechens are white skinned and let's not even talk about the tatars

>american education

t. Scholomo "You divide, we decide" Shekelberg

yeah, but see No one answered

never forget you will never be white


americans cant define who is white, you people have nigger blood for fucks sake

Non white albinos are also pale

purity spirals are kikery

I might be the only white person on this whole board. and my hair is only dark blonde.

>Russians are white

I've written a comprehensive post about this, but 4cuck says it's spam.
kek no.
>telling people who is and isn't white

>Russians are white.
You're a liberal, aren't you user.

I wish it would stop. As a guy who is not white these posts come of as cringey and pathetic.

I just want to shitpost, not see endless race threads.

>As a guy who is not white these posts come of as cringey and pathetic.
what the fuck are you doing on Sup Forums?

Then why are you on Sup Forums, retard?

>claiming that Russians are white
HAHAHHAHAHAHAH who said that LOL?!??!?!?!

Is this not a place to discuss politics?

Please define white then. It's a physical trait, you dumbass.

gtfo nigger

Ahmed pls

those are literally my eyes

I personally come here to laugh at the retards. I heard FBI user prophesied some major upheaval today. I wanted to see the retards response when they realize they believe in fairy tales.

who's pushing they aren't white ?

go away dumb smelly nigger

maybe it's the difference between a genetic normality and a genetic defect

Mongols weren't even the largest invaders

Turkic tribes invaded far more

But yes Slavs held out against the invaders while the rest of the whites in Central Asia from the Tocharians to the bactrians got wiped out or race mixed

If by 'politics' you mean, 'racist conspiracy theories', then yes. This is the white refuse of Sup Forums, the bitter scum who cling to the accomplishments of their 'race' since they personally have none.

dont understand haplogroups?

haplogroup I is the oldest Proto-European haplogroup

It's all Haplogroup I's land and you R types are just living in it

on pol EVERYONE is white (pic related)

>havent been on pol since the election
>come back after 6 months
>pol finally realizes the irish arent white

ive been saying that for years. feels good man


Nice try, second-hand American.

Lol ok kike

you are a feral breed

i mean its embarasssing to see an ((("educated"))) european denying the I haplogroup

it must suck that there are Slavs in Croatia/Bosnia/Serbia that are actually more european than you and whos ancestors have been in europe longer than you have

sucks dude, no amount of toothpaste flag will remove the R1 genes from your body

Du bist das Schiff, ich der Kapitän

Sounds about right.

We're not mingling with the internet's finest, that's for sure.

Mqyb you'd like it better on reddit

Did you think that your memeing was gonna work?

Did ya?

Fuck off nigger.

>listening to jews trying to divide whites.

Western world's under-siege by Middle-Eastern and North-African migrants and you stupid cunts are playing purity games. The only thing that's ever made me doubt whether white people were the truly superior race was wondering how the superior race could contain you fucking trogs.

Basic divide and conquer tactics

sorry my dude cant hear you over my pure European I haplogroup genes

just busy remembering Prussia, you??

Get a load of this nigger

Irish are white. Slavs are white. White people are albino Iranians that came about as a result of genetic mutation. We have recessive genes. There's a reason why all other races have uniform eye and hair color. Only white people do not.


You disgust me.